Package: lmomco 2.5.2

lmomco: L-Moments, Censored L-Moments, Trimmed L-Moments, L-Comoments, and Many Distributions

Extensive functions for Lmoments (LMs) and probability-weighted moments (PWMs), distribution parameter estimation, LMs for distributions, LM ratio diagrams, multivariate Lcomoments, and asymmetric (asy) trimmed LMs (TLMs). Maximum likelihood and maximum product spacings estimation are available. Right-tail and left-tail LM censoring by threshold or indicator variable are available. LMs of residual (resid) and reversed (rev) residual life are implemented along with 13 quantile operators for reliability analyses. Exact analytical bootstrap estimates of order statistics, LMs, and LM var-covars are available. Harri-Coble Tau34-squared Normality Test is available. Distributions with L, TL, and added (+) support for right-tail censoring (RC) encompass: Asy Exponential (Exp) Power [L], Asy Triangular [L], Cauchy [TL], Eta-Mu [L], Exp. [L], Gamma [L], Generalized (Gen) Exp Poisson [L], Gen Extreme Value [L], Gen Lambda [L, TL], Gen Logistic [L], Gen Normal [L], Gen Pareto [L+RC, TL], Govindarajulu [L], Gumbel [L], Kappa [L], Kappa-Mu [L], Kumaraswamy [L], Laplace [L], Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function [L], Normal [L], 3p log-Normal [L], Pearson Type III [L], Polynomial Density-Quantile 3 and 4 [L], Rayleigh [L], Rev-Gumbel [L+RC], Rice [L], Singh Maddala [L], Slash [TL], 3p Student t [L], Truncated Exponential [L], Wakeby [L], and Weibull [L].

Authors:William Asquith [aut, cre]

lmomco.pdf |lmomco.html
lmomco/json (API)

# Install 'lmomco' in R:
install.packages('lmomco', repos = c('', ''))

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Bug tracker:

  • DrillBitLifetime - Lifetime of Drill Bits
  • - U.S. Internal Revenue Service Refunds by State for Fiscal Year 2006
  • TX38lgtrmFlow - First six L-moments of logarithms of annual mean streamflow and variances for 35 selected long-term U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in Texas
  • USGSsta01515000peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 01515000
  • USGSsta02366500peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 02366500
  • USGSsta05405000peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 05405000
  • USGSsta06766000dvs - Daily Mean Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 06766000
  • USGSsta08151500peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08151500
  • USGSsta08167000peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08167000
  • USGSsta08190000peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08190000
  • USGSsta09442000peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 09442000
  • USGSsta14321000peaks - Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 14321000
  • amarilloprecip - Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Amarillo, Texas
  • canyonprecip - Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Canyon, Texas
  • claudeprecip - Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Claude, Texas
  • clearforkporosity - Porosity Data
  • herefordprecip - Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Hereford, Texas
  • tulia6Eprecip - Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia 6E, Texas
  • tuliaprecip - Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia, Texas
  • vegaprecip - Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Vega, Texas



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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 09 2025
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R-4.3-macOKFeb 09 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
L-moments, Censored L-moments, Trimmed L-moments, L-comoments, and Many Distributionslmomco-package
Storage of Lookup Tables for the lmomco Package.lmomcohash
Add an lmomco Axis to a Plotadd.lmomco.axis
Add a Polished Logarthimic Axis to a Plotadd.log.axis
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Amarillo, Texasamarilloprecip
Conversion between A- and B-Type Probability-Weighted Moments for Right-Tail Censoring of an Appropriate DistributionApwm2BpwmRC
Are the L-moments validare.lmom.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Distributionare.par.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distributionare.paraep4.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Cauchy Distributionare.parcau.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Eta-Mu Distributionare.paremu.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Exponential Distributionare.parexp.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gamma Distributionare.pargam.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gamma Difference Distributionare.pargdd.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distributionare.pargep.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Extreme Value Distributionare.pargev.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Lambda Distributionare.pargld.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Logistic Distributionare.parglo.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Normal Distributionare.pargno.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Govindarajulu Distributionare.pargov.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Generalized Pareto Distributionare.pargpa.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Gumbel Distributionare.pargum.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kappa Distributionare.parkap.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kappa-Mu Distributionare.parkmu.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Kumaraswamy Distributionare.parkur.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Laplace Distributionare.parlap.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distributionare.parlmrq.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distributionare.parln3.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Normal Distributionare.parnor.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Polynomial Density-Quantile#are.parpdq3.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Polynomial Density-Quantile4are.parpdq4.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Pearson Type III Distributionare.parpe3.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Rayleigh Distributionare.parray.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Reverse Gumbel Distributionare.parrevgum.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Rice Distributionare.parrice.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Slash Distributionare.parsla.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Singh-Maddala Distributionare.parsmd.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the 3-Parameter Student t Distributionare.parst3.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Truncated Exponential Distributionare.partexp.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Asymmetric Triangular Distributionare.partri.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Wakeby Distributionare.parwak.valid
Are the Distribution Parameters Consistent with the Weibull Distributionare.parwei.valid
Barnes Extended Hypergeometric FunctionBarnesExtendedHypergeometric BEhypergeo
Bonferroni Curve of the Distributionsbfrlmomco
Conversion between B- and A-Type Probability-Weighted Moments for Right-Tail Censoring of an Appropriate DistributionBpwm2ApwmRC
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Canyon, Texascanyonprecip
Compute an L-moment from Cumulative Distribution Functioncdf2lmom
Compute L-moments from Cumulative Distribution Functioncdf2lmoms
Cumulative Distribution Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distributioncdfaep4
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Benford Distributioncdfben
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Cauchy Distributioncdfcau
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Eta-Mu Distributioncdfemu
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Exponential Distributioncdfexp
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Gamma Distributioncdfgam
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Gamma Difference Distributioncdfgdd
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distributioncdfgep
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Extreme Value Distributioncdfgev
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Lambda Distributioncdfgld
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Logistic Distributioncdfglo
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Normal Distributioncdfgno
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Govindarajulu Distributioncdfgov
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Generalized Pareto Distributioncdfgpa
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Gumbel Distributioncdfgum
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Kappa Distributioncdfkap
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Kappa-Mu Distributioncdfkmu
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Kumaraswamy Distributioncdfkur
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Laplace Distributioncdflap
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distributioncdflmrq
Cumulative Distribution Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distributioncdfln3
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Normal Distributioncdfnor
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distributioncdfpdq3
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distributioncdfpdq4
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Pearson Type III Distributioncdfpe3
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Rayleigh Distributioncdfray
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Reverse Gumbel Distributioncdfrevgum
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Rice Distributioncdfrice
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Slash Distributioncdfsla
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Singh-Maddala Distributioncdfsmd
Cumulative Distribution Function of the 3-Parameter Student t Distributioncdfst3
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Truncated Exponential Distributioncdftexp
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Asymmetric Triangular Distributioncdftri
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Wakeby Distributioncdfwak
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Weibull Distributioncdfwei
Check Vector of Nonexceedance Probabilitiescheck.fs
Check and Potentially Graph Probability Density Functionscheck.pdf
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Claude, Texasclaudeprecip
Porosity Dataclearforkporosity
Conditional Mean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributionscmlmomco
Cramér--von Mises Test for Goodness-of-Fitcvm.test.lmomco
Observed Data to Empirical Quantiles through Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomialsdat2bernqua
Equivalent Nonexceedance Probability for a Given Value through Observed Data to Empirical Quantiles through Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomialsdat2bernquaf
Fit a Govindarajulu Distribution to Bounds and Locationdisfitgovloc
Fit a Distribution using Minimization of Available Quantilesdisfitqua
List of Distribution Namesdist.list
Probability Density Function of the Distributionsdlmomco
Lifetime of Drill BitsDrillBitLifetime
Compute the Expectation of a Maximum (or Minimum and others) Order Statisticeostat expect.max.ostat expect.min.ostat
Subsetting of Nonexceedance Probabilities Related to Conditional Probability Adjustmentf2f
Conversion of Annual Nonexceedance Probability to Conditional Probability Nonexceedance Probabilitiesf2flo
Conversion of Annual Nonexceedance Probability to Partial Duration Nonexceedance Probabilityf2fpds
Flip L-moments by Flip Attribute in L-moment Vectorfliplmoms
Conversion of Conditional Nonexceedance Probability to Annual Nonexceedance Probabilityflo2f
Conversion of Partial-Duration Nonexceedance Probability to Annual Nonexceedance Probabilityfpds2f
Compute Frequency Curve for Almost All Distributionsfreq.curve.all
Plot Randomly Generated Frequency Curves from a Parent Distributiongen.freq.curves
Generate (Estimate) Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a Parent Distributiongenci genci.simple
Gini Mean Difference Statisticgini.mean.diff
Convert a Vector of Gumbel Reduced Variates to Annual Nonexceedance Probabilitiesgrv2prob
The Harmonic Mean with Zero-Value Correctionharmonic.mean
Sample Headrick and Sheng L-alphaheadrick.sheng.lalpha lalpha
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Hereford, Texasherefordprecip
Hazard Functions of the Distributionshlmomco
U.S. Internal Revenue Service Refunds by State for Fiscal Year
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Poweris.aep4
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Cauchyis.cau
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Eta-Muis.emu
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Exponentialis.exp
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gammais.gam
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gamma Differenceis.gdd
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Extreme Valueis.gep
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Extreme Valueis.gev
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Lambdais.gld
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Logisticis.glo
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Normalis.gno
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Generalized Paretois.gpa
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Gumbelis.gum
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kappais.kap
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kappa-Muis.kmu
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Kumaraswamyis.kur
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Laplaceis.lap
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Linear Mean Residual Quantile Functionis.lmrq
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 3-Parameter Log-Normalis.ln3
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Normalis.nor
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Polynomial Density-Quantile3is.pdq3
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Polynomial Density-Quantile4is.pdq4
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Pearson Type IIIis.pe3
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Rayleighis.ray
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Reverse Gumbelis.revgum
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Riceis.rice
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Slashis.sla
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Singh-Maddalais.smd
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as 3-Parameter Student t Distributionis.st3
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Truncated Exponentialis.texp
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Asymmetric Triangularis.tri
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Wakebyis.wak
Is a Distribution Parameter Object Typed as Weibullis.wei
Laguerre Polynomial (Half)LaguerreHalf
L-comoment Coefficient MatrixLcomoment.coefficients
L-correlation Matrix (L-correlation through Sample L-comoments)Lcomoment.correlation
Compute a Single Sample L-comomentLcomoment.Lk12
Compute Sample L-comoment MatrixLcomoment.matrix
Weighting Coefficient for Sample L-comomentLcomoment.Wk
The Sample L-comoments for Two Variableslcomoms2
Leimkuhler Curve of the Distributionslkhlmomco
Unbiased Sample L-moments by Direct Sample Estimatorslmom.ub
Convert L-moments to the Parameters of a Distributionlmom2par lmr2par
L-moments to Probability-Weighted Momentslmom2pwm
Convert an L-moment object to a Vector of L-momentslmom2vec
L-moments of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distributionlmomaep4
L-moments of the Benford Distributionlmomben
Trimmed L-moments of the Cauchy Distributionlmomcau
L-moments of the Eta-Mu Distributionlmomemu
L-moments of the Exponential Distributionlmomexp
L-moments of the Gamma Distributionlmomgam
L-moments of the Gamma Difference Distributionlmomgdd
L-moments of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distributionlmomgep
L-moments of the Generalized Extreme Value Distributionlmomgev
L-moments of the Generalized Lambda Distributionlmomgld
L-moments of the Generalized Logistic Distributionlmomglo
L-moments of the Generalized Normal Distributionlmomgno
L-moments of the Govindarajulu Distributionlmomgov
L-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distributionlmomgpa
B-type L-moments of the Generalized Pareto Distribution with Right-Tail CensoringlmomgpaRC
L-moments of the Gumbel Distributionlmomgum
L-moments of the Kappa Distributionlmomkap
L-moments of the Kappa-Mu Distributionlmomkmu
L-moments of the Kumaraswamy Distributionlmomkur
L-moments of the Laplace Distributionlmomlap
L-moments of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distributionlmomlmrq
L-moments of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distributionlmomln3
L-moments of the Normal Distributionlmomnor
L-moments of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distributionlmompdq3
L-moments of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distributionlmompdq4
L-moments of the Pearson Type III Distributionlmompe3
L-moments of the Rayleigh Distributionlmomray
Sample L-moment for Right-Tail Censoring by a Marking VariablelmomRCmark
L-moments of the Reverse Gumbel Distributionlmomrevgum
L-moments of the Rice Distributionlmomrice
The Sample L-moments and L-moment Ratioslmoms
Numerically Integrated L-moments of Smoothed Quantiles from Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomialslmoms.bernstein
Exact Bootstrap Mean and Variance of L-momentslmoms.bootbarvar
Distribution-Free Variance-Covariance Structure of Sample L-momentslmoms.cov
Trimmed L-moments of the Slash Distributionlmomsla
L-moments of the Singh-Maddala Distributionlmomsmd
Sample L-moments Moments for Right-Tail Censoring by a Marking VariablelmomsRCmark
L-moments of the 3-Parameter Student t Distributionlmomst3
L-moments of the Truncated Exponential Distributionlmomtexp
Trimmed L-moments of the Generalized Lambda DistributionlmomTLgld
Trimmed L-moments of the Generalized Pareto DistributionlmomTLgpa
L-moments of the Asymmetric Triangular Distributionlmomtri
L-moments of the Wakeby Distributionlmomwak
L-moments of the Weibull Distributionlmomwei
Morph an L-moment Objectlmorph
L-moment Ratio Diagram Componentslmrdia
L-moment Ratio Diagram Components of Tau4 and Tau6lmrdia46
Compute Discordance on L-CV, L-skew, and L-kurtosislmrdiscord
Line-of-Organic Correlationlmrloc
Convert a Vector of Logistic Reduced Variates to Annual Nonexceedance Probabilitieslrv2prob
Lorenz Curve of the Distributionslrzlmomco
Use Maximum Likelihood to Estimate Parameters of a Distributionmle2par
Use Maximum Product of Spacings to Estimate the Parameters of a Distributionmps2par
Some Common or Useful Nonexceedance Probabilitiesnonexceeds
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Distributionspar2cdf
Equivalent Cumulative Distribution Function of Two Distributionspar2cdf2
Convert the Parameters of a Distribution to the L-momentspar2lmom
Probability Density Function of the Distributionspar2pdf
Quantile Function of the Distributionspar2qua
Equivalent Quantile Function of Two Distributionspar2qua2
Equivalent Quantile Function of Two Distributions Stemming from Left-Hand Threshold to Setup Conditional Probability Computationspar2qua2lo
Convert a Parameter Object to a Vector of Parameterspar2vec
Estimate the Parameters of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distributionparaep4
Estimate the Parameters of the Cauchy Distributionparcau
Estimate the Parameters of the Eta-Mu Distributionparemu
Estimate the Parameters of the Exponential Distributionparexp
Estimate the Parameters of the Gamma Distributionpargam
Estimate the Parameters of the Gamma Difference Distributionpargdd
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distributionpargep
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Extreme Value Distributionpargev
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Lambda Distributionpargld
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Logistic Distributionparglo
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Normal Distributionpargno
Estimate the Parameters of the Govindarajulu Distributionpargov
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distributionpargpa
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distribution with Right-Tail CensoringpargpaRC
Estimate the Parameters of the Gumbel Distributionpargum
Estimate the Parameters of the Kappa Distributionparkap
Estimate the Parameters of the Kappa-Mu Distributionparkmu
Estimate the Parameters of the Kumaraswamy Distributionparkur
Estimate the Parameters of the Laplace Distributionparlap
Estimate the Parameters of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distributionparlmrq
Estimate the Parameters of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distributionparln3
Estimate the Parameters of the Normal Distributionparnor
Estimate the Parameters of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distributionparpdq3
Estimate the Parameters of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distributionparpdq4
Estimate the Parameters of the Pearson Type III Distributionparpe3
Estimate the Parameters of the Rayleigh Distributionparray
Estimate the Parameters of the Reverse Gumbel Distributionparrevgum
Estimate the Parameters of the Rice Distributionparrice
Estimate Quantiles from an Ensemble of Parameterspars2x
Estimate the Parameters of the Slash Distributionparsla
Estimate the Parameters of the Singh-Maddala Distributionparsmd
Estimate the Parameters of the 3-Parameter Student t Distributionparst3
Estimate the Parameters of the Truncated Exponential Distributionpartexp
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Lambda Distribution using Trimmed L-moments (t=1)parTLgld
Estimate the Parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distribution using Trimmed L-momentsparTLgpa
Estimate the Parameters of the Asymmetric Triangular Distributionpartri
Estimate the Parameters of the Wakeby Distributionparwak
Estimate the Parameters of the Weibull Distributionparwei
Probability Density Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distributionpdfaep4
Probability Density Function of the Cauchy Distributionpdfcau
Probability Density Function of the Eta-Mu Distributionpdfemu
Probability Density Function of the Exponential Distributionpdfexp
Probability Density Function of the Gamma Distributionpdfgam
Probability Density Function of the Gamma Difference Distributionpdfgdd
Probability Density Function of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distributionpdfgep
Probability Density Function of the Generalized Extreme Value Distributionpdfgev
Probability Density Function of the Generalized Lambda Distributionpdfgld
Probability Density Function of the Generalized Logistic Distributionpdfglo
Probability Density Function of the Generalized Normal Distributionpdfgno
Probability Density Function of the Govindarajulu Distributionpdfgov
Probability Density Function of the Generalized Pareto Distributionpdfgpa
Probability Density Function of the Gumbel Distributionpdfgum
Probability Density Function of the Kappa Distributionpdfkap
Probability Density Function of the Kappa-Mu Distributionpdfkmu
Probability Density Function of the Kumaraswamy Distributionpdfkur
Probability Density Function of the Laplace Distributionpdflap
Probability Density Function of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distributionpdflmrq
Probability Density Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distributionpdfln3
Probability Density Function of the Normal Distributionpdfnor
Probability Density Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distributionpdfpdq3
Probability Density Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distributionpdfpdq4
Probability Density Function of the Pearson Type III Distributionpdfpe3
Probability Density Function of the Rayleigh Distributionpdfray
Probability Density Function of the Reverse Gumbel Distributionpdfrevgum
Probability Density Function of the Rice Distributionpdfrice
Probability Density Function of the Slash Distributionpdfsla
Probability Density Function of the Singh-Maddala Distributionpdfsmd
Probability Density Function of the 3-Parameter Student t Distributionpdfst3
Probability Density Function of the Truncated Exponential Distributionpdftexp
Probability Density Function of the Asymmetric Triangular Distributionpdftri
Probability Density Function of the Wakeby Distributionpdfwak
Probability Density Function of the Weibull Distributionpdfwei
Estimation of Optimal p-factor of Distributional Support Estimation for Smoothed Quantiles from the Bernstein or Kantorovich Polynomialspfactor.bernstein
Cumulative Distribution Function of the Distributionsplmomco
Plot L-moment Ratio Diagram (Tau3 and Tau4)plotlmrdia
Plot L-moment Ratio Diagram (Tau4 and Tau6)plotlmrdia46
Plot L-moment Radar Plot (Chart) Graphicplotradarlmr
Probability Density Function of the Benford Distributionpmfben
The Sample Product Moments: Mean, Standard Deviation, Skew, and Excess Kurtosispmoms
Plotting-Position Formulapp
Quantile Function of the Ranks of Plotting Positionspp.f
Quantile Function of the Ranks of Plotting Positionspp.median
A Pretty List of Distribution Namesprettydist
Convert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to Gumbel Reduced Variatesprob2grv
Convert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to Logistic Reduced Variatesprob2lrv
Convert a Vector of Annual Nonexceedance Probabilities to T-year Return Periodsprob2T
Unbiased Sample Probability-Weighted Momentspwm
Conversion of Beta to Alpha Probability-Weighted Moments (PWMs) or Alpha to Beta PWMspwm.alpha2beta pwm.beta2alpha
Generalized Extreme Value Plotting-Position Probability-Weighted Momentspwm.gev
Plotting-Position Sample Probability-Weighted Momentspwm.pp
Unbiased Sample Probability-Weighted Momentspwm.ub
Probability-Weighted Moments to L-momentspwm2lmom
Convert Probability-Weighted Moment object to a Vectorpwm2vec
Sample Probability-Weighted Moments for Left-Tail CensoringpwmLC
Sample Probability-Weighted Moments for Right-Tail CensoringpwmRC
Quantile Function of the Distributionsqlmomco
Compute the Quantiles of the Distribution of an Order Statisticqua.ostat
Estimate a Confidence Interval for Quantiles of a Parent Distribution using Sample Variance-Covariances of L-momentsqua2ci.cov
Estimate a Confidence Interval for a Single Quantile of a Parent Distribution by a Simple Algorithmqua2ci qua2ci.simple
Quantile Function of the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power Distributionquaaep4
Quantile Function Mixture Between the 4-Parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power and Kappa Distributionsquaaep4kapmix
Quantile Function of the Benford Distributionquaben
Quantile Function of the Cauchy Distributionquacau
Quantile Function of the Eta-Mu Distributionquaemu
Quantile Function of the Exponential Distributionquaexp
Quantile Function of the Gamma Distributionquagam
Quantile Function of the Gamma Difference Distributionquagdd
Quantile Function of the Generalized Exponential Poisson Distributionquagep
Quantile Function of the Generalized Extreme Value Distributionquagev
Quantile Function of the Generalized Lambda Distributionquagld
Quantile Function of the Generalized Logistic Distributionquaglo
Quantile Function of the Generalized Normal Distributionquagno
Quantile Function of the Govindarajulu Distributionquagov
Quantile Function of the Generalized Pareto Distributionquagpa
Quantile Function of the Gumbel Distributionquagum
Quantile Function of the Kappa Distributionquakap
Quantile Function of the Kappa-Mu Distributionquakmu
Quantile Function of the Kumaraswamy Distributionquakur
Quantile Function of the Laplace Distributionqualap
Quantile Function of the Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function Distributionqualmrq
Quantile Function of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distributionqualn3
Quantile Function of the Normal Distributionquanor
Quantile Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile3 Distributionquapdq3
Quantile Function of the Polynomial Density-Quantile4 Distributionquapdq4
Quantile Function of the Pearson Type III Distributionquape3
Quantile Function of the Rayleigh Distributionquaray
Quantile Function of the Reverse Gumbel Distributionquarevgum
Quantile Function of the Rice Distributionquarice
Quantile Function of the Slash Distributionquasla
Quantile Function of the Singh-Maddala Distributionquasmd
Quantile Function of the 3-Parameter Student t Distributionquast3
Quantile Function of the Truncated Exponential Distributionquatexp
Quantile Function of the Asymmetric Triangular Distributionquatri
Quantile Function of the Wakeby Distributionquawak
Quantile Function of the Weibull Distributionquawei
Alpha-Percentile Residual Quantile Function of the Distributionsralmomco
L-moments of Residual Lifereslife.lmoms
Income Gap Ratio Quantile Function for the Distributionsriglmomco
Random Variates of a Distributionrlmomco
Mean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributionsrmlmomco
Variance Residual Quantile Function of the Distributionsrmvarlmomco
Reversed Alpha-Percentile Residual Quantile Function of the Distributionsrralmomco
L-moments of Reversed Residual Liferreslife.lmoms
Reversed Mean Residual Quantile Function of the Distributionsrrmlmomco
Reversed Variance Residual Quantile Function of the Distributionsrrmvarlmomco
Sen Weighted Mean Statisticsen.mean
Compute the Sensitivity Curve for a Single Quantilesentiv.curve
Reversed Cumulative Distribution Function (Survival Function) of the Distributionsslmomco
Scaled Total Time on Test Transform of Distributionsstttlmomco
The Support of a Distribution based on the Parameterssupdist
Convert a Vector of T-year Return Periods to Annual Nonexceedance ProbabilitiesT2prob
The Tau34-squared Test: A Normality Test based on L-skew and L-kurtosis and an Elliptical Rejection Region on an L-moment Ratio Diagramtau34sq.normtest
The Theoretical L-moments and L-moment Ratios using Integration of the Quantile FunctiontheoLmoms
Compute the Theoretical L-moments of a Distribution Distribution based on System of Maximum Order Statistic ExpectationstheoLmoms.max.ostat theoLmoms.min.ostat
The Theoretical Probability-Weighted Moments using Integration of the Quantile Functiontheopwms
The Theoretical Trimmed L-moments and TL-moment Ratios using Integration of the Quantile FunctiontheoTLmoms
A Sample Trimmed L-momentTLmom
The Sample Trimmed L-moments and L-moment RatiosTLmoms
Sample Trimmed L-moments to Fitted Distributiontlmr2par
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Cauchy Distributiontlmrcau
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Exponential Distributiontlmrexp
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Extreme Value Distributiontlmrgev
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Logistic Distributiontlmrglo
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Normal Distributiontlmrgno
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Generalized Paretotlmrgpa
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Gumbel Distributiontlmrgum
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the 3-Parameter Log-Normal Distributiontlmrln3
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Normal Distributiontlmrnor
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Pearson Type IIItlmrpe3
Compute Select TL-moment ratios of the Rayleigh Distributiontlmrray
Total Time on Test Transform of Distributionstttlmomco
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia 6E, Texastulia6Eprecip
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Tulia, Texastuliaprecip
First six L-moments of logarithms of annual mean streamflow and variances for 35 selected long-term U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in TexasTX38lgtrmFlow
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 01515000USGSsta01515000peaks
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 02366500USGSsta02366500peaks
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 05405000USGSsta05405000peaks
Daily Mean Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 06766000USGSsta06766000dvs
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08151500USGSsta08151500peaks
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08167000USGSsta08167000peaks
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 08190000USGSsta08190000peaks
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 09442000USGSsta09442000peaks
Annual Peak Streamflow Data for U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow-Gaging Station 14321000USGSsta14321000peaks
Convert a Vector of L-moments to a L-moment Objectvec2lmom
Convert a Vector of Parameters to a Parameter Object of a Distributionvec2par
Convert a Vector of Probability-Weighted Moments to a Probability-Weighted Moments Objectvec2pwm
Convert a Vector of TL-moments to a TL-moment Objectvec2TLmom
Annual Maximum Precipitation Data for Vega, Texasvegaprecip
Estimate an Ensemble of Parameters from Three Different Methodsx2pars
Conversion of a Vector through a Left-Hand Threshold to Setup Conditional Probability Computationsx2xlo
Conversion of a Vector through a Left-Hand Threshold to Setup Conditional Probability Computationsxlo2qua
Blipping Cumulative Distribution Functionsz.par2cdf
Blipping Quantile Functionsz.par2qua