Package 'copBasic'

Title: General Bivariate Copula Theory and Many Utility Functions
Description: Extensive functions for bivariate copula (bicopula) computations and related operations for bicopula theory. The lower, upper, product, and select other bicopula are implemented along with operations including the diagonal, survival copula, dual of a copula, co-copula, and numerical bicopula density. Level sets, horizontal and vertical sections are supported. Numerical derivatives and inverses of a bicopula are provided through which simulation is implemented. Bicopula composition, convex combination, asymmetry extension, and products also are provided. Support extends to the Kendall Function as well as the Lmoments thereof. Kendall Tau, Spearman Rho and Footrule, Gini Gamma, Blomqvist Beta, Hoeffding Phi, Schweizer- Wolff Sigma, tail dependency, tail order, skewness, and bivariate Lmoments are implemented, and positive/negative quadrant dependency, left (right) increasing (decreasing) are available. Other features include Kullback-Leibler Divergence, Vuong Procedure, spectral measure, and Lcomoments for inference, maximum likelihood, and AIC, BIC, and RMSE for goodness-of-fit.
Authors: William Asquith [aut, cre]
Maintainer: William Asquith <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 2.2.8
Built: 2025-03-11 06:17:15 UTC

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Basic Theoretical Copula, Empirical Copula, and Various Utility Functions


The copBasic package is oriented around bivariate copula theory and mathematical operations closely follow the recommended texts of Nelsen (2006) and Joe (2014) as well as select other references. Another recommended text is Salvadori et al. (2007) and Hofert et al. (2018) and are cited herein, but about half of that excellent book concerns univariate applications. The primal objective of copBasic is to provide a study of numerous results shown by authoritative texts on copulas. It is intended that the package will help other copula students in self study, potential course work, and applied circumstances.

Notes on copulas that are supported. The author has focused on pedagogical aspects of copulas, and this package is a diary of sorts beginning in fall 2008. Originally, the author did not implement many copulas in the copBasic in order to deliberately avoid redundancy to that support such as it exists on the R CRAN. Though as time has progressed, other copulas have been added occasionally based on needs of the user community, need to show some specific concept in the general theory, or test algorithms. For example, the Clayton copula (CLcop) was a late arriving addition the package (c.2017), which was added to assist a specific user; the Frank copula (FRcop was added in December 2024 because of an inquiry on using copBasic for vine copula (see vine example under FRcop).

The language and vocabulary of copulas are formidable even within the realm of bivariate or bicopula as design basis for the package. Often “vocabulary” words are often emphasized in italics, which is used extensively and usually near the opening of function-by-function documentation to identify vocabulary words, such as survival copula (see surCOP). This syntax tries to mimic and accentuate the terminology in Nelsen (2006), Joe (2014), and generally most other texts. Italics are used to draw connections between concepts.

In conjunction with the summary of functions in copBasic-package, the extensive cross referencing to functions and expansive keyword indexing should be beneficial. The author had no experience with copulas prior to a chance happening upon Nelsen (2006) in c.2008. The copBasic package is a personal tour de force in self-guided learning. Over time, this package and user's manual have been helpful to others.

Helpful Navigation of Copulas Implemented in the copBasic Package

Some entry points to the copulas implemented are listed in the Table of Copulas:

Name Symbol Function Concept
Lower-bounds copula W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v) W copula
Independence copula Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) P copula
Upper-bounds copula M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) M copula
Fréchet Family copula FF(u,v)\mathbf{FF}(u,v) FRECHETcop copula
Ali--Mikhail--Haq copula AMH(u,v)\mathbf{AMH}(u,v) AMHcop copula
Clayton copula CL(u,v)\mathbf{CL}(u,v) CLcop copula
Copula of uniform circle CIRC(u,v)\mathbf{CIRC}(u,v) CIRCcop copula
Farlie--Gumbel--Morgenstern (generalized) FGM(u,v)\mathbf{FGM}(u,v) FGMcop copula
Frank FR(u,v)\mathbf{FR}(u,v) FRcop copula
Galambos copula GL(u,v)\mathbf{GL}(u,v) GLcop copula
Gumbel--Hougaard copula GH(u,v)\mathbf{GH}(u,v) GHcop copula
Hüsler--Reiss copula HR(u,v)\mathbf{HR}(u,v) HRcop copula
Joe B5 (the “Joe”) copula B5(u,v)\mathbf{B5}(u,v) JOcopB5 copula
Nelsen eq.4-2-12 copula N4212cop(u,v)\mathbf{N4212cop}(u,v) N4212cop copula
Ordinal Sums by Copula CJ(u,v)\mathbf{C}_\mathcal{J}(u,v) ORDSUMcop copula
Pareto copula PA(u,v)\mathbf{PA}(u,v) PLcop copula
Plackett copula PL(u,v)\mathbf{PL}(u,v) PLcop copula
PSP copula PSP(u,v)\mathbf{PSP}(u,v) PSP copula
Raftery copula RF(u,v)\mathbf{RF}(u,v) RFcop copula
Rayleigh copula RAY(u,v)\mathbf{RAY}(u,v) RAYcop copula
g-EV copula (Gaussian extreme value) gEV(u,v)\mathbf{gEV}(u,v) gEVcop copula
t-EV copula (t-distribution extreme value) tEV(u,v)\mathbf{tEV}(u,v) tEVcop copula

A few comments on notation herein are needed. A bold math typeface is used to represent a copula function or family such as Π\mathbf{\Pi} (see P) for the independence copula. The syntax R×RR2\mathcal{R}\times\mathcal{R} \equiv \mathcal{R}^2 denotes the orthogonal domain of two real numbers, and [0,1]×[0,1][0,1]\times [0,1] \equiv I×II2\mathcal{I}\times\mathcal{I} \equiv \mathcal{I}^2 denotes the orthogonal domain on the unit square of probabilities. Limits of integration [0,1][0,1] or [0,1]2[0,1]^2 involving copulas are thus shown as I\mathcal{I} and I2\mathcal{I}^2, respectively.

Random variables XX and YY respectively denote the horizontal and vertical directions in R2\mathcal{R}^2. Their probabilistic counterparts are uniformly distributed random variables on [0,1][0,1], are respectively denoted as UU and VV, and necessarily also are the respective directions in I2\mathcal{I}^2 (UU denotes the horizontal, VV denotes the vertical). Often realizations of these random variables are respectively xx and yy for XX and YY and uu and vv for UU and VV.

There is an obvious difference between nonexceedance probability FF and its complement, which is exceedance probability defined as 1F1-F. Both uu and vv herein are in nonexceedance probability. Arguments to many functions herein are u =u= u and v =v= v and are almost exclusively nonexceedance but there are instances for which the probability arguments are u =1u=u= 1 - u = u' and v =1v=v= 1 - v = v'.

Several of the functions listed above are measures of “bivariate association.” Two of the measures (Kendall Tau, tauCOP; Spearman Rho, rhoCOP) are widely known. R provides native support for their sample estimation of course, but each function can be used to call the cor() function in R for parallelism to the other measures of this package. The other measures (Blomqvist Beta, Gini Gamma, Hoeffding Phi, Schweizer–Wolff Sigma, Spearman Footrule) support sample estimation by specially formed calls to their respective functions: blomCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, wolfCOP, and footCOP. Gini Gamma (giniCOP) documentation (also joeskewCOP) shows extensive use of theoretical and sample computations for these and other functions.

Helpful Navigation of the copBasic Package

Some other entry points into the package are listed in the following table:

Name Symbol Function Concept
Copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) COP copula theory
\cdots C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) COP(..., reflect=*) reflection
\cdots C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) COP(..., reflect=*) rotation
Survival copula C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v') surCOP copula theory
Joint survival function C(u,v)\overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) surfuncCOP copula theory
Co-copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}^\star(u',v') coCOP copula theory
Dual of a copula C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) duCOP copula theory
Primary copula diagonal δ(t)\delta(t) diagCOP copula theory
Secondary copula diagonal δ(t)\delta^\star(t) diagCOP copula theory
Inverse copula diagonal δ(1)(f)\delta^{(-1)}(f) diagCOPatf copula theory
Joint probability {-}{-} jointCOP copula theory
Bivariate L-moments δk;C[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_{k;\mathbf{C}} bilmoms and lcomCOP bivariate moments
Bivariate L-comoments τk;C[]\tau^{[\ldots]}_{k;\mathbf{C}} bilmoms and lcomCOP bivariate moments
Blomqvist Beta βC\beta_\mathbf{C} blomCOP bivariate association
Gini Gamma γC\gamma_\mathbf{C} giniCOP bivariate association
Hoeffding Phi ΦC\Phi_\mathbf{C} hoefCOP bivariate association
Nu-Skew νC\nu_\mathbf{C} nuskewCOP bivariate moments
Nu-Star (skew) νC\nu^\star_\mathbf{C} nustarCOP bivariate moments
Lp distance to independence ΦCLp\Phi_\mathbf{C} \rightarrow L_p LpCOP bivariate association
Permutation-Mu μCpermsym\mu_{\infty\mathbf{C}}^\mathrm{permsym} LzCOPpermsym permutation asymmetry
Kendall Tau τC\tau_\mathbf{C} tauCOP bivariate association
Kendall Measure KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) kmeasCOP copula theory
Kendall Function FK(z)F_K(z) kfuncCOP copula theory
Inverse Kendall Function FK(1)(z)F_K^{(-1)}(z) kfuncCOPinv copula theory
An L-moment of FK(z)F_K(z) λr(FK)\lambda_r(F_K) kfuncCOPlmom L-moment theory
L-moments of FK(z)F_K(z) λr(FK)\lambda_r(F_K) kfuncCOPlmoms L-moment theory
Semi-correlations (negatives) ρN(a)\rho_N^{-}(a) semicorCOP bivariate tail association
Semi-correlations (positives) ρN+(a)\rho_N^{+}(a) semicorCOP bivariate tail association
Spearman Footrule ψC\psi_\mathbf{C} footCOP bivariate association
Spearman Rho ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} rhoCOP bivariate association
Schweizer--Wolff Sigma σC\sigma_\mathbf{C} wolfCOP bivariate association
Density of a copula c(u,v)c(u,v) densityCOP copula density
Density visualization {-}{-} densityCOPplot copula density
Empirical copula Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_n(u,v) EMPIRcop copula
Empirical simulation {-}{-} EMPIRsim copula simulation
Empirical simulation {-}{-} EMPIRsimv copula simulation
Empirical copulatic surface {-}{-} EMPIRgrid copulatic surface
Parametric copulatic surface {-}{-} gridCOP copulatic surface
Parametric simulation {-}{-} simCOP or rCOP copula simulation
Parametric simulation {-}{-} simCOPmicro copula simulation
Maximum likelihood L(Θd)\mathcal{L}(\Theta_d) mleCOP copula fitting
Akaike information criterion AICC\mathrm{AIC}_\mathbf{C} aicCOP goodness-of-fit
Bayesian information criterion BICC\mathrm{BIC}_\mathbf{C} bicCOP goodness-of-fit
Root mean square error RMSEC\mathrm{RMSE}_\mathbf{C} rmseCOP goodness-of-fit
Another goodness-of-fit TnT_n statTn goodness-of-fit

Concerning goodness-of-fit and although not quite the same as copula properties (such as “correlation”) per se as the coefficients aforementioned in the prior paragraph, three goodness-of-fit metrics of a copula compared to the empirical copula, which are all based the mean square error (MSE), are aicCOP, bicCOP, and rmseCOP. This triad of functions is useful for making decisions on whether a copula is more favorable than another to a given dataset. However, because they are genetically related by using MSE and if these are used for copula fitting by minimization, the fits will be identical. A statement of “not quite the same” is made because the previously described copula properties are generally defined as types of deviations from other copulas (such as P). Another goodness-of-fit statistic is statTn, which is based on magnitude summation of fitted copula difference from the empirical copula. These four (aicCOP, bicCOP, rmseCOP, and statTn) collectively are relative simple and readily understood measures. These bulk sample statistics are useful, but generally thought to not capture the nuances of tail behavior (semicorCOP and taildepCOP might be useful).

Bivariate skewness measures are supported in the functions joeskewCOP (nuskewCOP and nustarCOP) and uvlmoms (uvskew). Extensive discussion and example computations of bivariate skewness are provided in the joeskewCOP documentation. Lastly, so-called bivariate L-moments and bivariate L-comoments of a copula are directly computable in bilmoms (though that function using Monte Carlo integration is deprecated) and lcomCOP (direct numerical integration). The lcomCOP function is the theoretical counterpart to the sample L-comoments provided in the lmomco package.

Bivariate random simulation methods by several functions are identified in the previous table. The copBasic package explicitly uses only conditional simulation also known as the conditional distribution method for random variate generation following Nelsen (2006, pp. 40–41) (see also simCOPmicro, simCOP). The numerical derivatives (derCOP and derCOP2) and their inversions (derCOPinv and derCOPinv2) represent the foundation of the conditional simulation. There are other methods in the literature and available in other R packages, and a comparison of some methods is made in the Examples section of the Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GHcop).

Several functions in copBasic make the distinction between VV with respect to (wrt) UU and UU wrt VV, and a guide for the nomenclature involving wrt distinctions is listed in the following table:

Name Symbol Function Concept
Copula inversion VV wrt UU COPinv copula operator
Copula inversion UU wrt VV COPinv2 copula operator
Copula derivative δC/δu\delta \mathbf{C}/\delta u derCOP copula operator
Copula derivative δC/δv\delta \mathbf{C}/\delta v derCOP2 copula operator
Copula derivative inversion VV wrt UU derCOPinv copula operator
Copula derivative inversion UU wrt VV derCOPinv2 copula operator
Joint curves tC(u=U,v)t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u=U, v) joint.curvesCOP copula theory
Joint curves tC(u,v=V)t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u, v=V) joint.curvesCOP2 copula theory
Level curves tC(u=U,v)t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u=U, v) level.curvesCOP copula theory
Level curves tC(u,v=V)t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u, v=V) level.curvesCOP2 copula theory
Level set VV wrt UU level.setCOP copula theory
Level set UU wrt VV level.setCOP2 copula theory
Median regression VV wrt UU med.regressCOP copula theory
Median regression UU wrt VV med.regressCOP2 copula theory
Quantile regression VV wrt UU qua.regressCOP copula theory
Quantile regression UU wrt VV qua.regressCOP2 copula theory
Copula section tC(t,a)t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(t,a) sectionCOP copula theory
Copula section tC(a,t)t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(a,t) sectionCOP copula theory

The previous two tables do not include all of the myriad of special functions to support similar operations on empirical copulas. All empirical copula operators and utilities are prepended with EMPIR in the function name. An additional note concerning package nomenclature is that an appended “2” to a function name indicates UU wrt VV (e.g. EMPIRgridderinv2 for an inversion of the partial derivatives δC/δv\delta \mathbf{C}/\delta v across the grid of the empirical copula).

Some additional functions to compute often salient features or characteristics of copulas or bivariate data, including functions for bivariate inference or goodness-of-fit, are listed in the following table:

Name Symbol Function Concept
Left-tail decreasing VV wrt UU isCOP.LTD bivariate association
Left-tail decreasing UU wrt VV isCOP.LTD bivariate association
Right-tail increasing VV wrt UU isCOP.RTI bivariate association
Right-tail increasing UU wrt VV isCOP.RTI bivariate association
Pseudo-polar representation (S^,W^)(\widehat{S},\widehat{W}) psepolar extremal dependency
Tail concentration function qC(t)q_\mathbf{C}(t) tailconCOP bivariate tail association
Tail (lower) dependency λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} taildepCOP bivariate tail association
Tail (upper) dependency λCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} taildepCOP bivariate tail association
Tail (lower) order κCL\kappa^L_\mathbf{C} tailordCOP bivariate tail association
Tail (upper) order κCU\kappa^U_\mathbf{C} tailordCOP bivariate tail association
Neg'ly quadrant dependency NQD isCOP.PQD bivariate association
Pos'ly quadrant dependency PQD isCOP.PQD bivariate association
Permutation symmetry permsym\mathrm{permsym} isCOP.permsym copula symmetry
Radial symmetry radsym\mathrm{radsym} isCOP.radsym copula symmetry
Skewness (Joe, 2014) η(p;ψ)\eta(p; \psi) uvskew bivariate skewness
Kullback--Leibler Divergence KL(fg)\mathrm{KL}(f \mid g) kullCOP bivariate inference
KL sample size nf ⁣gn_{f\!g} kullCOP bivariate inference
The Vuong Procedure {-}{-} vuongCOP bivariate inference
Spectral measure H(w)H(w) spectralmeas extremal dependency inference
Stable tail dependence l^(x,y)\widehat{l}(x,y) stabtaildepf extremal dependency inference
L-comoments (samp. distr.) {-}{-} lcomCOPpv experimental bivariate inference

The Table of Probabilities that follows lists important relations between various joint probability concepts, the copula, nonexceedance probabilities uu and vv, and exceedance probabilities uu' and vv'. A compact summary of these probability relations has obvious usefulness. The notation [,][\ldots, \ldots] is to read as [ and ][\ldots \mathrm{\ and\ } \ldots], and the [][\ldots \mid \ldots] is to be read as [ given ][\ldots \mathrm{\ given\ } \ldots].

Probability and Symbol Convention
Pr[Uu,Vv]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U \le u, V \le v\,] == C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) --- The copula, COP
Pr[U>u,V>v]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U > u, V > v\,] == C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v') --- The survival copula, surCOP
Pr[Uu,V>v]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U \le u, V > v\,] == uC(u,v)u - \mathbf{C}(u,v')
Pr[U>u,Vv]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U > u, V \le v\,] == vC(u,v)v - \mathbf{C}(u',v)
Pr[UuVv]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U \le u \mid V \le v\,] == C(u,v)/v\mathbf{C}(u,v)/v
Pr[VvUu]\mathrm{Pr}[\,V \le v \mid U \le u\,] == C(u,v)/u\mathbf{C}(u,v)/u
Pr[UuV>v]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U \le u \mid V > v\,] == (uC(u,v))/(1v)\bigl(u - \mathbf{C}(u,v)\bigr)/(1 - v)
Pr[VvU>u]\mathrm{Pr}[\,V \le v \mid U > u\,] == (vC(u,v))/(1u)\bigl(v - \mathbf{C}(u,v)\bigr)/(1 - u)
Pr[U>uV>v]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U > u \mid V > v\,] == C^(u,v)/u=C(u,v)/(1u)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v')/u' = \overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v)/(1-u)
Pr[V>vU>u]\mathrm{Pr}[\,V > v \mid U > u\,] == C^(u,v)/v=C(u,v)/(1v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v')/v' = \overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v)/(1-v)
Pr[VvU=u]\mathrm{Pr}[\,V \le v \mid U = u\,] == δC(u,v)/δu\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)/\delta u --- Partial derivative, derCOP
Pr[UuV=v]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U \le u \mid V = v\,] == δC(u,v)/δv\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)/\delta v --- Partial derivative, derCOP2
Pr[U>u or V>v]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U > u \mathrm{\ or\ } V > v\,] == C(u,v)=1C(u,v)\mathbf{C}^\star(u',v') = 1 - \mathbf{C}(u',v') --- The co-copula, coCOP
Pr[Uu or Vv]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U \le u \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v\,] == C~(u,v)=u+vC(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - \mathbf{C}(u,v) --- The dual of a copula, duCOP
E[UV=v]E[\,U \mid V = v\,] == 01(1δC(u,v)/δv)du\int_0^1 (1 - \delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)/\delta v)\,\mathrm{d}u --- Expectation of U given V, EuvCOP
E[VU=u]E[\,V \mid U = u\,] == 01(1δC(u,v)/δu)dv\int_0^1 (1 - \delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)/\delta u)\,\mathrm{d}v --- Expectation of V given U, EvuCOP

The function jointCOP has considerable demonstration in its Note section of the joint and and joint or relations shown through simulation and counting scenarios. Also there is a demonstration in the Note section of function duCOP on application of the concepts of joint and conditions, joint or conditions, and importantly joint mutually exclusive or conditions.

Copula Construction Methods

Permutation asymmetry can be added to a copula by breveCOP. One, two, or more copulas can be “composited,” “combined,” or “multiplied” in interesting ways to create highly unique bivariate relations and as a result, complex dependence structures can be formed. The package provides three main functions for copula composition: composite1COP composites a single copula with two compositing parameters (Khoudraji device with independence), composite2COP (Khoudraji device) composites two copulas with two compositing parameters, and composite3COP composites two copulas with four compositing parameters. Also two copulas can be combined through a weighted convex combination using convex2COP with a single weighting parameter, and even NN number of copulas can be combined by weights using convexCOP. So-called “gluing” two copula by a parameter is provided by glueCOP. Multiplication of two copulas to form a third is supported by prod2COP. All eight functions for compositing, combining, or multipling copulas are compatible with joint probability simulation (simCOP), measures of association (e.g. ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}), and presumably all other copula operations using copBasic features. Finally, ordinal sums of copula are provided by ORDSUMcop and ORDSUWcop as particularly interesting methods of combining copulas.

No. of copulas Combining Parameters Function Concept
1 β\beta breveCOP adding permuation asymmetry
1 α,β\alpha, \beta composite1COP copula combination
1 α,β\alpha, \beta khoudraji1COP copula combination
1 α,β\alpha, \beta khoudrajiPCOP copula combination
2 α,β\alpha, \beta composite2COP copula combination
2 α,β\alpha, \beta khoudraji2COP copula combination
2 α,β,κ,γ\alpha, \beta, \kappa, \gamma composite3COP copula combination
2 α,(1α)\alpha, (1-\alpha) convex2COP weighted copula combination
NN ωiN\omega_{i \in N} convexCOP weighted copula combination
2 γ\gamma glueCOP gluing of coupla
2 (C1C2)\bigl(\mathbf{C}_1 \ast \mathbf{C}_2 \bigr) prod2COP copula multiplication
NN CJi\mathbf{C}_{\mathcal{J}i} for JiN\mathcal{J}_{i \in N} partitions ORDSUMcop M-ordinal sums of copulas
NN CJi\mathbf{C}_{\mathcal{J}i} for JiN\mathcal{J}_{i \in N} partitions ORDSUWcop W-ordinal sums of copulas

Useful Copula Relations by Visualization

There are a myriad of relations amongst variables computable through copulas, and these were listed in the Table of Probabilities earlier in this documentation. There is a script located in the inst/doc directory of the copBasic sources titled CopulaRelations_BaseFigure_inR.txt. This script demonstrates, using the PSP copula, relations between the copula (COP), survival copula (surCOP), joint survival function of a copula (surfuncCOP), co-copula (coCOP), and dual of a copula function (duCOP). The script performs simulation and manual counts observations meeting various criteria in order to compute their empirical probabilities. The script produces a base figure, which after extending in editing software, is suitable for educational description and is provided at the end of this documentation.

A Review of “Return Periods” using Copulas

Risk analyses of natural hazards are commonly expressed as annual return periods TT in years, which are defined for a nonexceedance probability qq as T=1/(1q)T = 1/(1-q). In bivariate analysis, there immediately emerge two types of return periods representing Tq;coopT_{q;\,\mathrm{coop}} and Tq;dualT_{q;\,\mathrm{dual}} conditions between nonexceedances of the two hazard sources (random variables) UU and VV. It is usual in many applications for TT to be expressed equivalently as a probability qq in common for both variables.

Incidentally, the Pr[U>uV>v]\mathrm{Pr}[\,U > u \mid V > v\,] and Pr[V>vU>u]\mathrm{Pr}[\,V > v \mid U > u\,] probabilities also are useful for conditional return period computations following Salvadori et al. (2007, pp. 159–160) but are not further considered here. Also the FK(w)F_K(w) (Kendall Function or Kendall Measure of a copula) is the core tool for secondary return period computations (see kfuncCOP).

Let the copula C(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{C}(u,v; \Theta) for nonexceedances uu and vv be set for some copula family (formula) by a parameter vector Θ\Theta. The copula family and parameters define the joint coupling (loosely meant the dependency/correlation) between hazards UU and VV. If “failure” occurs if either or both hazards UU and VV are at probability qq threshold (u=v=11/T=qu = v = 1 - 1/T = q) for TT-year return period, then the real return period of failure is defined using either the copula C(q,q;Θ)\mathbf{C}(q,q; \Theta) or the co-copula C(q,q;Θ)\mathbf{C}^\star(q',q'; \Theta) for exceedance probability q=1qq' = 1 - q is

Tq;coop=11C(q,q;Θ)=1C(1q,1q;Θ) andT_{q;\,\mathrm{coop}} = \frac{1}{1 - \mathbf{C}(q, q; \Theta)} = \frac{1}{\mathbf{C}^\star(1-q, 1-q; \Theta)}\mbox{\ and}

Tq;coop1cooperative risk.T_{q;\,\mathrm{coop}} \equiv \frac{1}{\mathrm{cooperative\ risk}}\mbox{.}

Or in words, the hazard sources collaborate or cooperate to cause failure. If failure occurs, however, if and only if both hazards UU and VV occur simultaneously (the hazards must “dually work together” or be “conjunctive”), then the real return period is defined using either the dual of a copula (function) C~(q,q;Θ)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(q,q; \Theta), the joint survival function C(q,q;Θ)\overline{\mathbf{C}}(q,q;\Theta), or survival copula C^(q,q;Θ)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(q',q'; \Theta) as

Tq;dual=11C~(q,q;Θ)=1C(q,q;Θ)=1C^(q,q;Θ) andT_{q;\,\mathrm{dual}} = \frac{1}{1 - \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(q,q; \Theta)} = \frac{1}{\overline{\mathbf{C}}(q,q;\Theta)} = \frac{1}{\hat{\mathbf{C}}(q',q';\Theta)} \mbox{\ and}

Tq;dual1complement of dual protection.T_{q;\,\mathrm{dual}} \equiv \frac{1}{\mathrm{complement\ of\ dual\ protection}}\mbox{.}

Numerical demonstration is informative. Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 151) show for a Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GHcop) having Θ=\Theta = 3.055 and T=T = 1,000 years (q=0.999q = 0.999) that Tq;coop=797.1T_{q;\,\mathrm{coop}} = 797.1 years and that Tq;dualT_{q;\,\mathrm{dual}} = 1,341.4 years, which means that average return periods between “failures” are

Tq;coopTTq;dual and thusT_{q;\,\mathrm{coop}} \le T \le T_{q;\,\mathrm{dual}}\mbox{\ and thus}

797.1T1314.4 years.797.1 \le T \le 1314.4\mbox{\ years.}

With the following code, these bounding return-period values are readily computed and verified using the prob2T() function from the lmomco package along with copBasic functions COP (generic functional interface to a copula) and duCOP (dual of a copula):

  q <- lmomco::T2prob(1000)
  lmomco::prob2T(  COP(q,q, cop=GHcop, para=3.055)) #  797.110
  lmomco::prob2T(duCOP(q,q, cop=GHcop, para=3.055)) # 1341.438

An early source (in 2005) by some of those authors cited on p. 151 of Salvadori et al. (2007; their citation “[67]”) shows Tq;dual=798T_{q;\,\mathrm{dual}} = 798 years—a rounding error seems to have been committed. Finally just for reference, a Gumbel–Hougaard copula having Θ=3.055\Theta = 3.055 corresponds to an analytical Kendall Tau (see GHcop) of τ0.673\tau \approx 0.673, which can be verified through numerical integration available from tauCOP as:

  tauCOP(cop=GHcop, para=3.055, brute=TRUE) # 0.6726542

Thus, a “better understanding of the statistical characteristics of [multiple hazard sources] requires the study of their joint distribution” (Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 150).

Interaction of copBasic to Copulas in Other Packages

Originally, the copBasic package was not intended to be a port of the numerous bivariate copulas or over re-implementation other bivariate copulas available in R though as the package passed its 10th year in 2018, the original intent changed. It is useful to point out a demonstration showing an implementation of the Gaussian copula from the copula package, which is shown in the Note section of med.regressCOP in a circumstance of ordinary least squares linear regression compared to median regression of a copula as well as prediction limits of both regressions. Another demonstration in context of maximum pseudo-log-likelihood estimation of copula parameters is seen in the Note section mleCOP, and also see “API to the copula package” or “package copula (comparison to)” entries in the Index of this user manual.



William Asquith [email protected]


Cherubini, U., Luciano, E., and Vecchiato, W., 2004, Copula methods in finance: Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, 293 p.

Hernández-Maldonado, V., Díaz-Viera, M., and Erdely, A., 2012, A joint stochastic simulation method using the Bernstein copula as a flexible tool for modeling nonlinear dependence structures between petrophysical properties: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 90–91, pp. 112–123.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Hofert, M., Kojadinovic, I., Mächler, M., and Yan, J., 2018, Elements of copula modeling with R: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in nature—An approach using copulas: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, Water Science and Technology Library 56, 292 p.


## Not run: 
# Nelsen (2006, p. 75, exer. 3.15b) provides for a nice test of copBasic features.
"mcdurv" <- function(u,v, theta) {
   ifelse(u > theta & u < 1-theta & v > theta & v < 1 - theta,
             return(M(u,v) - theta), # Upper bounds copula with a shift
             return(W(u,v)))         # Lower bounds copula
"MCDURV" <- function(u,v, para=NULL) {
   if(is.null(para))         stop("need theta")
   if(para < 0 | para > 0.5) stop("theta ! in [0, 1/2]")
   return(asCOP(u, v, f=mcdurv, para))
"afunc" <- function(t) { # a sample size = 1,000 hard wired
   return(cov(simCOP(n=1000, cop=MCDURV, para=t, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE))[1,2])
set.seed(6234) # setup covariance based on parameter "t" and the "root" parameter
print(uniroot(afunc, c(0, 0.5))) # "t" by simulation = 0.1023742
# Nelsen reports that if theta appox. 0.103 then covariance of U and V is zero.
# So, one will have mutually completely dependent uncorrelated uniform variables!

# Let us check some familiar measures of association:
rhoCOP( cop=MCDURV, para=0.1023742) # Spearman Rho = 0.005854481 (near zero)
tauCOP( cop=MCDURV, para=0.1023742) # Kendall Tau  = 0.2648521
wolfCOP(cop=MCDURV, para=0.1023742) # S & W Sigma  = 0.4690174 (less familiar)
D <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=MCDURV, para=0.1023742) # Plot mimics Nelsen (2006, fig. 3.11)
# Lastly, open research problem. L-comoments (matrices) measure high dimension of
# variable comovements (see lmomco package)---"method of L-comoments" for estimation?
lmomco::lcomoms2(simCOP(n=1000, cop=MCDURV, para=0),   nmom=5) # Perfect neg. corr.
lmomco::lcomoms2(simCOP(n=1000, cop=MCDURV, para=0.1023742), nmom=5)
lmomco::lcomoms2(simCOP(n=1000, cop=MCDURV, para=0.5), nmom=5) # Perfect pos. corr.
# T2 (L-correlation), T3 (L-coskew), T4 (L-cokurtosis), and T5 matrices result. For
# Theta = 0 or 0.5 see the matrix symmetry with a sign change for L-coskew and T5 on
# the off diagonals (offdiags). See unities for T2. See near zero for offdiag terms
# in T2 near zero. But then see that T4 off diagonals are quite different from those
# for Theta 0.1024 relative to 0 or 0.5. As a result, T4 has captured a unique
# property of U vs V.
## End(Not run)

Akaike Information Criterion between a Fitted Coupla and an Empirical Copula


Compute the Akaike information criterion (AIC) AICC\mathrm{AIC}_\mathbf{C} (Chen and Guo, 2019, p. 29), which is computed using mean square error MSEC\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} as

MSEC=1ni=1n(Cn(ui,vi)CΘm(ui,vi))2 and\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \bigl(\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) - \mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u_i, v_i)\bigr)^2\mbox{ and}

AICC=2m+nlog(MSEC),\mathrm{AIC}_\mathbf{C} = 2m + n\log(\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C})\mbox{,}

where Cn(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) is the empirical copula (empirical joint probability) for the iith observation, CΘm(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u_i, v_i) is the fitted copula having mm parameters in Θ\Theta. The Cn(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) comes from EMPIRcop. The AICC\mathrm{AIC}_\mathbf{C} is in effect saying that the best copula will have its joint probabilities plotting on a 1:1 line with the empirical joint probabilities, which is an AICC=\mathrm{AIC}_\mathbf{C} = -\infty. From the MSEC\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} shown above, the root mean square error rmseCOP and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) bicCOP can be computed. These goodness-of-fits can assist in deciding one copula favorability over another, and another goodness-of-fit using the absolute differences between Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_n(u,v) and CΘm(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u, v) is found under statTn.


aicCOP(u, v=NULL, cop=NULL, para=NULL, m=NA, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction; If not given, then a second column from argument u is attempted;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The number of parameters in the copula, which is usually determined by length of para if m=NA, but some complex compositions of copulas are difficult to authoritatively probe for total parameter lengths and mixing coefficients; and


Additional arguments to pass to either copula (likely most commonly to the empirical copula).


The value for AICC\mathrm{AIC}_\mathbf{C} is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Chen, Lu, and Guo, Shenglian, 2019, Copulas and its application in hydrology and water resources: Springer Nature, Singapore, ISBN 978–981–13–0574–0.

See Also

EMPIRcop, bicCOP, rmseCOP


## Not run: 
  S <- simCOP(80, cop=GHcop, para=5) # Simulate some probabilities, but we
  # must then treat these as data and recompute empirical probabilities.
  U <- lmomco::pp(S$U, sort=FALSE); V <- lmomco::pp(S$V, sort=FALSE)
  # The parent distribution is Gumbel-Hougaard extreme value copula, but in practical
  # applications, we do not know that. Say we speculate that perhaps the Galambos extreme
  # value might be the parent; maximum likelihood is used to fit the single parameter.
  pGL  <- mleCOP(  U,V, cop=GLcop, interval=c(0, 20))$par
  aics <- c(aicCOP(U,V, cop=GLcop, para=pGL), aicCOP(U,V, cop=P), aicCOP(U,V, cop=PSP))
  names(aics) <- c("GLcop", "P", "PSP")
  print(aics) # We will see that the first AIC is the smallest because the
  # Galambos has the nearest overall behavior than the P and PSP copulas.
## End(Not run)

The Ali–Mikhail–Haq Copula


The Ali–Mikhail–Haq copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 92–93, 172) is

CΘ(u,v)=AMH(u,v)=uv1Θ(1u)(1v),\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{AMH}(u,v) = \frac{uv}{1 - \Theta(1-u)(1-v)}\mbox{,}

where Θ[1,+1)\Theta \in [-1,+1), where the right boundary, Θ=1\Theta = 1, can sometimes be considered valid according to Mächler (2014). The copula Θ0\Theta \rightarrow 0 becomes the independence copula (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P), and the parameter Θ\Theta is readily computed from a Kendall Tau (tauCOP) by

τC=3Θ23Θ2(1Θ)2log(1Θ)3Θ2,\tau_\mathbf{C} = \frac{3\Theta - 2}{3\Theta} - \frac{2(1-\Theta)^2\log(1-\Theta)}{3\Theta^2}\mbox{,}

and by Spearman Rho (rhoCOP), through Mächler (2014), by

ρC=k=13Θk(k+22)2.\rho_\mathbf{C} = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{3\Theta^k}{{k + 2 \choose 2}^2}\mbox{.}

The support of τC\tau_\mathbf{C} is [(58log(2))/3,1/3][(5 - 8\log(2))/3, 1/3] \approx [0.1817258,0.3333333][-0.1817258, 0.3333333] and the ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is [3348log(2),4π239][33 - 48\log(2), 4\pi^2 - 39] \approx [0.2710647,0.4784176][-0.2710647, 0.4784176], which shows that this copula has a limited range of dependency. The infinite summation is easier to work with than Nelsen (2006, p. 172) definition of

ρC=12(1+Θ)Θ2dilog(1Θ)24(1Θ)Θ2log(1Θ)3(Θ+12)Θ,\rho_\mathbf{C} = \frac{12(1+\Theta)}{\Theta^2}\mathrm{dilog}(1-\Theta)- \frac{24(1-\Theta)}{\Theta^2}\log(1-\Theta)- \frac{3(\Theta+12)}{\Theta}\mbox{,}

where the dilog(x)\mathrm{dilog(x)} is the dilogarithm function defined by

dilog(x)=1xlog(t)1tdt.\mathrm{dilog}(x) = \int_1^x \frac{\log(t)}{1-t}\,\mathrm{d}t\mbox{.}

The integral version has more nuances with approaches toward Θ=0\Theta = 0 and Θ=1\Theta = 1 than the infinite sum version.


AMHcop(u, v, para=NULL, rho=NULL, tau=NULL, fit=c("rho", "tau"), ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula. However, if a second parameter is present, it is treated as a logical to reverse the copula (u+v1+AMH(1u,1v;Θ)u + v - 1 + \mathbf{AMH}(1-u,1-v; \Theta));


Optional Spearman Rho from which the parameter will be estimated and presence of rho trumps tau;


Optional Kendall Tau from which the parameter will be estimated;


If para, rho, and tau are all NULL, the the u and v represent the sample. The measure of association by the fit declaration will be computed and the parameter estimated subsequently. The fit has not other utility than to trigger which measure of association is computed internally by the cor function in R; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned. Otherwise if tau is given, then the Θ\Theta is computed and a list having


The parameter Θ\Theta, and


Kendall Tau.

and if para=NULL and tau=NULL, then the values within u and v are used to compute Kendall Tau and then compute the parameter, and these are returned in the aforementioned list.


Mächler (2014) reports on accurate computation of τC\tau_\mathbf{C} and ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} for this copula for conditions of Θ0\Theta \rightarrow 0 and in particular derives the following equation, which does not have Θ\Theta in the denominator:

ρC=k=13Θk(k+22)2.\rho_\mathbf{C} = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{3\Theta^k}{{k+2 \choose 2}^2}\mbox{.}

The copula package provides a Taylor series expansion for τC\tau_\mathbf{C} for small Θ\Theta in the copula::tauAMH(). This is demonstrated here between the implementation of τ=0\tau = 0 for parameter estimation in the copBasic package to that in the more sophisticated implementation in the copula package.

  copula::tauAMH(AMHcop(tau=0)$para) # theta = -2.313076e-07

It is seen that the numerical approaches yield quite similar results for small τC\tau_\mathbf{C}, and finally, a comparison to the ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is informative:

  rhoCOP(AMHcop, para=1E-9)    # 3.333333e-10 (two nested integrations)
  copula:::.rhoAmhCopula(1E-9) # 3.333333e-10 (cutoff based)
  theta <- seq(-1,1, by=.0001)
  RHOa <- sapply(theta, function(t) rhoCOP(AMHcop, para=t))
  RHOb <- sapply(theta, function(t) copula:::.rhoAmhCopula(t))
  plot(10^theta, RHOa-RHOb, type="l", col=2)

The plot shows that the apparent differences are less than 1 part in 100 million—The copBasic computation is radically slower though, but rhoCOP was designed for generality of copula family.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Mächler, Martin, 2014, Spearman's Rho for the AMH copula—A beautiful formula: copula package vignette, accessed on April 7, 2018, at under the vignette rhoAMH-dilog.pdf.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Pranesh, Kumar, 2010, Probability distributions and estimation of Ali–Mikhail–Haq copula: Applied Mathematical Sciences, v. 4, no. 14, p. 657–666.

See Also



## Not run: 
  t <- 0.9 # The Theta of the copula and we will compute Spearman Rho.
  di <- integrate(function(t) log(t)/(1-t), lower=1, upper=(1-t))$value
  A <- di*(1+t) - 2*log(1-t) + 2*t*log(1-t) - 3*t # Nelsen (2007, p. 172)
  rho <- 12*A/t^2 - 3    # 0.4070369
  rhoCOP(AMHcop, para=t) # 0.4070369
  sum(sapply(1:100, function(k) 3*t^k/choose(k+2, 2)^2)) # Machler (2014)
  # 0.4070369 (see Note section, very many tens of terms are needed) 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  layout(matrix(1:2, byrow=TRUE)) # Note: Kendall Tau is same on reversal.
  s <- 2; set.seed(s); nsim <- 10000
  UVn <- simCOP(nsim, cop=AMHcop, para=c(-0.9, "FALSE" ), col=4)
  mtext("Normal definition [default]") # '2nd' parameter could be skipped
  set.seed(s) # seed used to keep Rho/Tau inside attainable limits
  UVr <- simCOP(nsim, cop=AMHcop, para=c(-0.9, "TRUE"),   col=2)
  mtext("Reversed definition")
  AMHcop(UVn[,1], UVn[,2], fit="rho")$rho # -0.2581653
  AMHcop(UVr[,1], UVr[,2], fit="rho")$rho # -0.2570689
  rhoCOP(cop=AMHcop, para=-0.9)           # -0.2483124
  AMHcop(UVn[,1], UVn[,2], fit="tau")$tau # -0.1731904
  AMHcop(UVr[,1], UVr[,2], fit="tau")$tau # -0.1724820
  tauCOP(cop=AMHcop, para=-0.9)           # -0.1663313 
## End(Not run)

Wrapper on a User-Level Formula to Become a Copula Function


This function is intended to document and then to extend a simple API to end users to aid in implementation of other copulas for use within the copBasic package. There is no need or requirement to use asCOP for almost all users. However, for the mathematical definition of some copulas, the asCOP function might help considerably. This is because there is a need for special treatment of uu and vv vectors of probability as each interacts with the vectorization implicit in R. The special treatment is needed because many copulas are based on the operators such as min() and max(). When numerical integration used by the integrate() function in R in some copula operators, such as tauCOP for the Kendall Tau of a copula, special accommodation is needed related to the inherent vectorization in R and how integrate() works.

Basically, the problem is that one can not strictly rely in all circumstances on what R does in terms of value recycling when uu and vv are of unequal lengths. The source code is straightforward. Simply put, if lengths of uu and vv are unity, then there is no concern, and even if the length of uu (say) is unity and vv is 21, then recycling of uu would often be okay. The real danger is when uu and vv have unequal lengths and those lengths are each greater than unity—the R treatment can not be universally relied upon with the various numerics herein involving optimization and nested numerical integration.

The example shows how a formula definition of a copula that is not a copula already implemented by copBasic is set into a function deltacop and then used inside another function UsersCop that will be the official copula that is compatible with a host of functions in copBasic. The use of asCOP provides the length check necessary on uu and vv, and the argument ... provides optional parameter support should the user's formula require more settings.


asCOP(u, v, f=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A function for which the user desires to make as a copula; and


Additional arguments to pass to the function f (such as parameters, if needed, for the copula in the form of a list).


The value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
  # Concerning Nelsen (2006, exer. 3.7, pp. 64--65)
  "trianglecop" <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
     # If para is set, then the triangle is rotated 90d clockwise.
     if(! is.null(para) && para == 1) { t <- u; u <- v; v <- t }
     if(length(u) > 1 | length(v) > 1) stop("only scalars for this function")
     v2<-v/2; if(0   <= u    &  u   <= v2 & v2 <= 1/2) { return(u    )
     } else   if(0   <= v2   & v2   <  u  &  u < 1-v2) { return(v2   )
     } else   if(1/2 <= 1-v2 & 1-v2 <= u  &  u <= 1  ) { return(u+v-1)
     } else { stop("should not be here in logic") }
  "UsersCop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP(u,v, f=trianglecop, ...) }
  n=20000; UV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=UsersCop)
  # The a-d elements of the problem now follow:
  # (a) Pr[V = 1 - |2*U -1|] = 1 and Cov(U,V) = 0; so that two random variables
  # can be uncorrelated but each is perfectly predictable from the other
  mean(UV$V - (1 - abs(2*UV$U -1))) # near zero; Nelsen says == 0
  cov(UV$U, UV$V)                   # near zero; Nelsen says == 0

  # (b) Cop(m,n) = Cop(n,m); so that two random variables can be identically
  # distributed, uncorrelated, and not exchangeable
  EMPIRcop(0.95,0.17, para=UV) # = A
  EMPIRcop(0.17,0.95, para=UV) # = B; then A != B

  # (c) Pr[V - U > 0] = 2/3; so that two random variables can be identically
  # distributed, but their difference need not be symmetric about zero
  tmp <- (UV$V - UV$U) > 0
  length(tmp[tmp == TRUE])/n # about 2/3; Nelsen says == 2/3
  # the prior two lines yield about 1/2 for independence copula P()

  # (d) Pr[X + Y > 0] = 2/3; so that uniform random variables on (-1,1) can each
  # be symmetric about zero, but their sum need not be.
  tmp <- ((2*UV$V - 1) + (2*UV$U - 1)) > 0
  length(tmp[tmp == TRUE])/n # about 2/3; Nelsen says == 2/3 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Concerning Nelsen (2006, exam. 3.10, p. 73)
  "shufflecop" <- # assume scalar arguments for u and v
  function(u,v, para, ...) {
     m <- para$mixer; subcop <- para$subcop
     if( | m <= 0 | m >= 1) stop("m ! in [0,1]")
     if(u <= m) { return(    subcop(1-m+u, v, para=para$para) -
                             subcop(1-m,   v, para=para$para))
     } else {     return(v - subcop(1-m,   v, para=para$para) +
                             subcop(u-m,   v, para=para$para))
  "UsersCop" <- function(u,v, para=NULL) {
     asCOP(u,v, f=shufflecop, para=para)
  n <- 1000; u <- runif(n)
  para <- list(mixer=runif(1), subcop=W, para=20)
  v <- sapply(1:n, function(i) {
      simCOPmicro(u[i], cop=UsersCop, para=para) } )
  plot(data.frame(U=u, V=v), pch=17, col=rgb(1,0,1,1),
  mtext("Shuffle Copula Nelsen (2006, exam. 3.10, p. 73)")

  # Concerning Nelsen (2006, exam. 5.14, p. 195)
  "deltacop" <- function(u,v, ...) { min(c(u,v,(u^2+v^2)/2))     }
  "UsersCop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP(u,v, f=deltacop, ...) }
  isCOP.PQD(cop=UsersCop) # TRUE + Rho=0.288 and Tau=0.333 as Nelsen says
  isCOP.LTD(cop=UsersCop, wrtV=TRUE) # FALSE as Nelsen says
  isCOP.RTI(cop=UsersCop, wrtV=TRUE) # FALSE as Nelsen says 
## End(Not run)

Bayesian Information Criterion between a Fitted Coupla and an Empirical Copula


Compute the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) BICC\mathrm{BIC}_\mathbf{C} (Chen and Guo, 2019, p. 29), which is computed using mean square error MSEC\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} as

MSEC=1ni=1n(Cn(ui,vi)CΘm(ui,vi))2 and\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \bigl(\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) - \mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u_i, v_i)\bigr)^2\mbox{ and}

BICC=mlog(n)+nlog(MSEC),\mathrm{BIC}_\mathbf{C} = m\log(n) + n\log(\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C})\mbox{,}

where Cn(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) is the empirical copula (empirical joint probability) for the iith observation, CΘm(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u_i, v_i) is the fitted copula having mm parameters in Θ\Theta. The Cn(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) comes from EMPIRcop. The BICC\mathrm{BIC}_\mathbf{C} is in effect saying that the best copula will have its joint probabilities plotting on a 1:1 line with the empirical joint probabilities, which is an BICC=\mathrm{BIC}_\mathbf{C} = -\infty. From the MSEC\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} shown above, the root mean square error rmseCOP and Akaike information criterion (AIC) aicCOP can be computed. These goodness-of-fits can assist in deciding on one copula favorability over another, and another goodness-of-fit using the absolute differences between Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_n(u,v) and CΘm(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u, v) is found under statTn.


bicCOP(u, v=NULL, cop=NULL, para=NULL, m=NA, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction; If not given, then a second column from argument u is attempted;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The number of parameters in the copula, which is usually determined by length of para if m=NA, but some complex compositions of copulas are difficult to authoritatively probe for total parameter lengths and mixing coefficients; and


Additional arguments to pass to either copula (likely most commonly to the empirical copula).


The value for BICC\mathrm{BIC}_\mathbf{C} is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Chen, Lu, and Guo, Shenglian, 2019, Copulas and its application in hydrology and water resources: Springer Nature, Singapore, ISBN 978–981–13–0574–0.

See Also

EMPIRcop, aicCOP, rmseCOP


## Not run: 
S <- simCOP(80, cop=GHcop, para=5) # Simulate some probabilities, but we
# must then treat these as data and recompute empirical probabilities.
U <- lmomco::pp(S$U, sort=FALSE); V <- lmomco::pp(S$V, sort=FALSE)
# The parent distribution is Gumbel-Hougaard extreme value copula.
# But in practical application we don't know that but say we speculate that
# perhaps the Galambos extreme value might be the parent. Then maximum
# likelihood is used on that copula to fit the single parameter.
pGL <- mleCOP(U,V, cop=GLcop, interval=c(0,20))$par

bics <- c(bicCOP(U,V, cop=GLcop, para=pGL), bicCOP(U,V, cop=P), bicCOP(U,V, cop=PSP))
names(bics) <- c("GLcop", "P", "PSP")
print(bics) # We will see that the first BIC is the smallest as the
# Galambos has the nearest overall behavior than the P and PSP copulas.
## End(Not run)

Analog to Line of Organic Correlation by Copula Diagonal


HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL AND SUBJECT TO OVERHAUL OR REMOVAL—Compute an analog to the line of organic correlation (reduced major axis) using the diagonal of a copula.

Pr[Uu,Vv]=C(u,v)=f.\mathrm{Pr}[U \le u, V \le v] = \mathbf{C}(u,v) = f\mbox{.}

The primary diagonal is defined as

δC(t)=C(t,t)=f.\mathbf{\delta}_\mathbf{C}(t) = \mathbf{C}(t,t) = f\mbox{.}

Two diagnostic plots can be plotted by the arguments available for this function. The plot for (U,V)(U,V) coordinate nonexceedance probability domain along with the analyses involving the copula diagonal inversion comes first, which is followed by that for (X,Y)(X,Y) coordinate domain along with the well-known line of organic correlation by the method of L-moments and such a “line” (could be a curve) by copula diagonal inversion.

This much infrastructure written for flexibility in how a copula would interact for the purpose of estimation with moment preservation. The simple u=vu = v might be sufficient but let us have some flexibility.


bicoploc(xp, yp=NULL, xout=NA, xpara=NULL, ypara=NULL, dtypex="nor", dtypey="nor",
         ctype=c("weibull", "hazen", "bernstein", "checkerboard"), kumaraswamy=TRUE,
         plotuv=TRUE, plotxy=TRUE, adduv=FALSE, addxy=FALSE, snv=FALSE, limout=TRUE,
         autoleg=TRUE, xleg="topleft", yleg=NULL, rugxy=TRUE, ruglwd=0.5,
         xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, titleuv="", titlexy="", titlecex=1,
         a=0, ff=pnorm(seq(-5, +5, by=0.1)), locdigits=6,
         paracop=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, x=NULL, y=NULL, ...)



Numeric vector giving paired data points of XX. If this is a matrix or data frame, then the first and second columns are extracted for the xp and yp internall;


Optional numeric vector giving paired data points of YY depending on the composition of x;


An optional set of numeric values specifying where interpolation through the diagonal inversion is to take place;


An lmomco package parameter object for the XX variable, which if not provided will trigger an method of L-moment parameter estimation for the distribution dtypex;


An lmomco package parameter object for the YY variable, which if not provided will trigger an method of L-moment parameter estimation for the distribution dtypey;


The lmomco package distribution abbreviations (see lmomco::dist.list()) for the XX variable. If this argument is set NULL and xpara is given with an element of type, then that distribution type is assigned internally to dtypex;


The lmomco package distribution abbreviations (see lmomco::dist.list()) for the YY variable; If this argument is set NULL and xpara is given with an element of type, then that distribution type is assigned internally to dtypex;


Argument of the same name for the empirical copula for dispatch to EMPIRcop. The 1/n form is disabled for bicoploc operations based on limited experiments. The first letter of the argument's value is extracted, converted to upper case, and used as the plotting character in the two diagnostic plots;


A logical to trigger Kumaraswamy distribution smoothing of the copula diagonal inversion from the empricial copula. The Kumaraswamy distribution is a distribution having support [0,1][0,1] with an explicit quantile function and takes the place of a Beta distribution (see lmomco function quakur() for more details). The smoothing by Kumaraswamy will provide a continuous real number on the interval, which should insure no flat-lining as one rolls on to or off off the discrete interval provided by the empirical copula for expected sample sizes of the operations anticipated for the bicoploc function;


A logical to trigger plotting of the analyses in the (U,V)(U,V) coordinate nonexceedance probability domain along with the analyses involving the copula diagonal inversion. If set true, then adduv is set false internally;


A logical to trigger plotting of the analyses in the (X,Y)(X,Y) coordinate domain along with the well-known line of organic correlation by the method of L-moments and such a “line” (could be a curve) by copula diagonal inversion. If set true, then addxy is set false internally;


A logical when set true will not call the plot() function for (U,V)(U,V) coordinate nonexceedance probability domain but the other graphical operations of lines and points will be called;


A logical when set true will not call the plot() function for (X,Y)(X,Y) coordinate domain but the other graphical operations of lines and points will be called;


A logical when set true will plot the (U,V)(U,V) coordinate nonexceedance probability domain in units of standard normal variates;


A logical when set true will plot the (X,Y)(X,Y) coordinate domain with horizontal and vertical axis limits inflated to the xout and YY predictions;


A logical when set will draw a legend for the plots if the plots are requested;


The value to become the argument x in the legend() call. The default setting is based on general assumption that this bicoploc() function is to be more commonly used in positive assocation circumstances between XX and YY (positive Spearman Rho);


The value to become the argument y in the legend() call;


Call rug() plotting operations on the XX and YY values used in the parameter estimation of the parametric marginal distributions using the xp and yp, unless either or both have been overridden for the contents in x and (or) y arguments;


The line wide passed into rug(). Because plotting of small and large sample sizes can make it difficult in the smaller samples to see the line, it is judged useful to explicitly have this setting as an declared argument;


A numeric vector that if precisely of length 2 and no missing values therein, will override the horizontal limits of the plotxy plot of the (X,Y)(X,Y) domain. Otherwise, the contents of xlim, if not null, are inserted into a range computation for the limits to apply;


A numeric vector that if precisely of length 2 and no missing values therein, will override the vertical limits of the plotxy plot of the (X,Y)(X,Y) domain. Otherwise, the contents of ylim, if not null, are inserted into a range computation for the limits to apply;


An optional title for the (U,V)(U,V) domain plot;


An optional title for the (X,Y)(X,Y) domain plot;


The character expansion factor for the titles;


Value for the plotting-position formula for lmomco::pp(), default is a=0, which specifies Weibull plotting positions;


The nonexceedance joint probability of of the copula diagonal from which inversion computes the marginal nonexceedance probability values for u=v=tu=v=t as C(t,t)=f\mathbf{C}(t,t) = f where ff is the variable notation for the joint probability ff;


Number of digits for rounding exclusive to the loc data frame produced in the returned list. The reasoning for this setting is that the expected application in practical circumstances will have discipline knowledge of the rounding depth suitable;


A logical trigging the use of the parametric asymmetric copula fit by numerical optimization to the (U,V)(U,V) domain of the data (see Details);


Show messages of incremental progress with a incremental counter on the message;


Numeric vector of XX values to be used in parameter estimation of the marginal parametric distribution if xpara=NULL and these values are internally replaced with xp (paired XX) if not otherwise specified. This provides the ability to insert an alternative and presumably longer vector of the entire XX sample without the restriction of individual values paired to the YY. A feature unique to providing the x is that missing values can be and are removed on the fly prior to parameter estimation of the marginal distribution. The x can be specific independent of y or even at all for either. Absolutely no provision is made that x can be a matrix or data frame holding the y;


Numeric vector of YY values to be used in parameter estimation of the marginal parametric distribution if ypara=NULL and these values are internally replaced with yp (paired YY) if not otherwise specified. This provides the ability to insert an alternative and presumably longer vector of the entire YY sample without the restriction of individual values paired to the XX. A feature unique to providing the y is that missing values can be and are removed on the fly prior to parameter estimation of the marginal distribution. The x can be specific independent of y or even at all for either; and


Additional arguments to pass.




Lists, vectors, and data frames for the computations and predictions are returned.


A list containing a data frame of the predictions for xout by the conventional LOC (locpair) (see also locsols$lmrloc), the estimates by the L-moments of the parameters of the marginal distributions (locpara), the estimates by copula diagonal with Kumaraswamy smoothing (if requested) (bicoploc), and the predictions based solely on the empirical copula approximation for the diagonal (bicoploc_emp). The bicoploc and bicoploc_emp are equal to each other if Kumaraswamy was not used. The bicoploc is intended to be the official output from the bicoploc() function. The furthest right column is bicoploc_cop and represents the predicting values using a parametric copula as fit to the (U,V)(U,V) domain mapped into the (X,Y)(X,Y) domain as explained elsewhere in this documentation or sources;


A list of solutions to the LOC based (1) (locpair) on the conventional definition on the paired data (xp and yp) with the finiteness check previously described by lmomco::lmrloc() and (2) (locpara) the LOC solution not on the paired data but extractable from the L-moments of the parameters for the marginal distributions. Certain permutations of available features will either have the two L-moment solutions equal, or just the slopes equal, or differing in both intercept and slope. The lmrloc list contains both L-moment and product moment estimation of the LOC to adhere precisely to lmomco::lmrloc() output;


The parameters of the marginal distribution in XX either as given in xpara, as estimated from xp, or estimated from x by the method of L-moments through the lmomco package;


The parameters of the marginal distribution in YY either as given in ypara, as estimated from yp, or estimated from y by the method of L-moments through the lmomco package;


A named vector containing some numerical facts about the operations and principally the requisite sample sizes involved are reported here;


A named vector containing some numerical facts about the operations involving the fitting of the parametric asymmetric copula (Plackett by default) to the (U,V)(U,V) domain; and


A data frame containing information on the copula diagonal including the joint probability column jtprob (the ff as stand in for C(t,t)=fC(t,t) = f), the u=v=tu=v=t in column uv by the Kumaraswamy smooth (if requested), and the solely empirical copula version in column uv_emp. If the Kumaraswamy smooth is not used, then uv and uv_emp will be equal to each other. The furthest right column is uv_cop and represents the values using a parametric copula as fit to the (U,V)(U,V) domain as explained elsewhere in this documentation or sources.


The use of a copula diagonal inversion for purposes of a line of organic correlation analog within the text-book literature and elsewhere is unknown to the developers (December 2023).

Though bicoploc has extensive logic for working through the copula diagonal, if we know the parent distribution and we just have the marginal probabilities equal to each other (the diagonal), then we recover the moments of YY simply with u=vu = v:

  ff    <- c(0.0001, seq(0.001, 0.999, by=0.001), 0.9999)
  xpara <- lmomco::vec2par(c(3, 0.6, -0.4), type="pe3")
  ypara <- lmomco::vec2par(c(3, 0.4, +0.6), type="pe3")
  xx <-   rlmomco(100000,  xpara)
  yy <- approx(qlmomco(ff, xpara), qlmomco(ff, ypara), xout=xx)$y
  lmr2par(yy, type="aep4")$para
  #        mu     sigma     gamma
  # 2.9972742 0.3993914 0.5980866


W.H. Asquith


Kruskal, W.H., 1953, On the uniqueness of the line of organic correlation: Biometrics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 47–58, doi:10.2307/3001632.

See Also



# paracop set to FALSE in these examples for speed
set.seed(4); nsim <- 50
X  <- rnorm(nsim, mean=3, sd=0.6)
Y  <- rnorm(nsim, mean=0, sd=0.2)
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(2.5, 3.5, 4), dtypex="nor", dtypey="nor",   paracop=FALSE)
# cor(X,Y, method="spearman") # +0.0785114 POSITIVE

set.seed(1); nsim <- 50
X  <- rnorm(nsim, mean=3, sd=0.6)
Y  <- rnorm(nsim, mean=0, sd=0.2)
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(2.5, 3.5, 4), dtypex="nor", dtypey="nor",   paracop=FALSE)
# cor(X,Y, method="spearman") # -0.1351741 NEGATIVE

set.seed(1); nsim <- 50
X  <-           rnorm(nsim, mean=3, sd=0.6)
Y  <- 0.843*X + rnorm(nsim, mean=0, sd=0.2)
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(2.5, 3.5, 4), dtypex="nor", dtypey="nor",   paracop=FALSE)
# cor(X,Y, method="spearman") # for nsim=1E6 RHO=0.92367

set.seed(1); nsim <- 50
X  <-           lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, lmomco::vec2par(c(3, 0.6, +0.5), type="pe3"))
Y  <- 0.3*X^2 + lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, lmomco::vec2par(c(0, 0.4, 0),    type="pe3"))
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(2.5, 3.5, 4.5), dtypex="nor", dtypey="nor", paracop=FALSE)
# cor(X,Y, method="spearman") # for nsim=1E6 RHO=0.92366

set.seed(1); nsim <- 50
X  <-           lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, lmomco::vec2par(c(3, 0.6, +0.5), type="pe3"))
Y  <- 0.3*X^2 + lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, lmomco::vec2par(c(0, 0.4, 0),    type="pe3"))
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(2.5, 3.5, 4.5), dtypex="gev", dtypey="gev", paracop=FALSE)

## Not run: 
# Image 800 samples in X and Y and though created as pairs, let us assume only
# 50 are actually paired for purposes of demonstration of specified parameters
# and (or) alternative x and y vectors providing the larger sample.
set.seed(1); nsim <- 800; npair <- 50
X  <-           lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, lmomco::vec2par(c(3, 0.6, +0.5), type="pe3"))
Y  <- 0.3*X^2 + rnorm(nsim, mean=0, sd=0.3)
ix <- sample(seq_len(nsim), npair, replace=FALSE)
Xp <- X[ix]; Yp <- Y[ix]; dtypex <- "gev"; dtypey <- "gev"
xpara <- lmomco::lmr2par(X, type=dtypex); ypara <- lmomco::lmr2par(Y, type=dtypey)

# The next two bicoploc() calls produce identical results except for the density
# of data points along the axes for the rug plots. Ultimately, the same parameter
# estimates for the margins exists for both calls. The plotuv is disabled so that
# the user can tab between the two plotxy plots and see that they are the same.
zz <- bicoploc(Xp,Yp, xout=c(2.5, 3.5, 4.5), ruglwd=0.9, plotuv=FALSE,
               xpara=xpara, ypara=ypara, dtypex=NULL, dtypey=NULL)
mtext("Example of specific xpara and ypara from larger sample", line=0.5)

zz <- bicoploc(Xp,Yp, xout=c(2.5, 3.5, 4.5), ruglwd=0.9, plotuv=FALSE,
               xpara=xpara, ypara=ypara, dtypex=NULL, dtypey=NULL, x=X, y=Y)
mtext("Example of specific xpara and ypara from larger sample", line=0.5) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(1); nsim <- 50
UV <- rCOP(nsim, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=W, alpha=0, beta=0))
X  <- qnorm(UV[,1], mean=3, sd=0.6)
Y  <- qnorm(UV[,2], mean=2, sd=0.2)
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4), dtypex="nor", dtypey="nor")

set.seed(1); nsim <- 50
UV <- rCOP(nsim, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=W, alpha=0, beta=0.5))
X  <- qnorm(UV[,1], mean=3, sd=0.6)
Y  <- qnorm(UV[,2], mean=2, sd=0.2)
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4), dtypex="nor", dtypey="nor")

set.seed(1); nsim <- 50
UV <- rCOP(nsim, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=M_N5p12b, para=3, alpha=0, beta=0.5))
X  <- qnorm(UV[,1], mean=3, sd=0.6)^2
Y  <- qnorm(UV[,2], mean=2, sd=0.2)
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4), ylim=c(1,2.5),
                    xleg="bottomleft", dtypex="aep4", dtypey="nor")

# A TRUE COUNTER EXAMPLE? Are the 1-v operations not sufficient depending on
# rotation? Is the secondary diagonal of a copula useful? Is there something wrong
# with the reflection operations as implemented at the end of November 2023?
# Should negatives be turned into positives by reversing Y within the internal logic?
# The solution current at end of November 2023 seems proper.
set.seed(1); nsim <- 500
para <- list(cop1=W, para1=4, cop2=GHcop, para2=c(30,.6, .9), alpha=0, beta=0.1)
UV <- rCOP(nsim, cop=composite2COP, para=para)
X  <- -qexp(UV[,1], rate=10)+0.1 # Or the problem is a reflected exponential but the
Y  <- qnorm(UV[,2], mean=2, sd=0.2)  # exp version in lmomco can not handle
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(-0.05, 0, 0.2), dtypex="exp", dtypey="nor")
# Possibly, try another distribution.
zz <- bicoploc(X,Y, xout=c(-0.3, -0.2, 0), ylim=c(1,4), dtypex="aep4", dtypey="nor") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(1); nsim <- 200; npair <- 30
para <- list(cop=PLcop, para=80, alpha=0.3, beta=0.05)
UV <- rCOP(nsim, cop=composite1COP, para=para, resamv01=TRUE)
X  <- lmomco::qlmomco(UV[,1], lmomco::vec2par(c(3, 0.6, +0.4), type="pe3"))
Y  <- lmomco::qlmomco(UV[,2], lmomco::vec2par(c(3, 0.4, +0.0), type="pe3"))
ix <- sample(seq_len(nsim), npair, replace=FALSE)
Xp <- X[ix]; Yp <- Y[ix]; dtypex <- "pe3"; dtypey <- "pe3"
xpara <- lmomco::lmr2par(X, type=dtypex); ypara <- lmomco::lmr2par(Y, type=dtypey)
plot(10^X, 10^Y, log="xy", las=1, pch=21, lwd=0.8, col="black", bg="white",
                 xlab="SOME RISK PHENOMENON IN X-DIRECTION",
                 ylab="SOME RISK PHENOMENON IN Y-DIRECTION")
xout <- c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4)
xlim <- c(1.5, 4.5); ylim <- c(1.8, 5.0)
zz <- bicoploc(Xp,Yp, xout=xout,xpara=xpara,ypara=ypara,  xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)

zz <- bicoploc(Xp,Yp, xout=xout,xpara=xpara,ypara=ypara,  xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,x=X,y=Y)
zz <- bicoploc(Xp,Yp, xout=xout,dtypex="pe3",dtypey="pe3",xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,x=X,y=Y)

zz <- bicoploc(X, Y,  xout=xout,dtypex="pe3",dtypey="pe3",xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)#
## End(Not run)

Bivariate L-moments and L-comoments of a Copula


Attention: This function is deprecated in favor of lcomCOP, which uses only direct numerical integrate() on the integrals shown below. The bilmoms function is strictly based on Monte Carlo integration.

Compute the bivariate L-moments (ratios) (δk;C[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_{k;\mathbf{C}}) of a copula C(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{C}(u,v; \Theta) and remap these into the L-comoment matrix counterparts (Serfling and Xiao, 2007; Asquith, 2011) including L-correlation (Spearman Rho), L-coskew, and L-cokurtosis. As described by Brahimi et al. (2015), the first four bivariate L-moments δk[12]\delta^{[12]}_k for random variable X(1)X^{(1)} or UU with respect to (wrt) random variable X(2)X^{(2)} or VV are defined as

δ1;C[12]=2 ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)dudv12,\delta^{[12]}_{1;\mathbf{C}} = 2\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{,}

δ2;C[12]= ⁣ ⁣I2(12v6)C(u,v)dudv12,\delta^{[12]}_{2;\mathbf{C}} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (12v - 6) \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{,}

δ3;C[12]= ⁣ ⁣I2(60v260v+12)C(u,v)dudv12, and\delta^{[12]}_{3;\mathbf{C}} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (60v^2 - 60v + 12) \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{, and}

δ4;C[12]= ⁣ ⁣I2(280v3420v2+180v20)C(u,v)dudv12,\delta^{[12]}_{4;\mathbf{C}} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (280v^3 - 420v^2 + 180v - 20) \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{,}

where the bivariate L-moments are related to the L-comoment ratios by

6δk[12]=τk+1[12]and 6δk[21]=τk+1[21],6\delta^{[12]}_k = \tau^{[12]}_{k+1}\mbox{\quad and \quad}6\delta^{[21]}_k = \tau^{[21]}_{k+1}\mbox{,}

where in otherwords, “the third bivariate L-moment δ3[12]\delta^{[12]}_3 is one sixth the L-cokurtosis τ4[12]\tau^{[12]}_4.” The first four bivariate L-moments yield the first five L-comoments (there is no first order L-comoment ratio). The terms and nomenclature are not easy and also the English grammar adjective “ratios” is not always consistent in the literature. The δk;C[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_{k;\mathbf{C}} are ratios, and the returned bilcomoms element by this function holds matrices for the marginal means, marginal L-scales and L-coscales, and then the ratio L-comoments.

Similarly, the δk[21]\delta^{[21]}_k are computed by switching uvu \rightarrow v in the polynomials within the above integrals multiplied to the copula in the system of equations with uu. In general, δk[12]δk[21]\delta^{[12]}_k \not= \delta^{[21]}_k for k>1k > 1 unless in the case of permutation symmetric (isCOP.permsym) copulas. By theory, δ1[12]=δ1[21]=ρC/6\delta^{[12]}_1 = \delta^{[21]}_1 = \rho_\mathbf{C}/6 where ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is a Spearman Rho rhoCOP.

The integral for δ4;C[12]\delta^{[12]}_{4;\mathbf{C}} does not appear in Brahimi et al. (2015) but this and the other forms are verified in the Examples and discussion in Note. The four k[1,2,3,4]k \in [1,2,3,4] for UU wrt VV and VV wrt UU comprise a full spectrum of system of seven (not eight) equations. One equation is lost because δ1[12]=δ1[21]\delta^{[12]}_1 = \delta^{[21]}_1.


bilmoms(cop=NULL, para=NULL, only.bilmoms=FALSE, n=1E5,
                  sobol=TRUE, scrambling=0, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to trigger return of the δk\delta_k and skip L-comoment computation;


The Monte Carlo integration size. The default seems to be at least an order of magnitude greater than needed for many applied problems;


A logical trigging Sobol sequences for the Monte Carlo integration instead of the bivariate uniform distribution (independence). The Sobol sequences are dependent on the sobol() function of the randtoolbox package, and the Sobol sequences canvas the I2\mathcal{I}^2 domain for smaller nn values than required if statistical independence is used for the Monte Carlo integration. Note, randtoolbox at least at version 2.0.+ has “scrambling” of Sobol sequences temporarily disabled, and hence scrambling=0 as default for bilmoms;


The argument of the same name for randtoolbox::sobol(); and


Additional arguments to pass to the densityCOP function.


An R list of the bivariate L-moments is returned.


The bivariate L-moments δk[12]\delta^{[12]}_k of UU with respect to VV for k[1,2,3,4]k \in [1,2,3,4];


The bivariate L-moments δk[21]\delta^{[21]}_k of VV with respect to UU for k[1,2,3,4]k \in [1,2,3,4];


An “error” term in units of δ1[12&21]\delta^{[12 \& 21]}_1 used to judge whether the sample size for the Monte Carlo integration is sufficient based on a comparison to the Spearman Rho from direct numerical integration (not Monte Carlo based) using rhoCOP of the copula. Values for error.rho <1E5< 1E{-}5 seem to be sufficient to judge whether n is large enough;


If not only.bilmoms, another R list holding the L-comoments (see Note) computed by simple remapping of the δk[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_k and parallel in structure to the function lcomoms2() of the lmomco package; and


An attribute identifying the computational source of the bivariate L-moments and bivariate L-comoments: “bilmoms.”


The mapping of the bivariate L-moments to their L-comoment matrix counterparts is simple but nuances should be discussed and the meaning of the error.rho needs further description. The extra effort to form L-comoment matrices (Serfling and Xiao, 2007; Asquith, 2011) is made so that output matches the structure of the sample L-comoment matrices from the lcomoms2() function of the lmomco package.

Concerning the triangular or tent-shaped copula of Nelsen (2006, exer. 3.7, pp. 64–65) for demonstration, simulate from the triangular copula a sample of size m=20,000m = 20{,}000 and compute some sample L-comoments using the following CPU intensive code. The function asCOP completes the vectorization needed for non-Monte Carlo integration for rhoCOP.

  "trianglecop" <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
    # If para is set, then the triangle is rotated 90d clockwise.
    if(! is.null(para) && para == 1) { t <- u; u <- v; v <- t }
    if(length(u) > 1 | length(v) > 1) stop("only scalars for this function")
    v2<-v/2; if(0   <= u    & u    <= v2 & v2 <= 1/2) { return(u    )
    } else   if(0   <=   v2 &   v2 <  u  &  u < 1-v2) { return(v2   )
    } else   if(1/2 <= 1-v2 & 1-v2 <= u  &  u <= 1  ) { return(u+v-1)
    } else { stop("should not be here in logic") }
  "TriCop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP(u,v, f=trianglecop, ...) }
  m=20000; SampleUV <- simCOP(n=m, cop=TriCop, graphics=FALSE)
  samLC  <- lcomoms2(SampleUV, nmom=5)
  theoLC <- bilmoms(cop=TriCop)

The Error in Rho Computation—The ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} of the copula by numerical integration is computed internally to bilmoms as

  rhoC <- rhoCOP(cop=TriCop) # -1.733858e-17

and used to compute the error.rho for bilmoms (see next code snippet). The ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is obviously zero for this copula. Therefore, the bivariate association of TriCop is zero and thus is an example of a perfectly dependent situation yet of zero correlation. The bivariate L-moments and L-comoments of this copula are computed as

  mean(replicate(20, bilmoms(cop=TriCop)$error.rho)) # 7.650723e-06

where the error.rho is repeated trials appears firmly <<1e-5, which is near zero (ϵρ0\epsilon_\rho \approx 0). The error.rho term is defined by taking the first bivariate L-moment and numerically integrated ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} through rhoCOP and computing the terms

ϵρ[12]=δ1;C[12](ρC/6),\epsilon^{[12]}_\rho = |\delta^{[12]}_{1;\mathbf{C}} - (\rho_\mathbf{C}/6)|\mbox{,}

ϵρ[21]=δ1;C[21](ρC/6), and\epsilon^{[21]}_\rho = |\delta^{[21]}_{1;\mathbf{C}} - (\rho_\mathbf{C}/6)|\mbox{, and}

ϵρ=ϵρ[12]+ϵρ[21]2,\epsilon_\rho = \frac{\epsilon^{[12]}_\rho + \epsilon^{[21]}_\rho}{2}\mbox{,}

where the error.rho == ϵρ\epsilon_\rho, and values near zero are obviously favorable because this indicates that the Monte Carlo integration sample size nn argument is sufficiently large to effectively canvas the I2\mathcal{I}^2 domain. For the situation here, the theoretical ρC=0\rho_\mathbf{C} = 0, but for n =n=100= n = 100, the error.rho \approx 0.006 (e.g. bilmoms(n=100, cop=TriCop)$error.rho) through a 20-unit replication, which is a hint that 100 samples are not large enough and that should be obvious.

The reasoning behind using the error.rho between conventional numerical integration and the Monte Carlo integration (error.rho) is that ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is symmetrical. This choice of “convergence” assessment reduces somewhat the sample size needed for Monte Carlo integration into single number representing error.

Discussion of Theoretical L-comoments—The theoretical L-comoments in the format structure of the sample L-comoments by the lcomoms2() function of the lmomco package are formed by the bilmoms function, and the theoretical values are shown below in sequence with details listed by L-comoment. Now we extract the L-comoment matrices and show the first L-comoment matrix (the matrix of the means):

  theoLClcm <- theoLC$bilcomoms
            [,1]      [,2]
  [1,] 0.4999939        NA
  [2,]        NA 0.5000032

where the diagonal should be filled with 1/2, if the nn is suitably large, because 1/2 is the mean of the marginal uniform random variables. By definition the secondary diagonal has NAs. The values shown above are extremely close supporting the idea that default nn is large enough. The matrix of means is otherwise uninformative.

The second L-comoment matrix (L-scales and L-coscales) is

                [,1]          [,2]
  [1,]  1.666677e-01 -3.466202e-06
  [2,] -3.466209e-06  1.666674e-01

where the diagonal should be filled with 1/6, if the nn is suitably large, because 1/6 is the univariate L-scale of the marginal uniform random variables. These values further support that default nn is large enough. The diagonal is computed from the univariate L-moments of the margins of the Monte Carlo-generated edges and is otherwise uninformative. The secondary diagonal is a rescaling of the δ1[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_1 by the univariate L-moments of the margins to form L-coscales (nonratios). The copula is perfectly dependent but uncorrelated; so the secondary diagonal has near zeros.

The second L-comoment ratio matrix (coefficient of L-variations and L-correlations) is

                [,1]          [,2]
  [1,]  1.000000e+00 -2.079712e-05
  [2,] -2.079712e-05  1.000000e+00

where the diagonal by definition has unities (correlation is unity for a variable on itself) but the secondary diagonal for the L-correlations has near zeros because again the copula is uncorrelated, and the secondary diagonal is computed from the δ1[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_1. These L-correlations are the Spearman Rho values computed external to the algorithms within rhoCOP.

The third L-comoment ratio matrix (L-skews and L-coskews) is

                [,1]          [,2]
  [1,]  3.021969e-06 -2.829783e-05
  [2,] -7.501135e-01  4.518901e-06

where the diagonal by definition should have nero zeros because the univariate L-skew of a uniform variable is zero. These values further support that default nn is large enough. The secondary diagonal holds L-coskews. The copula has L-coskew of UU wrt VV of numerically near zero (symmetry) but measurable asymmetry of L-coskew of VV wrt UU of τ3[21]0.75\tau^{[21]}_3 \approx -0.75.

The fourth L-comoment ratio matrix (L-kurtosises and L-cokurtosises) is

                [,1]          [,2]
  [1,] -2.623665e-06 -3.325177e-05
  [2,] -2.162954e-04 -2.811630e-06

where the diagonal by definition should have nero zeros because the univariate L-kurtosis of a uniform variable is zero—it has no peakedness. These values further support that default nn is large enough. The secondary diagonal holds L-cokurtosises and are near zero for this particular copula.

The fifth L-comoment ratio matrix (unnamed) is

               [,1]          [,2]
  [1,] 1.813344e-06 -1.296025e-04
  [2,] 1.246436e-01  1.475012e-06

where the diagonal by definition should have nero zeros because the univariate L-kurtosis of a uniform variable is zero—such a random variable has no asymmetry. These values further support that default nn is large enough. The secondary diagonal holds the fifth L-comoment ratios. The copula has τ5[12]=0\tau^{[12]}_5 = 0 of UU wrt VV of numerically near zero (symmetry) but measurable fifth-order L-comoment asymmetry of VV wrt UU of τ5[21]0.125\tau^{[21]}_5 \approx 0.125.

Comparison of Sample and Theoretical L-comoments—The previous section shows theoretical values computed as τ3[21]0.75\tau^{[21]}_3 \approx -0.75 and τ5[21]0.125\tau^{[21]}_5 \approx 0.125 for the two L-comoments substantially away from zero. As sample L-comoments these values are samLC$T3[2,1] == τ^3[21]0.751\hat\tau^{[21]}_3 \approx -0.751 and samLC$T5[2,1] == τ^5[21]0.123\hat\tau^{[21]}_5 \approx 0.123. CONCLUSION: The sample L-comoment algorithms in the lmomco package are validated.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

Brahimi, B., Chebana, F., and Necir, A., 2015, Copula representation of bivariate L-moments—A new estimation method for multiparameter two-dimensional copula models: Statistics, v. 49, no. 3, pp. 497–521.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Serfling, R., and Xiao, P., 2007, A contribution to multivariate L-moments—L-comoment matrices: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, v. 98, pp. 1765–1781.

See Also

lcomCOP, uvlmoms


## Not run: 
bilmoms(cop=PSP, n=10000, para=NULL, sobol=TRUE)$bilcomoms$T3
# results: Tau3[12]=-0.132, Tau3[21]=-0.132 (Monte Carlo)
lcomCOP(cop=PSP, para=NULL, orders=3)
# results: Tau3[12]=-0.129, Tau3[21]=-0.129 (direct integration)
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# This stopped running sometime before June 2023. IS THIS IN COP()?
para <- list(alpha=0.5, beta=0.93, para1=4.5, cop1=GLcop, cop2=PSP)
bilmoms(cop=composite2COP, n=10000, para=para, sobol=TRUE)$bilcomoms$T3
# results: Tau3[12]=0.154, Tau3[21]=-0.0691 (Monte Carlo)
lcomCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, orders=3)
# results: Tau3[12]=0.156, Tau3[21]=-0.0668 (direct integration)
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
UVsim <- simCOP(n=20000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, graphics=FALSE)
samLcom <- lmomco::lcomoms2(UVsim, nmom=5) # sample algorithm
# results: Tau3[12]=0.1489, Tau3[21]=-0.0679 (simulation)
## End(Not run)

A Matrix of Blomqvist-like Betas of a Copula


Compute the Blomqvist-like Betas matrix βC\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C}-matrix of a copula, which is defined at presumably strategic points within I2\mathcal{I}^2, as (for as.blomCOPss=FALSE argument)

βC=C(u,v)Π(1/2,1/2)1,\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} = \frac{\mathbf{C}(u^\circ,v^\circ)}{\mathbf{\Pi}(1/2, 1/2)} - 1\mbox{,}

where the uu^\circ and vv^\circ are of two types of gridded locations in I2\mathcal{I}^2 space and if u=1/2u^\circ = 1/2 and v=1/2v^\circ = 1/2, then central location of the matrix is Blomqvist Beta (blomCOP). The definition of βC\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} is such that the matrix is entirely zero for the independence copula (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)) (P) when C(u,v)=Π(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u^\circ,v^\circ) = \mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) at the medial location u,v=1/2u,v=1/2. Also, the definition here might be unique to the copBasic package. The decile version (blomatrixCOPdec) of this function uses u(1,5,9)/10u^\circ \in (1, 5, 9) / 10 and v(1,5,9)/10v^\circ \in (1, 5, 9) / 10. Whereas, the quartile version (blomatrixCOPiqr) of this function uses u(25,50,75)/100u^\circ \in (25, 50, 75) / 100 and v(25,50,75)/100v^\circ \in (25, 50, 75)/100. If as.blomCOPss=TRUE argument is set (default operation), then the coordinate locations in the matrix become the βC\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} of blomCOPss. As a rule βCβC\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} \ne \beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}.


blomatrixCOPdec(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, as.blomCOPss=TRUE,
                  ctype=c("weibull", "hazen", "1/n",
                          "bernstein", "checkerboard"), ...)
blomatrixCOPiqr(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, as.blomCOPss=TRUE,
                  ctype=c("weibull", "hazen", "1/n",
                          "bernstein", "checkerboard"), ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the β^C\hat\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C}-matrix at which point the ctype argument will be passed to multiple calls of EMPIRcop;


A logical to trigger blomCOPss for each of the (u,v)(u,v) locations where for the blomCOPss calls (βC(u,v)\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v})): u(u,u)uu \mapsto (u,u) \mapsto \mathbf{u} and v(v,v)vv \mapsto (v,v) \mapsto \mathbf{v};


Argument of the same as EMPIRcop; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


The matrix for βC\beta^\circ_\mathbf{C} is returned depending on whether the decile or quartile version has been called.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

blomCOP, blomCOPss


round(blomatrixCOPdec(cop=P), digits=8);     round(blomatrixCOPiqr(cop=P), digits=8)
#          U|V=0.10 U|V=0.50 U|V=0.90        #          U|V=0.25 U|V=0.50 U|V=0.75
# U|V=0.90        0        0        0        # U|V=0.75        0        0        0
# U|V=0.50        0        0        0        # U|V=0.50        0        0        0
# U|V=0.10        0        0        0        # U|V=0.25        0        0        0

round(blomatrixCOPdec(cop=PSP, as.blomCOPss=TRUE), digits=8)
#           U|V=0.10   U|V=0.50   U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 0.4736842  0.8181818  0.5153268
# U|V=0.50 0.8181818  0.3333333  0.6459330
# U|V=0.10 0.8901099  0.4736842  0.1708292

round(blomatrixCOPdec(cop=PSP, as.blomCOPss=FALSE), digits=8)
#            U|V=0.10   U|V=0.50  U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 0.09890110 0.81818182 4.2631579
# U|V=0.50 0.05263158 0.33333333 0.8181818
# U|V=0.10 0.01010101 0.05263158 0.0989011

## Not run: 
td <- c(0.10, 0.50, 0.90)
UVn <- simCOP(n=5000, cop=glueCOP, col=8,
          para=list(glue=0.4, cop1 =PLcop,           cop2=PLcop,
                             para1=PLpar(rho=-0.5), para2=PLpar(rho=+0.5)))
points(td, rep(td[3], 3), cex=2, lwd=2, pch=3, col="red")
points(td, rep(td[2], 3), cex=2, lwd=2, pch=3, col="red")
points(td, rep(td[1], 3), cex=2, lwd=2, pch=3, col="red")

print(blomatrixCOPdec(as.sample=TRUE, para=UVn, ctype="weibull"))
#             U|V=0.10 U|V=0.50 U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 -0.08222222   -0.580   -0.190
# U|V=0.50  0.30800000    0.112    0.264
# U|V=0.10  0.84000000    0.620    0.262

BMdn <- blomatrixCOPdec(cop=glueCOP,
          para=list(glue=0.4,  cop1=PLcop,            cop2=PLcop,
                              para1=PLpar(rho=-0.5), para2=PLpar(rho=+0.5)))
print(round(BMdn, digits=8))
#             U|V=0.10   U|V=0.50   U|V=0.90
# U|V=0.90 -0.08110464 -0.5569028 -0.2053772
# U|V=0.50  0.33449815  0.1202744  0.2424668
# U|V=0.10  0.75217766  0.6013719  0.2424668 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(1); nsim <- 2000
para.pop <- list( cop1=GHcop,             cop2=PLcop,  alpha=0.359,
                 para1=c(4.003, 1.099),  para2=0.882,   beta=0.292)
UVs <- simCOP(nsim, cop=composite2COP, para=para.pop)
Rho <- rhoCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=UVs) # Spearman Rho
BMn <- blomatrixCOPdec(as.sample=TRUE, para=UVs, ctype="weibull")

parafn <- function(k) {
  c(exp(k[1])+1, exp(k[2]), exp(k[3]), pnorm(k[4]), pnorm(k[5]))
parafn_list <- function(k) {
  k <- parafn(k)
  list(cop1=GHcop, para1=c(k[1], k[2]), alpha=k[4],
       cop2=PLcop, para2=k[4],          beta=k[5])
BLOM_ofun <- function(para, statmat=NULL, parafn=NULL, rho=NA) {
   para <- parafn(para)
   new.para <- list(cop1=GHcop, para1=para[1:2], alpha=para[4],
                    cop2=PLcop, para2=para[3],    beta=para[5])
   bm <- blomatrixCOPdec(cop=composite2COP, para=new.para)
   err <- sum((statmat - bm)^2) + (rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=new.para) - rho)^2
   #print(c(para, err))

run1 <- function(graphics=TRUE, nsim=0) {
  par.init <- c(log(1), log(1), log(1), qnorm(0.5), qnorm(0.5))
  rt       <- optim(par.init, BLOM_ofun, statmat=BMn, parafn=parafn, rho=Rho)
  para     <- parafn(rt$par) <- list(  cop1=GHcop,      cop2=PLcop,   alpha=para[4],
                    para1=para[1:2], para2=para[3],  beta=para[5])
  uv <- simCOP(nsim, cop=composite2COP,, graphics=graphics, col=2)
  rmse <- round(rmseCOP(uv[,1], uv[,2], ctype="weibull",
                        cop=composite2COP,, digits=8)
  if(graphics) mtext(paste0("RMSE(run1)=", rmse))
system.time(RUN1 <- run1(nsim=nsim))
par.init <- c(log(RUN1$para$para1[1]), log(RUN1$para$para1[2]),
              log(RUN1$para$para2), qnorm(RUN1$para$alpha), qnorm(RUN1$para$beta))

RMSE_ofun <- function(para, parafn=NULL) {
   para <- parafn(para)
   new.para <- list(cop1=GHcop, para1=para[1:2], alpha=para[4],
                    cop2=PLcop, para2=para[3],    beta=para[5])
   new.rmse <- rmseCOP(UVs[,1], UVs[,2], cop=composite2COP, para=new.para)
   #print(c(para, new.rmse))
run2 <- function(graphics=TRUE, nsim=0, par.init=NULL) {
  if(is.null(par.init)) {
    par.init <- c(log(1), log(1), log(1), qnorm(0.5), qnorm(0.5))
  rt       <- optim(par.init, RMSE_ofun, parafn=parafn)
  para     <- parafn(rt$par) <- list(  cop1=GHcop,      cop2=PLcop,   alpha=para[4],
                    para1=para[1:2], para2=para[3],  beta=para[5])
  uv <- simCOP(nsim, cop=composite2COP,, graphics=graphics, col=4)
  rmse <- round(rmseCOP(uv[,1], uv[,2], ctype="weibull",
                        cop=composite2COP,, digits=8)
  if(graphics) mtext(paste0("RMSE(run2)=", rmse))
system.time(RUN2.1 <- run2(nsim=nsim, par.init=par.init))
system.time(RUN2.2 <- run2(nsim=nsim, par.init=NULL    ))

GIVN <- c(para.pop$alpha, para.pop$para1, para.pop$beta, para.pop$para2)
FIT1   <- c(RUN1$para$alpha, RUN1$para$para1, RUN1$para$beta, RUN1$para$para2)
FIT1   <- round(FIT1, digits=3)
FIT2.1 <- c(RUN2.1$para$alpha, RUN2.1$para$para1, RUN2.1$para$beta, RUN2.1$para$para2)
FIT2.1 <- round(FIT2.1, digits=3)
FIT2.2 <- c(RUN2.2$para$alpha, RUN2.2$para$para1, RUN2.2$para$beta, RUN2.2$para$para2)
FIT2.2 <- round(FIT2.2, digits=3)
nms    <- c("what", "alpha", "para1_1", "para1_2", "beta", "para2")
GIVN   <- c("given",   GIVN);  FIT2.1 <- c("by_Blom1", FIT2.1)
FIT1   <- c("by_RMSE", FIT1);  FIT2.2 <- c("by_Blom2", FIT2.2)
names(GIVN)   <- nms; names(FIT1)   <- nms
names(FIT2.1) <- nms; names(FIT2.2) <- nms
RESL <- cbind(data.frame(GIVN), data.frame(FIT1), data.frame(FIT2.1), data.frame(FIT2.2))
print(RESL) #
## End(Not run)

The Blomqvist Beta of a Copula


Compute the Blomqvist Beta βC\beta_\mathbf{C} of a copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 182), which is defined at the middle or center of I2\mathcal{I}^2 as

βC=4×C(12,12)1,\beta_\mathbf{C} = 4\times\mathbf{C}\biggl(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\biggr) - 1\mbox{,}

where the u=v=1/2u = v = 1/2 and thus shows that βC\beta_\mathbf{C} is based on the median joint probability. The Blomqvist Beta is also called the medial correlation coefficient. Nelsen also reports that “although, the Blomqvist Beta depends only on the copula only through its value at the center of I2\mathcal{I}^2, but that [βC\beta_\mathbf{C}] nevertheless often provides an accurate approximation to both Spearman Rho rhoCOP and Kendall Tau tauCOP.” Kendall Tau τC\tau_\mathbf{C}, Gini Gamma γC\gamma_\mathbf{C}, and Spearman Rho ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} in relation to βC\beta_\mathbf{C} satisfy the following inequalities (Nelsen, 2006, exer. 5.17, p. 185):

14(1+βC)21τC114(1βC)2,\frac{1}{4}(1 + \beta_\mathbf{C})^2 - 1 \le \tau_\mathbf{C} \le 1 - \frac{1}{4}(1 - \beta_\mathbf{C})^2\mbox{,}

316(1+βC)31ρC1316(1βC)3, and\frac{3}{16}(1 + \beta_\mathbf{C})^3 - 1 \le \rho_\mathbf{C} \le 1 - \frac{3}{16}(1 - \beta_\mathbf{C})^3\mbox{, and}

38(1+βC)21τC138(1βC)2.\frac{3}{8}(1 + \beta_\mathbf{C})^2 - 1 \le \tau_\mathbf{C} \le 1 - \frac{3}{8}(1 - \beta_\mathbf{C})^2\mbox{.}

A curious aside (Joe, 2014, p. 164) about the Gaussian copula is that Blomqvist Beta is equal to Kendall Tau (tauCOP): βC=τC\beta_\mathbf{C} = \tau_\mathbf{C} (see Note in med.regressCOP for a demonstration). Finally, a version of Blomqvist Beta defined outside the median is provided by blomCOPss.


blomCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE,
                  ctype=c("joe", "weibull", "hazen", "1/n",
                                 "bernstein", "checkerboard"), ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the β^C\hat\beta_\mathbf{C} (see Note);


Argument of the same as EMPIRcop with the exception of the "joe" specific to the documentation here. The other choices trigger and are given over to the empirical copula; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula or down to EMPIRcop if a sample version had been requested.


The value for βC\beta_\mathbf{C} or sample β^n\hat\beta_n is returned.


The sample β^n\hat\beta_n is most efficiently computed (Joe, 2014, p. 57) by

β^n=2ni=1n1([ri1(1+n)/2]×[ri2(1+n)/2]0)1,\hat\beta_n = \frac{2}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathbf{1}\biggl([r_{i1} - (1 + n)/2]\times [r_{i2} - (1 + n)/2] \ge 0\biggr) - 1\mbox{,}

where ri1,ri2r_{i1}, r_{i2} are the ranks of the data for i=1,ni = 1, \ldots n, and 1(.)\mathbf{1}(.) is an indicator function scoring 1 if condition is true otherwise zero. However, the Joe sample estimator is not fully consistent (or vice versa) with the various versions of the empirical copula, Cn\mathbf{C}_n, (EMPIRcop) (see the last example in Examples). Also, the nature of even and odd sample sizes controls how the median is computed and the issue of samples lying on the median lines in UU and VV (Genest et al., 2013). The argument ctype supports triggers to the Cn\mathbf{C}_n in lieu of the Joe sample estimator shown in this documentation.


W.H. Asquith


Genest, C., Carabarín-Aguirre, A., and Harvey, F., 2013, Copula parameter estimation using
Blomqvist's beta: Journal de la Socieˊété Française de Statistique, v. 154, no. 1, pp. 5–24.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

blomCOPss, blomatrixCOPdec, blomatrixCOPiqr, footCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, wolfCOP, joeskewCOP, uvlmoms


blomCOP(cop=PSP) # 1/3 precisely

## Not run: 
# Nelsen (2006, exer. 5.17, p. 185) : All if(...) are TRUE
B <- blomCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=2.2); Bp1 <- 1 + B; Bm1 <- 1 - B
G <- giniCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=2.2); a <- 1/4; b <- 3/16; c <- 3/8
R <-  rhoCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=2.2)
K <-  tauCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=2.2, brute=TRUE) # numerical issues without brute
if( a*Bp1^2 - 1 <= K & K <= 1 - a*Bm1^2 ) print("TRUE") #
if( b*Bp1^3 - 1 <= R & R <= 1 - b*Bm1^3 ) print("TRUE") #
if( c*Bp1^2 - 1 <= G & G <= 1 - c*Bm1^2 ) print("TRUE") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# A demonstration of a special feature of blomCOP for sample data.
# Joe (2014, p. 60; table 60) has 0.749 for GHcop(tau=0.5); n*var(hatB) as n-->infinity
theta <- GHcop(tau=0.5)$para; B <- blomCOP(cop=GHcop, para=theta); n <- 1000
H <- sapply(1:1000, function(i) { # Let us test that with pretty large sample size:
	                blomCOP(para=rCOP(n=n, cop=GHcop, para=theta), as.sample=TRUE) })
print(n*var(B-H)) # For 1,000 sims of size n : 0.789, nearly matches Joe's result 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Joe (2014, p. 57) says that sqrt(n)(B-HatBeta) is Norm(0, 1 - B^2)
n <- 10000; B <- blomCOP(cop=PSP) # Beta = 1/3
H <- sapply(1:100, function(i) { message(i,"-", appendLF=FALSE)
	               blomCOP(para=rCOP(n=n, cop=PSP), as.sample=TRUE) })
lmomco::parnor(lmomco::lmoms(sqrt(n)*(H-B))) # mu = -0.038; sigma = 0.970
# Joe (2014) : sqrt(1-B^2) == standard deviation (sigma) : (1-(1/3)^2) approx 0.973 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
nn <- 200; set.seed(1)
UV <- simCOP(n=nn+1, cop=PSP, graphics=FALSE)
for(n in nn:(nn+1)) {
  if(as.logical(n %% 2)) { # in source \ percent \ percent for latex
    message("Blomquist Betas for an odd  sample size n=", n)
    uv <- UV
  } else {
    message("Blomquist Betas for an even sample size n=", n)
    uv <- UV[-(nn+1), ] # remove the last and 'odd' indexed value to make even
  message(c(" Joe2014: ", blomCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv, ctype="joe"         )))
  message(c(" Weibull: ", blomCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv, ctype="weibull"     )))
  message(c(" Hazen:   ", blomCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv, ctype="hazen"       )))
  message(c(" 1/n:     ", blomCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv, ctype="1/n"         )))
  message(c(" Bernstn: ", blomCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv, ctype="bernstein"   )))
  message(c(" ChckBrd: ", blomCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv, ctype="checkerboard")))
# Blomquist Betas for an even sample size n=200
#  Joe2014: 0.32
#  Weibull: 0.32
#  Hazen:   0.32
#  1/n:     0.32
#  Bernstn: 0.323671819423416
#  ChckBrd: 0.32
# Blomquist Betas for an odd  sample size n=201
#  Joe2014: 0.323383084577114
#  Weibull: 0.333333333333333
#  Hazen:   0.333333333333333
#  1/n:     0.293532338308458
#  Bernstn: 0.327747577290946
#  ChckBrd: 0.313432835820896 #
## End(Not run)

Blomqvist (Schmid–Schmidt) Betas of a Copula


Compute the Blomqvist (Schmid–Schmidt) Betas βC\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} (Schmid and Schmidt, 2007) defined for arbitrary dimension dd of a copula C(u1,,ud;Θ)\mathbf{C}_(u_1, \cdots, u_d; \Theta) (COP) for parameters Θ\Theta. The copula survival function is C(u1,,ud;Θ)\overline{\mathbf{C}}(u_1, \cdots, u_d; \Theta) (surfuncCOP). The Beta, though the copBasic package is built around bivariate copula only, is defined as

βC=hd(u,v)[(C(u)+C(v))gd(u,v)],\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} = h_d(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v})\bigl[ \bigl(\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{u}) + \overline{\mathbf{C}}(\mathbf{v})\bigr) - g_d(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}) \bigr]\mbox{,}

where hdh_d and gdg_d are norming constants defined below. The superscript \diamond (diamond) is chosen for copBasic because of the alliteration to “dimension.” The bold face font for u\mathbf{u} and v\mathbf{v} shows these arguments as vectors of length dd reflecting “cutting points” on nonexceedance probabilities in each of the dimensions. The u\mathbf{u} functions as the arguments (u,v)(u,v) pair used in copula of this package and represents the first cutting point for a Pr[Uu,Vv]=C(u,v)\mathrm{Pr}[U \le u, V \le v] = \mathbf{C}(u,v), and v\mathbf{v} functions as the arguments u,vu,v pair for this package and represents the second cutting point for a Pr[U>u,V>v]=1uv+C(u,v)=C(u,v)\mathrm{Pr}[U > u, V > v] = 1 - u - v + \mathbf{C}(u,v) = \overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v). This notation of vectored (bold face) and nonvectored “u” and “v” is a little obtuse but as the properties of βC\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} are summarized clarity for the reader is anticipated. In short, the u\mathbf{u} will reference the coordinate pairs in the lower right quadrant and the v\mathbf{v} will reference the coordinate pairs in the upper right quadrant.

The norming constant hdh_d is defined as

hd(u,v)=1(min(u1,,ud)+min(1v1,,1vd)gd(u,v)),h_d(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}) = \frac{1}{\bigl( \mathrm{min}(u_1, \cdots, u_d) + \mathrm{min}(1-v_1, \cdots, 1-v_d) - g_d(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v})\bigr)}\mbox{,}

and gdg_d is defined as

gd(u,v)=i=1dui+i=1d(1vi),g_d(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}) = \prod^d_{i=1}u_i + \prod^d_{i=1}(1-v_i)\mbox{,}

where the cutting points u\mathbf{u} and v\mathbf{v} are in a domain D:{(u,v)}[0,1]2dD : \{(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v})\} \in [0,1]^{2d} given uv\mathbf{u} \le \mathbf{v} and u>0\mathbf{u} > 0 or v<1\mathbf{v} < \mathbf{1}. The reader must careful remember that these u\mathbf{u} and v\mathbf{v} are vectors of probabilities.

The norming constants provide for 1βC+1-1 \le \beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} \le +1. Using the function argument defaults for d=2d=2 dimensions u=(1,1)/2\mathbf{u} = (1,1)/2 for uu and v=(1,1)/2\mathbf{v} = (1,1)/2 for vv, results in (1) βC=1\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} = 1 if C=M\mathbf{C} = \mathbf{M} comonotonicity copula (M) (blomCOPss(cop=M) == 1), (2) βC=0\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} = 0 if C=P\mathbf{C} = \mathbf{P} independence copula (P) (blomCOPss(cop=P) == 0), and (3) if C=W\mathbf{C} = \mathbf{W} countermonotonicity copula (W)βC=1\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} = 1 (blomCOPss(cop=W) == -1).

Schmid and Schmidt (2007) list three important cases extending the M\mathbf{M} and P\mathbf{P} examples. First, βC(1/2,1/2)=βC(1/2,1/2)\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{1/2}, \mathbf{1/2}) = \beta_\mathbf{C}(1/2, 1/2), which is Blomqvist Beta (βC(1/2,1/2)\beta_\mathbf{C}(1/2, 1/2)) (blomCOP) and measures overall dependence.

Second, βC(u,v)\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v}) with u<1/2<v\mathbf{u} < 1/2 < \mathbf{v}, which measures dependence in the tail regions. (Note, the author of copBasic thinks “regions” as a plural is need in the previous sentence; Schmid and Schmidt (2007) use the singular “region.” This is potentially important as seemingly simultaneous tail dependency in the lower and upper perspectives would be provided. More discussion is provided in Examples.)

Third and presumably very important in practical applications, limp0βC(p,1)=λβCL\mathrm{lim}_{p\downarrow 0}\, \beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{p}, \mathbf{1}) = \lambda^L_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} for p=u=(p,,p)\mathbf{p} = \mathbf{u} = (p,\cdots,p) measures lower-tail dependence. This measure is equal to the lower-tail dependence parameter λCL=λβCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} = \lambda^L_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} without some of the computational nuances required as λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} is defined at taildepCOP.

Schmid and Schmidt (2007) do not list how the upper-tail dependence parameter λCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} could be computed in terms of βC\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}. The expression for study of the upper-tail dependency is λβCU=βC(0,p)\lambda^U_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} = \beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{p}) for p=v=(p,,p)\mathbf{p} = \mathbf{v} = (p,\cdots,p) as p0+p \rightarrow 0^+, and λCU=λβCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} = \lambda^U_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} without some of the computational nuances required as λCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} is defined at taildepCOP. These tail dependencies are computed and compared in the Examples and confirmation of this function being used to estimate both tail-dependency parameters is confirmed.


blomCOPss(cop=NULL, para=NULL, uu=rep(0.5, 2), vv=rep(0.5, 2), trap.nan=TRUE,
          as.sample=FALSE, ctype=c("weibull", "hazen", "1/n",
                                   "bernstein", "checkerboard"), ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The vector for u\mathbf{u} and the defaults with vv as such for same operation as blomCOP (βC(1/2,1/2)\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{1/2}, \mathbf{1/2}));


The vector for v\mathbf{v} and the defaults with uu as such for same operation as blomCOP (βC(1/2,1/2)\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}(\mathbf{1/2}, \mathbf{1/2}));


A logical to trigger 0 if (0,0)(0,0) is NaN or if (1,1)(1,1) is NaN. This feature is present on a package-specific purpose because the PSP copula deliberately retains edge NaN as a stress case;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the β^C\hat\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} at which point the ctype argument will be passed to EMPIRcop;


Argument of the same as EMPIRcop; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


The βC\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} is returned.


Sample estimation of the βC\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C} is possible. The as.sample triggers internally a call to the empirical copula (Cn\mathbf{C}_n) (EMPIRcop) for the ctype for the copula and its survival function form. Expansive more details are provided by taildepCOP (section Note::DEMONSTRATION (Tail Dependence)). A comparison of the λ^βCU\hat\lambda^U_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} and λ^βCU\hat\lambda^U_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} is made.


W.H. Asquith


Schmid, Friedrich, and Schmidt, Rafael, 2007, Nonparametric inference on multivariate versions of Blomqvist's beta and related measures of tail dependence: Metrika, v. 66, pp. 323–354, doi:10.1007/s00184-006-0114-3.

See Also

blomCOP, blomatrixCOP, taildepCOP


blomCOP(  cop=PSP) # [1] 0.3333333
blomCOPss(cop=PSP) # [1] 0.3333333

## Not run: 
# The calls below for blomCOPss() are technically the same for sample versions.
UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=PSP, graphics=FALSE)  # HatBeta(0.1,0.9) = 0.277___
blomCOPss(para=UV, cop=EMPIRcop,   uu=c(0.1,0.1), vv=c(0.90,0.90))
blomCOPss(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE, uu=c(0.1,0.1), vv=c(0.90,0.90)) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
para <- c(3, 6) # define parameters of two-parameter GHcop
UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=GHcop, para=para) # simulate to show general structure

# compute the tail dependencies from havling into the limits
taildepCOP(cop=GHcop, para=para, plot=TRUE)
# lower tail dependency = 0.96222
# upper tail dependency = 0.74008
# The two parameters influence how strongly the tail dependencies are.

# Schmid and Schmidt (2007, eq. 24) define the lower-tail dependency in terms of
# the Beta and p-->0 Beta(c(p,p), c(1,1)). Lets compute these and produce content
# suitable to show on the tail-dependency plot that the assertion for the lower
# dependency by Beta() is correct, which it is and then extend to the upper-tail
# dependency parameter that the authors seem to not have defined.
usr <- par()$usr[1:2]         # grab horizontal edges of the plot, and set up the
uuLO <- rep(pnorm(usr[1]), 2) # the uu for the lower tail and the vv for the upper
vvUP <- rep(pnorm(usr[2]), 2) # tail and then plot both with overplotting symbols
# lower-tail estimate and see how it plots along the value from taildepCOP()
SchmidsL <- blomCOPss(cop=GHcop, para=para, uu=uuLO, vv=c(1,1))
points(usr[1], SchmidsL, col="darkgreen", cex=2, pch=1, lwd=2)
points(usr[1], SchmidsL, col="darkgreen", cex=2, pch=3, lwd=2)
points(usr[1], SchmidsL, col="darkgreen", cex=2, pch=4, lwd=2)
# upper-tail estimate and see how it plots along the value from taildepCOP()
SchmidsU <- blomCOPss(cop=GHcop, para=para, uu=c(0,0), vv=vvUP)
points(usr[2], SchmidsU, col="darkgreen", cex=2, pch=1, lwd=2)
points(usr[2], SchmidsU, col="darkgreen", cex=2, pch=3, lwd=2)
points(usr[2], SchmidsU, col="darkgreen", cex=2, pch=4, lwd=2)
# SchmidsL lower tail dependency = 0.962224
# SchmidsU upper tail dependency = 0.740079
# The author has an expectation that the SchmidsL and SchmidsU values are
# more reliable than those stemming from taildepCOP() because of the limiting
# behavior (or its implementation therein) compared to direct computation by
# blomCOPss().

# Mow for sake of curiosity, let us see how the trajectory of the Blomqvist
# (Schmid--Schmidt) Betas at arriving at the tail dependencies as p-->0|1.
# It is very informative that the trajectories of blomCOPss() and taildepCOP()
# as each hones towards the two dependency parameters are different and this
# highlights the fact that the computational underpinnings are different.
psl <- pnorm(seq(0, usr[1], by=-diff(range(c(0, usr[1]))) / 1000))
lines(qnorm(psl), sapply(psl, function(p) {
              blomCOPss(cop=GHcop, para=para, uu=rep(p, 2), vv=c(1,1)) }),
      col="darkgreen", lty=2, lwd=2)
psu <- pnorm(seq(0, usr[2], by= diff(range(c(0, usr[2]))) / 1000))
lines(qnorm(psu), sapply(psu, function(p) {
              blomCOPss(cop=GHcop, para=para, uu=c(0,0), vv=rep(p, 2)) }),
      col="darkgreen", lty=2, lwd=2) #
## End(Not run)

Add Asymmetry to a Copula


Adding permutation asymmetry (Chang and Joe, 2020, p. 1596) (isCOP.permsym) is simple for a bivariate copula family. Let C\mathbf{C} be a copula with respective vectors of parameters ΘC\Theta_\mathbf{C}, then the permutation asymmetry is added through an asymmetry parameter β(1,+1)\beta \in (-1, +1) by

C˘β;Θ(u,v)=vβC(u,v(1+β);Θ), and\breve{\mathbf{C}}_{\beta;\Theta}(u,v) = v^{-\beta}\cdot\mathbf{C}(u, v^{(1+\beta)};\Theta)\mbox{, and}

for 0β+10 \le \beta \le +1 by

C˘β;Θ(u,v)=u+βC(u(1β),v;Θ).\breve{\mathbf{C}}_{\beta;\Theta}(u,v) = u^{+\beta}\cdot\mathbf{C}(u^{(1-\beta)}, v;\Theta)\mbox{.}

The parameter β\beta clashes in name and symbology with a parameter used by functions composite1COP, composite2COP, and composite3COP. As a result, support for alternative naming is provided for compatibility.


breveCOP(u,v, para, breve=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A special parameter list (see Note);


An alternative way from para to set the β\beta for this function; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


The following descriptions list in detail the structure and content of the para argument where cop1 and cop and para1 and para are respectively synonymous to have some structural similarity to the various copula constructors (compositors) of the copBasic package:


— The β\beta asymmetry parameter;


— The β\beta asymmetry parameter and presence of breve will not cause the non-use of beta; this feature is present so that beta remains accessible to the compositors that use beta (see Examples);


— Function of the copula C\mathbf{C};


— Alternative naming of the function of the coupla C\mathbf{C};


— Vector of parameters ΘC\Theta_\mathbf{C} for C\mathbf{C}; and


— Alternative naming of the vector of parameters ΘC\Theta_\mathbf{C} for C\mathbf{C}.

The function silently restricts the β\beta to its interval as defined, but parameter transform might be useful in some numerical optimization schemes. The following recipes might be useful for transform from a parameter in numerical optimization to the asymmetry parameter:

   #    transform into space for optimization
   BREVEtfunc <- function(p) { return(   qnorm((p[1] + 1) / 2) ) } # [-Inf, +Inf]
   # re-transform back into space for the copula
   BREVErfunc <- function(p) { return(2 * pnorm(p[1]) - 1)       } # [-1  , +1  ]


W.H. Asquith


Chang, B., and Joe, H., 2020, Copula diagnostics for asymmetries and conditional dependence: Journal of Applied Statistics, v. 47, no. 9, pp. 1587–1615, doi:10.1080/02664763.2019.1685080.

See Also

COP, convex2COP, convexCOP, composite1COP, composite2COP, composite3COP, FRECHETcop, glueCOP


para <- list(breve=0.24, cop1=FRECHETcop, para1=c(0.4, 0.56))
breveCOP(0.87, 0.35, para=para) # 0.282743

betas <- seq(-1,1, by=0.01)
bloms <- sapply(betas, function(b) {
             breveCOP(0.15, 0.25, para=list(cop=GLPMcop, para=c(2, 2), beta=b))
         } )
plot(betas, bloms, type="l", main="GLPMcop(u,v; 2,2) by breveCOP(beta)")

## Not run: 
  # Notice the argument cop and para name adjustments to show that
  # translation exists inside the function to have use flexibility.
  para <- list(beta=+0.44, cop1=FRECHETcop, para1=c(0.2, 0.56))
  UV   <- simCOP(1000, cop=breveCOP, para=para)
  para <- list(beta=-0.44, cop= FRECHETcop, para= c(0.2, 0.56))
  UV   <- simCOP(1000, cop=breveCOP, para=para) # 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Testing on a comprehensive copula (Plackett)
  betas <- rhos <- thetas <- brhos <- NULL
  for(beta  in seq(-1, 1, by=0.1 )) {
    for(rho in seq(-1, 1, by=0.01))   {
       theta  <- PLACKETTpar(rho=rho, byrho=TRUE)
       thetas <- c(thetas, theta)
       para   <- list(  cop=PLcop,    para=theta, beta=beta)
       brho   <- rhoCOP(cop=breveCOP, para=para)
       betas  <- c(betas, beta); rhos <- c(rhos, rho)
       brhos  <- c(brhos, brho)
  df <- data.frame(beta=betas, theta=thetas, rho=rhos, brho=brhos)
  plot(df$theta, df$brho, log="x", pch=16, cex=0.9, col="seagreen",
       xlab="Plackett parameter", ylab="Spearman Rho")
  lines(df$theta[df$beta == 0], df$brho[df$beta == 0], col="red", lwd=2)
  # Red line is the Plackett in its permutation symmetric definition. #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Here is an example for a test using mleCOP() to estimate a 5-parameter asymmetric
  # copula model to "some data" on transition from yesterday to today data for a very
  # large daily time series. The purpose of example here is to demonstrate interfacing
  # to the breveCOP() for it to add asymmetry to composition of two copula.
  myASYMCOP <- function(u,v, para, ...) {
    subpara <- list(alpha=para$alpha, beta=para$beta, cop1=GHcop, para1=para$para1,
                                                      cop2=PLcop, para2=para$para2)
    breveCOP(u,v, cop=convex2COP, para=subpara)
  para <- list(alpha=+0.16934027, cop1=GHcop, para1=c(1.11144148, 10.32292673),
                beta=-0.01923808, cop2=PLcop, para2=3721.82966727)
  UV <- simCOP(30000, cop=myASYMCOP, para=para, pch=16, col=grey(0, 0.1))
  abline(0,1, lwd=3, col="red") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Here is a demonstration of the permutations of the passing of the
  # asymmetry parameter into the function and then by
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=HRcop, para=5), breve=+0.5)
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=HRcop, para=5), breve=-0.5)
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=HRcop, para=5,  beta =+0.5))
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=HRcop, para=5,  breve=+0.5))
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=HRcop, para=5,  beta=-0.4, breve=+0.5))

  para <- list(cop1=HRcop, para1=6, cop2=PSP, para2=NULL, alpha=1, beta=0.7)
  myCOP <- function(u,v, para, ...) breveCOP(u,v, cop=composite2COP, para=para)
  para$breve <- "here I am"
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=composite2COP, para=para, seed=1) # breve is not used
  para$breve <- -0.16
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=myCOP,         para=para, seed=1)
  para$breve <- +0.16
  UV <- simCOP(1E3, cop=myCOP,         para=para, seed=1) # 
## End(Not run)

Copula of Circular Uniform Distribution


The Circular copula of the coordinates (x,y)(x, y) of a point chosen at random on the unit circle (Nelsen, 2006, p. 56) is given by

CCIRC(u,v)=M(u,v) for uv>1/2,\mathbf{C}_{\mathrm{CIRC}}(u,v) = \mathbf{M}(u,v) \mathrm{\ for\ }|u-v| > 1/2\mathrm{,}

CCIRC(u,v)=W(u,v) for u+v1>1/2, and\mathbf{C}_{\mathrm{CIRC}}(u,v) = \mathbf{W}(u,v) \mathrm{\ for\ }|u+v-1| > 1/2\mathrm{,\ and}

CCIRC(u,v)=u+v214 otherwise .\mathbf{C}_{\mathrm{CIRC}}(u,v) = \frac{u+v}{2} - \frac{1}{4} \mathrm{\ otherwise\ }\mathrm{.}

The coordinates of the unit circle are given by

CIRC(x,y)=(cos(π(u1))+12,cos(π(v1))+12).\mathrm{CIRC}(x,y) = \biggl(\frac{\mathrm{cos}\bigl(\pi(u-1)\bigr)+1}{2}, \frac{\mathrm{cos}\bigl(\pi(v-1)\bigr)+1}{2}\biggr)\mathrm{.}


CIRCcop(u, v, para=NULL, as.circ=FALSE, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


Optional parameter list argument that can contain the logical as.circ instead;


A logical, if true, to trigger the transformation u=1acos(2x1)/πu = 1 - \mathrm{acos}(2x - 1) / \pi and v=1acos(2y1)/πv = 1 - \mathrm{acos}(2y - 1) / \pi to convert (X,Y)(X,Y) coordinates of a uniform unit circle to the (U,V)(U,V) in nonexceedance probability; and


Additional arguments to pass, if ever needed.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.


CIRCcop(0.5, 0.5) # 0.25 quarterway along the diagonal upward to right
CIRCcop(0.5, 1  ) # 0.50 halfway across in horizontal direction
CIRCcop(1  , 0.5) # 0.50 halfway across in  vertical  direction

## Not run: 
  nsim <- 2000
  rtheta <- runif(nsim, min=0, max=2*pi) # polar coordinate simulation
  XY <- data.frame(X=cos(rtheta)/2 + 1/2, Y=sin(rtheta)/2 + 1/2)
  plot(XY, lwd=0.8, col="lightgreen", xaxs="i", yaxs="i", las=1,
  UV <- simCOP(nsim, cop=CIRCcop, lwd=0.8, col="salmon3", ploton=FALSE)
  theta <- 3/4*pi+0.1 # select a point on the upper left of the circle
  x <- cos(theta)/2 + 1/2; y <- sin(theta)/2 + 1/2 # coordinates
  H <- CIRCcop(x, y, as.circ=TRUE) # 0.218169  # Pr[X <= x & Y <= y]
  points(x, y, pch=16, col="forestgreen", cex=2)
  segments(0, y, x, y, lty=2, lwd=2, col="forestgreen")
  segments(x, 0, x, y, lty=2, lwd=2, col="forestgreen")
  Hemp1 <- sum(XY$X <= x & XY$Y <= y) / nrow(XY) # about 0.22 as expected
  u <- 1-acos(2*x-1)/pi; v <- 1-acos(2*y-1)/pi
  segments(0, v, u, v, lty=2, lwd=2, col="salmon3")
  segments(u, 0, u, v, lty=2, lwd=2, col="salmon3")
  points(u, v, pch=16, cex=2,        col="salmon3")
  arrows(x, y, u, v, code=2, lwd=2, angle=15) # arrow points from (X,Y) coordinate
  # specified by angle theta in radians on the unit circle to the corresponding
  # coordinate in (U,V) domain of uniform circular distribution copula
  Hemp2 <- sum(UV$U <= u & UV$V <= v) / nrow(UV) # about 0.22 as expected
  # Hemp1 and Hemp2 are about equal to each other and converge as nsim
  # gets very large, but the origin of the simulations to get to each
  # are different: (1) one in polar coordinates and (2) by copula.
  # Now, draw the level curve for the empirical Hs and as nsim gets large the two
  # lines will increasingly plot on top of each other.
  lshemp1 <- level.setCOP(cop=CIRCcop, getlevel=Hemp1, lines=TRUE, col="blue", lwd=2)
  lshemp2 <- level.setCOP(cop=CIRCcop, getlevel=Hemp2, lines=TRUE, col="blue", lwd=2)
  txt <- paste0("level curves for Pr[X <= x & Y <= y] and\n",
                "level curves for Pr[U <= u & V <= v],\n",
                "which equal each other as nsim gets large")
  text(0.52, 0.52, txt, srt=-46, col="blue") # 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Nelsen (2007, ex. 3.2, p. 57) # Singular bivariate distribution with
  # standard normal margins that is not bivariate normal.
  U <- runif(500); V <- simCOPmicro(U, cop=CIRCcop)
  X  <- qnorm(U, mean=0, sd=1);    Y <- qnorm(V, mean=0, sd=1)
  plot(X,Y, main="Nelsen (2007, ex. 3.2, p. 57)", xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4),
            lwd=0.8, col="turquoise")
  rug(X, side=1, col=grey(0,0.5), tcl=0.5)
  rug(Y, side=2, col=grey(0,0.5), tcl=0.5) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  DX <- c(5, 5, -5, -5); DY <- c(5, 5, -5, -5); D <- 6; R <- D/2
  plot(DX, DY, type="n", xlim=c(-10, 10), ylim=c(-10,10), xlab="X", ylab="Y")
  abline(h=DX, lwd=2, col="seagreen"); abline(v=DY, lwd=2, col="seagreen")
  for(i in seq_len(length(DX))) {
    for(j in seq_len(length(DY))) {
      UV <- simCOP(n=30, cop=CIRCcop, pch=16, col="darkgreen", cex=0.5, graphics=FALSE)
      points(UV[,1]-0.5, UV[,2]-0.5, pch=16, col="darkgreen", cex=0.5)
      XY <- data.frame(X=DX[i]+sign(DX[i])*D*(cos(pi*(UV$U-1))+1)/2-sign(DX[i])*R,
      points(XY, lwd=0.8, col="darkgreen")
    abline(h=DX[i]+R, lty=2, col="seagreen"); abline(h=DX[i]-R, lty=2, col="seagreen")
    abline(v=DY[i]+R, lty=2, col="seagreen"); abline(v=DY[i]-R, lty=2, col="seagreen")
  } #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  para <- list(cop1=CIRCcop, para1=NULL, cop2=W, para2=NULL, alpha=0.8, beta=0.8)
  UV <- simCOP(n=2000, col="darkgreen", cop=composite2COP, para=para)
  XY <- data.frame(X=(cos(pi*(UV$U-1))+1)/2, Y=(cos(pi*(UV$V-1))+1)/2)
  plot(XY, type="n", xlab=paste0("X OF CIRCULAR UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OR\n",
                                 "NONEXCEEDANCD PROBABILITY OF U"),
                     ylab=paste0("Y OF CIRCULAR UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OR\n",
                                 "NONEXCEEDANCD PROBABILITY OF V"))
  JK <- data.frame(U=1 - acos(2*XY$X - 1)/pi, V=1 - acos(2*XY$Y - 1)/pi)
  segments(x0=UV$U, y0=UV$V, x1=XY$X, y1=XY$Y, col="lightgreen", lwd=0.8)
  points(XY, lwd=0.8, col="darkgreen")
  points(JK, pch=16,  col="darkgreen", cex=0.5)

  t <- seq(0.001, 0.999, by=0.001)
  t <- diagCOPatf(t, cop=composite2COP, para=para)
  AB <- data.frame(X=(cos(pi*(t-1))+1)/2, Y=(cos(pi*(t-1))+1)/2)
  lines(AB, lwd=4, col="seagreen") #
## End(Not run)

The Clayton Copula


The Clayton copula (Joe, 2014, p. 168) is

CΘ(u,v)=CL(u,v)=max[(uΘ+vΘ1;0)]1/Θ,\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{CL}(u,v) = \mathrm{max}\bigl[(u^{-\Theta}+v^{-\Theta}-1; 0)\bigr]^{-1/\Theta}\mbox{,}

where Θ[1,),Θ0\Theta \in [-1,\infty), \Theta \ne 0. The copula, as Θ1+\Theta \rightarrow -1^{+} limits, to the countermonotonicity coupla (W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v); W), as Θ0\Theta \rightarrow 0 limits to the independence copula (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P), and as Θ\Theta \rightarrow \infty, limits to the comonotonicity copula (M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v); M). The parameter Θ\Theta is readily computed from a Kendall Tau (tauCOP) by τC=Θ/(Θ+2)\tau_\mathbf{C} = \Theta/(\Theta+2).


CLcop(u, v, para=NULL, tau=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


Optional Kendall Tau; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned. Otherwise if tau is given, then the Θ\Theta is computed and a list having


The parameter Θ\Theta, and


Kendall Tau.

and if para=NULL and tau=NULL, then the values within u and v are used to compute Kendall Tau and then compute the parameter, and these are returned in the aforementioned list.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

M, P, W


# Lower tail dependency of Theta = pi --> 2^(-1/pi) = 0.8020089 (Joe, 2014, p. 168)
taildepCOP(cop=CLcop, para=pi)$lambdaL # 0.80201

The Co-Copula Function


Compute the co-copula (function) from a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 33–34), which is defined as

Pr[U>u or V>v]=C(u,v)=1C(u,v),\mathrm{Pr}[U > u \mathrm{\ or\ } V > v] = \mathbf{C}^{\star}(u',v') = 1 - \mathbf{C}(u',v')\mbox{,}

where C(u,v)\mathbf{C}^{\star}(u',v') is the co-copula and uu' and vv' are exceedance probabilities and are equivalent to 1u1-u and 1v1-v respectively. The co-copula is the expression for the probability that either U>uU > u or V>vV > v when the arguments to C(u,v)\mathbf{C}^{\star}(u',v') are exceedance probabilities, which is unlike the dual of a copula (function) (see duCOP) that provides Pr[Uu or Vv]\mathrm{Pr}[U \le u \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v].

The co-copula is a function and not in itself a copula. Some rules of copulas mean that C(u,v)+C(u,v)1\mathbf{C}(u,v) + \mathbf{C}^{\star}(u',v') \equiv 1 or in copBasic syntax that the functions COP(u,v) + coCOP(u,v) equal unity if the exceedance argument to coCOP is set to FALSE.

The function coCOP gives “risk” against failure if failure is defined as either hazard source UU or VV occuring by themselves or if both occurred at the same time. Expressing this in terms of an annual probability of occurrence (qq), one has

q=1Pr[U>u or V>v]=C(u,v) orq = 1 - \mathrm{Pr}[U > u \mathrm{\ or\ } V > v] = \mathbf{C}^{\star}(u',v') \mbox{\ or}

in R code q <- coCOP(u,v, exceedance=FALSE, ...). So, in yet other words and as a mnemonic: A co-copula is the probabililty of exceedance if the hazard sources collaborate or cooperate to cause failure. Also, qq can be computed by q <- coCOP(1 - u, 1 - v, exceedance=TRUE, ...).


coCOP(u, v, cop=NULL, para=NULL, exceedance=TRUE, ...)



Exceedance probability (u=1uu' = 1-u) in the XX direction;


Exceedance probability (v=1vv' = 1-v) in the YY direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical controlling the probability direction. Are u and v values given really uu' and vv', respectively? If FALSE, then the complements of the two are made internally and the nonexceedances can thus be passed; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


The value(s) for the co-copula are returned.


The author (Asquith) finds the use of exceedance probabilities delicate in regards to Nelsen's notation. The coCOP function and surCOP have the exceedance argument to serve as a reminder that the co-copula as defined in the literature uses exceedance probabilities as its arguments, although the arguments as code u and v do not mimic the overline nomenclature (\,\overline{\cdots}\,) of the exceedance (survival) probabilities.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COP, surCOP, duCOP


u <- 1 - runif(1); v <- 1 - runif(1) # as exceedance, in order to reinforce the
# change to exceedance instead of nonexceedance that otherwise dominates this package
message("Exceedance probabilities u' and v' are ", u, " and ", v)
coCOP(u,v,cop=PLACKETTcop, para=10) # Positive association Plackett

# computation using  manual  manipulation to nonexceedance probability
1 - COP(cop=PSP,(1-u),(1-v))
# computation using internal manipulation to nonexceedance probability
  coCOP(cop=PSP,   u,    v)

# Next demonstrate COP + coCOP = unity.
"MOcop.formula" <- function(u,v, para=para, ...) { # Marshall-Olkin copula
   alpha <- para[1]; beta <- para[2]; return(min(v*u^(1-alpha), u*v^(1-beta)))
"MOcop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP( u,  v, f=MOcop.formula, ...) }
u <- 0.2; v <- 0.75; ab <- c(1.5, 0.3)
COP(u,v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) + coCOP(1-u,1-v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) # UNITY

Composition of a Single Symmetric Copula with Two Compositing Parameters (Khoudraji Device with Pi Independence)


The composition of a single copula (Salvadori et al., 2006, p. 266, prop. C.3) is created by the following result related to “composition of copulas” in that reference. This construction technique is named the Khoudraji device within the copula package (see khoudrajiCopula therein) (Hofert et al., 2018, pp. 120–121). Suppose C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is a symmetric copula (see COP) with parameters Θ\Theta and CΠ\mathbf{C} \ne \mathbf{\Pi} (for Π\mathbf{\Pi} see P), then a family of generally asymmetric copulas Cα,β;Θ\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta; \Theta} with two compositing parameters 0<α,β<10 < \alpha,\beta < 1, and αβ\alpha \ne \beta, which also includes just the copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) as a limiting case for α=β=0\alpha = \beta = 0 and is given by

Cα,β(u,v)=uαvβC(u1α,v1β).\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta}(u,v) = u^\alpha v^\beta \cdot \mathbf{C}(u^{1-\alpha},v^{1-\beta})\mbox{.}

The composite1COP function provides the means for inserting permutation asymmetry from a permutation symmetric copula as described by Joe (2017, p. 124), but do so in a more general way through the provision of two and not just one parameter. Joe's description is supported herein if one of the α\alpha or β\beta is held at zero. Very loosely, the α>0\alpha > 0 kicks probability density down towards the lower right corner, whereas β>0\beta > 0 kicks density up towards the upper left corner. Finally, the composite2COP function is based on a slighty more general result (see composite2COP for further details of copula composition and more contextualization of Hofert et al. (2018) remarks on the Khoudraji device).


composite1COP(u, v, para, ...)
khoudraji1COP(u, v, para, ...)
khoudrajiPCOP(u, v, para, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A special parameter list (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for the composited copula are returned.


The following descriptions list in detail the structure and content of the para argument:


— The α\alpha compositing parameter;


— The β\beta compositing parameter;


— Function of the copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v); and


— Vector of parameters ΘC\Theta_\mathbf{C} for C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v).

For the para argument, the same nomenclature as used for composite2COP is used with obviously cop2 and para2 dropped for composite1COP. The cop1 and para1 names remain enumerated for composite1COP so that the para argument of the more general composite2COP function could be used directly in composite1COP. Albeit, the second copula and its parameters would not be used. A more complex (extended) composition in composite3COP extends this basic parameter structure.


W.H. Asquith


Hofert, M., Kojadinovic, I., Mächler, M., and Yan, J., 2018, Elements of copula modeling with R: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer.

Joe, H., 2017, Parametric copula families for statistical models (chap. 8) in Copulas and dependence models with applications—Contributions in honor of Roger B. Nelsen, eds. Flores, U.M., Amo Artero, E., Durante, F., Sánchez, J.F.: Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978–3–319–64220–9, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64221-5.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

COP, breveCOP, composite2COP, composite3COP, convexCOP, glueCOP


## Not run: 
alpha <- 0.24; beta <- 0.23; Theta1 <- NA;
# W() does not use a parameter, but show how a parameter would be set if needed.
para  <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, cop1=W, para1=Theta1)
t <- composite1COP(0.4, 0.6, para)
if( t != W(0.4, 0.6)) message("Not equal as expected") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Hofert et al. (2018, p. 124, eq. 3.15)
  #   No matter what copula is chosen, Kendall tau must be
  #     Tau <= (alpha*beta)/(alpha + beta - alpha*beta)
  #   and those authors report Tau <= 0.5816. We can test this computation by
  para <- list(cop=M, para=NULL, alpha=1-0.6, beta=1-0.95)
  tauCOP(khoudrajiPCOP, para=para) # 0.5816283 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Next use this as a chance to check logic flow through the various
  # "compositing" operators and their as needed dispatch to COP().
  my.para <- list(cop1=GHcop, para1=exp(+1.098612) + 1,
                  cop2=PLcop, para2=exp(-1.203973),
                  alpha=0.5,  beta=0.25, kappa=0.1, gamma=0.1,
                  weights=c(0.95, 0.05))
  # uses cop1/2, para1/2, only weights
  nustarCOP(cop=convexCOP,     para=my.para) # 0.8570434

  # uses cop1/2, para1/2, only alpha
  nustarCOP(cop=convex2COP,    para=my.para) # 0.2697063

  # uses cop1,   para1,   only alpha / beta
  nustarCOP(cop=composite1COP, para=my.para) # 0.5103119

  # uses cop1/2, para1/2, only alpha / beta
  nustarCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=my.para) # 0.0714571

  # uses cop1/2, para1/2, only alpha, beta, kappa, gamma
  nustarCOP(cop=composite3COP, para=my.para) # 0.0792634 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Hofert et al. (2018, p. 121, fig. 3.20, left panel)
  #   The ordering of copula and the "1-" operations on alpha and beta in copBasic
  #   differ from that shown in Hofert et al. (2018), but instead of their
  #   "kho(0.6, 0.95)(CLcop(6), P)" notation for the their left panel, in copBasic
  #   we can reproduce their simulation by the following. So, swapping notation
  #   between the copula package (khoudarjiCopula) and copBasic would be required.
  para <- list(cop=CLcop, para=6, alpha=1-0.95, beta=1-0.6)
  UV <- simCOP(n=5000, cop=khoudrajiPCOP, para=para) # 
## End(Not run)

Composition of Two Copulas with Two Compositing Parameters (Khoudraji Device)


The composition of two copulas (Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 266, prop. C.3) provides for more sophisticated structures of dependence between variables than many single parameter copula can provide. Further, asymmetrical copulas are readily obtained from symmetrical copulas. Let A\mathbf{A} and B\mathbf{B} be copulas with respective parameters ΘA\Theta_\mathbf{A} and ΘB\Theta_\mathbf{B}, then

Cα,β(u,v)=A(uα,vβ)B(u1α,v1β),\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta}(u,v) = \mathbf{A}(u^\alpha, v^\beta) \cdot \mathbf{B}(u^{1-\alpha},v^{1-\beta})\mbox{,}

defines a family of copulas Cα,β;ΘA,ΘB\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta; \Theta_\mathbf{A}, \Theta_\mathbf{B}} with two compositing parameters α,βI:[0,1]\alpha,\beta \in \mathcal{I}:[0,1]. In particular if α=β=1\alpha = \beta = 1, then C1,1=A\mathbf{C}_{1,1} = \mathbf{A}, and if α=β=0\alpha = \beta = 0, then C0,0=B\mathbf{C}_{0,0} = \mathbf{B}. For αβ\alpha \ne \beta, the Cα,β\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta} is in general asymmetric that is C(u,v)C(v,u)\mathbf{C}(u,v) \ne \mathbf{C}(v,u) for some (u,v)I2(u,v) \in \mathcal{I}^2. This construction technique is named the Khoudraji device within the copula package (see khoudrajiCopula therein) (Hofert et al., 2018, p. 120).

It is important to stress that copulas AΘA\mathbf{A}_{\Theta_A} and BΘB\mathbf{B}_{\Theta_B} can be of different families and each copula parameterized accordingly by the vector of parameters ΘA\Theta_A and ΘB\Theta_B. This is an interesting feature in the context of building complex structures when pursuing asymmetric measures of dependency such as the L-comoments. Symmetry of the copula C\mathbf{C} is required for the situation that follows, however.

It is possible to simplify the construction of an asymmetric copula from a symmetric copula by the following. Let C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) be a symmetric copula, CΠ\mathbf{C} \ne \mathbf{\Pi} (for Π\mathbf{\Pi} see P). A family of asymmetric copulas Cα,β\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta} with two composition parameters 0<α,β<1,and αβ0 < \alpha,\beta < 1, \mbox{and\ } \alpha \ne \beta that also includes C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) as a limiting case and is given by

Cα,β(u,v)=uαvβC(u1α,v1β).\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta}(u,v) = u^\alpha v^\beta \cdot \mathbf{C}(u^{1-\alpha},v^{1-\beta})\mbox{.}

Hofert et al. (2018, p. 121) comment that “from a practical perspective, a useful subset of families constructed from [the] Khoudraji device is obtained” by choosing independence copula (Π\mathbf{\Pi}, P) for one of the copula and that choosing [α\alpha or β\beta] relative close to 11 produces nonexchangable [see isCOP.permsym] versions of C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) (meaning C(u,v)C(v,u)\mathbf{C}(u,v) \ne \mathbf{C}(v,u)). For the copBasic package, the khoudraji1COP() and khoudrajiPCOP() (the P meaning P) aliases are added for programming clarity for developers desiring to have contrasting copula calls to the three compositing copula: composite1COP, composite2COP(), and composite3COP.


composite2COP(u, v, para, ...)
khoudraji2COP(u, v, para, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A special parameter list (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copulas.


Value(s) for the composited copula is returned.


The following descriptions list in detail the structure and content of the para argument:


— The α\alpha compositing parameter;


— The β\beta compositing parameter;


— Function of the first copula A\mathbf{A};


— Function of the second copula B\mathbf{B};


— Vector of parameters ΘA\Theta_\mathbf{A} for A\mathbf{A}; and


— Vector of parameters ΘB\Theta_\mathbf{B} for B\mathbf{B}.

The para argument of this function also can be passed to composite1COP; albeit, the second copula and its parameters would not be used. A more complex (extended) composition in composite3COP extends this basic parameter structure.


W.H. Asquith


Hofert, M., Kojadinovic, I., Mächler, M., and Yan, J., 2018, Elements of copula modeling with R: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

COP, breveCOP, composite1COP, composite3COP, convexCOP, glueCOP


alpha <- 0.24; beta <- 0.23; Theta1 <- NA; Theta2 <- NA
# The W() and PSP() copulas do not take parameters, but example shows how the
# parameters would be set should either or both of the copulas require parameters.
para <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, cop1=W, cop2=PSP, para1=Theta1, para2=Theta2)
print(composite2COP(0.4, 0.6, para)) # 0.2779868

# In this example, the N4212cop uses "3" as its parameter value.
para <- list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, cop1=W, cop2=N4212cop, para1=Theta1, para2=3)
print(composite2COP(0.4, 0.6, para)) # 0.3387506

## Not run: 
  # This example does a great job of showing a composited copula with a near singularity,
  # but with leakage of chance to the upper left. The example is also critical because
  # it shows that gridCOP is returning a matrix in the proper orientation relative to
  # the level.curvesCOP and simCOP functions. Example is cross-ref'ed from gridCOP() docs.
  para <- list(alpha=0.5, beta=0.90, cop1=M, cop2=N4212cop, para1=NA, para2=1.4)
  image(gridCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, delta=0.01), col=terrain.colors(30),
  D <- simCOP(n=2000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE, pch=4, col=4, cex=0.75)
  level.curvesCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE, delt=0.05)
  mtext("Theoretical composited copula, level curves, and simulation")

  emp <- EMPIRgrid(para=D, deluv=0.05)     # CPU heavy
  image(emp$empcop, col=terrain.colors(30) ) # image orientation is correct!
  # Depending on balance between sample size, deluv, delu, and delt, one or more:
  # Error in uniroot(func, interval = c(0, 1), u = u, LHS = t, cop = cop,  :
  #   f() values at end points not of opposite sign
  # warnings might be triggered. This is particularly true because of the flat derivative
  # above the near singularity in this example composited copula.
  points(D$U, D$V, pch=4, col=4, cex=0.75)
  level.curvesCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D, ploton=FALSE, delu=0.02, delt=0.05)
  mtext("Empirical copula from n=2000 simulation") #
## End(Not run)

(Extended) Composition of Two Copulas with Four Compositing Parameters


The (extended) composition of two copulas (Salvadori et al., 2006, p. 266, prop. C.4) provides for even more sophisticated structures of dependence between variables than two-copula composition in composite2COP. Let A\mathbf{A} and B\mathbf{B} be copulas with respective parameters ΘA\Theta_\mathbf{A} and ΘB\Theta_\mathbf{B}, then

Cα,β,κ,γ(u,v)=uκvγA([u1κ]α,[v1γ]β)B([u1κ]1α,[v1γ]1β),\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta,\kappa,\gamma}(u,v) = u^\kappa v^\gamma \cdot \mathbf{A}([u^{1-\kappa}]^\alpha, [v^{1-\gamma}]^\beta) \cdot \mathbf{B}([u^{1-\kappa}]^{1-\alpha},[v^{1-\gamma}]^{1-\beta})\mbox{,}

defines a family of copulas Cα,β,κ,γ\mathbf{C}_{\alpha,\beta,\kappa,\gamma} with four compositing parameters α,β,κ,γ(0,1)\alpha,\beta,\kappa,\gamma \in (0,1).

It is important to stress that copulas AΘA\mathbf{A}_{\Theta_A} and BΘB\mathbf{B}_{\Theta_B} can be of different families and each parameterized accordingly by the vectors of parameters ΘA\Theta_A and ΘB\Theta_B.


composite3COP(u, v, para, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in YY direction;


A special parameter list (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass to composite2COP.


A value for the composited copula is returned.


The following descriptions list in detail the structure and content of the para argument:


— The α\alpha compositing parameter;


— The β\beta compositing parameter;


— The κ\kappa compositing parameter;


— The γ\gamma compositing parameter;


— Function of the first copula A\mathbf{A};


— Function of the second copula B\mathbf{B};


— Vector of parameters ΘA\Theta_\mathbf{A} for A\mathbf{A}; and


— Vector of parameters ΘB\Theta_\mathbf{B} for B\mathbf{B}.

The first example produces two plots. These are extremely informative for many nuances of copula theory. Whereas it is difficult in prose to describe, users are strongly encouraged that once full understanding of connection of red and green between the easier to understand bivariate plot and the plot showing the sections and derivatives of the sections is achieved that much of copula theory will be mastered—get a copy of Nelsen (2006) and (or) Salvadori et al. (2007).


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

COP, breveCOP, simCOP, composite1COP, composite2COP, convexCOP, glueCOP, simcomposite3COP


## Not run: 
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=N4212cop,
             para1=10^(runif(1,min=-5,max=5)), para2=runif(1,min=1,max=100),
             alpha=runif(1), beta=runif(1), kappa=runif(1), gamma=runif(1))
txts <- c("Alpha=",    round(para$alpha,    digits=4),
          "; Beta=",   round(para$beta,     digits=4),
          "; Kappa=",  round(para$kappa,    digits=4),
          "; Gamma=",  round(para$gamma,    digits=4),
          "; Theta1=", round(para$para1[1], digits=5),
          "; Theta2=", round(para$para2[1], digits=2))
layout(matrix(1:2, byrow=TRUE))
D <- simCOP(n=300, cop=composite3COP, para=para, cex=0.5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), pch=16)

f <- round(runif(1),digits=2)
ftxt <- c("Sectionals (thick) and derivatives (thin) at f=",f," nonexceedance prob.")
segments(f,0,f,1, col=3, lwd=2); segments(0,f,1,f, col=2, lwd=2)
t <- sectionCOP(f,cop=composite3COP,para=para, col=3, lwd=4)
t <- sectionCOP(f,cop=composite3COP,para=para, dercop=TRUE, ploton=FALSE,col=3)
t <- sectionCOP(f,cop=composite3COP,para=para, wrtV=TRUE,   ploton=FALSE,col=2,lwd=4)
t <- sectionCOP(f,cop=composite3COP,para=para, wrtV=TRUE,   ploton=FALSE,col=2,
mtext(paste(ftxt, collapse=""))#
## End(Not run)

Convex Combination of Two Copulas


The convex composition of two copulas (Joe, 2014, p. 155) provides for some simple complexity extension between copula families. Let A\mathbf{A} and B\mathbf{B} be copulas with respective vectors of parameters ΘA\Theta_\mathbf{A} and ΘB\Theta_\mathbf{B}, then the convex combination of these copulas is

Cα×(u,v)=αA(u,v;ΘA)(1α)B(u,v;ΘB),\mathbf{C}^{\times}_{\alpha}(u,v) = \alpha\cdot\mathbf{A}(u, v; \Theta_\mathbf{A}) - (1-\alpha)\cdot\mathbf{B}(u,v; \Theta_\mathbf{B})\mbox{,}

where 0α10 \le \alpha \le 1. The generalization of this function for NN number of copulas is provided by convexCOP.


convex2COP(u,v, para, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A special parameter list (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for the convex combination copula is returned.


The following descriptions list in detail the structure and content of the para argument:


— The α\alpha compositing parameter;


— Function of the first copula A\mathbf{A};


— Function of the second copula B\mathbf{B};


— Vector of parameters ΘA\Theta_\mathbf{A} for A\mathbf{A}; and


— Vector of parameters ΘB\Theta_\mathbf{B} for B\mathbf{B}.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

COP, breveCOP, convexCOP, composite1COP, composite2COP, composite3COP, FRECHETcop,


para <- list(alpha=0.24, cop1=FRECHETcop, para1=c(0.4, 0.56),
                         cop2=PSP,        para2=NA)
convex2COP(0.87,0.35, para=para) # 0.3188711
## Not run: 
# Suppose we have a target Kendall Tau of 1/3 and a Gumbel-Hougaard copula seems
# attractive but the GH has just too much upper tail dependency for comfort. We
# think from data analysis that an upper tail dependency that is weaker and near
# 2/10 is the better. Let us convex mix in a Plackett copula and optimize.
TargetTau <- tauCOP(cop=GHcop, para=1.5) # 1/3 (Kendall Tau)
taildepCOP(   cop=GHcop, para=1.5, plot = TRUE)$lambdaU  # 0.4126
TargetUpperTailDep <- 2/10

# **Serious CPU time pending for this example**
par <- c(-.10, 4.65) # Initial guess but the first parameter is in standard
# normal for optim() to keep us in the [0,1] domain when converted to probability.
# The guesses of -0.10 (standard deviation) for the convex parameter and 4.65 for
# the Plackett are based on a much longer search times as setup for this problem.
# The simplex for optim() is going to be close to the solution on startup.
"afunc" <- function(par) {
   para <- list(alpha=pnorm(par[1]), cop1=GHcop,       para1=1.5,
                                     cop2=PLACKETTcop, para2=par[2])
   tau  <- tauCOP(cop=convex2COP, para=para)
   taildep <- taildepCOP(cop=convex2COP, para=para, plot = FALSE)$lambdaU
   err <- sqrt((TargetTau - tau)^2 + (TargetUpperTailDep - taildep)^2)
   print(c(pnorm(par[1]), par[2], tau, taildep, err))
mysolution <- optim(par, afunc, control=list(abstol=1E-4))

para <- list(alpha=.4846902, cop1=GHcop,       para1=1.5,
                             cop2=PLACKETTcop, para2=4.711464)
UV <- simCOP(n=2500, cop=convex2COP, para=para, snv=TRUE) #
## End(Not run)

Convex Combination of an Arbitrary Number of Copulas


The convex composition of NN number of copulas (Salvadori et al., p. 132, 2007) provides for complexity extension between coupla families. Let Ci\mathbf{C}_{i} be a copula with respective vector of parameters Θi\Theta_i, then the convex combination of these copulas is

Cω×(u,v)=i=1NωiCi(u,v;Θi),\mathbf{C}^{\times}_{\omega}(u,v) = \sum_{i=1}^N \omega_i \mathbf{C}_{i}(u, v; \Theta_i)\mbox{,}

where i=1Nωi=1\sum_{i=1}^N \omega_i = 1 for NN number of copulas. The weights ω\omega are silently treated as 1/N1/N if the weights element is absent in the R list argument para.


convexCOP(u,v, para, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A special parameter list (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for the convex combination copula is returned.


The following descriptions list in detail the structure and content of the para argument but please reference the Examples to see the i notation:


— The iith copula;


— Vector of parameters Θi\Theta_i; and


— Optional vector of weights whose sum will be rescaled to unity; default is 1/N1/N for each weight.


W.H. Asquith


Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

COP, breveCOP, convex2COP, composite1COP, composite2COP, composite3COP, glueCOP


# The copulas and parameters are named by sequence number appended to cop and para.
para1 <- list(cop1=GHcop, cop2=PLcop, para1=8, para2=.03, weights=c(.8,.2))
para2 <- list(cop1=GHcop, cop2=PLcop, para1=8, para2=.03, alpha=0.8)
H <- convexCOP( 0.6,0.4, para=para1)
G <- convex2COP(0.6,0.4, para=para2)
if( abs(H-G) <= 1e-6 )  message("They are equal.")

## Not run: 
# A convex combination of three copulas. A GHcop with strong positive association and
# a Plackett with strong negative association, and independence. The weights favor the
# GHcop but a little outlier and expansive spread is superimposed on the core trend.
para <- list(cop1=GHcop, cop2=PLcop, cop3=P,
             para1=8, para2=.03, para3=NA, weights=c(40,7,10))
UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=convexCOP, para=para, lwd=0.8) #
## End(Not run)

The Copula


Compute the copula or joint distribution function through a copula as shown by Nelsen (2006, p. 18) is the joint probability

Pr[Uu,Vv]=C(u,v).\mathrm{Pr}[U \le u, V \le v] = \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{.}

The copula is an expression of the joint probability that both UuU \le u and VvV \le v.

A copula is a type of dependence function that permits straightforward characterization of dependence from independence. Joe (2014, p. 8) comments that “copula families are usually given as cdfs [cumulative distribution functions.]” A radially symmetric or permutation symmetric copula is one such that C(u,v)=C(v,u)\mathbf{C}(u,v) = \mathbf{C}(v,u) otherwise the copula is asymmetric.

The copula inversions t=C(u=U,v)t = \mathbf{C}(u{=}U, v) or t=C(u,v=V)t = \mathbf{C}(u, v{=}V) for a given tt and UU or VV are provided by COPinv and COPinv2, respectively. A copula exists in the domain of the unit square (I2=[0,1]×[0,1]\mathcal{I}^2 = [0, 1]\times [0,1]) and is a grounded function meaning that

C(u,0)=0=C(0,v) and thus C(0,0)=0\mathbf{C}(u,0) = 0 = \mathbf{C}(0,v) \mbox{\ and\ thus\ } \mathbf{C}(0,0) = 0\mbox{, }

and other properties of a copula are that

C(u,1)=u and C(1,v)=v and\mathbf{C}(u,1) = u \mbox{\ and\ } \mathbf{C}(1,v) = v\mbox{\ and}

C(1,1)=1.\mathbf{C}(1,1) = 1\mbox{.}

Copulas can be combined with each other (convexCOP, convex2COP, composite1COP,
composite2COP, composite3COP, and glueCOP) to form more complex and sophisticated dependence structures. Also copula multiplication—a special product of two copulas—yields another copula (see prod2COP).

Perhaps the one of the more useful features of this function is that in practical applications it can be used to take a copula formula and reflect or rotated it in fashions to attain association structures that the native definition of the copula can not acquire. The terminal demonstration in the Examples demonstrates this for the Raftery copula (RFcop).


COP(u, v, cop=NULL, para=NULL,
          reflect=c("cop", "surv", "acute", "grave",
                      "1",    "2",     "3",     "4"), ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A copula function with vectorization as in asCOP;


Vector of parameters or other data structures, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The reflection of the copula form (see Note) and the default "cop" or "1" is the usual copula definition (also see simCOPmicro). The numbered values correspond, respectively, to the named values; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


REFLECTIONS OF VARIABLES (ROTATIONS OF THE COPULA)—The copula of (1U,1V)(1-U, 1-V) is the survival copula (C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v); surCOP) and is defined as

Pr[U>u,V>v]=C^(u,v)=u+v1+C(1u,1v) "surv",\mathrm{Pr}[\,U > u, V > v\,] = \hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - 1 + \mathbf{C}(1-u,1-v)\:\rightarrow\mbox{\ \code{"surv"},}

whereas, following the notation of Joe (2014, p. 271), the copula of (1U,V)(1-U, V) is defined as

Pr[U>u,Vv]=Cˊ(u,v)=vC(1u,v) "acute", and\mathrm{Pr}[\,U > u, V \le v\,] = \acute{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = v - \mathbf{C}(1-u,v)\:\rightarrow\mbox{\ \code{"acute"}, and}

the copula of (U,1V)(U, 1-V) is defined as

Pr[Uu,V>v]=Cˋ(u,v)=uC(u,1v) "grave".\mathrm{Pr}[\,U \le u, V > v\,] = \grave{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u - \mathbf{C}(u,1-v)\:\rightarrow\mbox{\ \code{"grave"}.}

Here it is useful to stress the probability aspects that change with the reflections, but this section ends with the reflections themselves being graphically highlighted. The Examples stress simple variations on the probability aspects.

To clarify the seemingly clunky nomenclature—Joe (2014) does not provide “names” for Cˊ(u,v)\acute{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) or Cˋ(u,v)\grave{\mathbf{C}}(u,v)—the following guidance is informative where the numbers in the list align to those for the reflect argument:
\mbox{}\quad\mbox{}(2) "surv" or C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is a reflection of UU and VV on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively,
\mbox{}\quad\mbox{}(3) "acute" or Cˊ(u,v)\acute{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is a reflection of UU on the horizontal axis, and
\mbox{}\quad\mbox{}(4) "grave" or Cˋ(u,v)\grave{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is a reflection of VV on the verical axis.
The names "acute" and "grave" match those used in the Rd-format math typesetting instructions. Users are directed to the documentation of simCOPmicro for further discussion because the COP function is expected to be an early entry point for new users interested in the copBasic API.

For the copBasic package and in order to keep some logic brief and code accessible for teaching and applied circumstances, reflections of copulas using analogs to the reflect argument are only natively supported in the COP and simCOPmicro functions. The interfaces of copBasic should already be flexible enough for users to adapt and (or) specially name reflections of copulas for deployment. A caveat is that some individual copula implementations might have some self-supporting infrastructure. The reflection can also be set within the para argument when it is a list (see Examples).

An example is warranted. Although the Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GHcop) can be reflected by COP and simCOPmicro and testing is made in the Note section of simCOPmicro, it is suggested that a user generally requiring say a horizontal reflection ru (or vertical reflection rv) of the Gumbel–Hougaard copula write a function named perhaps ruGHcop (or rvGHcop).

Such functions, consistent with the mathematics at the beginning of this Note, can be used throughout functions of copBasic using the cop arguments. The author (Asquith) eschews implementing what is perceived as too much flexibility and overhead for the package to support the three reflection permutations universally across all copula functions of the package. This being said, COP can take an R list for the para argument for rotation/reflection:

  UV3 <- simCOP(20, cop=COP, pch=16, col=3,
                para=list(cop=GLcop, para=pi+1, reflect="3"))
  UV2 <- simCOP(20, cop=COP, pch=16, col=4, ploton=FALSE,
                para=list(cop=GLcop, para=pi+1, reflect="2"))
  arrows(x0=UV3[,1], y0=UV3[,2], x=UV2[,1], y=UV2[,2])

and this type of interface is similar to composite1COP as the following rotation and then asymmetric construction shows:

  UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=composite1COP,
                               para1=c(cop=GHcop, para=pi+1, reflect="4"),
                               alpha=0.1, beta=0.3))


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

coCOP, duCOP, surCOP, surfuncCOP


u <- runif(1); v <- runif(1)
COP(cop=W,u,v); COP(cop=P,u,v); COP(cop=M,u,v); COP(cop=PSP,u,v)

FF <- 0.75 # 75th percentile, nonexceedance
GG <- 0.20 # 25th percentile, nonexceedance
bF <- 1 - FF; bG <- 1 - GG     # exceedance
# What is the probability that both X and Y are less than
# 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
COP(cop=P, FF, GG)    # 0.15
# What is the probability that both X and Y are greater than
# 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
surCOP(cop=P, bF, bG) # 0.20
# What is the probability that either X or Y are less than
# the 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
duCOP(cop=P, FF, GG)  # 0.8
# What is the probability that either X or Y are greater than
# the 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
coCOP(cop=P, bF, bG)  # 0.85

# Repeat for the PSP copula:
# What is the probability that both X and Y are less than
# 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
COP(cop=PSP, FF, GG)    # 0.1875
# What is the probability that both X and Y are greater than
# 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
surCOP(cop=PSP, bF, bG) # 0.2375
# What is the probability that either X or Y are less than
# the 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
duCOP(cop=PSP, FF, GG)  # 0.7625
# What is the probability that either X or Y are greater than
# the 75th and 20th percentiles, respectively?
coCOP(cop=PSP, bF, bG)  # 0.8125
# Both of these summations equal unity
   COP(cop=PSP, FF, GG) + coCOP(cop=PSP, bF, bG) # 1
surCOP(cop=PSP, bF, bG) + duCOP(cop=PSP, FF, GG) # 1

FF <- 0.99 # 99th percentile, nonexceedance
GG <- 0.50 # 50th percentile, nonexceedance
bF <- 1 - FF # nonexceedance
bG <- 1 - GG # nonexceedance
# What is the probability that both X and Y are less than
# 99th and 50th percentiles, respectively?
COP(cop=P, FF, GG)    # 0.495
# What is the probability that both X and Y are greater than
# 99th and 50th percentiles, respectively?
surCOP(cop=P, bF, bG) # 0.005
# What is the probability that either X or Y are less than
# the 99th and 50th percentiles, respectively?
duCOP(cop=P, FF, GG)  # 0.995
# What is the probability that either X or Y are greater than
# the 99th and 50th percentiles, respectively?
coCOP(cop=P, bF, bG)  # 0.505

## Not run: 
  p <- 0.5 # Reasonable strong positive association for the Raftery copula
  "RFcop1" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="1")
  "RFcop2" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="2")
  "RFcop3" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="3")
  "RFcop4" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="4")

  d <- 0.01 # Just to speed up the density plots a bit
  densityCOPplot(RFcop1, para=p, contour.col=1, deluv=d) # Raftery in the literature
  densityCOPplot(RFcop2, para=p, contour.col=1, deluv=d, ploton=FALSE)
  densityCOPplot(RFcop3, para=p, contour.col=1, deluv=d, ploton=FALSE)
  densityCOPplot(RFcop4, para=p, contour.col=1, deluv=d, ploton=FALSE)
  # Now some text into the converging tail to show the reflection used.
  text(-2,-2, "reflect=1", col=2); text(+2,+2, "reflect=2", col=2)
  text(+2,-2, "reflect=3", col=2); text(-2,+2, "reflect=4", col=2) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # To show how the reflection can be alternatively specified and avoid in this case
  # making four Raftery functions, pass by a list para argument. Also, demonstrate
  # that cop1 --> cop and para1 --> para are the same in use of the function. This
  # provides some nomenclature parallel to the other compositing functions.
  densityCOPplot(COP, para=list(reflect=1, cop1=RFcop, para=p ), deluv=d,
                            contour.col=1, drawlabels=FALSE)
  densityCOPplot(COP, para=list(reflect=2, cop= RFcop, para1=p), deluv=d,
                            contour.col=2, drawlabels=FALSE, ploton=FALSE)
  densityCOPplot(COP, para=list(reflect=3, cop1=RFcop, para1=p), deluv=d,
                            contour.col=3, drawlabels=FALSE, ploton=FALSE)
  densityCOPplot(COP, para=list(reflect=4, cop= RFcop, para=p ), deluv=d,
                            contour.col=4, drawlabels=FALSE, ploton=FALSE)
  # Now some text into the converging tail to show the reflection used.
  text(-2,-2, "reflect=1", col=2); text(+2,+2, "reflect=2", col=2)
  text(+2,-2, "reflect=3", col=2); text(-2,+2, "reflect=4", col=2) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Similar example to previous, but COP() can handle the reflection within a
  # parameter list ,and the reflect, being numeric here, is converted to
  # character internally.
  T12 <- CLcop(tau=0.67)$para # Kendall Tau of 0.67
  T12 <- list(cop=CLcop, para=T12, reflect=2) # reflected to upper tail dependency
  UV  <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=COP, para=T12) # 
## End(Not run)

A Single or Multi-Parameter Optimization Engine (Beta Version)


An example of a general implementation of a parameter optimization scheme using core features of the copBasic package. Because of the general complexity of the objectives for this function, the interface shown here is considered an “beta version” and nomenclature is subject to possibly sweeping changes in the future.


copBasic.fitpara.beta(uv=NULL, popstat=NULL, statf=NULL, cop=NULL,
                      paradim=1, interval=NULL, par.init=NULL, ...)



An R two column matrix or data.frame of a sample of nonexceedance probabilities uu and vv;


The population statistic(s) that will be used if uv is NULL;


A function responsible at the minimum for computation of the theoretical values of the population statistic(s) that the optimization will revolve around; This function, if supporting an as.sample interface (e.g. hoefCOP) and if uv has been provided, will be dispatched to compute the population statistic(s);


A copula function that is passed along to statf though of course the statf function can decide whether to use this argument or not;


The dimension of the parameters. In reality, the default triggers uni-dimensional root solving using the uniroot() function in R or otherwise the optim() function in R is used for multi-dimensional minimization with subtle changes in setup (see source code). Alternative logic could be have been used but it is felt that this is the most logical for future adaptations;


The interval argument by the same name for the uniroot() function;


The initial parameter vector for the optim() function; and


Additional arguments to pass.


A vector of the values for the parameter variable is returned


One-Parameter Optimization—A demonstration of one-dimensional parameter optimimization using the Gini Gamma (giniCOP), which is a measure of bivariate association. There is no native support for Gini Gamma (and most of the other measures of association) in regards to being a parameter estimator at the copula function interface level in copBasic. (A converse example is one provided internally by the GHcop copula.)

  set.seed(24); n <- 230 # sample size to draw from Galambos copula but a
  # different copula was chosen for the fitting.
  sampleUV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=GLcop, para=1.5) # a random sample
  para <- copBasic.fitpara.beta(uv=sampleUV, statf=giniCOP,
                                interval=c(.1,200), cop=HRcop) # 1.959521

Three-Parameter Optimization—A demonstration of multi-dimensional parameter optimimization using the Gini Gamma (giniCOP), Nu-Skew (nuskewCOP), and Nu-Star (nustarCOP). This is substantially more complicated to implement. The Hüsler–Reiss copula (HRcop) is chosen both as part of the sample simulation for the study as well as the copula as part of the modeling. Using composition by the composite1COP, first establish a parent three parameter copula and simulate from it to create a bivariate sample in sampleUV that will be used for demonstration. A standard normal variate graphic of the simulation is generated by simCOP as well—later, additional results will be superimposed.

  n <- 610; set.seed(1999) # Seed value will be used again (see below)
  pop.para <- list(cop1=HRcop, para1=4, alpha=0.14, beta=0.35)
  sampleUV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=composite1COP, para=pop.para, col=3, snv=TRUE)

A custom objective function objfunc to serve as the statf for the copBasic.fitpara.beta call. The objective function has the as.sample interface (e.g. giniCOP) implemented for sample estimation. The most subtle feature of function presumably is the use of the pnorm() function in R for the α\alpha and β\beta parameters to keep each parameter in the range α,β(0,1)\alpha, \beta \in (0,1). Another subtly, which affects the choice of other copulas from HRcop, is how the parameter range of Θ\Theta (the para[1] variable) is controlled—here the parameter remains untransformed but the lower domain edge is truncated by the return of infinity (return(Inf)). The getstat argument is only for short circuiting the objective so that objfunc can be used to compute the three statistics after the optimal parameters are found.

  "objfunc" <- function(para, stat=NA, as.sample=FALSE, getstat=FALSE, ...) {
      if(as.sample) {
         return(c(  giniCOP(para=para, as.sample=TRUE),
                  nuskewCOP(para=para, as.sample=TRUE),
                  nustarCOP(para=para, as.sample=TRUE)))
      para[1]   <- ifelse(para[1] < 0, return(Inf), para[1]) # edge check
      para[2:3] <-  pnorm(para[2:3]) # detransform
      para <- list(cop1=HRcop, para1=para[1], alpha=para[2], beta=para[3])
      hp <- c(  giniCOP(composite1COP, para),
              nuskewCOP(composite1COP, para),
              nustarCOP(composite1COP, para))
      if(getstat) return(hp) # short circuit to get the statistics out
      dv <- stat; dv[dv == 0] <- 1 # changing dv "adapts" the error to
      return(sqrt(sum(((stat-hp)/dv)^2))) # trap division by zero

The parameter estimation proceeds in the following code. The sample statistics (or target.stats) are computed and subsequently passed to the optimization using the popstat argument. Notice also the use of the qnorm() function in R to transform the initial guess α=β=1/2\alpha = \beta = 1/2 into a domain more easily handled by the optimizer (optim() function in R). The transformed optimal parameters are computed, and then the values of the three statistics for the fit are computed. Lastly, a copBasic parameter object fit.para is created, which can be used for later comparisons.

  txt <- c("GiniGamma", "NuSkew", "NuStar")
  target.stats <- objfunc(sampleUV, as.sample=TRUE); names(target.stats) <- txt <- copBasic.fitpara.beta(popstat=target.stats, statf=objfunc,
         par.init=c(1, qnorm(0.5), qnorm(0.5)), cop=composite1COP, paradim=3)
  fit.stats <- objfunc(, getstat=TRUE); names(fit.stats) <- txt
  fit.para <- list(cop1=HRcop,[1],
                   alpha=pnorm([2]), beta=pnorm([3]))

The optimization is completed. It is informative to see what the simulation of the fitted copula looks like. Note: this particular example suffers from identifiability problems between the parameters—meaning that local minima exist or that satisfactory solutions using different parameters than used to generate the random sample can occur. The same seed is used so that one-to-one comparison of points can visually be made with the simCOP function call.

  set.seed(1999) # This value will be used again (see below)
  sampleUV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=composite1COP, para=fit.para,
                ploton=FALSE, pch=16, cex=0.5, col=2, snv=TRUE) # red dots

The visual comparison is qualitative. The tabular comparison of the sample statistics to those of the fitted model shows that perhaps an acceptable local minima has been attained in terms of “fit” but the subsequent comparison of the parameters of the population used to generate the sample and those of the fitted model seemingly depart substantially in the α0\alpha \rightarrow 0 parameter of the copula composition. The tail dependency parameters are similar, but further goodness-of-fit check is not made.

                       #   GiniGamma        NuSkew       NuStar
  print(target.stats)  #   0.5219027    -0.1940361    0.6108319
  print(fit.stats)     #   0.5182858    -0.1938848    0.6159566

                          # Parameter  Alpha       Beta
  print(ls.str(pop.para)) #      4.00   0.14      0.350  # given
  print(ls.str(fit.para)) #     11.2    0.187     0.427  # one solution

                                               # Tail Dependency Parameters
  taildepCOP(cop=composite1COP, para=pop.para) # lower=0 : upper=0.5838
  taildepCOP(cop=composite1COP, para=fit.para) # lower=0 : upper=0.5714(est.)

The demonstration ends with the comparison of the two asymmetrical density contours.

  densityCOPplot(cop=composite1COP, para=pop.para, contour.col=3)
  densityCOPplot(cop=composite1COP, para=fit.para, contour.col=2,


W.H. Asquith


# See the Note section

The Inverse of a Copula for V with respect to U


Compute the inverse of a copula for VV with respect to UU given tt or

t=C(u=U,v)C(1)(u=U,t)=v,t = \mathbf{C}(u{=}U,v) \rightarrow \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}(u{=}U, t) = v\mbox{,}

and solving for vv. Nelsen (2006, p. 12) does not so name this function as an “inverse.” The COPinv function is internally used by level.curvesCOP and level.curvesCOP2. A common misapplication that will puzzle the user (including the developer after long breaks from package use) is that the following call and error message are often seen, if silent=FALSE:

  COPinv(0.2, 0.25, cop=PSP)
  # Error in uniroot(func, interval = c(lo, 1), u = u, LHS = t, cop = cop,  :
  #  f() values at end points not of opposite sign
  # [1] NA

This is a harmless error in the sense that COPinv is functioning properly. One can not invert a copula for u<tu < t and for u=tu = t the v=1v = 1 because of fundamental copula properties.


COPinv(cop=NULL, u, t, para=NULL, silent=TRUE, ...)



A copula function;


Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability level tt;


Vector of parameters or other data structures, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The argument of the same name given over to try() wrapping the uniroot() operation; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for vv are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COP, COPinv2, level.curvesCOP, level.curvesCOP2


COPinv(cop=N4212cop, para=2, u=0.5, t=0.2)

The Inverse of a Copula for U with respect to V


Compute the inverse of a copula for UU with respect to VV given tt or

t=C(u,v=V)C(1)(v=V,t)=u,t = \mathbf{C}(u,v{=}V) \rightarrow \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}(v{=}V, t) = u\mbox{,}

and solving for uu. Nelsen (2006, p. 12) does not so name this function as an “inverse.” The COPinv2 function is internally used by level.curvesCOP2. A common misapplication that will puzzle the user (including the developer after long breaks from package use) is that the following call and error message are often seen, if silent=FALSE:

  COPinv2(0.2, 0.25, cop=PSP)
  # Error in uniroot(func, interval = c(lo, 1), u = u, LHS = t, cop = cop,  :
  #  f() values at end points not of opposite sign
  # [1] NA

This is a harmless error in the sense that COPinv2 is functioning properly. One can not invert a copula for v<tv < t and for v=tv = t the u=1u = 1 because of fundamental copula properties.


COPinv2(cop=NULL, v, t, para=NULL, silent=TRUE, ...)



A copula function;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


Nonexceedance probability in tt;


Vector of parameters or other data structures, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The argument of the same name given over to try() wrapping the uniroot() operation; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for uu are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COP, COPinv, level.curvesCOP, level.curvesCOP2


# See those for COPinv as they are the same by analogy.

Density of a Copula


Numerically estimate the copula density for a sequence of uu and vv probabilities for which each sequence has equal steps that are equal to Δ(uv)\Delta(uv). The density c(u,v)c(u,v) of a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is numerically estimated by

c(u,v)=[C(u2,v2)C(u2,v1)C(u1,v2)+C(u1,v1)]/[Δ(uv)×Δ(uv)],c(u,v) = \bigl[\mathbf{C}(u_2,v_2) - \mathbf{C}(u_2,v_1) - \mathbf{C}(u_1,v_2) + \mathbf{C}(u_1,v_1)\bigr]\, /\, \bigl[\Delta(uv)\times\Delta(uv)\bigr]\mbox{,}

where c(u,v)0c(u,v) \ge 0 (see Nelsen, 2006, p. 10; densityCOPplot). The joint density can be defined by the coupla density for continuous variables and is the ratio of the joint density funcion f(x,y)f(x,y) for random variables XX and YY to the product of the marginal densities (fx(x)f_x(x) and fy(y)f_y(y)):

c(Fx(x),Fy(y))=f(x,y)fx(x)fy(y),c\bigl(F_x(x), F_y(y)\bigr) = \frac{f(x,y)}{f_x(x)f_y(y)}\mbox{,}

where Fx(x)F_x(x) and Fy(y)F_y(y) are the respective cumulative distribution functions of XX and YY, and lastly u=Fx(x)u = F_x(x) and v=Fy(y)v = F_y(y).


densityCOP(u,v, cop=NULL, para=NULL, deluv=.Machine$double.eps^0.25,
      ,, sumlogs=FALSE, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The change in the sequences {u,v}δ,,1δ;δ=Δ(uv)\{u, v\} \mapsto \delta, \ldots, 1-\delta; \delta = \Delta(uv) probabilities;

A density must be c(u,v)0c(u,v) \ge 0, but because this computation is based on a rectangular approximation and not analytical, there exists a possibility that very small rectangles could result in numerical values in R that are less than zero. This usually can be blamed on rounding. This logical if TRUE truncates computed densities to zero, and the default assumes that the user is providing a proper copula. A FALSE value is used by the function isfuncCOP;

The value for “the zero” where a small number might be useful for pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation using sumlogs;


Return the logc(u,v;Θ)\sum{\log c(u,v; \Theta)} where Θ\Theta are the parameters in para and this feature is provided for mleCOP; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula function.


Value(s) for c(u,v)c(u,v) are returned.


The copBasic package does not currently have copula densities as analytical solutions implemented. This is because initial design decisions were entirely on cumulative distribution function (CDF) representations of the copula.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

simCOP, densityCOPplot, kullCOP, mleCOP


## Not run: 
  # Joe (2014, p. 164) shows the closed form copula density for the Plackett.
  "dPLACKETTcop" <- function(u,v,para) {
     uv <- u*v; upv <- u + v; eta <- para - 1
     A <- para*(1+eta*(upv - 2*uv)); B <- ((1+eta*upv)^2 - 4*para*eta*uv)^(3/2)
  dPLACKETTcop(0.32, 0.74,            para=1.3) # 0.9557124
  densityCOP(  0.32, 0.74, cop=PLcop, para=1.3) # 0.9557153 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Joe (2014, p. 165) shows the corner densities of the Plackett as Theta.
  # copBasic uses numerical density estimation and not analytical formula.
  eps <- .Machine$double.eps
  densityCOP(0,0, cop=PLcop, para=4) # 3.997073  (default eps^0.25)
  densityCOP(1,1, cop=PLcop, para=4) # 3.997073  (default eps^0.25)
  densityCOP(1,1, cop=PLcop, para=4, deluv=eps)     # 0 (silent failure)
  densityCOP(1,1, cop=PLcop, para=4, deluv=eps^0.5) # 4.5
  densityCOP(1,1, cop=PLcop, para=4, deluv=eps^0.4) # 4.002069
  densityCOP(1,1, cop=PLcop, para=4, deluv=eps^0.3) # 3.999513
  # So, we see that the small slicing does have an effect, the default of 0.25 is
  # intented for general application by being away enough from machine limits.
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Joe (2014, p. 170) shows a closed form copula density for "Bivariate Joe/B5" copula
  "dJOEB5cop" <- function(u, v, para) {
     up <- (1-u)^para; vp <- (1-v)^para; eta <- para - 1
     A <- (up + vp - up*vp); B <- (1-u)^eta * (1-v)^eta; C <- (eta + A)
     return(A^(-2 + 1/para) * B * C)
  densityCOP(0.32, 0.74, cop=JOcopB5, para=1.3)  # 0.9410653
  dJOEB5cop( 0.32, 0.74, para=1.3)               # 0.9410973 
## End(Not run)

Contour Density Plot of a Copula


Generate a contour density plot after the advocation of Joe (2014, pp. 9–15). Such graphics are plots of scaled copula densities (c(u,v)c^\star(u,v), bivariate herein) that are copula densities scaled to the standard normal distribution \sim N(0,1) margins. Joe (2014) repeatedly emphasizes such plots in contrast to the uniform distribution \sim U(0,1) margins. Nelsen (2006) does not discuss such scaling but seemingly Nelsen's objectives for his book were somewhat different.

The density of copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is numerically estimated by

c(u,v)=[C(u2,v2)C(u2,v1)C(u1,v2)+C(u1,v1)]/[Δ(uv)×Δ(uv)],c(u,v) = \bigl[\mathbf{C}(u_2,v_2) - \mathbf{C}(u_2,v_1) - \mathbf{C}(u_1,v_2) + \mathbf{C}(u_1,v_1)\bigr]\, /\, \bigl[\Delta(uv)\times\Delta(uv)\bigr]\mbox{,}

where c(u,v)0c(u,v) \ge 0 (see Nelsen, 2006, p. 10; densityCOP). Given a numerically estimated quantity c(u,v)=c(u,v)×ϕ(Φ(1)(u))×ϕ(Φ(1)(v))c^\star(u,v) = c(u,v)\times\phi(\Phi^{(-1)}(u))\times\phi(\Phi^{(-1)}(v)) for copula density c(u,v)c(u,v), a grid of the c(u,v)c^\star(u,v) values can be contoured by the contour() function in R. The density function of the N(0,1) is ϕ(z)\phi(z) for standard normal variate zz and the quantile function of the N(0,1) is Φ(1)(t)\Phi^{(-1)}(t) for nonexceedance probability tt.

A grid (matrix) of c(u,v)c(u,v) or c(u,v)c^\star(u,v) is defined for sequence of uu and vv probabilities for which each sequence has equal steps that are equal to Δ(uv)\Delta(uv). This function has as focus on plotting of the contour lines of c(u,v)c^\star(u,v) but the R matrix of either c(u,v)c(u,v) or c(u,v)c^\star(u,v) can be requested on return. For either matrix, the colnames() and rownames() (the R functions) are set equal to the sequence of uu and vv, respectively. Neither the column or row names are set to the standard normal variates for the matrix of c(u,v)c^\star(u,v), the names remain in terms of nonexceedance probability.

For plotting and other uses of normal scores of data, Joe (2014, p. 245) advocates that one should use the plotting position formula ui=(i1/2)/nu_i = (i-1/2)/n (Hazen plotting position) for normal scores zi=Φ1(ui)z_i = \Phi^{-1}(u_i) in preference to i/(n+1)i/(n+1) (Weibull plotting position) because n1i=1nzi2n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n} z^2_i is closer to unity. Other examples of Joe's advocation for the Hazen plotting positions are available (Joe, 2014, pp. 9, 17, 245, 247–248).


densityCOPplot(cop=NULL, para=NULL, deluv=0.002,
               getmatrix=c("none", "cdenzz", "cden"), n=0,
               ploton=TRUE, snv=TRUE, origins=TRUE,
               contour.col=1, contour.lwd=1.5, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The change in the sequences {u,v}δ,,1δ;δ=Δ(uv)\{u, v\} \mapsto \delta, \ldots, 1-\delta; \delta = \Delta(uv) probabilities;


A trigger on whether the density matrix is to be returned. The option cdenzz returns the density scaled by the two standard normal densities (c(u,v)c^\star(u,v)), whereas the option cden returns simply the copula density (c(u,v)c(u,v));


A logical to toggle on the plot;


A logical to toggle standard normal variates for the axes;


A logical to plot the origin lines, if and only if snv is true;


The color of the contour lines, which corresponds to the col argument of the contour function in R;


The width of the contour lines, which corresponds to the lwd argument of the contour function in R;


An optional sample size for which simulation of this many values from the copula will be made by simCOP and drawn; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula function and to the contour function in R (e.g. to turn off labeling of contours add drawlabels=FALSE).


This is a high-level function used for its side effects; an R matrix can be triggered, however, as a returned value.


Joe (2014, p. 244) says “if [density] plots show multimodality, then multivariate techniques of mixture models, cluster analysis[,] and nonparametric functional data analysis might be more appropriate” than relatively straightforward parametric copula models.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

simCOP, densityCOP


## Not run: 
  # Joe (2014, p. 5) names rMTCJ = reflected Mardia-Takahasi-Cook-Johnson copula
  "rMTCJ" <- function(u, v, para, ...) {
     u + v - 1 + ((1-u)^(-para) + (1-v)^(-para) - 1)^(-1/para)
  } # Survival Copula ("reflected" in Joe's terms)
  densityCOPplot(cop=rMTCJ, para=1.0760, n=9000, snv=TRUE)
  # Density plot matches that shown by Joe (2014, p. 11, fig. 1.2, lower left plot)
  # for a Spearman Rho equaling 0.5. Let us compute then Rho:
  rhoCOP(cop=rMTCJ, para=1.076075) # 0.4999958

  # Now, let us get really wild with a composition with TWO modes!
  # This example also proves that the grid orientation is consistent with respect
  # to the orientation of the simulations.
  para <- list(alpha=0.15, beta=0.90, kappa=0.06, gamma=0.96,
               cop1=GHcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=5.5, para2=0.07)
  densityCOPplot(cop=composite2COP, para=para, n=9000)

  # Now, let us hack back to a contour density plot with U(0,1) and not N(0,1) margins
  # just so show that capability exists, but emphasis of densityCOPplot is clearly
  # on Joe's advocation, because it does not have a default trigger to use U(0,1) margins.
  H <- densityCOPplot(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=41.25, getmatrix="cdenzz", n=1000, snv=FALSE)
  UV <- simCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=41.25, n=1000, col=8, snv=FALSE)
  U  <- as.numeric(colnames(H)); V <- as.numeric(rownames(H))
  contour(x=U, y=V, z=t(H), lwd=1.5, cex=2, add=TRUE, col=2) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  UV <- rCOP(400,  cop=PSP, pch=16, col=8, n=400)
  CL <- mleCOP(UV, cop=CLcop,   interval=c(1  , 20))
  JO <- mleCOP(UV, cop=JOcopB5, interval=c(0.1, 20))
  PL <- mleCOP(UV, cop=PLcop,   interval=c(0.1, 20))

  names(AICs) <- c("Clayton", "Joe(B5)", "Plackett")
  print(round(AICs, digits=2))
  #  Clayton    Joe(B5)   Plackett
  #  -156.77     -36.91    -118.38
  # So, we conclude Clayton is the best fit of the three.

  plot(qnorm(UV[,1]), qnorm(UV[,2]), pch=16, col=8, cex=0.5,
       xlab="Standard normal variate of U", xlim=c(-3, 3),
       ylab="Standard normal variate of V", ylim=c(-3, 3))
  densityCOPplot(cop=PSP, contour.col=grey(0.5), lty=2,
                 contour.lwd=3.5, ploton=FALSE, snv=TRUE)
  densityCOPplot(cop=CLcop,       para=CL$para,
                 contour.col=2,   ploton=FALSE, snv=TRUE)
  densityCOPplot(cop=JOcopB5,     para=JO$para,
                 contour.col=3,   ploton=FALSE, snv=TRUE)
  densityCOPplot(cop=PLcop,       para=PL$para,
                 contour.col=4,   ploton=FALSE, snv=TRUE) #
## End(Not run)

Numerical Derivative of a Copula for V with respect to U


Compute the numerical partial derivative of a copula, which is a conditional distribution function, according to Nelsen (2006, pp. 13, 40–41) with respect to uu:

0δδuC(u,v)1,0 \le \frac{\delta}{\delta u} \mathbf{C}(u,v) \le 1\mbox{,}


Pr[VvU=u]=C21(vu)=limΔu0C(u+Δu,v)C(u,v)Δu,\mathrm{Pr}[V \le v\mid U=u] = \mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) = \lim_{\Delta u \rightarrow 0}\frac{\mathbf{C}(u+\Delta u, v) - \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\Delta u}\mbox{,}

which is to read as the probability that VvV \le v given that U=uU = u and corresponds to the
derdir="left" mode of the function. For derdir="right", we have

Pr[VvU=u]=limΔu0C(u,v)C(uΔu,v)Δu,\mathrm{Pr}[V \le v\mid U=u] = \lim_{\Delta u \rightarrow 0}\frac{\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \mathbf{C}(u-\Delta u, v)}{\Delta u}\mbox{,}

and for derdir="center" (the usual method of computing a derivative), the following results

Pr[VvU=u]=limΔu0C(u+Δu,v)C(uΔu,v)2Δu.\mathrm{Pr}[V \le v\mid U=u] = \lim_{\Delta u \rightarrow 0}\frac{\mathbf{C}(u+\Delta u,v) - \mathbf{C}(u-\Delta u, v)}{2 \Delta u}\mbox{.}

The “with respect to VV” versions are available under derCOP2.

Copula derivatives (δC/δu\delta \mathbf{C}/\delta u or say δC/δv\delta \mathbf{C}/\delta v derCOP2) are non-decreasing functions meaning that if v1v2v_1 \le v_2, then C(u,v2)C(u,v1)\mathbf{C}(u, v_2) - \mathbf{C}(u,v_1) is a non-decreasing function in uu, thus

δ(C(u,v2)C(u,v1))δu\frac{\delta\bigl(\mathbf{C}(u, v_2) - \mathbf{C}(u,v_1)\bigr)}{\delta u}

is non-negative, which means

δC(u,v2)δuδC(u,v1)δu for v2v1.\frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u, v_2)}{\delta u} \ge \frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u, v_1)}{\delta u}\mbox{\ for\ } v_2 \ge v_1\mbox{.}


derCOP(cop=NULL, u, v, delu=.Machine$double.eps^0.50,
       derdir=c("left", "right", "center"), ...)



A copula function;


Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction. If the length of u is unity, then the length of v can be arbitrarily long. If the length of u is not unity, then the length of v should be the same, and if not, then only the first value in v is silently used;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction (see previous comment on u);


The Δu\Delta u interval for the derivative;


The direction of the derivative as described above. Default is left but internally any setting can be temporarily suspended to avoid improper computations (see source code); and


Additional arguments to pass such as the parameters often described in para arguments of other copula functions. (The lack of para=NULL for derCOP and derCOP2 was either design oversight or design foresight but regardless it is too late to enforce package consistency in this matter.)


Value(s) for the partial derivative are returned.


A known caveat of the current implementation of the copula derivative is that there is a chance that the Δu\Delta u will span a singularity or discontinuous (or nearly so) portion of a copula should it have a property of singularity (or nearly so). The delu is chosen small so the chance is mitigated to be a small change and certainly appear to work throughout the examples herein. It is not decided whether a derivative from the positive side (dir="left"), when failing should switch over to a computation from the negative side (dir="right"). The distinction is important for the computation of the inverse of the derivative derCOPinv because the solution finder needs a sign reversal to work.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

derCOPinv, derCOP2


derCOP(cop=W, 0.4, 0.6); derCOP(cop=P, 0.4, 0.6); derCOP(cop=M, 0.4, 0.6)

lft <- derCOP(cop=PSP,   0.4, 0.6, derdir="left"  )
rgt <- derCOP(cop=PSP,   0.4, 0.6, derdir="right" )
cnt <- derCOP(cop=PSP,   0.4, 0.6, derdir="center")
#stopifnot(all.equal(lft,rgt), all.equal(lft,cnt))

# Let us contrive a singularity through this NOT A COPULA in the function "afunc".
"afunc" <- function(u,v, ...) return(ifelse(u <= 0.5, sqrt(u^2+v^2), P(u,v,...)))
lft <- derCOP(cop=afunc, 0.5, 0.67, derdir="left"  )
rgt <- derCOP(cop=afunc, 0.5, 0.67, derdir="right" )
cnt <- derCOP(cop=afunc, 0.5, 0.67, derdir="center")
cat(c(lft,rgt,cnt,"\n")) # The "right" version is correct.

Numerical Derivative of a Copula for U with respect to V


Compute the numerical partial derivative of a copula, which is a conditional distribution function, according to Nelsen (2006, pp. 13, 40–41) with respect to vv:

0δδvC(u,v)1,0 \le \frac{\delta}{\delta v} \mathbf{C}(u,v) \le 1\mbox{,}


Pr[UuV=v]=C12(uv)=limΔv0C(u,v+Δv)C(u,v)Δv,\mathrm{Pr}[U \le u\mid V=v] = \mathbf{C}_{1 \mid 2}(u \mid v) = \lim_{\Delta v \rightarrow 0}\frac{\mathbf{C}(u, v+\Delta v) - \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\Delta v}\mbox{,}

which is to read as the probability that UuU \le u given that V=vV = v and corresponds to the
derdir="left" mode of the function. For derdir="right", the following results

Pr[UuV=v]=limΔv0C(u,v)C(u,vΔv)Δv,\mathrm{Pr}[U \le u\mid V=v] = \lim_{\Delta v \rightarrow 0}\frac{\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \mathbf{C}(u, v-\Delta v)}{\Delta v}\mbox{,}

and for derdir="center" (the usual method of computing a derivative), the following results

Pr[UuV=v]=limΔv0C(u,v+Δv)C(u,vΔv)2Δv.\mathrm{Pr}[U \le u\mid V=v] = \lim_{\Delta v \rightarrow 0}\frac{\mathbf{C}(u,v+\Delta v) - \mathbf{C}(u, v-\Delta v)}{2 \Delta v}\mbox{.}

The “with respect to UU” versions are under derCOP.

Copula derivatives (δC/δv\delta \mathbf{C}/\delta v or say δC/δu\delta \mathbf{C}/\delta u derCOP) are non-decreasing functions meaning that if u1u2u_1 \le u_2, then C(u2,v)C(u1,v)\mathbf{C}(u_2, v) - \mathbf{C}(u_1,v) is a non-decreasing function in vv, thus

δ(C(u2,v)C(u1,v))δv\frac{\delta\bigl(\mathbf{C}(u_2, v) - \mathbf{C}(u_1,v)\bigr)}{\delta v}

is non-negative, which means

δC(u2,v)δvδC(u1,v)δv for u2u1.\frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u_2, v)}{\delta v} \ge \frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u_1, v)}{\delta v}\mbox{\ for\ } u_2 \ge u_1\mbox{.}


derCOP2(cop=NULL, u, v, delv=.Machine$double.eps^0.50,
        derdir=c("left", "right", "center"), ...)



A copula function;


Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction. If the length of u is unity, then the length of v can be arbitrarily long. If the length of u is not unity, then the length of v should be the same and if not only the first value in v will be silently used;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction (see previous comment on u);


The Δv\Delta v interval for the derivative;


The direction of the derivative as described above. Default is left but internally any setting can be temporarily suspended to avoid improper computations (see source code); and


Additional arguments to pass such as the parameters often described in para arguments of other copula functions. (The lack of para=NULL for derCOP and derCOP2 was either design oversight or design foresight but regardless it is too late to enforce package consistency in this matter.)


Value(s) for the partial derivative are returned.


A known caveat of the current implementation of the copula derivative is that there is a chance that the Δv\Delta v will span a singularity or discontinuous (or nearly so) portion of a copula should it have a property of singularity (or nearly so). The delv is chosen small so the chance is mitigated to be a small change and certainly seems to work throughout the examples herein. It is not decided whether a derivative from the positive side (dir="left"), when failing should switch over to a computation from the negative side (dir="right"). The distinction is important for the computation of the inverse of the derivative derCOPinv2 because the solution finder needs a sign reversal to work.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

derCOPinv2, derCOP


derCOP2(cop=W, 0.4, 0.6); derCOP2(cop=P, 0.4, 0.6); derCOP2(cop=M, 0.4, 0.6)

lft <- derCOP2(cop=P,     0.4,  0.6, derdir="left"  )
rgt <- derCOP2(cop=P,     0.4,  0.6, derdir="right" )
cnt <- derCOP2(cop=P,     0.4,  0.6, derdir="center")
cat(c(lft, rgt, cnt,"\n"))
# stopifnot(all.equal(lft, rgt), all.equal(lft, cnt))

# Let us contrive a singularity though this NOT A COPULA in the function "afunc".
"afunc" <- function(u,v, ...) return(ifelse(u <= 0.5, sqrt(u^2+v^2), P(u,v,...)))
lft <- derCOP2(cop=afunc, 0.67, 0.5, derdir="left"  )
rgt <- derCOP2(cop=afunc, 0.67, 0.5, derdir="right" )
cnt <- derCOP2(cop=afunc, 0.67, 0.5, derdir="center")
cat(c(lft,rgt,cnt,"\n")) # For this example, all are correct (see derCOP examples)

Numerical Derivative Inverse of a Copula for V with respect to U


Compute the inverse of a numerical partial derivative for VV with respect to UU of a copula, which is a conditional quantile function for nonexceedance probability tt, or

t=cu(v)=C21(1)(vu)=δC(u,v)δu,t = c_u(v) = \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) = \frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta u}\mbox{,}

and solving for vv. Nelsen (2006, pp. 13, 40–41) shows that this inverse is quite important for random variable generation using the conditional distribution method. This function is not vectorized and will not be so.


derCOPinv(cop=NULL, u, t, trace=FALSE,
          delu=.Machine$double.eps^0.50, para=NULL, ...)



A copula function;


A single nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


A single nonexceedance probability level tt;


A logical controlling a message on whether the signs on the uniroot are the same—this is helpful in exploring the numerical derivative limits of a given implementation of a copula.


The Δu\Delta u interval for the derivative;


Vector of parameters or other data structures, if needed, to pass to cop; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for the derivative inverse are returned.


AN EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY—The Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula FGM(u,v)\mathbf{FGM}(u,v)
(FGMcop) (Joe, 2014, p. 213) is

FGM(u,v;Θ)=uv[1+Θ(1u)(1v)],\mathbf{FGM}(u,v; \Theta) = uv[1+\Theta(1-u)(1-v)]\mbox{,}

where 1Θ1-1 \le \Theta \le 1 has analytical solutions to the conditional cumulative distribution function (CDF) C21(vu)\mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) as

C21(vu)=v[1+Θ(1v)(12u)],\mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) = v[1 + \Theta(1-v)(1-2u)]\mbox{,}

and the inverse of the conditional CDF as

C21(vu)=[1+Θ(12u)][1+Θ(12u)]24t(12u)2Θ(12u).\mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) = \frac{[1 + \Theta(1-2u)] - \sqrt{[1+\Theta(1-2u)]^2 - 4t(1-2u)}}{2\Theta(1-2u)}\mbox{.}

These three functions for the copula can be defined in R by

  "FGMcop"       <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) u*v*(1 + para*(1-u)*(1-v)  )
  "joeFGMder"    <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...)   v*(1 + para*(1-v)*(1-2*u))
  "joeFGMderinv" <- function(u,t, para=NULL, ...) {
      K <- (1-2*u)
      ((1 + para*K) - sqrt((1 + para*K)^2 - 4*t*K))/(2*para*K)

The C21(1)(vu)\mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) is critical for simulation by the conditional simulation method. Although exclusively for simulation, copBasic uses inversion of the numerical derivative, the FGM\mathbf{FGM} copula has three representations of supposedly the same analytical algorithm for simulation in the literature (Durante, 2007; Johnson, 1987; Nelsen, 2006). An opportunity for comparison is thus available.

The three analytical algorithms for nonexceedance probability tt given uu by mathematics and code, following Durante (2007, p. 245), are

A=Θ(12u)1,A = \Theta(1-2u) - 1\mbox{,}

B=A24t(A+1), andB = \sqrt{A^2 - 4t(A+1)}\mbox{, and}

v=2t/(BA),v = 2t/(B-A)\mbox{,}

and in R, this “Durante algorithm” is

  "durFGMderinv" <- function(u,t, para=NULL, ...) { # Durante (2007, p. 245)
      A <- para*(1-2*u) - 1; B <- sqrt(A^2 - 4*t*(A+1)); return(2*t/(B - A))

and, letting K=(2u1)K = (2u - 1), following Johnson (1987, p. 185)

A=KΘ1A = K\Theta - 1

B=12KΘ+(KΘ)2+4tKΘB = \sqrt{1 - 2K\Theta + (K\Theta)^2 + 4tK\Theta}

v=2t/(BA)v = 2t/(B - A)

and in R, this “Johnson algorithm” is

  "jonFGMderinv" <- function(u,t, para=NULL, ...) { # Johnson (1987, p. 185)
      K <- (2*u - 1)
      A <- K*para - 1; B <- sqrt(1 - 2*K*para + (K*para)^2 + 4*t*K*para)
      2*t/(B - A)

and finally following Nelsen (2006, p. 87)

A=1+θ(12u),A = 1 + \theta(1 - 2u)\mbox{,}

B=A24t(A1), andB = \sqrt{A^2 - 4t(A-1)}\mbox{, and}

v=2t/(B+A),v = 2t/(B+A)\mbox{,}

and in R, this “Nelsen algorithm” is

  "nelFGMderinv" <- function(u,t, para=NULL, ...) { # Nelsen (2006, p. 87)
      A <- 1 + para*(1-2*u); B <- sqrt(A^2 - 4*t*(A-1)); return(2*t/(B + A))

With appropriate code now available, two comparisons can be made in the following sections.

CONDITIONAL DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION—A comparison of the analytical FGM(u,v)\mathbf{FGM}(u,v) derivative shows that Joe's equation is congruent with the numerical derivative of copBasic:

  joeFGMder(0.8, 0.44, para=0.78)             # 0.3246848      (Joe, 2014)
  derCOP(   0.8, 0.44, para=0.78, cop=FGMcop) # 0.3246848      (copBasic )

and the result will be used in the computations that follow.

A comparison for t=0.3246848t = 0.3246848 of the analytical inverse and the numerical optimization of the numerical derivative of copBasic is

  joeFGMderinv(0.8, 0.3246848, para=0.78)             # 0.5327603
  derCOPinv(   0.8, 0.3246848, para=0.78, cop=FGMcop) # 0.4399934 --> 0.44

where obviously, the two results are not in agreement—so something is amiss. Because many examples in this documentation clearly demonstrate numerical reliability, a tentative conclusion is that Joe's listed equation must be in error. Let us check this hypothesis against the three other sources:

  durFGMderinv(0.8, 0.3246848, para=0.78) # 0.2074546          (Durante, 2007)
  jonFGMderinv(0.8, 0.3246848, para=0.78) # 0.44               (Johnson, 1987)
  nelFGMderinv(0.8, 0.3246848, para=0.78) # 0.44               (Nelsen,  2006)

The result from Durante (2007) is different from both Joe (2014) and from copBasic. However, the Johnson (1987) and Nelsen (2006) versions are equivalent and congruent to copBasic with the distinctly different numerical methods of derCOPinv. These incongruent results demonstrate that care is needed when navigating the copula literature and the usefulness of the copBasic-style implementation of copula theory. In words, these computations show that the t32t \approx 32nd percentile of the FGM\mathbf{FGM} copula given that the 80th percentile in UU is about the 44th percentile of VV.


W.H. Asquith


Durante, F., 2007, Families of copulas, Appendix C, in Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Johnson, M.E., 1987, Multivariate statistical simulation: New York, John Wiley, 230 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Zhang, L., and Singh, V.P., 2019, Copulas and their applications in water resources engineering: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978–1–108–47425–2.

See Also



u <- runif(1); t <- runif(1)
derCOPinv(u,t, cop=W)   # perfect negative dependence
derCOPinv(u,t, cop=P)   # independence
derCOPinv(u,t, cop=M)   # perfect positive dependence
derCOPinv(u,t, cop=PSP) # a parameterless copula example
## Not run: 
# Simulate 500 values from product (independent) copula
plot(NA,NA, type="n", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="U", ylab="V")
for(i in 1:500) {
   u <- runif(1); t <- runif(1)
   points(u, derCOPinv(cop=P, u, t), cex=0.5, pch=16) # black dots
# Now simulate 500 from the Nelsen 4.2.12 copula.
for(i in 1:500) {
   u <- runif(1); t <- runif(1)
   points(u,derCOPinv(cop=N4212cop,para=9.3,u,t), cex=2, pch=16, col=2) # red dots
} #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Zhang and Singh (2019) exam. 3.23, p. 105
# show the application of the derivative inversion C2|1
# for u=0.6036 and t=0.6036 ---> v = 0.4719
derCOPinv( cop=CLcop, 0.6036, 0.4028, para=0.5) # 0.4719 for C2|1
derCOPinv2(cop=CLcop, 0.6036, 0.4028, para=0.5) # 0.4719 for C1|2
# and C2|1 and C1|2 are equal because the copula has permutation symmetry
isCOP.permsym(cop=CLcop, para=0.5) # TRUE
## End(Not run)

Numerical Derivative Inverse of a Copula for U with respect to V


Compute the inverse of a numerical partial derivative for UU with respect to VV of a copula, which is a conditional quantile function for nonexceedance probability tt, or

t=cv(u)=C12(1)(uv)=δC(u,v)δv,t = c_v(u) = \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{1 \mid 2}(u \mid v) = \frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta v}\mbox{,}

and solving for uu. Nelsen (2006, pp. 13, 40–41) shows that this inverse is quite important for random variable generation using the conditional distribution method. This function is not vectorized and will not be so.


derCOPinv2(cop=NULL, v, t, trace=FALSE,
           delv=.Machine$double.eps^0.50, para=NULL, ...)



A copula function;


A single nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A single nonexceedance probability level tt;


A logical controlling a message on whether the signs on the uniroot are the same—this is helpful in exploring the numerical derivative limits of a given implementation of a copula.


The Δv\Delta v interval for the derivative;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to cop; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


Value(s) for the derivative inverse are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also



u <- runif(1); t <- runif(1)
derCOPinv2(u,t, cop=W)   # perfect negative dependence
derCOPinv2(u,t, cop=P)   # independence
derCOPinv2(u,t, cop=M)   # perfect positive dependence
derCOPinv2(u,t, cop=PSP) # a parameterless copula example
## Not run: 
# Simulate 500 values from product (independent) copula
plot(NA,NA, type="n", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="U", ylab="V")
for(i in 1:500) {
   v <- runif(1); t <- runif(1)
   points(derCOPinv2(cop=P, v, t),v, cex=0.5, pch=16) # black dots
# Simulate 500 of a Frechet Family copula and note crossing singularities.
for(i in 1:500) {
   v <- runif(1); t <- runif(1)
   u <- derCOPinv2(v, t, cop=FRECHETcop, para=list(alpha=0.7, beta=0.169))
   points(u,v, cex=2, pch=16, col=2) # red dots
} #
## End(Not run)

The Diagonals of a Copula


Compute the primary diagonal or alternatively the secondary diagonal (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12 and 16) of copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v). The primary diagonal is defined as

δC(t)=C(t,t),\mathbf{\delta}_\mathbf{C}(t) = \mathbf{C}(t,t)\mbox{,}

and the secondary diagonal is defined as

δC(t)=C(t,1t).\mathbf{\delta}^{\star}_\mathbf{C}(t) = \mathbf{C}(t,1-t)\mbox{.}

Plotting is provided by this function because the diagonals are such important visual attributes of a copula. This function computes whole diagonals. If individual values are desired, then users are asked to use function calls along the diagonal such as COP(0.25,0.25, cop=P) for the primary diagonal and COP(0.25,1-0.25, cop=P) for the secondary diagonal, where for both examples the independence copula (uv=Πuv = \mathbf{\Pi}; P) was chosen for purposes of clarification.

The δC(t)\mathbf{\delta}_\mathbf{C}(t) is related to order statistics of the multivariate sample (here bivariate) (Durante and Sempi, 2015, p. 68). The probability for the maxima is Pr[max(u,v)t]=C(t,t)=δC(t) and \mathrm{Pr}[\mathrm{max}(u, v) \le t] = \mathbf{C}(t,t) = \mathbf{\delta}_\mathbf{C}(t) \mbox{\ and } the probability for the minima is Pr[min(u,v)t]=2tδC(t).\mathrm{Pr}[\mathrm{min}(u, v) \le t] = 2t - \mathbf{\delta}_\mathbf{C}(t)\mbox{.}


diagCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, secondary=FALSE,
        ploton=TRUE, lines=TRUE, delt=0.005, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle the secondary diagonal;


A logical to toggle on the plot;


Draw the lines of diagonal to the current device;


The increment of the diagonal curve to plot, defaults to 0.5-percent intervals, which should be small enough to resolve fine curvature for many copulas in practice; and


Additional arguments to pass to the plot() and lines() functions in R.


An R list of the tt values, δC(t,t)\mathbf{\delta}_\mathbf{C}(t,t) (primary) or δC(t,1t)\mathbf{\delta}^{\star}_\mathbf{C}(t,1-t) (secondary diagonal), along with a tag as to which diagonal is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Durante, F., and Sempi, C., 2015, Principles of copula theory: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 315 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

diagCOPatf, COP, sectionCOP


## Not run: 
# The primary diagonal of the W, P, M, and PSP copulas on the same plot
D <- diagCOP(cop=W,   lwd=2)
D <- diagCOP(cop=P,   lty=2, ploton=FALSE)
D <- diagCOP(cop=M,   col=2, ploton=FALSE)
D <- diagCOP(cop=PSP, col=3, ploton=FALSE)
mtext("PRIMARY DIAGONAL OF SIMPLE COPULAS") # four primary diagonals 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# The secondary diagonal of the W, P, M, and PSP copulas on the same plot
D <- diagCOP(cop=W,   lwd=2, secondary=TRUE)
D <- diagCOP(cop=P,   lty=2, secondary=TRUE, ploton=FALSE)
D <- diagCOP(cop=M,   col=2, secondary=TRUE, ploton=FALSE)
D <- diagCOP(cop=PSP, col=3, secondary=TRUE, ploton=FALSE)
mtext("SECONDARY DIAGONAL OF SIMPLE COPULAS") # four secondary diagonals 
## End(Not run)

Numerical Rooting the Diagonal of a Copula


Compute a numerical root along the primary diagonal (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12 and 16) of copula C(u,v)=F=C(t,t)\mathbf{C}(u,v) = F = \mathbf{C}(t,t) having joint probability FF. The diagonals treat the nonexceedance probabilities uu and vv as equals (u=v=tu=v=t). The primary diagonal is defined for a joint nonexceedance probability tt as

F=C(t,t)t=δC(1)(f),F = \mathbf{C}(t,t) \rightarrow t = \delta_{\mathbf{C}}^{(-1)}(f)\mbox{,}

where the function solves for tt. Examples using the concept behind diagCOPatf are available under duCOP and jointCOP, thus the diagCOPatf function can be also called by either jointCOP and joint.curvesCOP. Internally, the function uses limits of the root finder that are not equal to the anticipated interval [0,1][0,1], but equal to “small” (see description for argument interval). The function does trap for f = 0 by returning zero and f = 1 by returning unity.


diagCOPatf(f, cop=NULL, para=NULL, interval=NULL, silent=TRUE, verbose=FALSE,
                                   tol=.Machine$double.eps/10, ...)
diagCOPinv(f, cop=NULL, para=NULL, interval=NULL, silent=TRUE, verbose=FALSE,
                                   tol=.Machine$double.eps/10, ...)



Joint probability values as a nonexceedance probability FF for which to compute the root tt;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


An optional interval for the root search. The default is interval=c(lo, 1-lo) for lo=.Machine$double.eps because of difficulties for an interval on [0,1][0,1];


The argument of the same name given over to try() wrapping the uniroot() operation;


If TRUE then the whole output of the numerical root is returned using only the first value provided by argument f;


The tolerance to pass to uniroot. The default here is much smaller than the default of the uniroot() function in R because of possibility that diagCOPatf would be used at extremely large nonexceedance probabilities; and


Additional arguments to pass.


An R list of the root by the uniroot() function in R is returned if verbose is TRUE, otherwise the roots (diagonal inverses) for tt are returned, and if an individual inverse operation fails, then a NA is returned instead.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

diagCOP, jointCOP, joint.curvesCOP


diagCOPatf(0.67, cop=PSP) # 0.8023879
diagCOPatf(0.99, cop=M)   # 0.99 (now see the example below)

## Not run: 
# Several functions from the lmomco package are needed.
# Suppose we have two phenomena with these log10 L-moments:
lmrA <- lmomco::vec2lmom(c(3.97, 0.485, -0.1178, 0.06857))
lmrB <- lmomco::vec2lmom(c(3.77, 0.475, -0.1377, 0.08280))
# Suppose we think that the Gumbel-Hougaard copula is appropriate with a Tau=0.45
Tau <- 0.45 #  Kendall Tau between A and B.
# Suppose that the F=0.99 for either A and B provides a common risk level when they
# are considered in isolation. But what if A and B are rivers that join and joint
# FF=0.99 at their union is of interest?
FF <- 0.99
parA   <- lmomco::lmom2par(lmrA, type="kap")
parB   <- lmomco::lmom2par(lmrB, type="kap")
EventA <- lmomco::qlmomco(FF, parA)
EventB <- lmomco::qlmomco(FF, parB)
ApB <- 10^(EventA) + 10^(EventB) # Purely an additive conceptualization
# The FF=0.99 event is assumed to occur simultaneously on both streams, which is
# equivalent to saying that the correlation between the two is absolute 1-to-1.

# Now consider including the association as measured by Kendall Tau:
Fjoint  <- diagCOPatf(FF, cop=GHcop, para=GHcop(tau=Tau)$para)
EventAj <- lmomco::qlmomco(Fjoint, parA)
EventBj <- lmomco::qlmomco(Fjoint, parB)
AcB <- 10^(EventAj) + 10^(EventBj) # Joint probability 0.99 at the union

# Now consider the association if the rivers are INDEPENDENT:
Fjoint  <- diagCOPatf(FF, cop=GHcop, para=GHcop(tau=0)$para)
EventAj <- lmomco::qlmomco(Fjoint, parA)
EventBj <- lmomco::qlmomco(Fjoint, parB)
AiB <- 10^(EventAj) + 10^(EventBj) # Joint probability 0.99 at the union

# ApB = 312,000 # The perfectly simultaneous addition makes too little.
# AcB = 323,000 # The copula preserves at least the known association.
# AiB = 330,000 # The independence conceptualization makes too much.
## End(Not run)

The Dual of a Copula Function


Compute the dual of a copula (function) from a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 33–34), which is defined as

Pr[Uv or Vv]=C~(u,v)=u+vC(u,v),\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v] = \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{,}

where C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is the dual of a copula and uu and vv are nonexceedance probabilities. The dual of a copula is the expression for the probability that either UuU \le u or VvV \le v, which is unlike the co-copula (function) (see coCOP) that provides Pr[U>u or V>v]\mathrm{Pr}[U > u \mathrm{\ or\ } V > v]. The dual of a copula is a function and not in itself a copula. The dual of the survival copula (surCOP) is the co-copula (function) (coCOP). Some rules of copulas mean that

C^(u,v)+C~(u,v)=1,\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v') + \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = 1\mbox{,}

where C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v') is the survival copula in terms of exceedance probabilities uu' and vv' or in copBasic code that the functions surCOP + duCOP equal unity.

The function duCOP gives “protection” against simultaneous (concurrent or dual) risk by failure if and only if failure is caused (defined) by both hazard sources UU and VV being by themselves responsible for failure. Expressing this in terms of an annual probability of occurrence (qq), one has

q=1Pr[Uv or Vv]=1C~(u,v) orq = 1 - \mathrm{Pr}[U \le v \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v] = 1 - \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v)\mbox{\ or}

in R code q <- 1 - duCOP(u,v). So, as a mnemonic: A dual of a copula is the probabililty of nonexceedance if the hazard sources must dual (concur, link, pair, twin, twain) between each other to cause failure. An informative graphic is shown within copBasic-package.


duCOP(u, v, cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass (such as parameters, if needed, for the copula in the form of a list.


Value(s) for the dual of a copula are returned.


There can be confusion in the interpretation and implemenation of the or condition of joint probability provided by C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v). Two types of or's seemingly exist depending on one's concept of the meaning of “or.” To start, there is the “either or both” conceptualization (joint or) that encompasses either “event” (say a loss) of importance for random variables UU and VV as well as the joint and conditions where both variables simultaneously are generating an event of importance.

Let us continue by performing a massive simulation for the PSP(u,v)\mathbf{PSP}(u,v) copula (PSP) and set an either event standard on the margins as 10 percent for an arbitrary starting point. The PSP\mathbf{PSP} has positive association with lower tail dependency, and the example here considers the left tail as the risk tail.

  Event <- 0.1; nn <- 100000; set.seed(9238)
  UV <- simCOP(n=nn, cop=PSP, graphics=FALSE) # 1E5 realizations

Next, let us step through counting and then make theoretical comparisons using copula theory. The joint and condition as nonexceedances is

  ANDs <- length(UV$U[UV$U <= Event & UV$V <= Event]) / nn
  ANDt <- COP(Event, Event, cop=PSP)
  message(   "Joint AND by simulation = ", round(ANDs, digits=5),
           "\n    Joint AND by theory = ", round(ANDt, digits=5))
  # ANDs = 0.05348 and ANDt = 0.05263 (numerical congruence)

where it is obvious that the simulations and theory estimate about the same joint and condition. Now, the joint or condition as nonexceedances is

  ORs <- length(UV$U[UV$U <= Event | UV$V <= Event]) / nn
  ORt <- duCOP(Event, Event, cop=PSP)
  message(   "Joint OR by simulation = ", round(ORs, digits=5),
           "\n    Joint OR by theory = ", round(ORt, digits=5))
  # ORs = 0.14779 and ORt = 0.14737 (numerical congruence)

where it is obvious that the simulations and theory estimate about the same joint or condition. Finally, the joint mutually exclusive or condition as nonexceedances is

  eORs <- length((UV$U[(UV$U <= Event | UV$V <= Event) &
                     ! (UV$U <= Event & UV$V <= Event)])) / nn
  eORt <- ORt - ANDt # theoretical computation
  message(   "Joint exclusive OR by simulation = ", round(eORs, digits=5),
           "\n    Joint exclusive OR by theory = ", round(eORt, digits=5))
  # eORs = 0.09431 and eORt = 0.09474 (numerical congruence)

where it is obvious that the simulations and theory estimate about the same joint mutually exclusive or condition, and where it is shown that the prior two theoretical joint probabilities can be subtracted from each to yield the mutually exclusive or condition.

Let us then play out a scenario in which it is judged that of the events causing damage that the simultaneous occurrance is worse but that engineering against about 5 percent of events not occurring at the same time represents the most funding available. Using numerical methods, it is possible to combine C~\tilde{\mathbf{C}} and C\mathbf{C} and assume equal marginal risk in UU and VV as the following list shows:

  "designf" <- function(t) { # a one-off function just for this example
     duCOP(t, t, cop=PSP) - COP(t, t, cop=PSP) - 5/100 # 5 percent
  dThres <- uniroot(designf, c(.Machine$double.eps,0.5))$root

where the uniroot function performs the optimization and the .Machine$double.eps value is used because the PSP\mathbf{PSP} is NaN for zero probability. (It is unity for unity marginal probabilities.)

The design threshold on the margins then is dThres \approx 0.05135. In other words, the designThres is the marginal probability that results in about 5 percent of events not occurring at the same time. Then considering the simulated sample and counting the nonexceedances by code one achieves:

  Damage       <- length( UV$U[ UV$U <= dThres | UV$V <= dThres ])
  SimDamage    <- length( UV$U[ UV$U <= dThres & UV$V <= dThres ])
  NonSimDamage <- length((UV$U[(UV$U <= dThres | UV$V <= dThres) &
                             ! (UV$U <= dThres & UV$V <= dThres)]) )
  message(  "                 Damaging Events (sim.) = ", Damage,
          "\n    Simultaneous damaging events (sim.) = ", SimDamage,
          "\n Nonsimultaneous damaging events (sim.) = ", NonSimDamage)

but also the theoretical expectations are readily computed using copula theory:

  tDamage       <- as.integer(duCOP(dThres, dThres, cop=PSP) * nn)
  tSimDamage    <- as.integer(  COP(dThres, dThres, cop=PSP) * nn)
  tNonSimDamage <- tDamage - tSimDamage
  message(  "                 Damaging Events (theory) = ", tDamage,
          "\n    Simultaneous damaging events (theory) = ", tSimDamage,
          "\n Nonsimultaneous damaging events (theory) = ", tNonSimDamage)

The counts from the former listing are 7,670; 2,669; and 5,001, whereas the respective counts from the later listing are 7,635; 2,635; and 5,000. Numerical congruency in the counts thus exists.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COP, coCOP, surCOP, jointCOP, joint.curvesCOP


u <- runif(1); t <- runif(1)
duCOP(cop=W,u,t)    # joint or probability for perfect negative dependence
duCOP(cop=P,u,t)    # joint or probability for perfect        independence
duCOP(cop=M,u,t)    # joint or probability for perfect positive dependence
duCOP(cop=PSP,u,t)  # joint or probability for some positive    dependence

# Next demonstrate COP + duCOP = unity.
"MOcop.formula" <- function(u,v, para=para, ...) {
   alpha <- para[1]; beta <- para[2]; return(min(v*u^(1-alpha), u*v^(1-beta)))
"MOcop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP(u,v, f=MOcop.formula, ...) }

u <- 0.2; v <- 0.75; ab <- c(1.5, 0.3)
surCOP(1-u,1-v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) + duCOP(u,v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) # UNITY

# See extended code listings and discussion in the Note section

The Bivariate Empirical Copula


The bivariate empirical copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 219) for a bivariate sample of length nn is defined for random variables XX and YY as

Cn(in,jn)=number of pairs (x,y) with xx(i) and yy(j)n,\mathbf{C}_n\biggl(\frac{i}{n}, \frac{j}{n}\biggr) = \frac{\mathrm{number\ of\ pairs\ (}x,y\mathrm{)\ with\ }x \le x_{(i)}\mathrm{\ and\ }y \le y_{(j)}}{n}\mbox{,}

where x(i)x_{(i)} and y(i)y_{(i)}, 1i,jn1 \le i,j \le n or expressed as

Cn(in,jn)=1ni=1n1(Rinui,Sinvi),\mathbf{C}_n\biggl(\frac{i}{n}, \frac{j}{n}\biggr) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{1}\biggl(\frac{R_i}{n} \le u_i, \frac{S_i}{n} \le v_i \biggr)\mbox{,}

where RiR_i and SiS_i are ranks of the data for UU and VV, and 1(.)\mathbf{1}(.) is an indicator function that score 1 if condition is true otherwise scoring zero. Using more generic notation, the empirical copula can be defined by

Cn(u,v)=1ni=1n1(uiobsui,viobsvi),\mathbf{C}_{n}(u,v) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{1}\bigl(u^\mathrm{obs}_{i} \le u_i, v^\mathrm{obs}_{i} \le v_i \bigr)\mbox{,}

where uobsu^\mathrm{obs} and vobsv^\mathrm{obs} are thus some type of nonparametric nonexceedance probabilities based on counts of the underlying data expressed in probabilities.

Hazen Empirical Copula—The “Hazen form” of the empirical copula is

CnH(u,v)=1ni=1n1(Ri0.5nui,Si0.5nvi),\mathbf{C}^\mathcal{H}_{n}(u,v) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{1}\biggl(\frac{R_i - 0.5}{n} \le u_i, \frac{S_i - 0.5}{n} \le v_i \biggr)\mbox{,}

which can be triggered by ctype="hazen". This form is named for this package because of direct similarity of the Hazen plotting position to the above definition. Joe (2014, pp. 247–248) uses the Hazen form. Joe continues by saying “[the] adjustment of the uniform score [(R0.5)/n](R - 0.5)/n]] could be done in an alternative form, but there is [asymptotic] equivalence[, and that] CnH\mathbf{C}^\mathcal{H}_{n} puts mass of n1n^{-1} at the tuples ([ri10.5]/n,,[rid0.5]/n)([r_{i1} - 0.5]/n, \ldots, [r_{id} - 0.5]/n) for i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots, n.” A footnote by Joe (2014) says that “the conversion [R/(n+1)R/(n+1)] is commonly used for the empirical copula.” This later form is the “Weibull form” described next. Joe's preference for the Hazen form is so that the sum of squared normal scores is closer to unity for large nn than such a sum would be attained using the Weibull form.

Weibull Empirical Copula—The “Weibull form” of the empirical copula is

CnW(u,v)=1ni=1n1(Rin+1ui,Sin+1vi),\mathbf{C}^\mathcal{W}_{n}(u,v) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{1}\biggl(\frac{R_i}{n+1} \le u_i, \frac{S_i}{n+1} \le v_i \biggr)\mbox{,}

which can be triggered by ctype="weibull". This form is named for this package because of direct similarity of the Weibull plotting position to the definition, and this form is the default (see argument description).

Bernstein Empirical Copula—The empirical copula can be extended nonparametrically as the Bernstein empirical copula (Hernández-Maldonado, Díaz-Viera, and Erdely, 2012) and is formulated as

CnB(u,v;η)=i=1nj=1nCn(in,jn)×η(i,j;u,v),\mathbf{C}^\mathcal{B}_n(u,v; \eta) = \sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n \mathbf{C}_{n}\biggl(\frac{i}{n},\frac{j}{n}\biggr) \times \eta(i,j; u,v)\mbox{,}

where the individual Bernstein weights η(i,j)\eta(i,j) for the kkth paired value of the uu and vv vectors are

η(i,j;u,v)=(ni)ui(1u)ni×(nj)uj(1u)nj.\eta(i,j; u,v) = {n \choose i} u^i (1-u)^{n-i} \times {n \choose j} u^j (1-u)^{n-j}\mbox{.}

The Bernstein extension, albeit conceptually pure in its shuffling by binomial coefficients and left- and right-tail weightings, is quite CPU intensive as inspection of the equations above indicates a nest of four for() loops in R. (The native R code of copBasic uses the sapply() function in R liberally for substantial but not a blazing fast speed increase.) The Bernstein extension results in a smoother surface of the empirical copula and can be triggered by ctype="bernstein".

Checkerboard Empirical Copula—A simple smoothing to the empirical copula is the checkerboard empirical copula (Segers et al., 2017) that has been adapted from the copula package. It is numerically intensive like the Bernstein and possibly of limited usefulness for large sample sizes. The checkerboard extension can be triggered by ctype="checkerboard" and is formulated as

Cn(U)=1n+oi=1ni=1dmin[max[nUjRi,j(n)+1,0],1],\mathbf{C}^\sharp_{n}(U) = \frac{1}{n+o} \sum_{i=1}^n\prod_{i=1}^d \mathrm{min}[\mathrm{max}[n U_j - R^{(n)}_{i,j} + 1,0],1]\mathrm{,}

where UU is a d=2d=2 column matrix of uu and vv, RR is a rank function, and oo is an offset term on [0,1][0,1].

The empirical copula frequency can be defined (Nelson, 2006, p. 219) as

cn(u,v)=Cn(in,jn)Cn(i1n,jn)Cn(in,j1n)+Cn(iin,j1n).\mathbf{c}_n(u, v) = \mathbf{C}_n\biggl(\frac{i}{n}, \frac{j}{n}\biggr) - \mathbf{C}_n\biggl(\frac{i-1}{n}, \frac{j}{n}\biggr) - \mathbf{C}_n\biggl(\frac{i}{n}, \frac{j-1}{n}\biggr) + \mathbf{C}_n\biggl(\frac{i-i}{n}, \frac{j-1}{n}\biggr)\mbox{.}


EMPIRcop(u, v, para=NULL,
               ctype=c("weibull", "hazen", "1/n", "bernstein", "checkerboard"),
                          bernprogress=FALSE, checkerboard.offset=0, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the U-statistics of the data (see Examples). Alternatively, para can be a list holding a para as would be done if it were a vector, but arguments bernstein and bernprogress can be optionally included—this feature is provided so that the Bernstein refinement can be controlled within the context of other functions calling EMPIRcop such as by level.curvesCOP;


An alternative means for trigging the definition of Cn\mathbf{C}_n, CnH\mathbf{C}^\mathcal{H}_n (default), CnW\mathbf{C}^\mathcal{W}_n, CnB\mathbf{C}^\mathcal{B}_n, or Cn\mathbf{C}^\sharp_n. This argument of the same name is also used by blomCOP;


The Bernstein copula extension is CPU intensive(!), so a splash counter is pushed to the console via the message() function in R so as to not discourage the user;


A scaling of the ratio sum(....)/(n+offset) for the checkerboard empirical copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


Not all theoretical measures of copula dependence (both measures of association and measures of asymmetry), which use numerical integration by the integrate() function in R, can be used for all empirical copulas because of “divergent” integral errors; however, examples using Hoeffding Phi (ΦC\Phi_\mathbf{C}; hoefCOP) and shown under Examples. Other measures of copula dependence include blomCOP, footCOP, giniCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, wolfCOP, joeskewCOP, and uvlmoms. Each of these measures fortunately has a built-in sample estimator.

It is important to distinquish between a sample estimator and the estimation of the measure using the empirical copula itself via the EMPIRcop function. The sample estimators (triggered by the as.sample arguments for the measures) are reasonably fast and numerically preferred over using the empirical copula. Further, the generally slow numerical integrations for the theoretical definitions of these copula measures might have difficulties. Limited testing, however, suggests prevalence of numerical integration not erroring using the Bernstein extension of the empirical copula, which must be a by-product of the enhanced and sufficient smoothness for the R default numerical integration to succeed. Many of the measures have brute option for a brute-force numerical integration on a regular grid across the empirical copula—these are slow but should not trigger errors. As a general rule, users should still use the sample estimators instead.


W.H. Asquith


Hernández-Maldonado, V., Díaz-Viera, M., and Erdely, A., 2012, A joint stochastic simulation method using the Bernstein copula as a flexible tool for modeling nonlinear dependence structures between petrophysical properties: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 90–91, pp. 112–123.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

Segers, J., Sibuya, M., and Tsukahara, H., 2017, The empirical beta copula: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, v. 155, pp. 35–51.

See Also

diagCOP, level.curvesCOP, simCOP


## Not run: 
EMPIRcop(0.321,0.78, para=simCOP(n=90, cop=N4212cop,
                                 para=2.32, graphics=FALSE)) # [1] 0.3222222
N4212cop(0.321,0.78, para=2.32)                              # [1] 0.3201281
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(62) # See note below about another seed to try.
psp <- simCOP(n=34, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend psp is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls. Although the Weibull
# plotting positions are chosen, internally EMPIRcop uses ranks, but the model
# here is to imagine one having a sample in native units of the random variables
# and then casting them into probabilities for other purposes.
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(psp[,1], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(psp[,2], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV); # our U-statistics

# The next four values should be very close if n above were say 1000, but the
# ctype="bernstein"" should not be used if n >> 34 because of inherently long runtime.
PSP(0.4,0.6)              # 0.3157895 (compare to listed values below)

# Two seeds are shown so that the user can see that depending on the distribution
# of the values given by para that different coincidences of which method is
# equivalent to another exist.
# For set.seed(62) --- "hazen" == "weibull" by coincidence
#    "hazen"     --> 0.3529412
#    "weibull"   --> 0.3529412
#    "1/n"       --> 0.3235294
#    "bernstein" --> 0.3228916
# For set.seed(85) --- "1/n" == "hazen" by coincidence
#    "hazen"     --> 0.3529412
#    "weibull"   --> 0.3823529
#    "1/n"       --> 0.3529412
#    "bernstein" --> 0.3440387

# For set.seed(62) --- not all measures of association can be used for all
# empirical copulas because of 'divergent' integral errors, but this is an example
# for Hoeffding Phi. These computations are CPU intensive, esp. Bernstein.
hoefCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv) #  (sample estimator is fast)  # 0.4987755
hoefCOP(cop=EMPIRcop,   para=uv, ctype="hazen")                 # 0.5035348
hoefCOP(cop=EMPIRcop,   para=uv, ctype="weibull")               # 0.4977145
hoefCOP(cop=EMPIRcop,   para=uv, ctype="1/n")                   # 0.4003646
hoefCOP(cop=EMPIRcop,   para=uv, ctype="bernstein")             # 0.4563724
hoefCOP(cop=EMPIRcop,   para=uv, ctype="checkerboard")          # 0.4952427
## End(Not run)

# All other example suites shown below are dependent on the pseudo-data in the
# variable uv. It is suggested to not run with a sample size much larger than the
# above n=34 if the Bernstein comparison is intended (wanted) simply because of
# lengthy(!) run times, but the n=34 does provide a solid demonstration how the
# level curves for berstein weights are quite smooth.

## Not run: 
# Now let us construct as many as three sets of level curves to the sample
# resided in the uv sample from above using the PSP copula.
level.curvesCOP(cop=PSP); # TRUE, parametric, fast, BLACK CURVES

# Empirical copulas can consume lots of CPU.
# RED CURVES, if n is too small, uniroot() errors might be triggered and likely
# will be using the sample size of 34 shown above.
level.curvesCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=uv, delu=0.03, col=2, ploton=FALSE)

# GREEN CURVES (large CPU committment)
# Bernstein progress is uninformative because level.curvesCOP() has taken over control.
bpara <- list(para=uv, ctype="bernstein", bernprogress=FALSE)
level.curvesCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=bpara, delu=0.03, col=3, ploton=FALSE)
# The delu is increased for faster execution but more important,
# notice the greater smoothness of the Bernstein refinement.
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Experimental from R Graphics by Murrell (2005, p.112)
"trans3d" <-                         # blackslashes seem needed for the package
function(x,y,z, pmat) {              # for user manual building but bad syntax
  tmat <- cbind(x,y,z,1) %*% pmat    # because remember the percent sign is a
  return(tmat[,1:2] / tmat[,4])      # a comment character in LaTeX.

the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, ctype="checkerboard")
the.diag <- diagCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=uv, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)

the.persp <- persp(the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
the.trace <- trans3d(the.diag$t, the.diag$t, the.diag$diagcop, the.persp)
lines(the.trace, lwd=2, col=2) # The diagonal of the copula

# The following could have been used as an alternative to call persp()
the.persp <- persp(x=the.grid$u, y=the.grid$v, z=the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
lines(the.trace, lwd=2, col=2) # The diagonal of the copula #
## End(Not run)

Data Frame Representation of the Bivariate Empirical Copula


Generate an R data.frame representation of the bivariate empirical copula (Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 140) using the coordinates as preserved in the raw data in the parameter object of the bivariate empirical copula.


EMPIRcopdf(para=NULL, ...)



A vector (single element) of parameters—the U-statistics of the data (see example) to pass to EMPIRcop; and


Additional arguments to pass to EMPIRcop.


An R data.frame of uu, vv, and Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{n}(u, v) values of the bivariate empirical copula is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
psp <- simCOP(n=39, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend psp is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls to pp() from lmomco.
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(psp[,1], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(psp[,2], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV) # our U-statistics

empcop <- EMPIRcopdf(para=uv)
plot(empcop$u, empcop$v, cex=1.75*empcop$empcop, pch=16,
# Dot size increases with joint probability (height of the copulatic surface).
points(empcop$u, empcop$v, col=2) # red circles
## End(Not run)

Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula


Generate a gridded representation of the bivariate empirical copula (see EMPIRcop, Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 140). This function has the primary intention of supporting 3-D renderings or 2-D images of the copulatic surface, but many empirical copula functions in copBasic rely on the grid of the empirical copula—unlike the functions that support parametric copulas.


EMPIRgrid(para=NULL, deluv=0.05, verbose=FALSE, ...)



A vector (single element) of parameters—the U-statistics of the data (see example);


A delta value of the both the uu and vv axes (grid edges) for empirical copula estimation by the EMPIRcop function;


A logical controlling whether the progress during grid building is to be shown; and


Additional arguments to pass to EMPIRcop.


An R list of the gridded values of uu, vv, and Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{n}(u,v) values of the bivariate empirical copula is returned. (Well only Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{n}(u,v) is in the form of a grid as an R matrix.) The deluv used to generated the grid also is returned.


The extensive suite of examples is included here because the various ways that algorithms involving empirical copulas can be tested. The figures also provide excellent tools for education on copulas.


W.H. Asquith


Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

EMPIRcop, EMPIRcopdf


## Not run: 
psp <- simCOP(n=490, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend psp is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls to pp() from lmomco.
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(psp[,1], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(psp[,2], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV) # our U-statistics

# The follow function is used to make 3-D --> 2-D transformation
# From R Graphics by Murrell (2005, p.112)
"trans3d" <-                         # blackslashes seem needed for the package
function(x,y,z, pmat) {              # for user manual building but bad syntax
  tmat <- cbind(x,y,z,1) %*% pmat    # because remember the percent sign is a
  return(tmat[,1:2] / tmat[,4])      # a comment character in LaTeX.

the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv)
cop.diag <- diagCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=uv, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
empcop   <- EMPIRcopdf(para=uv) # data.frame of all points

the.persp <- persp(the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")

# EXAMPLE 1: PLOT NUMBER 2 (see change in interaction with variable 'the.grid')
the.persp <- persp(x=the.grid$u, y=the.grid$v, z=the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")

the.diag <- trans3d(cop.diag$t, cop.diag$t, cop.diag$diagcop, the.persp)
lines(the.diag, lwd=4, col=3, lty=2)

points(trans3d(empcop$u, empcop$v, empcop$empcop, the.persp),
       col=rgb(0,1-sqrt(empcop$empcop),1,sqrt(empcop$empcop)), pch=16)
# the sqrt() is needed to darken or enhance the colors

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.2, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=6)
S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.2, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=6, lty=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.85, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, wrtV=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(S$t, rep(0.85, length(S$t)), S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2)
S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0.85, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(S$t, rep(0.85, length(S$t)), S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2)

empder <- EMPIRgridder(empgrid=the.grid)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(the.grid$v)), the.grid$v, empder[3,], the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=4, col=6) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# An asymmetric example to demonstrate that the grid is populated with the
# correct orientation---meaning U is the horizontal and V is the vertical.
"MOcop" <- function(u,v, para=NULL) { # Marshall-Olkin copula
   alpha <- para[1]; beta  <- para[2]; return(min(v*u^(1-alpha), u*v^(1-beta)))
# EXAMPLE 2: PLOT NUMBER 1 # See the asymmetry
uv <- simCOP(1000, cop=MOcop, para=c(0.4,0.9)) # The parameters cause asymmetry.
mtext("Simulation from a defined Marshall-Olkin Copula")
the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.025)

# The second plot by image() will show a "hook" of sorts along the singularity.
image(the.grid$empcop, col=terrain.colors(40)) # Second plot is made
mtext("Image of gridded Empirical Copula")

empcop <- EMPIRcopdf(para=uv) # data.frame of all points
# The third plot is the 3-D version overlain with the data points.
the.persp <- persp(x=the.grid$u, y=the.grid$v, z=the.grid$empcop, theta=240, phi=40,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
points(trans3d(empcop$u, empcop$v, empcop$empcop, the.persp),
       col=rgb(0,1-sqrt(empcop$empcop),1,sqrt(empcop$empcop)), pch=16)
mtext("3-D representation of gridded empirical copula with data points")

# The fourth plot shows a simulation and the quasi-emergence of the singularity
# that of course the empirical perspective "knows" nothing about. Do not use
# the Kumaraswamy smoothing because in this case the singularity because
# too smoothed out relative to the raw empirical, but of course the sample size
# is large enough to see such things. (Try kumaraswamy=TRUE)
empsim <- EMPIRsim(n=1000, empgrid = the.grid, kumaraswamy=FALSE)
mtext("Simulations from the Empirical Copula") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
psp <- simCOP(n=4900, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend psp is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls to pp() from lmomco.
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(psp[,1], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(psp[,2], sort=FALSE)   # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV) # our U-statistics

deluv <- 0.0125 # going to cause long run time with large n
# The small deluv is used to explore solution quality at U=0 and 1.
the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=deluv)
the.persp <- persp(x=the.grid$u, y=the.grid$v, z=the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 1, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(1, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 0, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(0, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 1, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(1, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2)

S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, 2*deluv, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(2*deluv, length(S$t)), S$t, S$seccop, the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2)

empder <- EMPIRgridder(empgrid=the.grid)
thelines <- trans3d(rep(2*deluv,length(the.grid$v)),the.grid$v,empder[3,],the.persp)
lines(thelines, lwd=4, col=5, lty=2)

  ix <- 1:length(attributes(empder)$rownames)
  for(i in ix) {
     u <- as.numeric(attributes(empder)$rownames[i])
     S <- sectionCOP(cop=PSP, u, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE, dercop=TRUE)
     # The red line is the true.
     plot(S$t, S$seccop, lwd=2, col=2, lty=2, type="l", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
          xlab="V, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY", ylab="V, VALUE")
     lines(the.grid$v, empder[i,], lwd=4, col=5, lty=2) # empirical
     mtext(paste("Conditioned on U=",u," nonexceedance probability"))
  } #
## End(Not run)

Derivatives of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for V with respect to U


Generate derivatives of VV with respect to UU of a gridded representation of the bivariate empirical copula (see EMPIRcop). This function is the empirical analog to derCOP.


EMPIRgridder(empgrid=NULL, ...)



The grid from EMPIRgrid; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The gridded values of the derivatives of the bivariate empirical copula.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRcop, EMPIRcopdf, EMPIRgrid, EMPIRgridder2


## Not run: 
para   <- list(alpha=0.15,  beta=0.65, cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
               para1=0.005, para2=1000)
uv <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=composite2COP, para=para)
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(uv[,1], sort=FALSE)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(uv[,2], sort=FALSE)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)

"trans3d" <-                         # blackslashes seem needed for the package
function(x,y,z, pmat) {              # for user manual building but bad syntax
  tmat <- cbind(x,y,z,1) %*% pmat    # because remember the percent sign is a
  return(tmat[,1:2] / tmat[,4])      # a comment character in LaTeX.

the.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.1)
the.diag <- diagCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=uv, ploton=FALSE, lines=FALSE)
empcop <- EMPIRcopdf(para=uv) # data.frame of all points

the.persp <- persp(the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20,
                   xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
points(trans3d(empcop$u, empcop$v, empcop$empcop, the.persp),
       col=rgb(0,1-sqrt(empcop$empcop),1,sqrt(empcop$empcop)), pch=16, cex=0.75)

# Now extract the copula sections
some.lines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(the.grid$v)),
                      the.grid$v, the.grid$empcop[3,], the.persp)
lines(some.lines, lwd=2, col=2)
some.lines <- trans3d(the.grid$u, rep(0.6, length(the.grid$u)),
                      the.grid$empcop[,7], the.persp)
lines(some.lines, lwd=2, col=3)
some.lines <- trans3d(rep(0.7, length(the.grid$v)), the.grid$v,
                      the.grid$empcop[8,], the.persp)
lines(some.lines, lwd=2, col=6)

# Now compute some derivatives or conditional cumulative
# distribution functions
empder <- EMPIRgridder(empgrid=the.grid)
some.lines <- trans3d(rep(0.2, length(the.grid$v)), the.grid$v, empder[3,], the.persp)
lines(some.lines, lwd=4, col=2)

empder <- EMPIRgridder2(empgrid=the.grid)
some.lines <- trans3d(the.grid$u, rep(0.6, length(the.grid$u)), empder[,7], the.persp)
lines(some.lines, lwd=4, col=3)

empder <- EMPIRgridder(empgrid=the.grid)
some.lines <- trans3d(rep(0.7, length(the.grid$v)), the.grid$v, empder[8,], the.persp)
lines(some.lines, lwd=4, col=6)

# Demonstrate conditional quantile function extraction for
# the 70th percentile of U and see how it plots on top of
# the thick purple line
empinv <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=the.grid)
some.lines <- trans3d(rep(0.7, length(the.grid$v)), empinv[8,],
                      attributes(empinv)$colnames, the.persp)
lines(some.lines, lwd=4, col=5, lty=2)#
## End(Not run)

Derivatives of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for U with respect to V


Generate derivatives of UU with respect to VV of a gridded representation of the bivariate empirical copula (see EMPIRcop). This function is the empirical analog to derCOP2.


EMPIRgridder2(empgrid=NULL, ...)



The grid from EMPIRgrid; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The gridded values of the derivatives of the bivariate empirical copula.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRcop, EMPIRcopdf, EMPIRgrid, EMPIRgridder


# See examples under EMPIRgridder

Derivative Inverses of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for V with respect to U


Generate a gridded representation of the inverse of the derivatives of the bivariate empirical copula of VV with respect to UU. This function is the empirical analog to derCOPinv.


EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=NULL, kumaraswamy=FALSE, dergrid=NULL, ...)



The grid from EMPIRgrid;


A logical to trigger Kumaraswamy smoothing of the conditional quantile function;


The results of EMPIRgridder and if left NULL then that function is called internally. There is some fragility at times in the quality of the numerical derivative and the author has provided this argument so that the derivative can be computed externally and then fed to this inversion function; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The gridded values of the inverse of the derivative of VV with respect UU.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRcop, EMPIRcopdf, EMPIRgrid, EMPIRgridder2


## Not run: 
uv <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(uv[,1], sort=FALSE)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(uv[,2], sort=FALSE)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)

uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=.1) # CPU hungry
uv.inv1 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid)
uv.inv2 <- EMPIRgridderinv2(empgrid=uv.grid)
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=PSP), col=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.5, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.2, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.7, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.1, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.9, cop=PSP), col=4)

med.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(med.wrtv, col=4, lwd=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Now try a much more complex shape
para   <- list(alpha=0.15,  beta=0.65, cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
               para1=0.005, para2=1000)
uv <- simCOP(n=30000, cop=composite2COP, para=para)
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(uv[,1], sort=FALSE)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(uv[,2], sort=FALSE)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)

uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.05) # CPU hungry
uv.inv1 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid)
uv.inv2 <- EMPIRgridderinv2(empgrid=uv.grid)
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)

med.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(med.wrtv, col=4, lwd=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

Derivative Inverses of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for U with respect to V


Generate a gridded representation of the inverse of the derivatives of the bivariate empirical copula of UU with respect to VV. This function is the empirical analog to derCOPinv2.


EMPIRgridderinv2(empgrid=NULL, kumaraswamy=FALSE, dergrid=NULL, ...)



The grid from EMPIRgrid;


A logical to trigger Kumaraswamy smoothing of the conditional quantile function;


The results of EMPIRgridder2 and if left NULL then that function is called internally. There is some fragility at times in the quality of the numerical derivative and the author has provided this argument so that the derivative can be computed externally and then fed to this inversion function; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The gridded values of the inverse of the derivative of UU with respect to VV.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRcop, EMPIRcopdf, EMPIRgrid, EMPIRgridder2, EMPIRgridderinv, EMPIRgridderinv2


# See examples under EMPIRgridderinv

Median Regression of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for V with respect to U


Perform median regression from the gridded inversion of the bivariate empirical copula of VV with respect to UU.





Arguments to pass to EMPIRqua.regress.


The gridded values of the median regression of VV with respect to UU.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRgridderinv, EMPIRqua.regress, EMPIRmed.regress2, EMPIRmed.regress2


# See examples under EMPIRqua.regress

Median Regression of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for U with respect to V


Perform median regression from the gridded inversion of the bivariate empirical copula of UU with respect to VV.





Arguments to pass to EMPIRqua.regress2.


The gridded values of the median regression of UU with respect to VV.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRgridderinv2, EMPIRqua.regress, EMPIRmed.regress, EMPIRmed.regress2


# See examples under EMPIRqua.regress

Quantile Regression of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for V with respect to U


Perform quantile regression from the gridded inversion of the bivariate empirical copula of VV with respect to UU.


EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, u=seq(0.01,0.99, by=0.01), empinv=NULL,
                 lowess=FALSE, f.lowess=1/5, ...)



The nonexceedance probability FF to perform regression at and defaults to median regression F=1/2F=1/2;


A vector of uu nonexceedance probabilities;


The grid from EMPIRgridderinv;


Perform lowess smooth on the quantile regression using the smooth factor of f.lowess;


Smooth factor of almost the same argument name fed to the lowess() function in R; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The gridded values of the quantile regression of VV with respect to UU.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRgridderinv, EMPIRqua.regress2, EMPIRmed.regress, EMPIRmed.regress2


## Not run:  # EXAMPLE 1
theta <- 25
uv <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(uv[,1], sort=FALSE)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(uv[,2], sort=FALSE)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)

uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.05) # CPU hungry
uv.inv1 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid)
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta), lwd=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

library(quantreg) # Quantile Regression by quantreg
U <- seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01)
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.1)
rq.1 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.2)
rq.2 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.5)
rq.5 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.7)
rq.7 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.9)
rq.9 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U

lines(U, rq.1, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
lines(U, rq.2, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
lines(U, rq.5, col=4, lwd=4)
lines(U, rq.7, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
lines(U, rq.9, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run:  # EXAMPLE 2
# Start again with the PSP copula
uv <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(uv[,1], sort=FALSE)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(uv[,2], sort=FALSE)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)

uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.05) # CPU hungry
uv.inv1 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid)
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=PSP), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=PSP), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=PSP), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=PSP), lwd=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=PSP), lwd=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

library(quantreg) # Quantile Regression by quantreg
U <- seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01)
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.1)
rq.1 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.2)
rq.2 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.5)
rq.5 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.7)
rq.7 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U
rqlm <- rq(V~U, data=uv, tau=0.9)
rq.9 <- rqlm$coefficients[1] + rqlm$coefficients[2]*U

lines(U, rq.1, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
lines(U, rq.2, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
lines(U, rq.5, col=4, lwd=4)
lines(U, rq.7, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
lines(U, rq.9, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run:  # EXAMPLE 3
uv <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(uv[,1], sort=FALSE)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(uv[,2], sort=FALSE)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)

uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.1) # CPU hungry
uv.inv1 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid)
uv.inv2 <- EMPIRgridderinv2(empgrid=uv.grid)
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=PSP), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=PSP), col=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.5, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.2, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.7, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.1, cop=PSP), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.9, cop=PSP), col=4)

med.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(med.wrtv, col=4, lwd=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run:  # EXAMPLE 4
# Now try a much more complex shape
# lowess smoothing on quantile regression is possible,
# see next example
para   <- list(alpha=0.15,  beta=0.65,
               cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=0.005, para2=1000)
uv <- simCOP(n=20000, cop=composite2COP, para=para)
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(uv[,1], sort=FALSE)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(uv[,2], sort=FALSE)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)

uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.025) # CPU hungry
uv.inv1 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid)
uv.inv2 <- EMPIRgridderinv2(empgrid=uv.grid)
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)

med.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(med.wrtv, col=4, lwd=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv2)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run:  # EXAMPLE 5
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)

med.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE)
lines(med.wrtv, col=4, lwd=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run:  # EXAMPLE 6 (changing the smoothing on the lowess)
plot(uv, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)
lines(qua.regressCOP(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=2)

med.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(med.wrtu, col=2, lwd=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtu <- EMPIRqua.regress(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv1, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtu, col=2, lwd=2, lty=4)

lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.5, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.2, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.7, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.1, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)
lines(qua.regressCOP2(f=0.9, cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=4)

med.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.5, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(med.wrtv, col=4, lwd=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.2, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.7, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=2)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.1, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)
qua.wrtv <- EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.9, empinv=uv.inv2, lowess=TRUE, f.lowess=0.1)
lines(qua.wrtv, col=4, lwd=2, lty=4)#
## End(Not run)

Quantile Regression of the Grid of the Bivariate Empirical Copula for U with respect to V


Generate quantile regression from the gridded inversion of the bivariate empirical copula of UU with respect to VV.


EMPIRqua.regress2(f=0.5, v=seq(0.01,0.99, by=0.01), empinv=NULL,
                  lowess=FALSE, f.lowess=1/5, ...)



The nonexceedance probability FF to perform regression at and defaults to median regression F=1/2F=1/2;


A vector of vv nonexceedance probabilities;


The grid from EMPIRgridderinv;


Perform lowess smooth on the quantile regression using the smooth factor of f=f.lowess;


Smooth factor of almost the same argument name fed to the lowess() function in R;


Additional arguments to pass.


The gridded values of the quantile regression of UU with respect to VV.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRgridderinv2, EMPIRqua.regress, EMPIRmed.regress, EMPIRmed.regress2


# See examples under EMPIRqua.regress

Simulate a Bivariate Empirical Copula


EXPERIMENTAL—Perform a simulation on a bivariate empirical copula to produce the random variates UU and VV and return an R data.frame of them. The method is more broadly known as conditional simulation method. This function is an empirical parallel to simCOP that is used for parametric copulas. If circumstances require conditional simulation of VUV{\mid}U, then function EMPIRsimv, which produces a vector of VV from a fixed uu, should be used.

For the usual situation in which an individual uu during the simulation loops is not a value aligned on the grid, then the bounding conditional quantile functions are solved for each of the nn simulations and the following interpolation is made by

v=v1/w1+v2/w21/w1+1/w2,v = \frac{v_1/w_1 + v_2/w_2}{1/w_1 + 1/w_2}\mbox{,}

which states that that the weighted mean is computed. The values v1v_1 and v2v_2 are ordinates of the conditional quantile function for the respective grid lines to the left and right of the uu value. The values w1w_1 == uugridleftu - u^\mathrm{left}_\mathrm{grid} and w2w_2 == ugridrightuu^\mathrm{right}_\mathrm{grid} - u.


EMPIRsim(n=100, empgrid=NULL, kumaraswamy=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE, keept=FALSE,
                graphics=TRUE, ploton=TRUE, points=TRUE, snv=FALSE,
                infsnv.rm=TRUE, trapinfsnv=.Machine$double.eps, ...)



A sample size, default is 100;


Gridded empirical copula from EMPIRgrid;


A logical to trigger Kumaraswamy distribution smoothing of the conditional quantile function that is passed to EMPIRgridderinv. The Kumaraswamy distribution is a distribution having support [0,1][0,1] with an explicit quantile function and takes the place of a Beta distribution (see lmomco function quakur() for more details);


A logical to toggle the removal of NA entries on the returned data.frame;


Keep the tt uniform random variable for the simulation as the last column in the returned data.frame;


A logical that will disable graphics by setting ploton and points to FALSE and overriding whatever their settings were;


A logical to toggle on the plot;


A logical to actually draw the simulations by the points() function in R;


A logical to convert the {u,v}\{u,v\} to standard normal scores (variates) both for the optional graphics and the returned data.frame. Joe (2014) advocates extensively for use of normal scores, which is in contrast to Nelsen (2006) who does not;


A logical that will quietly strip out any occurrences of u={0,1}u = \{0,1\} or v={0,1}v = \{0,1\} from the simulations because these are infinity in magnitude when converted to standard normal variates is to occur. Thus, this logical only impacts logic flow when snv is TRUE. The infsnv.rm is mutually exclusive from trapinfsnv;


If TRUE and presumably small, the numerical value of this argument (η\eta) is used to replace u={0,1}u = \{0,1\} and v={0,1}v = \{0,1\} with u(0)=v(0)=ηu(0) = v(0) = \eta or u(1)=v(1)=1ηu(1) = v(1) = 1 - \eta as appropriate when conversion to standard normal variates is to occur. The setting of trapinfsnv only is used if snv is TRUE and infsnv.rm is FALSE; and


Additional arguments to pass to the points() function in R.


An R data.frame of the simulated values is returned.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EMPIRgrid, EMPIRgridderinv, EMPIRsimv


# See other examples under EMPIRsimv

## Not run: 
  nsim <- 5000
  para <- list(alpha=0.15, beta=0.65,
               cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=0.005, para2=1000)
  uv <- simCOP(n=nsim, cop=composite2COP, para=para, snv=TRUE,
               pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,.2))
  mtext("A highly complex simulated bivariate relation")
  # set.seed(1) # try not resetting the seed
  uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=0.025)

  uv2 <- EMPIRsim(n=nsim, empgrid=uv.grid, kumaraswamy=FALSE, snv=TRUE,
                  col=rgb(1,0,0,0.1), pch=16)
  mtext("Resimulation without Kumaraswamy smoothing")

  uv3 <- EMPIRsim(n=nsim, empgrid=uv.grid, kumaraswamy=TRUE, snv=TRUE,
  mtext("Resimulation but using the Kumaraswamy Distribution for smoothing")
## End(Not run)

Simulate a Bivariate Empirical Copula For a Fixed Value of U


EXPERIMENTAL—Perform a simulation on a bivariate empirical copula to extract the random variates VV from a given and fixed value for u=u= constant. The purpose of this function is to return a simple vector of the VV simulations. This behavior is similar to simCOPmicro but differs from the general 2-D simulation implemented in the other functions: EMPIRsim and simCOP—these two functions generate R data.frames of simulated random variates UU and VV and optional graphics as well.

For the usual situation in which uu is not a value aligned on the grid, then the bounding conditional quantile functions are solved for each of the nn simulations and the following interpolation is made by

v=v1/w1+v2/w21/w1+1/w2,v = \frac{v_1/w_1 + v_2/w_2}{1/w_1 + 1/w_2}\mbox{,}

which states that that the weighted mean is computed. The values v1v_1 and v2v_2 are ordinates of the conditional quantile function for the respective grid lines to the left and right of the uu value. The values w1w_1 == uugridleftu - u^\mathrm{left}_\mathrm{grid} and w2w_2 == ugridrightuu^\mathrm{right}_\mathrm{grid} - u.


EMPIRsimv(u, n=1, empgrid=NULL, kumaraswamy=FALSE, ...)



The fixed probability uu on which to perform conditional simulation for a sample of size nn;


A sample size, default is 1;


Gridded empirical copula from EMPIRgrid;


A logical to trigger Kumaraswamy distribution smoothing of the conditional quantile function that is passed to EMPIRgridderinv. The Kumaraswamy distribution is a distribution having support [0,1][0,1] with an explicit quantile function and takes the place of a Beta distribution (see lmomco function quakur() for more details); and


Additional arguments to pass.


A vector of simulated VV values is returned.


W.H. Asquith

See Also



## Not run: 
nsim <- 3000
para <- list(alpha=0.15,  beta=0.65,
             cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=.005, para2=1000)
uv <- simCOP(n=nsim, cop=composite2COP, para=para, pch=16, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2))
uv.grid <- EMPIRgrid(para=uv, deluv=.1)
V1 <- EMPIRsimv(u=0.6, n=nsim, empgrid=uv.grid)
V2 <- EMPIRsimv(u=0.6, n=nsim, empgrid=uv.grid, kumaraswamy=TRUE)

invgrid1 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid)
invgrid2 <- EMPIRgridderinv(empgrid=uv.grid, kumaraswamy=TRUE)
att <- attributes(invgrid2); kur <- att$kumaraswamy
# Now draw random variates from the Kumaraswamy distribution using
# rlmomco() and vec2par() provided by the lmomco package.
kurpar <- lmomco::vec2par(c(kur$Alpha[7], kur$Beta[7]), type="kur")
Vsim <- lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, kurpar)

print(summary(V1))   # Kumaraswamy not core in QDF reconstruction
print(summary(V2))   # Kumaraswamy core in QDF reconstruction
print(summary(Vsim)) # Kumaraswamy use of the kumaraswamy

# Continuing with a conditional quantile 0.74 that will not land along one of the
# grid lines, a weighted interpolation will be done.
set.seed(1) # try not resetting the seed
nsim <- 5000
V <- EMPIRsimv(u=0.74, n=nsim, empgrid=uv.grid)
# It is important that the uv.grid used to make V is the same grid used in inversion
# with kumaraswamy=TRUE to guarantee that the correct Kumaraswamy parameters are
# available if a user is doing cut and paste and exploring these examples.
V1 <- lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, lmomco::vec2par(c(kur$Alpha[8], kur$Beta[8]), type="kur"))
V2 <- lmomco::rlmomco(nsim, lmomco::vec2par(c(kur$Alpha[9], kur$Beta[9]), type="kur"))

plot( lmomco::pp(V),  sort(V), type="l", lwd=4, col=8) # GREY is empirical from grid
lines(lmomco::pp(V1), sort(V1), col=2, lwd=2) # Kumaraswamy at u=0.7 # RED
lines(lmomco::pp(V2), sort(V2), col=3, lwd=2) # Kumaraswamy at u=0.8 # GREEN

W1 <- 0.74 - 0.7; W2 <- 0.8 - 0.74
Vblend <- (V1/W1 + V2/W2) / sum(1/W1 + 1/W2)
lines(lmomco::pp(Vblend), sort(Vblend), col=4, lwd=2) # BLUE LINE
# Notice how the grey line and the blue diverge for about F < 0.1 and F > 0.9.
# These are the limits of the grid spacing and linear interpolation within the
# grid intervals is being used and not direct simulation from the Kumaraswamy.
## End(Not run)

Expected value of U given V


Compute the expected value of UU given a VV (the YY direction) through the conditional distribution function G(Y)G(Y) using the appropriate partial derivative of a copula (C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v)) with respect to VV. The inversion of the partial derivative is the conditional quantile function. Basic principles provide the expectation for a y0y \ge 0 is

E[Y]=0yf(y)dy=0(1Gy(Y))dy,E[Y] = \int_0^\infty yf(y)\mathrm{d}y = \int_0^\infty \bigl(1-G_y(Y)\bigr)\mathrm{d}y\mbox{,}

which for the setting here becomes

E[UV=v]=01(1δδvC(u,v))du.E[U \mid V = v] = \int_0^1 \bigl(1 - \frac{\delta}{\delta v} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\bigr)\mathrm{d}u\mbox{.}

This function solves the integral using the derCOP2 function. This avoids a call of the derCOPinv2 through its uniroot() inversion of the derivative. The example shown for EuvCOP() below does a validation check using conditional simulation, which is dependence (of course) of the design of the copBasic package, as part of simple isolation of a horizontal slice of the simulation and computing the mean of the VV within the slice.


EuvCOP(v=seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01), cop=NULL, para=NULL, asuv=FALSE, nsim=1E5,
    subdivisions=100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol=rel.tol, ...)



Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A copula function with vectorization as in asCOP;


Vector of parameters or other data structures, if needed, to pass to the copula;


Return a data frame of the UU and VV;


Number of simulations for Monte Carlo integration when the numerical integration fails (see Note);


Argument of same name passed to integrate();


Argument of same name passed to integrate();


Argument of same name passed to integrate(); and


Additional arguments to pass to derCOP2.


Value(s) for the expectation are returned.


The author is well aware that the name of this function does not contain the number 2 as the family of functions also sharing this with respect to vv nature. It was a design mistake in 2008 to have used the 2. The uv in the function name is the moniker for this with respect to vv.

There can be the rare examples of the numerical integration failing. In such circumstances, Monte Carlo integration is performed and the returned vector becomes a named vector with the sim identifying values stemming from the simulation.

  para <- list(cop=RFcop, para=0.9)
  para <- list(cop=COP, para=para, reflect=1, alpha=0, beta=0.3)
  EuvCOP(c(0.0001, 0.0002, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1), cop=composite1COP, para=para)
  #            sim
  #[1] 0.001319395 0.002238238 0.006905300 0.034608078 0.173451788


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EvuCOP, derCOP2


# We can show algorithmic validation using a highly asymmetric case of a
# copula having its parameter also nearly generating a singular component.
v <- c(0.2, 0.8); n <- 5E2; set.seed(1)
para <- list(cop=HRcop, para=120, alpha=0.4, beta=0.05)
UV   <- simCOP(n, cop=composite1COP, para=para, graphics=FALSE) # set TRUE to view

sapply(v, function(vv) EuvCOP(vv, cop=composite1COP, para=para))
# [1] 0.3051985 0.7059999

sapply(v, function(vv) mean( UV$U[UV$V > vv - 50/n & UV$V < vv + 50/n] ) )
# [1] 0.2796518 0.7092755 # general validation is thus shown as n-->large

# If visualized, we see in the lower corner than heuristics suggest a mean further
# to the right of the "singularity" for v=0.2 than v=0.80. For v=0.80, the
# "singularity" appears tighter given the upper tail dependency contrast of the
# coupla in the symmetrical case (alpha=0, beta=0) and changing the parameter to
# a Spearman Rho (say) similar to the para settting in this example. So, 0.70 for
# the mean given v=0.80 makes sense. Further notice that the two estimates of the
# mean are further apparent for v=0.2 relative to v=0.80. Again, this makes sense
# when the copula is visualized even at small n let alone large n.

# See additional Examples under EvuCOP().

## Not run: 
  n <- 5000; Vlo <- rep(0.001, n); Vhi <- rep(0.95, n); Theta <- 3
  Ulo <- simCOPmicro(Vlo, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); dlo <- density(Ulo)
  Uhi <- simCOPmicro(Vhi, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); dhi <- density(Uhi)
  dlo$x[dlo$x < 0] <- 0; dhi$x[dhi$x < 0] <- 0
  dlo$x[dlo$x > 1] <- 1; dhi$x[dhi$x > 1] <- 1

  Ulomu <- EuvCOP(Vlo[1], cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); print(Ulomu)
  #      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.
  # 0.0000669 0.0887330 0.2006123 0.2504796 0.3802847 0.9589315
  #                  Ulomu -----> 0.2502145
  Uhimu <- EuvCOP(Vhi[1], cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta); print(Uhimu)
  #      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.
  #   0.01399  0.90603    0.93919 0.9157600   0.95946   0.99411
  #                  Uhimu -----> 0.9154093

  UV <- simCOP(n, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta,
                  cex=0.6, pch=21, bg="palegreen", col="darkgreen")
  abline(h=Vlo[1], col="salmon", lty=3) # near the bottom to form datum for density
  abline(h=Vhi[1], col="purple", lty=3) # near the   top  to form datum for density
  lines(dlo$x,   dlo$y/max(dlo$y)/2 +    Vlo[1],  col="salmon", lwd=2)
  # re-scaled density along the line already drawn near the bottom (Vlo)
  # think rug plotting to bottom the values plotting very close to the line
  lines(dhi$x, 1-dhi$y/max(dhi$y)/2 - (1-Vhi[1]), col="purple", lwd=2)
  # re-scaled  density along the line already drawn near the  top  (Vhi)
  # think rug plotting to bottom the values plotting very close to the line
  uv <- seq(0.001, 0.999, by=0.001) # for trajectory of E[U | V=v]
  lines(EuvCOP(uv, cop=JOcopB5, para=Theta), uv, col="blue", lwd=3.5, lty=2)
  points(Ulomu, Vlo[1], pch=16, col="salmon", cex=2)
  points(Uhimu, Vhi[1], pch=16, col="purple", cex=2) #
## End(Not run)

Expected value of V given U


Compute the expected value of VV given a UU (the XX direction) through the conditional distribution function F(X)F(X) using the appropriate partial derivative of a copula (C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v)) with respect to UU. The inversion of the partial derivative is the conditional quantile function. Basic principles provide the expectation for a x0x \ge 0 is

E[X]=0xf(x)dx=0(1Fx(X))dx,E[X] = \int_0^\infty xf(x)\mathrm{d}x = \int_0^\infty \bigl(1-F_x(X)\bigr)\mathrm{d}x\mbox{,}

which for the setting here becomes

E[VU=u]=01(1δδuC(u,v))dv.E[V \mid U = u] = \int_0^1 \bigl(1 - \frac{\delta}{\delta u} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\bigr)\mathrm{d}v\mbox{.}

This function solves the integral using the derCOP function. Verification study is provided in the Note section.


EvuCOP(u=seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01), cop=NULL, para=NULL, asuv=FALSE, nsim=1E5,
    subdivisions=100L, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol=rel.tol, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


A copula function with vectorization as in asCOP;


Vector of parameters or other data structures, if needed, to pass to the copula;


Return a data frame of the UU and VV;


Number of simulations for Monte Carlo integration when the numerical integration fails (see Note in EvuCOP);


Argument of same name passed to integrate();


Argument of same name passed to integrate();


Argument of same name passed to integrate(); and


Additional arguments to pass to derCOP.


Value(s) for the expectation are returned.


For the PSP copula with no parameters, compute the the median and mean VV given U=0.4U=0.4, respectively:

  U <- 0.4; n <- 1E4
  med.regressCOP(u=U, cop=PSP)                            # V = 0.4912752
  median(replicate(n, derCOPinv(cop=PSP, U, runif(1)) ) ) # V = 0.4876440
  mean(  replicate(n, derCOPinv(cop=PSP, U, runif(1)) ) ) # V = 0.5049729

It is seen in the above that the median VV given UU is very close to the mean, but is not equal. Using the derivative inversion within med.regressCOP the median is about 0.491 and then using large-sample simulation, about 0.491 too is computed. This confirms the median and long standing proven use of derCOP (conditional distribution function) and derCOPinv (conditional quantile function) within the package. The expectation (mean) by simulation provides the anchor point to check implementation of EuvCOP(). The mean for VV given UU is about 0.505. Continuing, the core logic of EvuCOP() is to use numerical integration of the conditional distribution function (the partial derivative) and not bother for speed purposes to use the inversion of the partial derivative:

  integrate(function(v)                      1-derCOP(   cop=PSP, U, v),
            lower=0, upper=1) # 0.5047805 with absolute error < 1.4e-11

  integrate(function(v) sapply(v, function(t)  derCOPinv(cop=PSP, U, t)),
            lower=0, upper=1) # 0.5047862 with absolute error < 7.2e-05

The two integrals match, which functions as a confirmation of the (1F)(1-F) term in the mathematical definition. Finally, the two integrals match the simulation results. The expectation or mean VU=0.4V \mid U=0.4 for the PSP copula is about 0.5048.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

EuvCOP, derCOP


# Highly asymmetric and reflected Clayton copula for which visualization
para <- list(cop=CLcop, para=30, alpha=0.2, beta=0.6, reflect=3)
# UV <- simCOP(5000, cop=breveCOP, para=para, cex=0.5); abline(v=0.25, col="red")
EvuCOP(0.25, cop=breveCOP, para=para)  # 0.5982261
# confirms that at U=0.25 that an intuitive estimate would be about 0.6.

## Not run: 
  # Secondary validation of the EvuCOP() and EuvCOP() implementation
  UV <- simCOP(200, cop=PSP)
  u <- seq(0.005, 0.995, by=0.005)
  v <- sapply(u, function(t) integrate(function(k)
                         1 - derCOP(cop=PSP, t, k),  lower=0, upper=1)$value)
  lines(u,v, col="red", lwd=7, lty=1)   # red line
  v <- seq(0.005, 0.995, by=0.005)
  u <- sapply(v, function(t) integrate(function(k)
                         1 - derCOP2(cop=PSP, k, t), lower=0, upper=1)$value)
  lines(u,v, col="red", lwd=7, lty=2)   # dashed red line

  uv <- seq(0.005, 0.995, by=0.005)     # solid and dashed white lines
  lines(EvuCOP(uv, cop=PSP, asuv=TRUE), col="white",  lwd=3,   lty=1)
  lines(EuvCOP(uv, cop=PSP, asuv=TRUE), col="white",  lwd=3,   lty=3)

  # median regression lines for comparison, green and green dashed lines
  lines(med.regressCOP( uv, cop=PSP), col="seagreen", lwd=1.5, lty=1)
  lines(med.regressCOP2(uv, cop=PSP), col="seagreen", lwd=1.5, lty=4) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  uv <- seq(0.005, 0.995, by=0.005) # stress testing eample with singularity
  UV <- simCOP(50, cop=M_N5p12b, para=2)
  lines(EvuCOP(uv, cop=M_N5p12b, para=2, asuv=TRUE), col="red",     lwd=5)
  lines(EuvCOP(uv, cop=M_N5p12b, para=2, asuv=TRUE), col="skyblue", lwd=1) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  uv <- seq(0.005, 0.995, by=0.005) # more asymmetry ---- mean regression in UV and VU
  para <- list(cop=GHcop, para=23, alpha=0.1, beta=0.6, reflect=3)
  para <- list(cop=breveCOP, para=para)
  UV <- simCOP(200, cop=COP, para=para)
  lines(EuvCOP(uv,  cop=COP, para=para, asuv=TRUE), col="red",  lwd=2)
  lines(EvuCOP(uv,  cop=COP, para=para, asuv=TRUE), col="blue", lwd=2) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Open questions? The derCOP() and derCOPinv() functions of the package have long
  # been known to work "properly." But let us think again on the situation of
  # permutation symmetry about the equal value line. Recalling that this symmetry is
  # orthogonal to the equal value line, it remains open whether there could be
  # asymmetry in the vertical (or horizontal). Let us draw some median regression lines
  # and see that the do not plot perfectly on the equal value line, but coudl this be
  # down to numerical issues and by association the simulation of the copula itself
  # that is also using derCOPinv() (conditional simulation method). Then, we can plot
  # the expections and we see that these are not equal to the medians, but again are
  # close. *** Do results here indicate edges of numerical performance? ***
  t <- seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01)
  UV <- simCOP(10000,   cop=N4212cop, para=4, pch=21, lwd=0.8, col=8, bg="white")
  lines(med.regressCOP( cop=N4212cop, para=4, asuv=TRUE), col="red")
  lines(med.regressCOP2(cop=N4212cop, para=4, asuv=TRUE), col="red")
  abline(0, 1, col="deepskyblue", lwd=3); abline(v=0.5, col="deepskyblue", lwd=4)
  lines(EvuCOP(t, cop=N4212cop, para=4, asuv=TRUE), pch=16, col="darkgreen")
  lines(EuvCOP(t, cop=N4212cop, para=4, asuv=TRUE), pch=16, col="darkgreen") #
## End(Not run)

The Generalized Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern Copula


The generalized Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula (Bekrizade et al., 2012) is

CΘ,α,n(u,v)=FGM(u,v)=uv[1+Θ(1uα)(1vα)]n,\mathbf{C}_{\Theta, \alpha, n}(u,v) = \mathbf{FGM}(u,v) = uv[1 + \Theta(1-u^\alpha)(1-v^\alpha)]^n\mbox{,}

where Θ[min{1,1/(nα2)},+1/(nα)]\Theta \in [-\mathrm{min}\{1, 1/(n\alpha^2)\}, +1/(n\alpha)], α>0\alpha > 0, and n0,1,2,n \in 0,1,2,\cdots. The copula Θ=0\Theta = 0 or α=0\alpha = 0 or n=0n = 0 becomes the independence copula (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P). When α=n=1\alpha = n = 1, then the well-known, single-parameter Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula results, and Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) is ρC=Θ/3\rho_\mathbf{C} = \Theta/3 but in general

ρC=12r=1n(nr)Θr[αΓ(r+1)Γ(2/α)αΓ(r+1+2/α)]2.\rho_\mathbf{C} = 12\sum_{r=1}^n {n \choose r} \Theta^r \biggl[\frac{\phantom{\alpha}\Gamma(r+1)\Gamma(2/\alpha)}{\alpha\Gamma(r+1+2/\alpha)} \biggr]^2 \mbox{.}

The support of ρC(;Θ,1,1)\rho_\mathbf{C}(\cdots;\Theta, 1, 1) is [1/3,+1/3][-1/3, +1/3] but extends via α\alpha and nn to [0.50,+0.43]\approx [-0.50, +0.43], which shows that the generalization of the copula increases the range of dependency. The generalized version is implemented by FGMcop.

The iterated Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula (Chine and Benatia, 2017) for the rrth iteration is

Cβ(u,v)=FGMi(u,v)=uv+j=1rβj(uv)[j/2](uv)[(j+1)/2],\mathbf{C}_{\beta}(u,v) = \mathbf{FGMi}(u,v) = uv + \sum_{j=1}^{r} \beta_j\cdot(uv)^{[j/2]}\cdot(u'v')^{[(j+1)/2]}\mbox{,}

where u=1uu' = 1-u and v=1vv' = 1-v for βj1|\beta_j| \le 1 that has rr dimensions β=(β1,,βj,,βr)\beta = (\beta_1, \cdots, \beta_j, \cdots, \beta_r) and [t][t] is the integer part of tt. The copula β=0\beta = 0 becomes the independence copula (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P). The support of ρC(;β)\rho_\mathbf{C}(\cdots;\beta) is approximately [0.43,+0.43][-0.43, +0.43]. The iterated version is implemented by FGMicop. Internally, the rr is determined from the length of the β\beta in the para argument.


FGMcop( u, v, para=c(NA, 1,1), ...)
FGMicop(u, v, para=NULL,       ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector of parameters. For the generalized version, the Θ\Theta, α\alpha, and nn of the copula where the default argument shows the need to include the Θ\Theta. However, if a fourth parameter is present, it is treated as a logical to reverse the copula (u+v1+FGM(1u,1v;Θ,α,n)u + v - 1 + \mathbf{FGM}(1-u,1-v; \Theta, \alpha, n)). Also if a single parameter is given, then the α=n=1\alpha = n = 1 are automatically set to produce the single-parameter Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula. For the iterated version, the β\beta vector of rr iterations;


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Bekrizade, Hakim, Parham, G.A., Zadkarmi, M.R., 2012, The new generalization of Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copulas: Applied Mathematical Sciences, v. 6, no. 71, pp. 3527–3533.

Chine, Amel, and Benatia, Fatah, 2017, Bivariate copulas parameters estimation using the trimmed L-moments methods: Afrika Statistika, v. 12, no. 1, pp. 1185–1197.

See Also

P, mleCOP


## Not run: 
# Bekrizade et al. (2012, table 1) report for a=2 and n=3 that range in
# theta = [-0.1667, 0.1667] and range in rho = [-0.1806641, 0.4036458]. However,
# we see that they have seemingly made an error in listing the lower bounds of theta:
rhoCOP(FGMcop, para=c(  1/6, 2, 3))  #  0.4036458
rhoCOP(FGMcop, para=c( -1/6, 2, 3))  # Following error results
# In cop(u, v, para = para, ...) : parameter Theta < -0.0833333333333333
rhoCOP(FGMcop, para=c(-1/12, 2, 3))  # -0.1806641 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Support of FGMrcop(): first for r=1 iterations and then for large r.
sapply(c(-1, 1), function(t) rhoCOP(cop=FGMrcop, para=rep(t, 1)) )
# [1] -0.3333333  0.3333333
sapply(c(-1, 1), function(t) rhoCOP(cop=FGMrcop, para=rep(t,50)) )
# [1] -0.4341385  0.4341385
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Maximum likelihood estimation near theta upper bounds for a=3 and n=2.
UV <- simCOP(300, cop=FGMcop, para=c(+0.16, 3, 2))
# Define a transform function for parameter domain, though mleCOP does
# provide some robustness anyway---not forcing n into the positive
# domain via as.integer(exp(p[3])) seems to not always be needed.
FGMpfunc <- function(p) {
  d <- p[1]; a <- exp(p[2]); n <- as.integer(exp(p[3]))
  lwr <- -min(c(1,1/(n*a^2))); upr <- 1/(n*a)
  d <- ifelse(d <= lwr, lwr, ifelse(d >= upr, upr, d))
  return( c(d, a, n) )
para <- c(0.16, 3, 2); init <- c(0, 1, 1)
ML <- mleCOP(UV$U, UV$V, cop=FGMcop, init.para=init, parafn=FGMpfunc)
print(ML$para) # [1] 0.1596361 3.1321228 2.0000000
# So, we have recovered reasonable estimates of the three parameters
# given through MLE estimation.
densityCOPplot(cop=FGMcop, para=   para, contour.col=2)
densityCOPplot(cop=FGMcop, para=ML$para, ploton=FALSE) #
## End(Not run)

The Spearman Footrule of a Copula


Compute the measure of association known as the Spearman Footrule ψC\psi_\mathbf{C} (Nelsen et al., 2001, p. 281), which is defined as

ψC=32Q(C,M)12,\psi_\mathbf{C} = \frac{3}{2}\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{M}) - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{,}

where C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is the copula, M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) is the Fréchet–Hoeffding upper bound (M), and Q(a,b)\mathcal{Q}(a,b) is a concordance function (concordCOP) (Nelsen, 2006, p. 158). The ψC\psi_\mathbf{C} in terms of a single integration pass on the copula is

ψC=1I2uvdC(u,v)=601C(u,u)du2.\psi_\mathbf{C} = 1 - \int_{\mathcal{I}^2} |u-v|\,\mathrm{d}\mathbf{C}(u,v) = 6 \int_0^1 \mathbf{C}(u,u)\,\mathrm{d}u - 2\mbox{.}

Note, Nelsen et al. (2001) use ϕC\phi_\mathbf{C} but that symbol is taken in copBasic for the Hoeffding Phi (hoefCOP), and Spearman Footrule does not seem to appear in Nelsen (2006). From the definition, Spearman Footrule only depends on the primary diagnonal (alt. main diagonal, Genest et al., 2010) of the copula, C(t,t)\mathbf{C}(t,t) (diagCOP).


footCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, by.concordance=FALSE, as.sample=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


Instead of using the single integral to compute ψC\psi_\mathbf{C}, use the concordance function method implemented through concordCOP; and


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the ψ^\hat\psi (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass, which are dispatched to the copula function cop and possibly concordCOP, such as brute or delta used by that function.


The value for ψC\psi_\mathbf{C} is returned.


Conceptually, the sample Spearman Footrule is a standardized sum of the absolute difference in the ranks (Genest et al., 2010). The sample ψ^\hat\psi is

ψ^=13n21i=1nRiSi,\hat\psi = 1 - \frac{3}{n^2 - 1}\sum_{i=1}^n |R_i - S_i|\mbox{,}

where RiR_i and SiS_i are the respective ranks of XX and YY and nn is sample size. The sampling variance of ψ^\hat\psi under assumption of independence between XX and YY is

var(ψ^)=2n2+75(n+1)(n1)2.\mathrm{var}(\hat\psi) = \frac{2n^2 + 7}{5(n+1)(n-1)^2}\mbox{.}

Genest et al. (2010, p. 938) say that prior literature shows that in small samples, Spearman Footrule is less variable than the well-known Spearman Rho (rhoCOP). For a copula having continuous partial derivatives, then as nn \rightarrow \infty, the quantity (ψ^ψC)nNormal(0,var(γC))(\hat\psi - \psi_\mathbf{C})\sqrt{n} \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, \mathrm{var}(\gamma_\mathbf{C})). Genest et al. (2010) show variance of ψ^\hat\psi for the independence copula (C(u,v)=Π(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) = \mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)) (P) as var(ψC)=2/5\mathrm{var}(\psi_\mathbf{C}) = 2/5. For comparison, the Gini Gamma for independence is larger at var(γC)=2/3\mathrm{var}(\gamma_\mathbf{C}) = 2/3 (see giniCOP Note). Genest et al. (2010) also present additional material for estimation of the distribution ψ^\hat\psi variance for conditions of dependence based on copulas. In Genest et al. independence and two examples of dependence (p. 941), var(γ^)>var(ψ^)\mathrm{var}(\hat\gamma) > \mathrm{var}(\hat\psi), but those authors do not appear to remark on whether this inequality holds for all copula.


W.H. Asquith


Genest, C., Nešlehová, J., and Ghorbal, N.B., 2010, Spearman's footrule and Gini's gamma—A review with complements: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, v. 22, no. 8, pp. 937–954, doi:10.1080/10485250903499667.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Nelsen, R.B., Quesada-Molina, J.J., Rodríguez-Lallena, J.A., Úbeda-Flores, M., 2001, Distribution functions of copulas—A class of bivariate probability integral transforms: Statistics and Probability Letters, v. 54, no. 3, pp. 277–282, doi:10.1016/S0167-7152(01)00060-8.

See Also

blomCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, wolfCOP


footCOP(cop=PSP)                      # 0.3177662
# footCOP(cop=PSP, by.concordance=TRUE) # 0.3178025

## Not run: 
n <- 2000; UV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=GHcop, para=2.3, graphics=FALSE)
footCOP(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE)                  # 0.5594364 (sample version)
footCOP(cop=GHcop, para=2.3)                      # 0.5513380 (copula integration)
footCOP(cop=GHcop, para=2.3, by.concordance=TRUE) # 0.5513562 (concordance function)
# where the later issued warnings on the integration
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(1); nsim <- 1000
varFTunderIndpendence <- function(n) {
  (2*n^2 + 7) / (5*(n+1)*(n-1)^2) # Genest et al. (2010)
ns <- c(10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100)
plot(min(ns):max(ns), varFTunderIndpendence(10:max(ns)), type="l",
     xlab="Sample size", ylab="Variance of Sample Estimator", col="salmon4")
mtext("Sample Spearman Footrule Under Independence", col="salmon4")
for(n in ns) {
  sFT <- vector(length=nsim)
  for(i in seq_len(nsim)) {
    uv <- simCOP(n=n, cop=P, para=2, graphics=FALSE)
    sFT[i] <- footCOP(para=uv, as.sample=TRUE)
  varFT <- varFTunderIndpendence(n)
  zz <- round(c(n, mean(sFT), var(sFT), varFT), digits=6)
  names(zz) <- c("n", "mean_sim", "var_sim", "var_Genest")
  points(n, zz[3], cex=2, pch=21, col="salmon4", bg="salmon1")
} # results show proper implementation and Genest et al. (2010, sec. 3) 
## End(Not run)

The Frank Copula


The Frank copula (Joe, 2014, p. 165) is

CΘ(u,v)=FR(u,v)=1Θlog[1eΘ(1eΘu)(1eΘv)1eΘ],\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{FR}(u,v) = -\frac{1}{\Theta}\mathrm{log}\biggl[\frac{1 - \mathrm{e}^{-\Theta} - \bigl(1 - \mathrm{e}^{-\Theta u}\bigr) \bigl(1 - \mathrm{e}^{-\Theta v}\bigr)}{1 - \mathrm{e}^{-\Theta}}\biggr]\mbox{,}

where Θ[,+],Θ0\Theta \in [-\infty, +\infty], \Theta \ne 0. The copula, as Θ\Theta \rightarrow -\infty limits, to the countermonotonicity coupla (W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v); W), as Θ0±\Theta \rightarrow 0^{\pm} limits to the independence copula (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P), and as Θ+\Theta \rightarrow +\infty, limits to the comonotonicity copula (M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v); M). The parameter Θ\Theta is readily computed from a Kendall Tau (tauCOP) by numerical methods as τC(Θ)=1+4Θ1[D1(Θ)1]\tau_{\mathbf{C}}(\Theta) = 1 + 4\Theta^{-1}[D_1(\Theta) - 1] or from a Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) as ρC(Θ)=1+4Θ1[D2(Θ)D1(Θ)]\rho_{\mathbf{C}}(\Theta) = 1 + 4\Theta^{-1}[D_2(\Theta) - D_1(\Theta)] for Debye function as

Dk(x,k)=kxk0xtk(et1)1dt.D_k(x, k) = k x^{-k} \int_0^x t^k \bigl(\mathrm{e}^{t} - 1\bigr)^{-1}\, \mathrm{d}t\mbox{.}


FRcop(u, v, para=NULL, rhotau=NULL, userhotau_chk=TRUE,
            cortype=c("kendall", "spearman", "tau", "rho"), ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


Optional Kendall Tau or Spearman Rho and parameter para is returned depending on the setting of cortype. The u and v can be used for estimation of the parameter as computed through the setting of cortype;


A character string controlling, if the parameter is not given, to use a Kendall Tau or Spearman Rho for estimation of the parameter. The name of this argument is reflective of an internal call to stats::cor() to the correlation (association) setting for Kendall Tau or Spearman Rho;


A logical to trigger computation of Kendall Tau for the given parameter and used as a secondary check on numerical limits of the copula implementation for the package; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned. Otherwise if tau is given, then the Θ\Theta is computed and a list having


The parameter Θ\Theta, and


Kendall Tau.

and if para=NULL and tau=NULL, then the values within u and v are used to compute Kendall Tau and then compute the parameter, and these are returned in the aforementioned list. Or if rho is given, then the Θ\Theta is computed and a similar list is returned having similar structure but with Spearman Rho instead.


Whether because of default directions of derivative in derCOP for partial derivative of the copula or other numerical challenges, the implementation uses the negative parameter whether positive or not and rotates the copula as needed for complete operation of simCOP. Several default limiting conditions are in the sources before conversion to independence, perfect positive dependence, or perfect negative dependence.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

M, P, W


UV  <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=FRcop, para=20, seed=1)
print(FRcop(UV[,1], UV[,2], cortype="kendall" )$tau) # 0.8072993
print(FRcop(UV[,1], UV[,2], cortype="spearman")$rho) # 0.9536648

## Not run: 
  # Joe (2014) example follows by extendinh the functionality of copBasic
  # into a 3-dimensional C-vine copula using Frank and Gumbel copulas and
  # Kendall Taus and Kendall Partial Taus. The example is expanded to show
  # how advanced features of copBasic can be incorporated for asymmetry
  # (if needed) and reflections (rotations) of copula:
  nsim <- 5000 # number of simulations but not too large for long CPU
  d <- 3       # three dimensions in Joe (2014, algorithm 15) implementation
  GHcop_para <- GHcop(tau   =0.5                   )$para # theta = 2
  FRcop_para <- FRcop(rhotau=0.7, cortype="kendall")$para # theta = 11.41155
  # Substantial notation complexity by structuring the C-vine by matrices for
  # copula families and their parameters then dial in asymmetry by "breves"
  # (see copBasic::breveCOP) and then reflection (rotation ability in the
  # copulas themselves). With zero breves, we have no asymmetry (permutation)
  # and we are going with the basic copula formula, so Reflects are all 1.
  Cops     <- matrix(c(NA,    "GHcop",     "FRcop",
                       NA,         NA,         "M",
                       NA,         NA,         NA),  nrow=d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE)
  Thetas   <- matrix(c(NA, GHcop_para,  FRcop_para,
                       NA,         NA,          NA,
                       NA,         NA,          NA), nrow=d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE)
  Breves   <- matrix(c(NA,          0,           0,
                       NA,         NA,           0,
                       NA,         NA,          NA), nrow=d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE)
  Reflects <- matrix(c(NA,          1,           1,
                       NA,         NA,           1,
                       NA,         NA,          NA), nrow=d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE)
  # see copBasic::breveCOP(), copBasic::GHcop(), copBasic::M()
  # see also copBasic::COP() for how reflection work within the package
  set.seed(1); U <- NULL # seed and vector of the U_{(1,2,3)} probabilities
  for(i in 1:nsim) {
    w <- runif(d); u <- rep(NA, d); u[1] <- w[1]
    # looks messy but just a way dump a host of "parameters" including family
    # itself down into copBasic logic
    para <- list(cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=eval(parse(text=Cops[1,2])),
            para=Thetas[1,2], breve=Breves[1,2], reflect=Reflects[1,2]))
    u[2] <- derCOPinv(u[1], t=w[2], cop=COP, para=para) # conditional quantiles
    for(j in 3:d) {
      q <- w[j]
      for(l in (j-1):1) { # Joe (2014, algorithm 16)
        para <- list(cop=breveCOP, para=list(cop=eval(parse(text=Cops[l,j])),
                para=Thetas[l,j], breve=Breves[l,j], reflect=Reflects[l,j]))
        q <- derCOPinv(w[l], t=q, cop=COP, para=para)   # conditional quantiles
      u[j] <- q
    U <- rbind(U, matrix(u, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE))
  U <- U )
  names( U ) <- paste0("U", seq_len(d))

  # Kendall Partial Tau; Joe (2014, p. 8.66, Theorem 8.66)
  "pc3dCOP" <- function(taujk, tauhj, tauhk) { # close attention to h subscript!
    etajk <- sin( pi*taujk / 2) # Expansion to trig by Joe (2014, theorem 8.19),
    etahj <- sin( pi*tauhj / 2) # Joe says this definition "might be"
    etahk <- sin( pi*tauhk / 2) # better than partial tau on scores.
    (2/pi) * asin( (etajk - etahj*etahk) / sqrt( (1-etahj^2) * (1-etahk^2) ) )
  # Joe (2014, pp. 404-405)
  # Kendall partial tau but needs pairwise Kendall taus to compute partial tau.
  "PairwiseTaus" <- function(U) {
    ktau <- matrix(NA, nrow=d, ncol=d)
    for(j in 1:d) { for(l in 1:d) {
        if(j <  l) next
        if(j == l) { ktau[l,j] <- 1; next } # 1s on diagonal as required.
        ktau[l,j] <- ktau[j,l] <- cor(U[,l], U[,j], method="kendall") # symmetrical
    } }
  PairwiseTaus  <- PairwiseTaus(U) # [1,2] and [1,3] are 0.5 and 0.7 matching
  # requirement and more importantly for Joe (2014, table 8.3, p. 405). Now, [2,3] is
  # about 0.783 which again matches Joe's results of 0.782.
  Tau23given1pc <- pc3dCOP(PairwiseTaus[2,3], PairwiseTaus[2,1], PairwiseTaus[3,1])
  # Joe (2014, table 8.3, p. 405) reports tau^{pc}_{jk;h} as 0.848 by giant
  # simulation and we get about 0.852199 for some modest nsim and set.seed(1). 
## End(Not run)

The Fréchet Family Copula


The Fréchet Family copula (Durante, 2007, pp. 256–259) is

Cα,β(u,v)=FF(u,v)=αM(u,v)+(1αβ)Π(u,v)+βW(u,v),\mathbf{C}_{\alpha, \beta}(u,v) = \mathbf{FF}(u,v) = \alpha\mathbf{M}(u,v) + (1-\alpha-\beta)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)+\beta\mathbf{W}(u,v)\mbox{,}

where α,β0\alpha, \beta \ge 0 and α+β1\alpha + \beta \le 1. The Fréchet Family copulas are convex combinations of the fundamental copulas W\mathbf{W} (Fréchet–Hoeffding lower-bound copula; W), Π\mathbf{\Pi} (independence; P), and M\mathbf{M} (Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound copula; M). The copula is comprehensive because both W\mathbf{W} and M\mathbf{M} can be obtained. The parameters are readily estimated using Spearman Rho (ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}; rhoCOP) and Kendall Tau (τC\tau_\mathbf{C}; tauCOP) by

τC=(αβ)(α+β+2)3 and ρC=αβ.\tau_\mathbf{C} = \frac{(\alpha - \beta)(\alpha + \beta + 2)}{3}\mbox{\ and\ } \rho_\mathbf{C} = \alpha - \beta\mbox{.}

The Fréchet Family copula virtually always has a visible singular component unless α,β=0\alpha, \beta = 0. The copula has respective lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters of λL=α\lambda^L = \alpha and λU=α\lambda^U = \alpha (taildepCOP). Durante (2007, p. 257) reports that the Fréchet Family copula can approximate any bivariate copula in a “unique way” and the error bound can be estimated.


FRECHETcop(u,v, para=NULL, rho=NULL, tau=NULL, par2rhotau=FALSE, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (two element) of parameters α\alpha and β\beta;


Spearman Rho from which to estimate the parameters;


Kendall Tau from which to estimate the parameters;


A logical that if TRUE will return an R list of the ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} and τC\tau_\mathbf{C} for the parameters; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The function will check the consistency of the parameters whether given by argument or computed from ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} and τC\tau_\mathbf{C}. The term “Family” is used with this particular copula in copBasic so as to draw distinction to the Fréchet lower- and upper-bound copulas as the two limiting copulas are called.

For no other reason than that it can be easily done and makes a nice picture, loop through a nest of ρ\rho and τ\tau for the Fréchet Family copula and plot the domain of the resulting parameters:

  ops <- options(warn=-1) # warning supression because "loops" are dumb
  taus <- rhos <- seq(-1,1, by=0.01)
  plot(NA, NA, type="n", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
       xlab="Frechet Copula Parameter Alpha",
       ylab="Frechet Copula Parameter Beta")
  for(tau in taus) {
    for(rho in rhos) {
      fcop <- FRECHETcop(rho=rho, tau=tau)
      if(!$para[1])) points(fcop$para[1], fcop$para[2])


Value(s) for the copula are returned using the α\alpha and β\beta as set by argument para; however, if para=NULL and rho and tau are set and compatible with the copula, then {ρC,τC}{α,β}\{\rho_\mathbf{C}, \tau_\mathbf{C}\} \rightarrow \{\alpha, \beta\}, parameter estimation made, and an R list is returned.


A convex combination (convex2COP) of Π\mathbf{\Pi} and M\mathbf{M}, which is a modification of the Fréchet Family, is the Linear Spearman copula:

Cα(u,v)=(1α)Π(u,v)+αM(u,v),\mathbf{C}_\alpha(u,v) = (1-\alpha)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) + \alpha\mathbf{M}(u,v)\mbox{,}

for 0α10 \le \alpha \le 1, and the parameter is equal to ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}. When the convex combination is used for construction, the complement of the parameter is equal to ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} (e.g. 1α=ρC1-\alpha = \rho_\mathbf{C}; rhoCOP), which can be validated by

  rhoCOP(cop=convex2COP, para=list(alpha=1-0.48, cop1=P, cop2=M)) # 0.4799948


W.H. Asquith


Durante, F., 2007, Families of copulas, Appendix C, in Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

M, P, W


## Not run: 
ppara <- c(0.25, 0.50)
fcop <- FRECHETcop(para=ppara, par2rhotau=TRUE)
RHO <- fcop$rho; TAU <- fcop$tau

level.curvesCOP(cop=FRECHETcop, para=ppara) # Durante (2007, Fig. C.27(b))
mtext("Frechet Family copula")
 UV <- simCOP(n=50, cop=FRECHETcop, para=ppara, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
tau <- cor(UV$U, UV$V, method="kendall" ) # sample Kendall Tau
rho <- cor(UV$U, UV$V, method="spearman") # sample Spearman Rho
spara <- FRECHETcop(rho=rho, tau=tau) # a fitted Frechet Family copula
spara <- spara$para
if([1])) { # now a fittable combination is not guaranteed
   warning("sample rho and tau do not provide valid parameters, ",
           "try another simulation")
} else { # now if fit, draw some red-colored level curves for comparison
   level.curvesCOP(cop=FRECHETcop, para=spara, ploton=FALSE, col=2)
} #
## End(Not run)

The Gaussian-based (Extreme Value) Copula


The g-EV copula (Joe, 2014, p. 105) is a limiting form of the Gaussian copula:

Cρ(u,v)=gEV(u,v;ρ)=exp(A(x,y;ρ)),\mathbf{C}_{\rho}(u,v) = \mathbf{gEV}(u,v; \rho) = \mathrm{exp}\bigl(-A(x,y; \rho)\bigr)\mbox{,}

where x=log(u)x = -\log(u), y=log(v)y = -\log(v), and

A(x,y;ρ)=y,A(x,y; \rho) = y\mbox{,}

for 0x/(x+y)ρ2/(1+ρ2)0 \le x/(x+y) \le \rho^2/(1+\rho^2),

A(x,y;ρ)=(x+y2ρxy)/(1ρ2),A(x,y; \rho) = (x+y - 2\rho\sqrt{xy})/(1-\rho^2)\mbox{,}

for ρ2/(1+ρ2)x/(x+y)1/(1+ρ2)\rho^2/(1+\rho^2) \le x/(x+y) \le 1/(1+\rho^2),

A(x,y;ρ)=x,A(x,y; \rho) = x\mbox{,}

for 1/(1+ρ2)x/(x+y)11/(1+\rho^2) \le x/(x+y) \le 1 and where ρ[0,1]\rho \in [0,1]. A somewhat curious observation is that this copula has relative hard boundaries into the upper-left and lower-right corners when compared to the other copulas supported by the copBasic package. In other words, the hull defined by the copula has a near hard (not fuzzy) curvilinear boundaries that adjust with the parameter ρ\rho.


gEVcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


The parameter ρ\rho; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
UV <- simCOP(200, cop=gEVcop, para=0.8) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Joe (2014, p. 105) has brief detail indicating rho = [0,1] and though it seems
# Rho would be a Pearson correlation, this does not seem to be the case. The Rho
# seems to start with that of the Gaussian and then through the extreme-value
# transform, it just assumes the role of a parameter called Rho.
rho <- 0.8
UV <- simCOP(2000, cop=gEVcop, para=rho)
P <- cor(UV[,1], UV[,2], method="pearson")
if(abs(P - rho) < 0.001) {
  print("Yes same")
} else { print("nope not") } # 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
gEVparameter <- seq(0.02, 1, by=0.02)
SpearmanRho <- sapply(gEVparameter, function(k) rhoCOP(cop=gEVcop, para=k))
plot(gEVparameter, SpearmanRho)

for(rho in gEVparameter) UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=gEVcop, para=rho) #
## End(Not run)

The Gumbel–Hougaard Extreme Value Copula


SYMMETRIC GUMBEL-HOUGAARD—The Gumbel–Hougaard copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 118 and 164) is

CΘ(u,v)=GH(u,v)=exp{[(logu)Θ+(logv)Θ]1/Θ},\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{GH}(u,v) = \mathrm{exp}\{-[(-\log u)^\Theta+(-\log v)^\Theta]^{1/\Theta}\}\mbox{,}

where Θ[1,)\Theta \in [1 , \infty). The copula here is a bivariate extreme value copula (BEVBEV). The parameter Θ\Theta is readily estimated using a Kendall Tau (say a sample version τ^\hat\tau) where the τ\tau of the copula (τC\tau_\mathbf{C}) is defined as

τC=Θ1ΘΘ=11τ.\tau_\mathbf{C} = \frac{\Theta - 1}{\Theta} \rightarrow \Theta = \frac{1}{1-\tau}\mbox{.}

The copula is readily extended into dd dimensions by

CΘ(u,v)=exp{[(logu1)Θ++(logud)Θ]1/Θ}.\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathrm{exp}\{-[(-\log u_1)^\Theta+\cdots+(-\log u_d)^\Theta]^{1/\Theta}\}\mbox{.}

However, such an implementation is not available in the copBasic package.

Every Gumbel–Hougaard copula is a multivariate extreme value (MEVMEV) copula, and hence useful in analysis of extreme value distributions. The Gumbel–Hougaard copula is the only Archimedean MEVMEV (Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 192). The Gumbel–Hougaard copula has respective lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters of λL=0\lambda^L = 0 and λU=221/Θ\lambda^U = 2 - 2^{1/\Theta}, respectively. Nelsen (2006, p. 96) shows that Cθr(u1/r,v1/r)=Cθ(u,v)\mathbf{C}^r_\theta(u^{1/r}, v^{1/r}) = \mathbf{C}_\theta(u,v) so that every Gumbel–Hougaard copula has a property known as max-stable. A dependence measure uniquely defined for BEVBEV copulas is shown under rhobevCOP.

A comparison through simulation between Gumbel–Hougaard implementations by the R packages acopula, copBasic, copula, and Gumbel is shown in the Examples section. At least three divergent techniques for random variate generation are used amongst those packages. The simulations also use copBasic-style random variate generation (conditional simulation) using an analytical-numerical hybrid solution to conditional inverse described in the Note section.

TWO-PARAMETER GUMBEL–HOUGAARD—A permutation symmetric (isCOP.permsym) but almost certainly radial asymmetric (isCOP.radsym) version of the copula is readily constructed (Brahimi et al., 2015) into a two-parameter version:

C(u,v;β1,β2)=[((uβ21)β1+(vβ21)β1)1/β1+1]1/β2,\mathbf{C}(u,v; \beta_1, \beta_2) = \biggl[ \biggl(\bigl(u^{-\beta_2} -1\bigr)^{\beta_1} + \bigl(v^{-\beta_2} -1\bigr)^{\beta_1} \biggr)^{1/\beta_1} + 1 \biggr]^{-1/\beta_2}\mbox{,}

where β11\beta_1 \ge 1 and β2>0\beta_2 > 0. Both parameters controls the general level of association, whereas parameter β2\beta_2 can be thought of as controlling left-tail dependency (taildepCOP, λ(β1,β2)[UL]\lambda^{[U\mid L]}_{(\beta_1, \beta_2)}; e.g. λ(1.5;β2)U=0.413\lambda^U_{(1.5; \beta_2)} = 0.413 for all β2\beta_2 but λ(1.5;0.2)L=0.811\lambda^L_{(1.5; 0.2)} = 0.811 and λ(1.5;2.2)L=0.099\lambda^L_{(1.5; 2.2)} = 0.099. Brahimi et al. (2015) report a Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) for a GH(1.5,0.2)(u,v)\mathbf{GH}_{(1.5, 0.2)}(u,v) is 0.5, which is readily confirmed in copBasic by the function call rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(1.5,0.2)). The two-parameter GH\mathbf{GH} is triggered if the length of the para argument is exactly 2.

ASYMMETRIC GUMBEL–HOUGAARD—An asymmetric version of the copula is readily constructed (Joe, 2014, p. 185–186) into a three-parameter version with Marshall–Olkin copulas on the boundaries:

C(u,v;Θ,π2,π3)=exp[A(logu,logv;Θ,π2,π3)],\mathbf{C}(u,v; \Theta, \pi_2, \pi_3) = \mathrm{exp}[-\mathcal{A}(-\log u, -\log v; \Theta, \pi_2, \pi_3)]\mbox{,}

where Θ1\Theta \ge 1 as before, 0π2,π310 \le \pi_2, \pi_3 \le 1, and

A(x,y;Θ,π2,π3)=[(π2x)Θ+(π3y)Θ]1/Θ+(1π2)x+(1π3)y.\mathcal{A}(x, y; \Theta, \pi_2, \pi_3) = [(\pi_2 x)^\Theta + (\pi_3 y)^\Theta]^{1/\Theta} + (1-\pi_2)x + (1-\pi_3)y\mbox{.}

The asymmetric GH\mathbf{GH} is triggered if the length of the para argument is exactly 3. The GHcop function provides no mechanism for estimation of the parameters for the asymmetric version. Reviewing simulations, the bounds on the π\pi parameters in Joe (2014, p. 185) “[0π2<π310 \le \pi_2 < \pi_3 \le 1]” might be incorrect—by Joe back referencing to Joe (2014, eq. 4.35, p. 183) the π\pi-limits as stated for copBasic are shown. An algorithm for parameter estimation for the asymmetric GH\mathbf{GH} using two different measures of bivariate skewness as well as an arbitrary measure of association is shown in section Details in joeskewCOP.


GHcop(u, v, para=NULL, tau=NULL, tau.big=0.985, cor=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element or triplet) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


Kendall Tau τ\tau from which to estimate the parameter Θ\Theta;


The largest value for τC\tau_\mathbf{C} prior to switching to the M\mathbf{M} copula applicable to the the symmetric version of this copula;


A copBasic syntax for “the correlation coefficient” suitable for the copula—a synonym for tau; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Numerical experiments seem to indicate for τC>0.985\tau_\mathbf{C} > 0.985 that failures in the numerical partial derivatives in derCOP and derCOP2 result—a τC\tau_\mathbf{C} this large is indeed large. As Θ\Theta \rightarrow \infty the Gumbel–Hougaard copula becomes the Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound copula M\mathbf{M} (see M). A τC0.985\tau_\mathbf{C} \approx 0.985 yields Θ66+2/3\Theta \approx 66 + 2/3, then for Θ>1/(1τC)\Theta > 1/(1-\tau_\mathbf{C}) flips over to the M\mathbf{M} copula with a warning issued.


Value(s) for the copula are returned using the Θ\Theta as set by argument para. Alternative returned values are possible: (1) If para=NULL and tau is set, then τCΘ\tau_\mathbf{C} \rightarrow \Theta and an R list is returned. (2) If para=NULL and tau=NULL, then an attempt to estimate Θ\Theta from the u and v is made by cor(u,v)ττCΘ\mathrm{cor}(u,v)_\tau \rightarrow \tau_\mathbf{C} \rightarrow \Theta by either trigger using cor(u,v, method="kendall") in R, and an R list is returned. The possibly returned list has the following elements:


The computed Θ\Theta from the given bivariate data in para; and


The sample estimate of τ\tau.


SYMMETRIC GUMBEL–HOUGAARD—A function for the derivative of the copula (Joe, 2014, p. 172) given uu is

  "GHcop.derCOP" <- function(u, v, para=NULL, ...) {
     x <- -log(u); y <- -log(v)
     A <- exp(-(x^para + y^para)^(1/para)) * (1 + (y/x)^para)^(1/para - 1)

that can be tested by the following

  Theta <- 1/(1-.15) # a Kendall Tau of 0.15
  GHcop.derCOP(     0.5, 0.75, para=Theta) # 0.7787597
  derCOP(cop=GHcop, 0.5, 0.75, para=Theta) # 0.7787597
  # The next two nearly return same value but conversion to GRVs
  # (Gumbel Reduced Variates) to magnify the numerical differences.
  # The GHcop.derCOP is expected to be the more accurate of the two.
  lmomco::prob2grv(GHcop.derCOP(     0.5, 0.9999999, para=Theta)) # 18.83349
  lmomco::prob2grv(derCOP(cop=GHcop, 0.5, 0.9999999, para=Theta)) # 18.71497
  lmomco::prob2grv(derCOP(cop=GHcop, 0.5, 0.9999999, para=Theta,
                                   delu=.Machine$double.eps^.25)) # 18.83341

where the last numerical approximation shows that tighter tolerance is needed. A function for the inverse of the derivative (Joe, 2014, p. 172) given uu by an analytical-numerical hybrid is

  "GHcop.derCOPinv" <- function(u,t, para=NULL, verbose=FALSE,
                                     tol=.Machine$double.eps, ...) {
    if(length(u) > 1) warning("only the first value of u will be used")
    if(length(t) > 1) warning("only the first value of t will be used")
    if(is.null(para)) { warning("para can not be NULL"); return(NA) }
    u <- u[1]; t <- t[1]; rt <- NULL
    x <- -log(u); A <- (x + (para - 1)*log(x) - log(t))
    hz <- function(z) { z + (para - 1)*log(z) - A }
    zmax <- x; i <- 0; hofz.lo <- hz(zmax)
    if(sign(hofz.lo) != -1) warning("sign for h(z) is not negative!")
    while(1) {
       i <- i + 1
       if(i > 100) {
          warning("maximum iterations looking for zmax reached"); break
       # increment zmax by 1/2 log cycle, sign(hofz.lo) should be negative!
       if(sign(hz(zmax <- zmax + 1/2)) != sign(hofz.lo)) break
    try(rt <- uniroot(hz, c(x, zmax), tol=tol, ...), silent=FALSE)
    if(verbose) print(rt)
    if(is.null(rt)) {
       warning("NULL on the inversion of the GH copula derivative")
    zo <- rt$root
    y <- (zo^para - x^para)^(1/para)
    names(y) <- NULL

that can be tested by the following, which also shows how to increase the tolerance on the numerical implementation

  u <- 0.999; p <- 0.999
  GHcop.derCOPinv(     u, p, para=1.56) # 0.999977
  derCOPinv(cop=GHcop, u, p, para=1.56) # 1 (unity), needs tighter tolerance
  derCOPinv(cop=GHcop, u, p, para=1.56, tol=.Machine$double.eps/10) # 0.999977

ASYMMETRIC GUMBEL–HOUGAARD—Set τC=0.35\tau_\mathbf{C} = 0.35 then for a symmetric and then reflection on the 1:1 line of the asymmetric Gumbel–Hougaard copula and compute the primary parameter Θ\Theta, and lastly, compute three bivariate νC\nu_\mathbf{C} skewnesses (nuskewCOP):

  Theta1 <- uniroot(function(t) {
                0.35 - tauCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(t)) },           c(1,10))$root
  Theta2 <- uniroot(function(t) { # asymmetric
                0.35 - tauCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(t, 0.6, 0.9)) }, c(1,30))$root
  Theta3 <- uniroot(function(t) { # asymmetric reflection on 1:1
                0.35 - tauCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(t, 0.9, 0.6)) }, c(1,30))$root
  # Theta1 = 1.538462   and   Theta2 = Theta3 = 2.132856
  # Three "skews" based on a combination of U, V, and C(u,v) [nuskew()]
  nuskewCOP(cop=GHcop,   1.538462) # zero bivariate skewness
  nuskewCOP(cop=GHcop, c(2.132856, 0.6, 0.9)) #  0.008245653
  nuskewCOP(cop=GHcop, c(2.132856, 0.9, 0.6)) # -0.008245653

So, we see, holding τC\tau_\mathbf{C} constant, that the GH\mathbf{GH} has a νGH(1.538)=0\nu_{\mathbf{GH}(1.538)} = 0 but the asymmetric case νGH(2.133,0.6,0.9)=0.0082\nu_{\mathbf{GH}(2.133, 0.6, 0.9)} = 0.0082 and νGH(2.133,0.9,0.6)=0.0082\nu_{\mathbf{GH}(2.133, 0.9, 0.6)} = -0.0082 where the change in sign represents reflection about the 1:1 line. Finally, compute L-coskew by large simulation and the adjective “bow” representing the direction of bowing or curvature of the principle copula density.

  # Because the Tau's are all similar, there is nothing to learn from the
  # L-correlation, let us inspect the L-coskew instead:
  coT3.1<-lmomco::lcomoms2(simCOP(n=8000, cop=GHcop, para=c(Theta1      )))$T3
  coT3.2<-lmomco::lcomoms2(simCOP(n=8000, cop=GHcop, para=c(Theta2,.6,.9)))$T3
  coT3.3<-lmomco::lcomoms2(simCOP(n=8000, cop=GHcop, para=c(Theta3,.9,.6)))$T3
  # The simulations for Theta1 have no curvature about the diagonal.
  # The simulations for Theta2 have curvature towards the upper left.
  # The simulations for Theta3 have curvature towards the lower right.
  message("# L-coskews: ",round(coT3.1[1,2],digits=4),"(symmetric) ",
                          round(coT3.2[1,2],digits=4),"(asym.--bow UL) ",
                          round(coT3.3[1,2],digits=4),"(asym.--bow UL)")
  message("# L-coskews: ",round(coT3.1[2,1],digits=4),"(symmetric) ",
                          round(coT3.2[2,1],digits=4),"(asym.--bow LR) ",
                          round(coT3.3[2,1],digits=4),"(asym.--bow LR)")
  # L-coskews: 0.0533(symmetric) 0.1055(asym.--bow UL) 0.0021(asym.--bow UL)
  # L-coskews: 0.0679(symmetric) 0.0112(asym.--bow LR) 0.1154(asym.--bow LR)

Thus, the L-comoments (Asquith, 2011) using their sample values measure something fundamental about the bivariate association between the three copulas choosen. The L-coskews for the symmetrical case are about equal and are

τ3[12]GH(Θ1)τ3[21]GH(Θ1)(0.0533+0.0679)/2=0.0606,\tau^{\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_1)}_{3[12]} \approx \tau^{\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_1)}_{3[21]} \rightarrow (0.0533 + 0.0679)/2 = 0.0606\mbox{,}

whereas the L-coskew for the curvature to the upper left are

τ3[12]GH(Θ2,0.6,0.9)=0.1055 and τ3[12]GH(Θ2,0.6,0.9)=0.0112,\tau^{\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_2, 0.6, 0.9)}_{3[12]} = 0.1055\mbox{\ and\ } \tau^{\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_2, 0.6, 0.9)}_{3[12]} = 0.0112\mbox{,}

whereas the L-coskew for the curvature to the lower right are

τ3[12]GH(Θ3,0.9,0.6)=0.0021 and τ3[12]GH(Θ3,0.6,0.9)=0.1154.\tau^{\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_3, 0.9, 0.6)}_{3[12]} = 0.0021\mbox{\ and\ } \tau^{\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_3, 0.6, 0.9)}_{3[12]} = 0.1154\mbox{.}

Thus, the π2\pi_2 and π3\pi_3 parameters as choosen add about ((0.1154+0.1055)/20.0606(0.1154+0.1055)/2 - 0.0606 \rightarrow 0.11050.0606=0.050.1105 - 0.0606 = 0.05) L-coskew units to the bivariate distribution.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

Brahimi, B., Chebana, F., and Necir, A., 2015, Copula representation of bivariate L-moments—A new estimation method for multiparameter two-dimensional copula models: Statistics, v. 49, no. 3, pp. 497–521.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

Zhang, L., and Singh, V.P., 2007, Gumbel–Hougaard copula for trivariate rainfall frequency analysis: Journal Hydrologic Engineering, v. 12, Special issue—Copulas in Hydrology, pp. 409–419.

See Also

M, GLcop, HRcop, tEVcop, rhobevCOP


Theta    <- 2.2 # Let us see if numerical and analytical tail deps are the same.
del.lamU <- abs( taildepCOP(cop=GHcop, para=Theta)$lambdaU - (2-2^(1/Theta)) )
as.logical(del.lamU < 1E-6) # TRUE
## Not run: 
# The simulations match Joe (2014, p. 72) for Gumbel-Hougaard
n <- 600; nsim <- 1000; set.seed(946) # see for reproducibility
SM <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) { rs <- semicorCOP(cop=GHcop, para=1.35, n=n)
                                 c(rs$botleft.semicor, rs$topright.semicor) })
RhoM     <- round(mean(SM[1,]),          digits=3)
RhoP     <- round(mean(SM[2,]),          digits=3)
SE.RhoM  <- round(  sd(SM[1,]),          digits=3)
SE.RhoP  <- round(  sd(SM[2,]),          digits=3)
SE.RhoMP <- round(  sd(SM[2,] - SM[1,]), digits=3)
# Semi-correlations (sRho) and standard errors (SEs)
message("# sRho[-]=", RhoM, " (SE[-]=", SE.RhoM, ") Joe(p.72)=0.132 (SE[-]=0.08)")
message("# sRho[+]=", RhoP, " (SE[+]=", SE.RhoP, ") Joe(p.72)=0.415 (SE[+]=0.07)")
message("# SE(sRho[-] - sRho[+])=", SE.RhoMP, " Joe(p.72) SE=0.10")
# sRho[-]=0.134 (SE[-]=0.076) Joe(p.72)=0.132 (SE[-]=0.08)
# sRho[+]=0.407 (SE[+]=0.074) Joe(p.72)=0.415 (SE[+]=0.07)
# SE(sRho[-] - sRho[+])=0.107 Joe(p.72) SE=0.10
# Joe (2014, p. 72) reports the values 0.132, 0.415, 0.08, 0.07, 0.10, respectively.
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
file <- "Lcomom_study_of_GHcopPLACKETTcop.txt"
x <- data.frame(tau=NA, trho=NA, srho=NA, PLtheta=NA, PLT2=NA, PLT3=NA, PLT4=NA,
                                          GHtheta=NA, GHT2=NA, GHT3=NA, GHT4=NA )
write.table(x, file=file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
n <- 250 # Make a large number for very long CPU run but seems stable
for(tau in seq(0,0.98, by=0.005)) {
   thetag <- GHcop(u=NULL, v=NULL, tau=tau)$para
   trho   <- rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=thetag)
   GH     <- simCOP(n=n, cop=GHcop, para=thetag, points=FALSE, ploton=FALSE)
   srho   <- cor(GH$U, GH$V, method="spearman")
   thetap <- PLACKETTpar(rho=trho)
   PL     <- simCOP(n=n, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=thetap, points=FALSE, ploton=FALSE)
   GHl    <- lmomco::lcomoms2(GH, nmom=4); PLl <- lmomco::lcomoms2(PL, nmom=4)
   x <- data.frame(tau=tau, trho=trho, srho=srho,
                   GHtheta=thetag, PLtheta=thetap,
                   GHT2=mean(c(GHl$T2[1,2], GHl$T2[2,1])),
                   GHT3=mean(c(GHl$T3[1,2], GHl$T3[2,1])),
                   GHT4=mean(c(GHl$T4[1,2], GHl$T4[2,1])),
                   PLT2=mean(c(PLl$T2[1,2], PLl$T2[2,1])),
                   PLT3=mean(c(PLl$T3[1,2], PLl$T3[2,1])),
                   PLT4=mean(c(PLl$T4[1,2], PLl$T4[2,1])) )
   write.table(x, file=file, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, append=TRUE)

# After a processing run with very large "n", then meaningful results exist.
D <- read.table(file, header=TRUE); D <- D[complete.cases(D),]
plot(D$tau, D$GHT3, ylim=c(-0.08,0.08), type="n",
points(D$tau,  D$GHT3, col=2);             points(D$tau,  D$PLT3, col=1)
points(D$tau, -D$GHT4, col=4, pch=2);      points(D$tau, -D$PLT4, col=1, pch=2)
LM3 <- lm(D$GHT3~I(D$tau^1)+I(D$tau^2)+I(D$tau^4)-1)
LM4 <- lm(D$GHT4~I(D$tau^1)+I(D$tau^2)+I(D$tau^4)-1)
LM3c <- LM3$coe; LM4c <- LM4$coe
Tau <- seq(0,1, by=.01); abline(0,0, lty=2, col=3)
lines(Tau,   0 + LM3c[1]*Tau^1 + LM3c[2]*Tau^2 + LM3c[3]*Tau^4,  col=4, lwd=3)
lines(Tau, -(0 + LM4c[1]*Tau^1 + LM4c[2]*Tau^2 + LM4c[3]*Tau^4), col=2, lwd=3) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Let us compare the conditional simulation method of copBasic by numerics and by the
# above analytical solution for the Gumbel-Hougaard copula to two methods implemented
# by package gumbel, a presumed Archimedean technique by package acopula, and an
# Archimedean technique by package copula. Setting seeds by each "method" below does
# not appear diagnostic because of the differences in which the simulations are made.
nsim <- 10000; kn <- "kendall" #  The theoretical KENDALL TAU is (1.5-1)/1.5 = 1/3
# Simulate by conditional simulation using numerical derivative and then inversion
A <- cor(copBasic::simCOP(nsim, cop=GHcop, para=1.5, graphics=FALSE), method=kn)[1,2]
U <- runif(nsim) # GHcop.derCOPinv() comes from earlier in this documentation.
V <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) { GHcop.derCOPinv(U[i], runif(1), para=1.5) })
# Simulate by conditional simulation using exact analytical solution
B <- cor(U, y=V, method=kn);  rm(U, V)
# Simulate by the "common frailty" technique
C <- cor(gumbel::rgumbel(nsim, 1.5, dim=2, method=1), method=kn)[1,2]
# Simulate by "K function" (Is the K function method, Archimedean?)
D <- cor(gumbel::rgumbel(nsim, 1.5, dim=2, method=2), method=kn)[1,2]
# Simulate by an Archimedean implementation (presumably)
E <- cor(acopula::rCopula(nsim, pars=1.5), method=kn)[1,2]
# Simulate by an Archimedean implementation
G <- cor(copula::rCopula(nsim, copula::gumbelCopula(1.5)), method=kn)[1,2]
K <- round(c(A, B, C, D, E, G), digits=5); rm(A, B, C, D, E, G, kn); tx <- ", "
message("Kendall Tau: ", K[1], tx, K[2], tx, K[3], tx, K[4], tx, K[5], tx, K[6])
# Kendall Tau: 0.32909, 0.32474, 0.33060, 0.32805, 0.32874, 0.33986 -- run 1
# Kendall Tau: 0.33357, 0.32748, 0.33563, 0.32913, 0.32732, 0.32416 -- run 2
# Kendall Tau: 0.34311, 0.33415, 0.33815, 0.33224, 0.32961, 0.33008 -- run 3
# Kendall Tau: 0.32830, 0.33573, 0.32756, 0.33401, 0.33567, 0.33182 -- nsim=50000!
# All solutions are near 1/3 and it is unknown without further study which of the
# six methods would result in the least bias and (or) sampling variability.
## End(Not run)

The Gini Gamma of a Copula


Compute the measure of association known as the Gini Gamma γC\gamma_\mathbf{C} (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 180–182), which is defined as

γC=Q(C,M)+Q(C,W),\gamma_\mathbf{C} = \mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{M}) + \mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{W})\mbox{,}

where C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is the copula, M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) is the M function, and W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v) is the W function. The function Q(a,b)\mathcal{Q}(a,b) (concordCOP) is a concordance function (Nelsen, 2006, p. 158). Nelsen also reports that “Gini Gamma measures a concordance relation of “distance” between C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) and monotone dependence, as represented by the Fréchet–Hoeffding lower bound and Fréchet–Hoeffding upper bound copulas [M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v), M and W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v), W respectively]”

A simpler method of computation and the default for giniCOP is to compute γC\gamma_\mathbf{C} by

γC=4[IC(u,u)du+IC(u,1u)du]2,\gamma_\mathbf{C} = 4\biggl[\int_\mathcal{I} \mathbf{C}(u,u)\,\mathrm{d}u + \int_\mathcal{I} \mathbf{C}(u,1-u)\,\mathrm{d}u\biggr] - 2\mbox{,}

or in terms of the primary diagonal (alt. main diagonal, Genest et al., 2010) δ(t)\delta(t) and secondary diagonal δ(t)\delta^\star(t) (see diagCOP) by

γC=4[Iδ(t)dt+Iδ(t)dt]2.\gamma_\mathbf{C} = 4\biggl[\int_\mathcal{I} \mathbf{\delta}(t)\,\mathrm{d}t + \int_\mathcal{I} \mathbf{\delta^\star }(t)\,\mathrm{d}t\biggr] - 2\mbox{.}

The simpler method is more readily implemented because single integration is fast. Lastly, Nelsen et al. (2001, p. 281) show that γC\gamma_\mathbf{C} also is computable by

γC=2Q(C,A),\gamma_\mathbf{C} = 2\,\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{A})\mbox{,}

where A\mathbf{A} is a convex combination (convex2COP, using α=1/2\alpha = 1/2) of the copulas M\mathbf{M} and W\mathbf{W} or A=(M+W)/2\mathbf{A} = (\mathbf{M}+\mathbf{W})/2. However, integral convergence errors seem to trigger occasionally, and the first definition by summation Q(C,M)+Q(C,W)\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{M}) + \mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{W}) thus is used. The convex combination is demonstrated in the Examples section.


giniCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, by.concordance=FALSE, as.sample=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


Instead of using the single integrals (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 181–182) to compute γC\gamma_\mathbf{C}, use the concordance function method implemented through concordCOP;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the γ^C\hat\gamma_\mathbf{C} (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass, which are dispatched to the copula function cop and possibly concordCOP if by.concordance=TRUE, such as delta used by that function.


The value for γC\gamma_\mathbf{C} is returned.


Conceptually, the sample Gini Gamma (γ^\hat\gamma; Genest et al., 2010) is

γ^=1n2/2i=1n(n+1Ri)SiRiSi,\hat\gamma = \frac{1}{\lfloor n^2/2 \rfloor}\sum_{i=1}^n \mid (n+1-R_i) - S_i \mid- \mid R_i - S_i\mid\mbox{,}

where m{\lfloor m \rfloor} denotes the integer part of arbitrary m>0m > 0, RiR_i and SiS_i are the respective ranks of XX and YY and nn is sample size. The sampling variance of γ^\hat\gamma under assumption of independence between XX and YY is

var(γ^)n even=23(n2+2)(n1)n2 and\mathrm{var}(\hat\gamma)_{n\ \mathrm{even}} = \frac{2}{3}\frac{(n^2 + 2)}{(n-1)n^2}\mbox{\ and}

var(γ^)n odd=23(n2+3)(n1)(n21).\mathrm{var}(\hat\gamma)_{n\ \mathrm{odd}} = \frac{2}{3}\frac{(n^2 + 3)}{(n-1)(n^2-1)}\mbox{.}

Genest et al. (2010) present additional equations for estimation of the distribution γ^\hat\gamma variance for conditions of dependence based on copulas. For a copula having continuous partial derivatives, then as nn \rightarrow \infty, the quantity (γ^γC)nNormal(0,var(γC))(\hat\gamma - \gamma_\mathbf{C})\sqrt{n} \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, \mathrm{var}(\gamma_\mathbf{C})). Genest et al. (2010) show variance of γ^\hat\gamma for the independence copula (C(u,v)=Π(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) = \mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)) (P) as var(γC)=2/3\mathrm{var}(\gamma_\mathbf{C}) = 2/3. For comparison, the Spearman Footrule for independence is smaller at var(ψC)=2/5\mathrm{var}(\psi_\mathbf{C}) = 2/5 (see footCOP Note). In Genest et al. independence and two examples of dependence (p. 941), var(γ^)>var(ψ^)\mathrm{var}(\hat\gamma) > \mathrm{var}(\hat\psi), but those authors do not appear to remark on whether this inequality holds for all copula.


W.H. Asquith


Genest, C., Nešlehová, J., and Ghorbal, N.B., 2010, Spearman's footrule and Gini's gamma—A review with complements: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, v. 22, no. 8, pp. 937–954, doi:10.1080/10485250903499667.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Nelsen, R.B., Quesada-Molina, J.J., Rodríguez-Lallena, J.A., Úbeda-Flores, M., 2001, Distribution functions of copulas—A class of bivariate probability integral transforms: Statistics and Probability Letters, v. 54, no. 3, pp. 277–282, doi:10.1016/S0167-7152(01)00060-8.

See Also

blomCOP, footCOP, hoefCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, wolfCOP, joeskewCOP, uvlmoms


giniCOP(cop=PSP)                                 #                 = 0.3819757
## Not run: 
giniCOP( cop=PSP, by.concordance=TRUE)           # Q(C,M) + Q(C,W) = 0.3820045
# use convex combination ---triggers integration warning but returns anyway
cxpara <- list(alpha=1/2, cop1=M, cop2=W) # parameters for convex2COP()
2*tauCOP(cop=PSP, cop2=convex2COP, para2=cxpara) #    2*Q(C,A)     = 0.3819807
# where the later issued warnings on the integration
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
n <- 2000; UV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=N4212cop, para=9.3, graphics=FALSE)
giniCOP(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE)                     # 0.9475900 (sample version)
giniCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=9.3)                      # 0.9479528 (copula integration)
giniCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=9.3, by.concordance=TRUE) # 0.9480267 (concordance function)
# where the later issued warnings on the integration
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# The canoncial example of theoretical and sample estimators of bivariate
# association for the package: Blomqvist Beta, Spearman Footrule, Gini Gamma,
# Hoeffding Phi, Kendall Tau, Spearman Rho, and Schweizer-Wolff Sigma
# and comparison to L-correlation via lmomco::lcomoms2().
n <- 9000; set.seed(56)
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=1.45, para2=21.9,
             alpha=0.41, beta=0.08)
D <- simCOP(n=n, cop=composite2COP, para=para, cex=0.5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), pch=16)
blomCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)         # 0.4037908 (theoretical)
blomCOP(para=D, as.sample=TRUE)               # 0.4008889 (sample)
footCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)         # 0.3721555 (theoretical)
footCOP(para=D, as.sample=TRUE)               # 0.3703623 (sample)
giniCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)         # 0.4334687 (theoretical)
giniCOP(para=D, as.sample=TRUE)               # 0.4311698 (sample)
tauCOP(cop=composite2COP,  para=para)         # 0.3806909 (theoretical)
tauCOP(para=D,  as.sample=TRUE)               # 0.3788139 (sample)
rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP,  para=para)         # 0.5257662 (theoretical)
rhoCOP(para=D,  as.sample=TRUE)               # 0.5242380 (sample)
lmomco::lcomoms2(D)$T2      # 1               # 0.5242388 (sample matrix)
                            # 0.5245154 1
hoefCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)         # 0.5082776 (theoretical)
subsample <- D[sample(1:n, n/5),] # subsampling for speed
hoefCOP(para=subsample, as.sample=TRUE)       # 0.5033842 (re-sample)
#hoefCOP(para=D, as.sample=TRUE) # major CPU hog, n too big
# because the Ds are already "probabilities" just resample as shown above
wolfCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)         # 0.5257662 (theoretical)
#wolfCOP(para=D, as.sample=TRUE) # major CPU hog, n too big
wolfCOP(para=subsample, as.sample=TRUE)       # 0.5338009 (re-sample)
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(1); nsim <- 1000
varGIunderIndpendence <- function(n) {
  if(3 %/% 2 == 3 / 2) { # even
    (2/3)*( (n^2 + 2) ) / ( (n-1)* n^2    ) # Genest et al. (2010)
  } else {
    (2/3)*( (n^2 + 3) ) / ( (n-1)*(n^2-1) ) # Genest et al. (2010)
ns <- c(10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100)
plot(min(ns):max(ns), varGIunderIndpendence(10:max(ns)), type="l",
     xlab="Sample size", ylab="Variance of Sample Estimator", col="darkgreen")
mtext("Sample Gini Gamma Under Independence", col="darkgreen")
for(n in ns) {
  sGI <- vector(length=nsim)
  for(i in seq_len(nsim)) {
    uv <- simCOP(n=n, cop=P, para=2, graphics=FALSE)
    sGI[i] <- giniCOP(para=uv, as.sample=TRUE)
  varGI <- varGIunderIndpendence(n)
  zz <- round(c(n, mean(sGI), var(sGI), varGI), digits=6)
  names(zz) <- c("n", "mean_sim", "var_sim", "var_Genest")
  points(n, zz[3], cex=2, pch=21, col="darkgreen", bg="lightgreen")
} # results show proper implementation and Genest et al. (2010, sec. 3) 
## End(Not run)

The Galambos Extreme Value Copula (with Gamma Power Mixture [Joe/BB4] and Lower Extreme Value Limit)


The Galambos copula (Joe, 2014, p. 174) is

CΘ(u,v)=GL(u,v)=uvexp[(xΘ+yΘ)1/Θ],\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{GL}(u,v) = uv\,\mathrm{exp}\bigl[\bigl(x^{-\Theta} + y^{-\Theta}\bigr)^{-1/\Theta}\bigr]\mbox{,}

where Θ[0,)\Theta \in [0, \infty), x=logux = -\log u, and y=logvy = -\log v. As Θ0+\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+}, the copula limits to independence (Π\mathbf{\Pi}; P) and as Θ\Theta \rightarrow \infty, the copula limits to perfect association (M\mathbf{M}; M). The Galambos is a bivariate extreme value copula (BEVBEV), and parameter estimation for Θ\Theta requires numerical methods.

There are two other genetically related forms. Joe (2014, p. 197) describes an extension of the Galambos copula as a Galambos gamma power mixture (GLPM), which is Joe's BB4 copula, with the following form

CΘ,δ(u,v)=GLPM(u,v)=(x+y1[(x1)δ+(y1)δ]1/δ)1/Θ,\mathbf{C}_{\Theta,\delta}(u,v) = \mathbf{GLPM}(u,v) = \biggl(x + y - 1 - \bigl[(x - 1)^{-\delta} + (y - 1)^{-\delta} \bigr]^{-1/\delta} \biggr)^{-1/\Theta}\mbox{,}

where x=uΘx = u^{-\Theta}, y=vΘy = v^{-\Theta}, and Θ0,δ0\Theta \ge 0, \delta \ge 0. (Joe shows δ>0\delta > 0, but zero itself seems to work without numerical problems in practical application.) As δ0+\delta \rightarrow 0^{+}, the “MTCJ family” (Mardia–Takahasi–Cook–Johnson) results (implemented internally with Θ\Theta as the incoming parameter). As Θ0+\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+}, the Galambos above results with δ\delta as the incoming parameter.

This Galambos extension in turn has a lower extreme value limit form that leads to a min-stable bivariate exponential having Pickand dependence function of

A(x,y;Θ,δ)=x+y[xΘ+yΘ(xΘδ+yΘδ)1/δ]1/Θ,A(x,y; \Theta, \delta) = x + y - \bigl[x^{-\Theta} + y^{-\Theta} - (x^{\Theta\delta} + y^{\Theta\delta})^{-1/\delta} \bigr]^{-1/\Theta}\mbox{,}

where this third copula is

CΘ,δLEV(u,v)=GLEV(u,v)=exp[A(logu,logv;Θ,δ)],\mathbf{C}^{LEV}_{\Theta,\delta}(u,v) = \mathbf{GLEV}(u,v) = \mathrm{exp}[-A(-\log u, -\log v; \Theta, \delta)]\mbox{,}

for Θ0,δ0\Theta \ge 0, \delta \ge 0 and is known as the two-parameter Galambos. (Joe shows δ>0\delta > 0, but δ=0\delta = 0 itself seems to work without numerical problems in practical application.)


GLcop(   u, v, para=NULL, ...)
GLEVcop( u, v, para=NULL, ...)
GLPMcop( u, v, para=NULL, ...) # inserts third parameter automatically
JOcopBB4(u, v, para=NULL, ...) # inserts third parameter automatically



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


To trigger GL(u,v)\mathbf{GL}(u,v), a vector (single element) of Θ\Theta, to trigger GLEV(u,v)\mathbf{GLEV}(u,v), a two element vector of Θ\Theta and δ\delta and alias is GLEVcop, and to trigger GLPM(u,v)\mathbf{GLPM}(u,v), a three element vector of Θ\Theta, δ\delta, and any number (the presence of the third entry alone is the triggering mechanism) though aliases GLPM or JOcopBB4 will insert the third parameter automatically for convenience; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


Joe (2014, p. 198) shows GLEV(u,v;Θ,δ)\mathbf{GLEV}(u,v; \Theta, \delta) as a two-parameter Galambos, but its use within the text seemingly is not otherwise obvious. However, testing of the implementation here seems to show that this copula is really not broader in form than GL(u,v;α)\mathbf{GL}(u,v; \alpha). The α\alpha can always(?) be chosen to mimic the {Θ,δ}\{\Theta, \delta\}. This assertion can be tested from a semi-independent direction. First, define an alternative style of one-parameter Galambos:

  GL1cop <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
     GL1pA <- function(x,y,t) { # Pickend dependence func form 1p Galambos
        x + y - (x^-t + y^-t)^(-1/t)
     if(length(u) == 1) { u <- rep(u, length(v)) } else
     if(length(v) == 1) { v <- rep(v, length(u)) }
     exp(-GL1pA(-log(u), -log(v), para[1]))

Second, redefine the two-parameter Galambos:

  GL2cop <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
     GL2pA <- function(x,y,t,d) { # Pickend dependence func form 2p Galambos
        x + y - (x^-t + y^-t - (x^(t*d) + y^(t*d))^(-1/d))^(-1/t)
     if(length(u) == 1) { u <- rep(u, length(v)) } else
     if(length(v) == 1) { v <- rep(v, length(u)) }
     exp(-GL2pA(-log(u), -log(v), para[1], para[2]))

Next, we can combine the Pickend dependence functions into an objective function. This objective function will permit the computation of the α\alpha given a pair {Θ,δ}\{\Theta, \delta\}.

  objfunc <- function(a,t=NA,d=NA, x=0.7, y=0.7) {
     lhs <- (x^-t + y^-t - (x^(t*d) + y^(t*d))^(-1/d))^(-1/t)
     rhs <- (x^-a + y^-a)^(-1/a); return(rhs - lhs) # to be uniroot'ed

A demonstration can now be made:

  t <- 0.6; d <- 4; lohi <- c(0,100)
  set.seed(3); UV <- simCOP(3000, cop=GL2cop, para=c(t,d), pch=16,col=3,cex=0.5)
  a <- uniroot(objfunc, interval=lohi, t=t, d=d)$root
  set.seed(3); UV <- simCOP(3000, cop=GL1cop, para=a, lwd=0.5, ploton=FALSE)

The graphic so produced shows almost perfect overlap in the simulated values. To date, the author has not really found that the two parameters can be chosen such that the one-parameter version can not attain. Extensive numerical experiments using simulated parameter combinations through the use of various copula metrics (tail dependencies, L-comoments, etc) have not found material differences. Has the author of this package missed something?


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

M, P, GHcop, HRcop, tEVcop


# Theta = pi for GLcop and recovery through Blomqvist Beta     (Joe, 2014, p. 175)
log(2)/(log(log(2)/log(1+blomCOP(cop=GLcop, para=pi))))

# Theta = 2 and delta = 3 for the GLPM form and Blomqvist Beta (Joe, 2014, p. 197)
t <- 2; Btheo <- blomCOP(GLPMcop, para=c(t,3))
Bform <- (2^(t+1) - 1 - taildepCOP(GLPMcop, para=c(t,3))$lambdaU*(2^t -1))^(-1/t)
print(c(Btheo, 4*Bform-1)) # [1] 0.8611903 0.8611900

## Not run: 
  # See the Note section but check Blomqvist Beta here:
  blomCOP(cop=GLcop, para=c(6.043619))  # 0.8552863 (2p version)
  blomCOP(cop=GLcop, para=c(5.6, 0.3))  # 0.8552863 (1p version) 
## End(Not run)

Gluing Two Copulas


The gluing copula technique (Erdely, 2017, p. 71), given two bivariate copulas CA\mathbf{C}_A and CB\mathbf{C}_B and a fixed value 0γ10 \le \gamma \le 1 is

Cγ(u,v)=γCA(u/γ,v)\mathbf{C}_{\gamma}(u,v) = \gamma\cdot\mathbf{C}_A(u/\gamma, v)

for 0uγ0 \le u \le \gamma and

Cγ(u,v)=(1γ)CB((uγ)/(1γ),v)\mathbf{C}_{\gamma}(u,v) = (1-\gamma)\cdot\mathbf{C}_B((u-\gamma) \,/\,(1-\gamma), v)

for γu1\gamma \le u \le 1 and γ\gamma represents the gluing point in uu (horizontal axis). The logic is simply the rescaling of CA\mathbf{C}_A to [0,γ]×[0,1][0,\gamma] \times [0,1] and CB\mathbf{C}_B to [γ,1]×[0,1][\gamma,1] \times [0,1]. Copula gluing is potentially useful in circumstances for which regression is non-monotone.


glueCOP(u, v, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A special parameter list (see Note) with a mandatory element of glue parameter γ\gamma; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copulas.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


The following descriptions list in detail the structure and content of the para argument:


— The γ\gamma gluing parameter;


— Function of the first copula A\mathbf{A};


— Function of the second copula B\mathbf{B};


— Vector of parameters ΘA\Theta_\mathbf{A} for A\mathbf{A}; and


— Vector of parameters ΘB\Theta_\mathbf{B} for B\mathbf{B}.


W.H. Asquith


Erdely, A., 2017, Copula-based piecewise regression (chap. 5) in Copulas and dependence models with applications—Contributions in honor of Roger B. Nelsen, eds. Flores, U.M., Amo Artero, E., Durante, F., Sánchez, J.F.: Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978–3–319–64220–9, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64221-5.

See Also

COP, breveCOP, composite1COP, composite2COP, composite3COP, convexCOP


## Not run: 
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, para1=.2, cop2=GLcop, para2=1.2, glue=0.6)
densityCOPplot(cop=glueCOP, para=para) # 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Concerning Nelsen (2006, exam. 3.3, pp. 59-61)
# Concerning Erdely (2017, exam. 5.1, p. 71)
# Concerning Erdely (2017, exam. 5.2, p. 75)
# Nelsen's example is a triangle with vertex at [G, 1].
# Erdley's example permits the construction using glueCOP from M and W.
"coptri" <- function(u,v, para=NA, ...) {
   p <- para[1]; r <- 1 - (1-p)*v
   if(length(u) > 1 | length(v) > 1) stop("only scalars for this function")
   if(0 <= u & u <= p*v & p*v <= p) {            return(u)
   } else if(  0 <= p*v & p*v <  u & u <  r) {   return(p*v)
   } else if(  p <= r   & r   <= u & u <= 1 ) {  return(u+v-1)
   } else { stop("should not be here in logic") }
"UsersCop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP(u,v, f=coptri, ...) }
# Demonstrate Nelsen's triangular copula    (black dots )
UV <- simCOP(cop=UsersCop, para=0.35, cex=0.5, pch=16)
# Add Erdley's gluing of M() and W() copula (red circles)
para <- list(cop1=M, cop2=W, para1=NA, para2=NA, glue=0.35)
UV <- simCOP(cop=glueCOP,  para=para, col=2,   ploton=FALSE)
# We see in the plot that the triangular copulas are the same.

# For G = 0.5, Erdley shows Spearman Rho = 2*G-1 = 0, but
#  Schweizer-Wolff = G^2 + (G-1)^2 = 0.5, let us check these:
para <- list(cop1=M, cop2=W, para1=NA, para2=NA, glue=0.5)
rhoCOP( cop=glueCOP, para=para) # -2.181726e-17
wolfCOP(cop=glueCOP, para=para) #  0.4999953
# So, rhoCOP() indicates independence, but wolfCOP() indicates
# dependence at the minimum value possible for a triangular copula. 
## End(Not run)

Compute a Copula on a Grid


Compute a grid of copula values. This function has the primary intention of supporting 3D renderings or 2D images of the copulatic surface. Users should be aware of the convention of the placement of the plotting origin and the various plotting mechanisms available to them in R. By convention copulatic surfaces start in lower left corner for u=v=0u = v = 0, but matrix conventions (or at least how some functions plot matrices) start with the origin in the upper left.


gridCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, delta=0.05, transpose=TRUE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The Δu=Δv\Delta u = \Delta v of the grid edges;


A logical to transpose the returned grid. This is needed if functions such as image() in R are to be used for visualization (see last example in Examples with composite2COP); and


Additional arguments to pass.


The values for C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) are returned as a grid as an R matrix.


W.H. Asquith

See Also



## Not run: 
the.grid <- gridCOP(cop=PSP)
the.grid[1,1] <- 0 # replace the NaN
image(the.grid) # ramps to the upper right 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# See this composite copula also used in densityCOPplot() documentation.
para <- list(alpha=0.15, beta=0.90, kappa=0.06, gamma=0.96,
             cop1=GHcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=5.5, para2=0.07)
GR <- gridCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, delta=0.005)
image(GR, col=terrain.colors(20)) # asymmetric, high curvature in top half 
## End(Not run)

The Hoeffding Phi of a Copula or Lp Distances (Independence, Radial Asymmetry, or Reflection Symmetry Forms)


Compute the measure of association known as the Hoeffding Phi ΦC\Phi_\mathbf{C} of a copula from independence (uv=Πuv = \mathbf{\Pi}; P) according to Cherunbini et al. (2004, p. 164) by

ΦC=310 ⁣ ⁣I2(C(u,v)uv)2dudv,\Phi_\mathbf{C} = 3 \sqrt{10\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \bigl(\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv\bigr)^2\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v}\mbox{,}

and Nelsen (2006, p. 210) shows this as (and absolute value notation by Nelsen helps in generalization)

ΦC=(90 ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)uv2dudv)1/2,\Phi_\mathbf{C} = \biggl(90\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} |\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv|^2\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\biggr)^{1/2}\mbox{,}

for which ΦC2\Phi^2_\mathbf{C} (the square of the quantity) is known as the dependence index. Gaißer et al. (2010, eq. 1) have ΦC2\Phi^2_\mathbf{C} as the Hoeffding Phi-Square, and their definition, when square-rooted, matches Nelsen's listing.

A generalization (Nelsen, 2006) to LpL_p distances from independence (uv=Πuv = \mathbf{\Pi}; P) through the LpCOP function is

LpΦC(p)=(k(p) ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)uvpdudv)1/p,L_p \equiv \Phi_\mathbf{C}(p) = \biggl(k(p)\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} |\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv|^p\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\biggr)^{1/p}\mbox{,}

for a p:1pp: 1 \le p \le \infty and where k(p)k(p) is a normalization constant such that ΦC(p)=1\Phi_\mathbf{C}(p) = 1 when the copula C\mathbf{C} is M\mathbf{M} (see M) or W\mathbf{W} (see W). The k(p)k(p) (bivariate definition only) for other powers is given (Nelsen, 2006, exer. 5.44, p. 213) in terms of the complete gamma function Γ(t)\Gamma(t) by

k(p)=Γ(2p+3)2[Γ(p+1)]2,k(p) = \frac{\Gamma(2p+3)}{2[\Gamma(p + 1)]^2}\mbox{,}

which is implemented by the hoefCOP function. It is important to realize that the LpL_p distances are all symmetric nonparametric measures of dependence (Nelsen, 2006, p. 210). These are symmetric because distance from independence is used as evident by “uvuv” in the above definitions.

Reflection/Radial and Permutation Asymmetry—Asymmetric forms similar to the above distances exist. Joe (2014, p. 65) shows two measures of bivariate reflection asymmetry or radial asymmetry (term favored in copBasic) as the distance between C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) and the survival copula C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) (surCOP) measured by

Lradsym=sup0u,v1C(u,v)C^(u,v),L_\infty^{\mathrm{radsym}} = \mathrm{sup}_{0\le u,v\le1}|\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v)|\mbox{,}

or its LpradsymL_p^{\mathrm{radsym}} counterpart

Lpradsym=[ ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)C^(u,v)pdudv]1/pwithp1,L_p^{\mathrm{radsym}} = \biggl[\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} |\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v)|^p\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\biggr]^{1/p}\,\mathrm{with}\, p \ge 1\mbox{,}

where C^(u,v)=u+v1+C(1u,1v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - 1 + \mathbf{C}(1-u, 1-v) and again p:1pp: 1 \le p \le \infty. Joe (2014) does not seem to discuss and normalization constants for these two radial asymmetry distances.

Joe (2014, p. 66) offers analogous measures of bivariate permutation asymmetry (isCOP.permsym) (C(u,v)C(v,u)\mathbf{C}(u,v) \not= \mathbf{C}(v,u)) defined as

Lpermsym=sup0u,v1C(u,v)C^(v,u),L_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} = \mathrm{sup}_{0\le u,v\le1}|\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \hat{\mathbf{C}}(v,u)|\mbox{,}

or its LppermsymL_p^{\mathrm{permsym}} counterpart

Lppermsym=[ ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)C^(v,u)pdudv]1/pwithp1,L_p^{\mathrm{permsym}} = \biggl[\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} |\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \hat{\mathbf{C}}(v,u)|^p\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\biggr]^{1/p}\,\mathrm{with}\, p \ge 1\mbox{,}

where p:1pp: 1 \le p \le \infty. Again, Joe (2014) does not seem to discuss and normalization constants for these two permutation symmetry distances. Joe (2014, p. 65) states that the “simplest one-parameter bivariate copula families [and] most of the commonly used two-parameter bivariate copula families are permutation symmetric.” The LpermsymL_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} (or rather a similar form) is implemented by LzCOPpermsym and demonstration made in that documentation.

The asymmetrical LL_\infty and LpL_p measures identified by Joe (2014, p. 66) are nonnegative with an upper bounds that depends on pp. The bound dependence on pp is caused by the lack of normalization constant k(p)k(p). In an earlier paragraph, Joe (2014) indicates an upper bounds of 1/3 for both (likely?) concerning LradsymL_\infty^{\mathrm{radsym}} and LpermsymL_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}}. Discussion of this 1/3 or rather the integer 3 is made within LzCOPpermsym.

The numerical integrations for LpradsymL_p^{\mathrm{radsym}} and LppermsymL_p^{\mathrm{permsym}} can readily return zeros. Often inspection of the formula for the C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) itself would be sufficient to judge whether symmetry exists and hence the distances are uniquely zero.

Joe (2014, p. 66) completes the asymmetry discussion with three definitions of skewness of combinations of random variables UU and VV: Two definitions are in uvlmoms (for U+V1U + V - 1 and UVU - V) and two are for VUV-U (nuskewCOP) and U+V1U+V-1 (nustarCOP).


hoefCOP(     cop=NULL, para=NULL, p=2, as.sample=FALSE,
                                       brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)

LpCOP(       cop=NULL, para=NULL, p=2, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)
LpCOPradsym( cop=NULL, para=NULL, p=2, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)
LpCOPpermsym(cop=NULL, para=NULL, p=2, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The value for pp as described above with a default to 2 to match the discussion of Nelsen (2006) and the Hoeffding Phi of Cherubini et al. (2004). Do not confuse pp with dd described in Note;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the Φ^C\hat{\Phi}_\mathbf{C} (see Note). If set to -1, then the message concerning CPU effort will be surpressed;

When as.sample triggered, what are the units incoming in para? If they are probabilities, the default is applicable. If they are not, then the columns are re-ranked and divided simply by 1/n1/n—more sophisticated empirical copula probabilities are not used (EMPIRcop);


Should brute force be used instead of two nested integrate() functions in R to perform the double integration;


The du\mathrm{d}u and dv\mathrm{d}v for the brute force (brute=TRUE) integration; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The value for ΦC(p)\Phi_\mathbf{C}(p) is returned.


Concerning the distance from independence, when p=1p = 1, then the Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) of a copula is computed where is it seen in that documentation that the kp(1)=12k_p(1) = 12. The respective values of k(p)k(p) for select integers pp are

p[1,2,3,4,5]k(p){12,90,560,3150,16600},p \mapsto [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] \equiv k(p) \mapsto \{12, 90, 560, 3150, 16600\}\mbox{,}

and these values are hardwired into hoefCOP and LpCOP. The integers for kpk_p ensures that the equality in the second line of the examples is TRUE, but the pp can be a noninteger as well. Nelsen (2006, p. 211) reports that when p=p = \infty that LL_\infty is

LΦC()=ΛC=4  supu,vIC(u,v)uv.L_\infty \equiv \Phi_\mathbf{C}(\infty) = \Lambda_\mathbf{C} = 4\;\mathrm{sup}_{u,v \in \mathcal{I}}|\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv|\mbox{.}

A sample Φ^C\hat{\Phi}_\mathbf{C} (square root of the Hoeffding Phi-Square) based on nonparametric estimation generalized for dd dimensions (d=2d = 2 for bivariate) is presented by Gaißer et al. (2010, eq. 10) for estimated probabilities U^ij\hat{U}_{ij} for the iith dimension and jjth row (observation) for sample of size nn. Those authors suggest that the U^ij\hat{U}_{ij} be estimated from the empirical copula:

Φ^C=h(d)[A+B],\hat\Phi_\mathbf{C} = \sqrt{h(d)[A + B]}\mbox{,}


A=(1n)2j=1nk=1ni=1d[1max(U^ij,U^ik)],A = \biggl(\frac{1}{n}\biggr)^2\sum_{j=1}^n\sum_{k=1}^n\prod_{i=1}^d \bigl[1 - \mathrm{max}\bigl(\hat{U}_{ij}, \hat{U}_{ik}\bigr)\bigr]\mbox{,}

B=(13)d(2n)(12)dj=1ni=1d[1U^ij2].B = \biggl(\frac{1}{3}\biggr)^d - \biggl(\frac{2}{n}\biggr)\biggl(\frac{1}{2}\biggr)^d \sum_{j=1}^n\prod_{i=1}^d [1 - \hat{U}_{ij}^2]\mbox{.}

The normalization constant is a function of dimension and is

h(d)1=2(d+1)(d+2)(12)dd!i=0d(i+(1/2))+(13)d.h(d)^{-1} = \frac{2}{(d+1)(d+2)} - \biggl(\frac{1}{2}\biggr)^d\frac{d\,!}{\prod_{i=0}^d\bigl(i+(1/2)\bigr)}+\biggl(\frac{1}{3}\biggr)^d\mbox{.}

  set.seed(1); UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=PSP)
  hoefCOP(cop=PSP)                                       # 0.4547656 (theo.)
  hoefCOP(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE)                       # 0.4892757
  set.seed(1); UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=PSP, snv=TRUE) # std normal variates
  hoefCOP(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE, # 0.4270324


W.H. Asquith


Cherubini, U., Luciano, E., and Vecchiato, W., 2004, Copula methods in finance: Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, 293 p.

Gaißer, S., Ruppert, M., and Schmid, F., 2010, A multivariate version of Hoeffding's Phi-Square: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, v. 101, no. 10, pp. 2571–2586.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

blomCOP, footCOP, giniCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, wolfCOP, joeskewCOP, uvlmoms, LzCOPpermsym


## Not run: 
# Example (ii) Gaisser et al. (2010, p. 2574)
Theta <- 0.66 # Phi^2 = Theta^2 ---> Phi == Theta as shown
hoefCOP(cop=convex2COP, para=c(alpha=Theta, cop1=M, cop2=P)) # 0.6599886

rhoCOP(cop=PSP) == hoefCOP(cop=PSP, p=1) # TRUE
LpCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=1.6, p=2.6)  # 0.1445137 (Fractional p)
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
set.seed(938) # Phi(1.6; Plackett) = 0.1184489; L_1 = 0.1168737
UV <- simCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=1.6, n=2000, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
hoefCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=1.6, p=200)  # Large p near internal limits
L_1 <- 4*max(abs(PLACKETTcop(UV$U, UV$V, para=1.6) - UV$U*UV$V)) # p is infty
# and finite n and arguably a sample-like statistic here, now on intuition try
# a more sample-like means
U <- runif(10000); V <- runif(10000)
L_2 <- 4*max(abs(EMPIRcop(U, V, para=UV) - U*V)) # 0.1410254 (not close enough)
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
para <- list(alpha=0.15, beta=0.90, kappa=0.06, gamma=0.96,
             cop1=GHcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=5.5, para2=0.07)
LpCOPradsym( cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.02071164
LpCOPpermsym(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.01540297
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
"MOcop.formula" <- function(u,v, para=para, ...) {
   alpha <- para[1]; beta <- para[2]; return(min(v*u^(1-alpha), u*v^(1-beta)))
"MOcop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP(u,v, f=MOcop.formula, ...) }
   LpCOPradsym( cop=MOcop, para=c(0.8, 0.5)) # 0.0261843
   LpCOPpermsym(cop=MOcop, para=c(0.8, 0.5)) # 0.0243912 
## End(Not run)

The Hüsler–Reiss Extreme Value Copula


The Hüsler–Reiss copula (Joe, 2014, p. 176) is

CΘ(u,v)=HR(u,v)=exp[xΦ(X)yΦ(Y)],\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{HR}(u,v) = \mathrm{exp}\bigr[-x \Phi(X) - y\Phi(Y)\bigr]\mbox{,}

where Θ0\Theta \ge 0, x=log(u)x = - \log(u), y=log(v)y = - \log(v), Φ(.)\Phi(.) is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution, XX and YY are defined as:

X=1Θ+Θ2log(xy) and Y=1Θ+Θ2log(yx).X = \frac{1}{\Theta} + \frac{\Theta}{2} \log\biggl(\frac{x}{y}\biggr)\mbox{\ and\ } Y = \frac{1}{\Theta} + \frac{\Theta}{2} \log\biggl(\frac{y}{x}\biggr)\mbox{.}

As Θ0+\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+}, the copula limits to independence (Π\mathbf{\Pi}; P). The copula here is a bivariate extreme value copula (BEVBEV), and the parameter Θ\Theta requires numerical methods.


HRcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

P, GHcop, GLcop, tEVcop


# Parameter Theta = pi recovery through the Blomqvist Beta (Joe, 2014, p. 176)
qnorm(1 - log( 1 + blomCOP(cop=HRcop, para=pi) ) / ( 2 * log(2) ) )^(-1)

Is a Copula Left-Tail Decreasing


Numerically set a logical whether a copula is left-tail decreasing (LTD) as described by Nelsen (2006, pp. 192–193) and Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 222). A copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is left-tail decreasing for LTD(VU)\mathrm{LTD}(V{\mid}U) if and only if for any v[0,1]v \in [0,1] that the following holds

δC(u,v)δuC(u,v)u\frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta u} \le \frac{\mathbf{C}(u,v)}{u}

for almost all u[0,1]u \in [0,1]. Similarly, a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is left-tail decreasing for LTD(UV)\mathrm{LTD}(U{\mid}V) if and only if for any u[0,1]u \in [0,1] that the following holds

δC(u,v)δvC(u,v)v\frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta v} \le \frac{\mathbf{C}(u,v)}{v}

for almost all v[0,1]v \in [0,1] where the later definition is controlled by the wrtV=TRUE argument.

The LTD concept is associated with the concept of tail monotonicity (Nelsen, 2006, p. 191). Specifically, but reference to Nelsen (2006) definitions and geometric interpretations is recommended, LTD(VU)\mathrm{LTD}(V{\mid}U) (or LTD(VU)\mathrm{LTD}(V{\mid}U)) means that the probability P[YyXx]P[Y \le y \mid X \le x] (or P[XxYy]P[X \le x \mid Y \le y]) is a nonincreasing function of xx (or yy) for all yy (or xx).

A positive LTD of either LTD(VU)\mathrm{LTD}(V{\mid}U) or LTD(UV)\mathrm{LTD}(U{\mid}V) implies positively quadrant dependency (PQD, isCOP.PQD) but the condition of PQD does not imply LTD. Finally, the accuracy of the numerical assessment of the returned logical by isCOP.LTD is dependent on the the “smallness” of the delta argument passed into the function.


isCOP.LTD(cop=NULL, para=NULL, wrtV=FALSE, delta=0.005, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle between with respect to vv or uu (default);


The increment of {u,v}[0+Δδ,1Δδ,Δδ]\{u,v\} \mapsto [0+\Delta\delta, 1-\Delta\delta, \Delta\delta] set by wrtV; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula or derivative of a copula function.


A logical TRUE or FALSE is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in nature—An approach using copulas: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, Water Science and Technology Library 56, 292 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
isCOP.LTD(cop=P, delta=0.01) # independence should be FALSE
# Positive association
isCOP.LTD(cop=PSP)                               # TRUE
# Negative association Plackett
isCOP.LTD(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=0.15)            # FALSE
# Positive association Plackett
isCOP.LTD(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=15)              # TRUE
# Negative association Plackett
isCOP.LTD(cop=PLACKETTcop, wrtv=TRUE, para=0.15) # FALSE
# Positive association Plackett
isCOP.LTD(cop=PLACKETTcop, wrtV=TRUE, para=15)   # TRUE
## End(Not run)

Is a Copula Permutation Symmetric


Numerically set a logical whether a copula is symmetric (Nelsen, 2006, p. 38), or has exchangable variables, or is permutation symmetric (Joe, 2014, p. 66). A copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is permutation symmetric if and only if for any {u,v}[0,1]\{u,v\} \in [0,1] the following holds

C(u,v)=C(v,u).\mathbf{C}(u,v) = \mathbf{C}(v, u)\mbox{.}

The computation is (can be) CPU intensive.


isCOP.permsym(cop=NULL, para=NULL, delta=0.005, tol=1e-4, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The increment of {u,v}[0+Δδ,1Δδ,Δδ]\{u,v\} \mapsto [0+\Delta\delta, 1-\Delta\delta, \Delta\delta];


A tolerance on the check for symmetry, default 1 part in 10,000, which is the test for the 0\equiv 0 (zero equivalence, see source code); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


A logical TRUE or FALSE is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

LzCOPpermsym, isCOP.radsym


## Not run: 
isCOP.permsym(cop=GHcop, para=1.3) # TRUE
## End(Not run)

The Positively Quadrant Dependency State of a Copula


Numerically determine the global property of the positively quadrant dependency (PQD) characteristic of a copula as described by Nelsen (2006, p. 188). The random variables XX and YY are PQD if for all (x,y)(x,y) in R2\mathcal{R}^2 when H(x,y)F(x)G(x)H(x,y) \ge F(x)G(x) for all (x,y)(x,y) in R2\mathcal{R}^2 and thus by the copula C(u,v)uv\mathbf{C}(u,v) \ge uv for all (u,v)(u,v) in I2\mathcal{I}^2. Alternatively, this means that C(u,v)Π\mathbf{C}(u,v) \ge \mathbf{\Pi}, and thus it can be said that it is globally “greater” than independence (uv=Πuv = \Pi; P).

Nelsen (2006) shows that a copula is PQD when

0βC0γC, and 0ρC3τC,0 \le \beta_\mathbf{C} \mbox{,\ } 0 \le \gamma_\mathbf{C}\mbox{,\ and\ } 0 \le \rho_\mathbf{C} \le 3\tau_\mathbf{C}\mbox{,}

where βC\beta_\mathbf{C}, γC\gamma_\mathbf{C}, ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}, and τC\tau_\mathbf{C} are various copula measures of association or concordance that are respectively described in blomCOP, giniCOP, rhoCOP, and tauCOP. The concept of negatively quadrant dependency (NQD) is the reverse: C(u,v)Π\mathbf{C}(u,v) \le \mathbf{\Pi} for all (u,v)(u,v) in I2\mathcal{I}^2; so NQD is globally “smaller” than independence.

Conceptually, PQD is related to the probability that two random variables are simultaneously small (or simultaneously large) is at least as great as it would be if they were independent. The graph of a PQD copula lies on or above the copulatic surface of the independence copula Π\mathbf{\Pi}, and conversely a NQD copula lies on or below Π\mathbf{\Pi}.

Albeit a “global” property of a copula, there can be “local” variations in the PQD/NQD state. Points in I2\mathcal{I}^2 where C(u,v)Π0\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \mathbf{\Pi} \ge 0 are locally PQD, whereas points in I2\mathcal{I}^2 where C(u,v)Π0\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \mathbf{\Pi} \le 0 and locally NQD. Lastly, readers are directed to the last examples in wolfCOP because as those examples involve the copulatic difference from independence C(u,v)Π=C(u,v)Π\mathbf{C}(u,v) - \mathbf{\Pi} = \mathbf{C}(u,v) - \mathbf{\Pi} with 3-D renderings.


isCOP.PQD(cop=NULL, para=NULL, uv=NULL, empirical=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


An optional R data.frame of UU and VV nonexceedance probabilities uu and vv for the random variables XX and YY. This argument triggers different value return behavior (see Value);


A logical that will use sample versions for Gini Gamma, Spearman Rho, and Kendall Tau. This feature is only applicable if the copula is empirical and therefore the para argument is the data.frame of uu and vv, which will be passed along to sample version functions instead of copula (see Note);


A logical that will report the four concordance measures; and


Additional arguments to pass, which are then passed to subordinate functions.


If uv=NULL then a logical for the global property of PQD is returned but if argument uv is a data.frame, then an R list is returned, and that list holds the global condition in global.PQD and local condition assessments in local.PQD and local.NQD.


The function isCOP.PQD will try brute force computations if subordinate calls to one or more functions fails. The user can use ... to set the delta argument for giniCOP, rhoCOP, and (or) tauCOP.

This function is not guaranteed to work using a bivariate empirical copula such as the following operation: copPQD(cop=EMPIRcop, An evidently open problem for copBasic is how to support PQD assessment (either globally or locally) for empirical copulas. The τC\tau_\mathbf{C} for the bivariate empirical copula example brute=TRUE|FALSE to unity and γC\gamma_\mathbf{C} and ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} reach maximum number of subdivisions on the numerical integration and thus fail. If an empirical bivariate copula is “Tau'd” to itself, is τC1\tau_\mathbf{C} \equiv 1 guaranteed? The τC\tau_\mathbf{C} computation relies on numerical partial derivatives of the copula, whereas the γC\gamma_\mathbf{C} and ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} use the copula itself. It seems in the end that use of sample versions of γC\gamma_\mathbf{C}, ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}, and τC\tau_\mathbf{C} would be appropriate and leave the βC\beta_\mathbf{C} as either copula or direct sample computation (see Examples).

SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION 1—Given the following,

  para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=c(14.5),para2=c(1.45),
               alpha=0.51, beta=0.15, kappa=0.45, gamma=0.78)
  D <- simCOP(n=500, cop=composite3COP, para=para, cex=0.5, col=1, pch=16)

the two different call types to isCOP.PQD for an empirical copula are illustrative:

  global.only <- isCOP.PQD(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D, empirical=TRUE)


  PQD.list <- isCOP.PQD(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D, empirical=TRUE, uv=D)
  points(D, col=PQD.list$local.PQD+2, lwd=2) # red (if present) is local NQD

which in the former only returns the global PQD and the later returns an R list with global (global.PQD), local (local.PQD as well as local.NQD), and the four statistics (beta βC\beta_\mathbf{C}, gamma γC\gamma_\mathbf{C}, rho ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}, tau τC\tau_\mathbf{C}) used to determine global PQD.

SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION 1—Lastly, the ctype="bernstein" argument to the empirical copula can be used. Repeated iterations of the following will show that local quadrant dependency can appear slightly different when the bernstein argument is present. The simulation sample size is reduced considerably for this second example because of the CPU effort triggered by the Bernstein extension (see EMPIRcop) having been turned on.

  para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=14.5, para2=1.45,
               alpha=0.51, beta=0.15, kappa=0.45, gamma=0.78)
  D <- simCOP(n=50, cop=composite3COP, para=para, cex=0.5, col=1, pch=16)
  PQD.A<- isCOP.PQD(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D, empirical=TRUE, uv=D)
  points(D, col=PQD.A$local.PQD+2, lwd=2) # red (if present) is local NQD
  PQD.B<- isCOP.PQD(cop=EMPIRcop,para=D,empirical=TRUE,uv=D,ctype="bernstein")
  points(D, col=PQD.B$local.PQD+2, lwd=1, pch=3, cex=1.5)


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

blomCOP, giniCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, isCOP.LTD, isCOP.RTI


## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Example concerning Empirical Bivariate Copula and sample versions for comparison.
set.seed(10); n <- 1000
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=0.145,  para2=1.45,
             alpha=0.81, beta=0.8)
D <- simCOP(n=n, cop=composite2COP, para=para, cex=0.5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), pch=16)
#tauCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D)   # ??? but == 1
cor(D$U, D$V, method="kendall") # -0.3224705
blomCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D)   # -0.332
giniCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D)   # -0.3692037
GINI <- sum(abs(rank(D$U)+rank(D$V)-n-1)) - sum(abs(rank(D$U)-rank(D$V)))
print(GINI/as.integer(n^2/2))   # -0.369996
rhoCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=D)    # ??? but fails
cor(D$U, D$V, method="spearman")      # -0.456694
lmomco::lcomoms2(D)$T2     #  1.0000000 -0.4568357
                           # -0.4567859  1.0000000
## End(Not run)

Is a Copula Radially Symmetric


Numerically set a logical whether a copula is radially symmetric (Nelsen, 2006, p. 37) [reflection symmetric, Joe (2014, p. 64)]. A copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is radially symmetric if and only if for any {u,v}[0,1]\{u,v\} \in [0,1] either of the following hold

C(u,v)=u+v1+C(1u,1v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) = u + v - 1 + \mathbf{C}(1-u, 1-v)


u+v1+C(1u,1v)C(u,v)0.u + v - 1 + \mathbf{C}(1-u, 1-v) - \mathbf{C}(u,v) \equiv 0\mbox{.}

Thus, if the equality of the copula C(u,v)=C^(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) = \hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) (the survival copula), then radial symmetry exists: COP == surCOP or C(u,v)=C^(1u,1v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) = \hat{\mathbf{C}}(1-u,1-v). The computation is (can be) CPU intensive.


isCOP.radsym(cop=NULL, para=NULL, delta=0.005, tol=1e-4, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The increments of {u,v}[0+Δδ,1Δδ,Δδ]\{u,v\} \mapsto [0+\Delta\delta, 1-\Delta\delta, \Delta\delta];


A tolerance on the check for symmetry, default 1 part in 10,000, which is the test for the 0\equiv 0 (zero equivalence, see source code); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula or derivative of a copula function.


A logical TRUE or FALSE is returned.


An open research question possibly exists: Is a radially symmetric copula characterized by the L-comoments for orders r3r{\ge}3 as having values of zero? The author asks this question partly out of intuition stemming from numerical experiments (some not show here) suggesting this condition, and review of copula literature does not seem to directly address this question. Let us consider the two symmetrical copulas: the parameterless PSP(u,v)\mathbf{PSP}(u,v) (see PSP) and the single parameter PL(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{PL}(u,v; \Theta) (see PLACKETTcop) with the ΘPL=4.708664\Theta_\mathbf{PL} = 4.708664 (see rhoCOP). The two copulas have different radial symmetries as shown below.

  plackpar <- PLACKETTpar(rho=rhoCOP(cop=PSP)) # Spearman Rho = 0.4784176
  isCOP.radsym(cop=PSP)                        # FALSE
  isCOP.radsym(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=plackpar) # TRUE

Now, let us compute the L-comoments from the lmomco R package for n=10,000n=10{,}000 simulations from each copula. The L-correlations are each about 0.48, which agree with the given ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}.

  UVa <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=PSP,         para=NA,       graphics=FALSE)
  UVb <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=plackpar, graphics=FALSE)
  lmomco::lcomoms2(UVa, nmom=4)$T3[2,1] # Only show L-coskew of V wrt U.
  lmomco::lcomoms2(UVb, nmom=4)$T3[2,1] # Only show L-coskew of V wrt U.

The L-coskew for the PSP\mathbf{PSP} is about 0.129-0.129 and that for the PL\mathbf{PL} copula is about zero (<0.0029<0.0029). L-cokurtosis provides a similar result if T3 is changed to T4. The PSP\mathbf{PSP} L-cokurtosis is about 0.0410.041, whereas the PL\mathbf{PL} L-cokurtosis is about <0.0037<0.0037.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also



# Radially symmetry is computationally intensive and relies on a gridded [0,1]x[0,1]
# space and laborious check on equality. Thus these examples are commented out for
# R --timings check. Note, the proof of radial symmetry absent of algebraic
# manipulation or verification is difficult and subject to the fineness of the grid
# to find a nonequality from which to immediately conclude FALSE.
## Not run: 
isCOP.radsym(cop=P) # TRUE

para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=M, para1=c(.3), para2=NA, alpha=0.8, beta=0.5)
isCOP.radsym(composite2COP, para=para) # FALSE

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
gh <- simCOP(n=34, cop=GHcop, para=theta, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend gh is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(gh[,1], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(gh[,2], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV); # our U-statistics

set.seed(120); theta <- 2
gh <- simCOP(n=34, cop=GHcop, para=theta, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE) * 150
# Pretend psp is real data, the * 150 is to clearly get into an arbitrary unit system.

# The sort=FALSE is critical in the following two calls
fakeU <- lmomco::pp(gh[,1], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
fakeV <- lmomco::pp(gh[,2], sort=FALSE) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV); # our U-statistics

isCOP.radsym(cop=EMPIRcop, para=uv) # FALSE
isCOP.LTD(cop=EMPIRcop,    para=uv) # TRUE
isCOP.RTI(cop=EMPIRcop,    para=uv) # FALSE
isCOP.PQD(cop=EMPIRcop,    para=uv,
                    empirical=TRUE) # TRUE
  # Blomqvist's Beta = 0.2941
  #     Gini's Gamma = 0.5606
  #   Spearman's Rho = 0.6584
  #    Kendall's Tau = 0.5045

isCOP.radsym(cop=GHcop, para=theta) # FALSE
isCOP.LTD(cop=GHcop,    para=theta) # TRUE
isCOP.RTI(cop=GHcop,    para=theta) # TRUE
isCOP.PQD(cop=GHcop,    para=theta) # TRUE
  # Blomqvist's Beta = 0.5009
  #     Gini's Gamma = 0.5591
  #   Spearman's Rho = 0.6822
  #    Kendall's Tau = 0.5000

# Notice that isCOP.RTI is not the same for empirical and theoretical.
# This shows the difficulty in tail dependence parameter estimation for
# small samples (see Salvadori et al., 2007 p. 175).
## End(Not run)

Is a Copula Right-Tail Increasing


Numerically set a logical whether a copula is right-tail increasing (RTI) as described by Nelsen (2006, pp. 192–193) and Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 222). A copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is right-tail decreasing for RTI(VU)\mathrm{RTI}(V{\mid}U) if and only if for any v[0,1]v \in [0,1],

δC(u,v)δuvC(u,v)1u\frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta u} \le \frac{v - \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{1 - u}

for almost all u[0,1]u \in [0,1]. Similarly, a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is right-tail decreasing for RTI(UV)\mathrm{RTI}(U{\mid}V) if and only if for any u[0,1]u \in [0,1],

δC(u,v)δvuC(u,v)1v\frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta v} \le \frac{u - \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{1 - v}

for almost all v[0,1]v \in [0,1] where the later definition is controlled by the wrtV=TRUE argument.

The RTI concept is associated with the concept of tail monotonicity (Nelsen, 2006, p. 191). Specifically, but reference to Nelsen (2006) definitions and geometric interpretations is recommended, RTI(VU)\mathrm{RTI}(V{\mid}U) (or RTI(VU)\mathrm{RTI}(V{\mid}U)) means that the probability P[Y>yX>x]P[Y > y \mid X > x] (or P[X>xY>y]P[X > x \mid Y > y]) is a nondecreasing function of xx (or yy) for all yy (or xx).

A positive RTI of either RTI(VU)\mathrm{RTI}(V{\mid}U) or RTI(UV)\mathrm{RTI}(U{\mid}V) implies positively quadrant dependency (PQD, isCOP.PQD) but the condition of PQD does not imply RTI. Finally, the accuracy of the numerical assessment of the returned logical by isCOP.RTI is dependent on the the smallness of the delta argument passed into the function.


isCOP.RTI(cop=NULL, para=NULL, wrtV=FALSE, delta=0.005, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle between with respect to vv or uu (default);


The increment of {u,v}[0+Δδ,1Δδ,Δδ]\{u,v\} \mapsto [0+\Delta\delta, 1-\Delta\delta, \Delta\delta] set by wrtV; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula or derivative of a copula function.


A logical TRUE or FALSE is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in nature—An approach using copulas: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, Water Science and Technology Library 56, 292 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
isCOP.RTI(cop=P, delta=0.01) # independence should be FALSE
# but function returns TRUE. Note, same logic for isCOP.LTD returns FALSE.
isCOP.RTI(cop=PSP)                              # TRUE  : positive assoc.
isCOP.RTI(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=.15)            # FALSE : negative assoc. Plackett
isCOP.RTI(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=15)             # TRUE  : positive assoc. Plackett
isCOP.RTI(cop=PLACKETTcop, wrtv=TRUE, para=.15) # FALSE : negative assoc. Plackett
isCOP.RTI(cop=PLACKETTcop, wrtV=TRUE, para=15)  # TRUE  : positive assoc. Plackett
## End(Not run)

Is a General Bivariate Function a Copula by Gridded Search?


Is a general bivariate function a copula? Three properties are identified by Nelsen (2006, p. 10) for a bivariate copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v):

C(u,0)=0=C(0,v)Nelsen 2.2.2a,\mathbf{C}(u,0) = 0 = \mathbf{C}(0,v)\mbox{\quad Nelsen 2.2.2a,}

C(u,1)=u and C(1,v)=vNelsen 2.2.2b, and\mathbf{C}(u,1) = u \mbox{\ and\ } \mathbf{C}(1,v) = v\mbox{\quad Nelsen 2.2.2b, and}

for every u1,u2,v1,v2u_1, u_2, v_1, v_2 in I2\mathcal{I}^2 such that u1u2u_1 \le u_2 and v1v2v_1 \le v_2,

C(u2,v2)C(u2,v1)C(u1,v2)+C(u1,v1)0Nelsen 2.2.2c.\mathbf{C}(u_2, v_2) - \mathbf{C}(u_2, v_1) - \mathbf{C}(u_1, v_2) + \mathbf{C}(u_1, v_1) \ge 0 \mbox{\quad Nelsen 2.2.2c.}

The last condition is known also as “2-increasing.” The isfuncCOP works along a gridded search in the domain I2=[0,1]×[0,1]\mathcal{I}^2 = [0,1]\times[0,1] for the 2-increasing check with a resolution Δu=Δv\Delta u = \Delta v == delta. Because there are plenty of true copula functions available in the literature it seems unlikely that this function provides much production utility in investigations. This function is provided because part of the objectives of the copBasic package is for instructional purposes. The computational overhead is far too great for relative benefit to somehow dispatch to this function all the time using the other copula utilities in this package.


isfuncCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, delta=0.002, ...)



A potential bivariate copula function that accepts two arguments for the uu and vv and parameters along argument para with option of additional arguments through the ... argument;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The Δu=Δv\Delta u = \Delta v of the grid edges; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula function.


A logical value of TRUE or FALSE is returned.


S. Kloibhofer (idea and most code) and W.H. Asquith (documentation)


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
"NelsenEx2.11" <- function(u,v, ...) { # Nelsen (2006, exer. 2.11, p. 16)
  if(length(u) > 1 & length(v) > 1 & length(u) != length(v)) return(NA)
  if(length(u) == 1) u <- rep(u, length(v))
  if(length(v) == 1) v <- rep(v, length(u))
  return(sapply(1:length(u), function(i) { upv <- u[i] + v[i]
                 if(2/3 <= upv & upv <= 4/3) return(min(c(u,v,1/3,upv-(2/3))))
                 max(u[i]+v[i]-1, 0) }))
isfuncCOP(cop=NelsenEx2.11) # FALSE
## End(Not run)

The Joe/B5 Copula (B5)


The Joe/B5 copula (Joe, 2014, p. 170) is

CΘ(u,v)=B5(u,v)=1((1u)Θ+(1v)Θ(1u)Θ(1v)Θ)1/Θ,\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{B5}(u,v) = 1 - \bigl((1-u)^\Theta + (1-v)^\Theta - (1-u)^\Theta (1-v)^\Theta\bigr)^{1/\Theta}\mbox{,}

where Θ[1,)\Theta \in [1,\infty). The copula as Θ\Theta \rightarrow \infty limits to the comonotonicity coupla (M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) and M), as Θ1+\Theta \rightarrow 1^{+} limits to independence copula (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P). Finally, the parameter Θ\Theta is readily computed from a Kendall Tau (tauCOP) by

τC=1+22Θ(ψ(2)ψ(1+2/Θ)),\tau_\mathbf{C} = 1 + \frac{2}{2-\Theta}\bigl(\psi(2) - \psi(1 + 2/\Theta)\bigr)\mbox{,}

where ψ\psi is the digamma() function and as Θ2\Theta \rightarrow 2 then

τC(Θ2)=1ψ(2)\tau_\mathbf{C}(\Theta \rightarrow 2) = 1 - \psi'(2)

where ψ\psi' is the trigamma() function.


JOcopB5(u, v, para=NULL, tau=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


Optional Kendall Tau; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned. Otherwise if tau is given, then the Θ\Theta is computed and a list having


The parameter Θ\Theta, and


Kendall Tau.

and if para=NULL and tau=NULL, then the values within u and v are used to compute Kendall Tau and then compute the parameter, and these are returned in the aforementioned list.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

M, P


# Upper tail dependency of Theta = pi --> 2 - 2^(1/pi) = 0.753131 (Joe, 2014, p. 171).
taildepCOP(cop=JOcopB5, para=pi)$lambdaU # 0.75313

# Blomqvist Beta of Theta = pi (Joe, 2014, p. 171).
blomCOP(cop=JOcopB5, para=pi)        # 0.5521328
3 - 4*(2*(1/2)^pi - (1/4)^pi)^(1/pi) # 0.5521328

## Not run: 
  # A test near the limiting Theta for trigamma()
  UV   <- simCOP(cop=JOcopB5, para=2, n=10000)
  para <- JOcopB5(UV[,1], UV[,2])$para
  message("Tau difference ", round(2-para, digits=2), " is small.") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
   # embeddment of parameters for permutation asymmetry and rotation
   para <- list(cop=JOcopB5, para=30, reflect=3, breve=0.5)
   UV <- simCOP(cop=COP, para=list(cop=breveCOP, para=para), n=1000) #
## End(Not run)

Joe's Nu-Skew and the copBasic Nu-Star of a Copula


Compute the measure of permutation asymmetry, which can be thought of as bivariate skewness, named for the copBasic package as Nu-Skew νC\nu_\mathbf{C} of a copula according to Joe (2014, p. 66) by

νC=3E[UV2U2V]=6 ⁣ ⁣I2(vu)C(u,v)dudv.\nu_\mathbf{C} = 3\mathrm{E}[UV^2 - U^2V] = 6\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (v-u)\mathbf{C}(u,v)\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{.}

This definition is effectively the type="nu" for the function for which the multiplier 66 has been converted to 9696 as explained in the Note.

Numerical results indicate νW0\nu_\mathbf{W} \approx 0 (W), νΠ=0\nu_\mathbf{\Pi} = 0 (P), νM0\nu_\mathbf{M} \approx 0 (M), νPL0\nu_\mathbf{PL} \approx 0 for all Θ\Theta (PLcop), and the νGH=0\nu^\star_\mathbf{GH} = 0 (GHcop); copulas with mirror symmetry across the equal value line have νC=0\nu_\mathbf{C} = 0.

Asymmetric copulas do exist. For example, consider an asymmetric Gumbel–Hougaard GH\mathbf{GH} copula with Θp=(5,0.8,p)\Theta_p = (5,0.8,p):

  optimize(function(p) { nuskewCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(5,0.8, p)) },
           c(0,0.99) )$minimum
  UV <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=GHcop, c(5,0.8, 0.2836485)) # inspect the graphics
  48*mean(UV$U*$V^2 - UV$U^2*UV$V) # -0.2847953 (not the 3rd parameter)

The minimization yields νGH(5,0.8,0.2836485)=0.2796104\nu_{\mathbf{GH}(5, 0.8, 0.2836485)} = -0.2796104, which is close the expectation computed where 48=96/248 = 96/2.

A complementary definition is supported, triggered by type="nustar", and is computed by

νC=12 ⁣ ⁣I2(v+u)C(u,v)dudv4,\nu^\star_\mathbf{C} = 12\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (v+u)\mathbf{C}(u,v)\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - 4\mbox{,}

which has been for the copBasic package, νC\nu^\star_\mathbf{C} is named as Nu-Star, which the 1212 and the 4-4 have been chosen so that numerical results indicate νW=1\nu^\star_\mathbf{W} = -1 (W), νΠ=0\nu^\star_\mathbf{\Pi} = 0 (P), and νM=+1\nu^\star_\mathbf{M} = +1 (M).

Lastly, the uvlmoms function provides for a quantile-based measure of bivariate skewness based on the difference UVU - V that also is discussed by Joe (2014, p. 66).


joeskewCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, type=c("nu", "nustar", "nuskew"),
                               as.sample=FALSE, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)

nuskewCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)
nustarCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The type of metric to compute (nu and nuskew are synonymous for νC\nu_\mathbf{C} and nustar is for νC\nu^\star_\mathbf{C});


Should brute force be used instead of two nested integrate() functions to perform the double integration;


The du\mathrm{d}u and dv\mathrm{d}v for the brute force integration using brute;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the sample ν^\hat\nu or ν^\hat\nu^\star (see Note). If set to -1, then the message concerning CPU effort will be surpressed; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The implementation of joeskewCOP for copBasic provides the second metric of asymmetry, but why? Consider the results that follow:

  joeskewCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.8,    0.2836485), type="nu")
     # -0.2796104
  joeskewCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.2836485,    0.8), type="nu")
     # +0.2796103
  joeskewCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.8,    0.2836485), type="nu")
     #  0.3571276
  joeskewCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.2836485,    0.8), type="nu")
     #  0.3571279
  tauCOP(    cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.2836485,    0.8))
     #  0.2443377

The demonstration shows—at least for the symmetry (switchability) of the 2nd and 3rd parameters (π2\pi_2 and π3\pi_3) of the asymmetric GH\mathbf{GH} copula—that the first definition ν\nu is magnitude symmetric but carries a sign change. The demonstration shows magnitude and sign stability for ν\nu^\star, and ends with Kendall Tau (tauCOP). Collectively, Kendall Tau (or the other symmetric measures of association, e.g. blomCOP, footCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, rhoCOP, wolfCOP) when combined with ν\nu and ν\nu^\star might provide a framework for parameter optimization of the asymmetric GH\mathbf{GH} copula (see below).

The asymmetric GH(5,0.2836485,0.8)\mathbf{GH}_{(5, 0.2836485, 0.8)} is not radial (isCOP.radsym) or permutation (isCOP.permsym), but if π2=π3\pi_2 = \pi_3 then the resulting GH\mathbf{GH} copula is not radially symmetric but is permutation symmetric:

  isCOP.radsym( cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.2836485, 0.8)) # FALSE
  isCOP.permsym(cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.2836485, 0.8)) # FALSE
  isCOP.radsym( cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.8,       0.8)) # FALSE
  isCOP.permsym(cop=GHcop, para=c(5, 0.8,       0.8)) # TRUE

The use of νC\nu_\mathbf{C} and νC\nu^\star_\mathbf{C} with a measure of association is just suggested above for parameter optimization. Suppose we have GH(5,0.5,0.7)\mathbf{GH}_{(5,0.5,0.7)} with Spearman Rho ρ=0.4888\rho = 0.4888, ν=0.001475\nu = 0.001475, and ν=0.04223\nu^\star = 0.04223, and the asymmetric GH\mathbf{GH} coupla is to be fit. Parameter estimation for the asymmetric GH\mathbf{GH} is accomplished by

  "fitGHcop" <- function(hats, assocfunc=rhoCOP, init=NA, eps=1E-4, ...) {
     H <- GHcop # shorthand for the copula
     "objfunc" <- function(par) {
        par[1]   <- ifelse(par[1] < 1, return(Inf), exp(par[1])) # edge check
        par[2:3] <-  pnorm(par[2:3]) # detransform
        hp <- c(assocfunc(H, par), nuskewCOP(H, par), nustarCOP(H, par))
     # Theta=1 and Pi2 = Pi3 = 1/2 # as default initial estimates
     if( init <- c(1, rep(1/2, times=2))
     opt  <- optim(init, objfunc, ...); par <- opt$par
     para <- c( exp(par[1]), pnorm(par[2:3]) )
     names(para) <- c("Theta", "Pi2", "Pi3")
     fit <- c(assocfunc(H, para), nuskewCOP(H, para), nustarCOP(H, para))
     txt <- c("AssocMeasure", "NuSkew", "NuStar")
     names(fit) <- txt; names(hats) <- txt
     if(opt$value > eps) warning("inspect the fit")
     return(list(para=para, fit=fit, given=hats, optim=opt))
  father <- c(5,.5,.7)
  densityCOPplot(cop=GHcop, para=father, contour.col=8)
  fRho  <- rhoCOP(   cop=GHcop, father)
  fNu   <- nuskewCOP(cop=GHcop, father)
  fStar <- nustarCOP(cop=GHcop, father)

  child <- fitGHcop(c(fRho, fNu, fStar))$para
  densityCOPplot(cop=GHcop, para=child, ploton=FALSE)

  cRho  <- rhoCOP(   cop=GHcop, child)
  cNu   <- nuskewCOP(cop=GHcop, child)
  cStar <- nustarCOP(cop=GHcop, child)
  message("Father stats: ", paste(fRho, fNu, fStar, sep=", "))
  message("Child  stats: ", paste(cRho, cNu, cStar, sep=", "))
  message("Father para: ",  paste(father,      collapse=", "))
  message("Child  para: ",  paste(child,       collapse=", "))

The initial parameter estimate has the value Θ=1\Theta = 1, which is independence for the one parameter GH\mathbf{GH}. The two other parameters are set as π2=π3=1/2\pi_2 = \pi_3 = 1/2 to be in the mid-point of their domain. The transformations using the log() \leftrightarrow exp() and qnorm() \leftrightarrow pnorm() functions in R are used to keep the optimization in the viable parameter domain. The results produce a fitted copula of GH(4.907,0.5006,0.7014)\mathbf{GH}_{(4.907, 0.5006, 0.7014)}. This fit aligns well with the parent, and the three statistics are essentially matched during the fitting.

The νC\nu^\star_\mathbf{C} can be similar to rhoCOP, but differences do exist. In the presence of radial symmetry, (νC==0\nu_\mathbf{C} == 0), the νC\nu^\star_\mathbf{C} is nearly equal to Spearman Rho for some copulas. Let us test further:

  p <- 10^seq(0,2,by=.01)
  s <- sapply(p, function(t) nustarCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(t)))
  r <- sapply(p, function(t)    rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(t)))
  plot(p,s, log="x", type="l", col=3, lwd=3); lines(p,r)

Now let us add some asymmetry

  s <- sapply(p, function(t) nustarCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(t, 0.25, 0.75)))
  r <- sapply(p, function(t)    rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=c(t, 0.25, 0.75)))
  plot(p,s, log="x", type="l", col=3, lwd=3); lines(p,r)

Now let us choose a different (the Clayton) copula

  s <- sapply(p, function(t) nustarCOP(cop=CLcop, para=c(t)))
  r <- sapply(p, function(t)    rhoCOP(cop=CLcop, para=c(t)))
  plot(p,s, log="x", type="l", col=3, lwd=3); lines(p,r)


The value for νC\nu_\mathbf{C} or νC\nu^\star_\mathbf{C} is returned.


The νC\nu_\mathbf{C} definition is given with a multiplier of 66 on the integrals in order to agree with Joe (2014) relation that is also shown. However, in mutual parameter estimation experiments using a simple sum-of-square errors as shown in the Details, it is preferred to have νC\nu_\mathbf{C} measured on a larger scale. Where does the 9696 then come from? It is heuristically made so that the upright and rotated cophalf (see Examples under asCOP and bilmoms for this copula) acquires νC\nu_\mathbf{C} values of +1+1 and 1-1, respectively. As a result to make back comparisons to Joe results, the ratios of 9696 are made in this documentation.

The source code shows slightly different styles of division by the sample size as part of the sample estimation of the statistics. The ν^\hat\nu using just division by the sample size as testing indicates that this statistic is reasonably unbiased for simple copula. The ν^\hat\nu^\star with similar division is a biased statistic and the bias is not symmetrical in magnitude or sign it seems whether the ν^\hat\nu^\star is positive or negative. The salient code is spm <- ifelse(corsgn == -1, +2.4, +1.1) within the sources for which the corrections were determined heuristically through simulation, and corsgn is the sign of the sample Spearman Rho through the cor() function of R.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

uvskew, blomCOP, footCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, wolfCOP


nuskewCOP(cop=GHcop,para=c(1.43,1/2,1))*(6/96) # 0.005886 (Joe, 2014, p. 184; 0.0059)

## Not run: 
joeskewCOP(            cop=GHcop, para=c(8, .7, .5)) # -0.1523491
joeskewCOP(            cop=GHcop, para=c(8, .5, .7)) # +0.1523472
# UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=GHcop, para=c(8, .7, .5)) # see the switch in
# UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=GHcop, para=c(8, .5, .7)) # curvature
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
para=c(19,0.3,0.8); set.seed(341)
nuskew <-  nuskewCOP( cop=GHcop, para=para) # 0.3057744
UV <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=GHcop, para=para) #   a large simulation
mean((UV$U - UV$V)^3)/(6/96)                # 0.3127398

# Two other definitions of skewness follow and are not numerically the same.
uvskew(u=UV$U, v=UV$V, umv=TRUE)  # 0.3738987  (see documentation uvskew)
uvskew(u=UV$U, v=UV$V, umv=FALSE) # 0.3592739  ( or documentation uvlmoms)
# Yet another definition of skew, which requires large sample approximation
# using the L-comoments (3rd L-comoment is L-coskew).
lmomco::lcomoms2(UV)$T3 # L-coskew of the simulated values [1,2] and [2,1]
#             [,1]        [,2]
#[1,]  0.007398438  0.17076600
#[2,] -0.061060260 -0.00006613
# See the asymmetry in the two L-coskew values and consider this in light of
# the graphic produced by the simCOP() called for n=10,000. The T3[1,1] is
# the sampled L-skew (univariate) of the U margin and T3[2,2] is the same
# but for the V margin. Because the margins are uniform (ideally) then these
# for suitable large sample must be zero because the L-skew of the uniform
# distribution is by definition zero.
# Now let us check the sample estimator for sample of size n=300, and the
# t-test will (should) result in acceptance of the NULL hypothesis.
S <- replicate(60, nuskewCOP(para=simCOP(n=300, cop=GHcop, para=para,
                                         graphics=FALSE), as.sample=TRUE))
t.test(S, mu=nuskew)
# t = 0.004633, df = 59, p-value = 0.9963
# alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0.3057744
# 95 percent confidence interval:
#  0.2854282 0.3262150
# sample estimates:
# mean of x
# 0.3058216 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Let us run a large ensemble of copula properties that use the whole copula
# (not tail properties). We composite a Plackett with a Gumbel-Hougaard for
# which the over all association (correlation) sign is negative, but amongst
# these statistics with nuskew and nustar at the bottom, there are various
# quantities that can be extracted. These could be used for fitting.
para <- list(cop1=PLcop, cop2=GHcop, alpha=0.6, beta=0.9,
             para1=.005, para2=c(8.3,0.25,0.7))
UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=composite2COP, para=para) # just to show
  blomCOP(composite2COP, para)            # -0.4078657
  footCOP(composite2COP, para)            # -0.2854227
  hoefCOP(composite2COP, para)            # +0.5713775
  lcomCOP(composite2COP, para)$lcomUV[3]  # +0.1816084
  lcomCOP(composite2COP, para)$lcomVU[3]  # +0.1279844
   rhoCOP(composite2COP, para)            # -0.5688417
rhobevCOP(composite2COP, para)            # -0.2005210
   tauCOP(composite2COP, para)            # -0.4514693
  wolfCOP(composite2COP, para)            # +0.5691933
nustarCOP(composite2COP, para)            # -0.5172434
nuskewCOP(composite2COP, para)            # +0.0714987 
## End(Not run)

Compute Coordinates of the Marginal Probabilities given joint AND or OR Probabilities


Compute the coordinates of the bivariate marginal probabilities for variables UU and VV given selected probabilities levels tt for a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) for vv with respect to uu. For the case of a joint and probability, symbolically the solution is

Pr[Uv, Vv]=t=C(u,v),\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v,\ V \le v] = t = \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{,}

where U[ti,uj,uj+1,,1;Δt]U \mapsto [t_i, u_{j}, u_{j+1}, \cdots, 1; \Delta t] (an irregular sequence of uu values from the iith value of tit_i provided through to unity) and thus

tiC(u=U,v),t_i \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u=U, v)\mbox{,}

and solving for the sequence of vv. The index jj is to indicate that a separate loop is involved and is distinct from ii. The pairings {u(ti),v(ti)}\{u(t_i), v(t_i)\} for each tt are packaged as an R data.frame. This operation is very similiar to the plotting capabilities in level.curvesCOP for level curves (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12–13) but implemented in the function joint.curvesCOP for alternative utility.

For the case of a joint or probability, the dual of a copula (function) or C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) from a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 33–34) is used and symbolically the solution is:

Pr[Uv or Vv]=t=C~(u,v)=u+vC(u,v),\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v] = t = \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{,}

where U[0,uj,uj+1,,ti;Δt]U \mapsto [0, u_j, u_{j+1}, \cdots, t_i; \Delta t] (an irregular sequence of uu values from zero through to the iith value of tt) and thus

tiC~(u=U,v),t_i \mapsto \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u=U, v)\mbox{,}

and solving for the sequence of vv. The index jj is to indicate that a separate loop is involved and is distinct from ii. The pairings {u(ti),v(ti)}\{u(t_i), v(t_i)\} for each tt are packaged as an R data.frame.


joint.curvesCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, type=c("and", "or"),
                probs=c(0.5, 0.8, 0.90, 0.96, 0.98, 0.99, 0.995, 0.998),
                zero2small=TRUE, small=1E-6, divisor=100, delu=0.001, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


What type of joint probability is to be computed;


The joint probabilities tit_i from which to compute the coordinates. The default values represent especially useful annual return period equivalents that are useful in hydrologic risk analyses;


A logical controlling whether exactly zero value for probability are converted to a small value and exactly unity values for probability are converted to the value 1 - small; this logical is useful if transformation from probability space into standard normal variates or Gumbel reduced variates (see function prob2grv() in package lmomco) is later desired by the user for attendant graphics (see Examples section);


The value for small described for zero2small;


A divisor on a computation of a Δt\Delta t for incrementing through the irregularly-spaced uu domain as part of the coordinate computation (see source code);


A Δu\Delta u for setup of the incrementing through the irregularly-space uu domain as part of the coordinate computation (see source code); and


Additional arguments to pass to the duCOP function of copBasic or uniroot() function in R.


An R list is returned with elements each of the given probs.


The arguments divisor and delu provide flexibility to obtain sufficient smoothness in the coordinate curvatures for a given tt. The pairings {u(ti),v(ti)}\{u(t_i), v(t_i)\} for each tt packaged as data.fames within the returned list each have their own unique length, and this is the reason that a single “master” data.frame is not returned by this function.

Extended Example—The code below shows both types of joint probability being computed using the default probs. The plotting is made in Gumbel reduced variates (GRV; see prob2grv in package lmomco). This transformation is somewhat suitable for the magnitude variation in and at tail depth of the probs. Also with transformation is being used, the zero2small logical is kept at TRUE, which is appropriate. The zero2small being set is also useful if standard normal variate transformation (by the qnorm() function in R) were used instead.

The Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GHcop) and a reversed Gumbel–Hougaard copula rGH are composited together by composite2COP. These were chosen so that some asymmetry in the solutions by joint.curvesCOP could be seen. We begin by specifying symmetrical plotting limits for later use and then creating a function for the reversed Gumbel–Hougaard and setting the parameters and composition weights:

  grvlim <- lmomco::prob2grv(c(0.25,0.999)) # out to 1,000 years
  "rGHcop" <- function(u,v, ...) { u + v - 1 + GHcop(1-u, 1-v, ...) }
  para <- list(alpha=0.16, beta=0.67, cop1 =GHcop, cop2 =rGHcop,
                                      para1=4.5,   para2=2.2)
  tau    <- tauCOP(    cop=composite2COP, para=para) # Tau    = 0.351219
  nuskew <- nuskewCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)  # Nuskew = 0.084262
  UV <- simCOP(n=1000,  cop=composite2COP, para=para, snv=TRUE)

The code also computed the Kendall Tau (tauCOP) and Nu-Skew (nuskewCOP) and the results shown. The code finishes with a simulation by simCOP of the copula composition just for reference.

Next, we compute and plot the joint probability curves. The tolerance for the uniroot calls is reset from the R defaults because slight wooble in the numerical solutions exists otherwise. The AND and OR lists each provide data.frames from which successive graphic calls plot the lines. The second plot() call is commented out so that both sets of joint probability curves are drawn on the same plot.

  AND <- joint.curvesCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, type="and",
                         divisor=1000, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
  plot(grvlim, grvlim, type="n",
  for(t in sort(as.numeric(names(AND)))) {
      UV <- get(as.character(t), AND)
      lines(lmomco::prob2grv(UV$U),         lmomco::prob2grv(       UV$V))
      text( lmomco::prob2grv(median(UV$U)), lmomco::prob2grv(median(UV$V)),
           as.character(round(1/(1-t)), digits=0))

  OR <- joint.curvesCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, type="or",
                        divisor=1000, tol=.Machine$double.eps)
  for(t in sort(as.numeric(names(OR)))) {
     UV <- get(as.character(t), OR)
     lines(lmomco::prob2grv(UV$U), lmomco::prob2grv(UV$V), col=2)
     text( lmomco::prob2grv(median(UV$U)), lmomco::prob2grv(median(UV$V)),
          as.character(round(1/(1-t)), digits=0), col=2)
  mtext("Return Periods: black=cooperative risk, red=dual risk")
  abline(0,1, lty=2) # dash line is simply and equal value line

Black Curves—The black curves represent the nonexceedance joint and condition. The black curves are a form of level curve (see level.curvesCOP), but it seems appropriate to not name them as such because Nelsen's examples and others usually have the level curves on an even step interval of probability such as 10-percent level curves. The complement of nonexceedance joint and is the probability level that either or both random variables (say “hazards”) UU or VV causes “failure” at the respective return period.

Red Curves—The red curves represent the nonexceedance joint or (inclusive) condition. The complement of nonexceedance joint or (inclusive) is the probability level that both random variables (say “hazards”) UU or VV must simultaneously (or dually) occur for “failure” at the respective return period. Note, there is obviously asymmetry in the joint or curves.

Interpretation—Because the two hazards can “cooperate” to cause failure (see coCOP) for an equal level of protection (say 500-year event) relative to the complement of nonexceedance joint or (inclusive) condition (see surCOP), the marginal probabilities must be considerably higher. Users are encouraged to review copBasic-package and the figure therein.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

diagCOPatf, duCOP, jointCOP, joint.curvesCOP2, level.curvesCOP


# See Note section

Compute Coordinates of the Marginal Probabilities given joint AND or OR Probability


Compute the coordinates of the bivariate marginal probabilities for variables UU and VV given selected probabilities levels tt for a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) for uu with respect to vv. For the case of a joint and probability, symbolically the solution is

Pr[Uv, Vv]=t=C(u,v),\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v,\ V \le v] = t = \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{,}

where V[ti,tj,tj+1,,1;Δ]V \mapsto [t_i, t_{j}, t_{j+1}, \cdots, 1; \Delta] (an irregular sequence of vv values from the iith value of tit_i provided through to unity) and thus

tiC(u,v=V),t_i \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u, v=V)\mbox{,}

and solving for the sequence of uu. The index jj is to indicate that a separate loop is involved and is distinct from ii. The pairings {u(ti),v(ti)}\{u(t_i), v(t_i)\} for each tt are packaged as an R data.frame. This operation is very similiar to the plotting capabilities in level.curvesCOP2 for level curves (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12–13) but implemented in the function joint.curvesCOP2 for alternative utility.

For the case of a joint or probability, the dual of a copula (function) or C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) from a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 33–34) is used and symbolically the solution is:

Pr[Uv or Vv]=t=C~(u,v)=u+vC(u,v),\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v] = t = \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{,}

where V[0,vj,vj+1,,ti;Δ]V \mapsto [0, v_j, v_{j+1}, \cdots, t_i; \Delta] (an irregular sequence of vv values from zero through to the iith value of tt) and thus

tiC~(u,v=V),t_i \mapsto \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u, v=V)\mbox{,}

and solving for the sequence of uu. The index jj is to indicate that a separate loop is involved and is distinct from ii. The pairings {u(ti),v(ti)}\{u(t_i), v(t_i)\} for each tt are packaged as an R data.frame.


joint.curvesCOP2(cop=NULL, para=NULL, type=c("and", "or"),
                 probs=c(0.5, 0.8, 0.90, 0.96, 0.98, 0.99, 0.995, 0.998),
                 zero2small=TRUE, small=1E-6, divisor=100, delv=0.001, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


What type of joint probability is to be computed;


The joint probabilities for which to compute the coordinates. The default values represent especially useful annual return period equivalents that are useful in hydrologic risk analyses;


A logical controlling whether precise zero value for probability are converted to a small value and precise unity values for probability are converted to the value 1 - small; this logical is useful if transformation from probability space into standard normal variates or Gumbel reduced variates (GRV; see function prob2grv() in package lmomco) is later desired by the user for attendant graphics (see Examples section);


The value for small described for zero2small;


A divisor on a computation of a Δ\Delta for incrementing through the vv domain as part of the coordinate computation (see source code);


A Δv\Delta v for setup of the incrementing through the vv domain as part of the coordinate computation (see source code); and


Additional arguments to pass to the duCOP function of copBasic or uniroot() function.


An R list is returned with elements each of the given probs.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

diagCOPatf, duCOP, jointCOP, joint.curvesCOP, level.curvesCOP2


# See Note for joint.curvesCOP()
## Not run: 
# Approach the joint curves from both "with respect two" perspectives---results same.
JCvwrtu <- joint.curvesCOP( cop=PSP, prob=0.98)$"0.98"
JCuwrtv <- joint.curvesCOP2(cop=PSP, prob=0.98)$"0.98"; lim <- c(2,5)
plot(qnorm(JCvwrtu$U), qnorm(JCvwrtu$V), type="l", lwd=6, col=8, xlim=lim, ylim=lim,
lines(qnorm(JCuwrtv$U), qnorm(JCuwrtv$V), col=2, lwd=2)
mtext("98th Joint Percentile Level Curve for PSP Copula")#
## End(Not run)

Compute Equal Marginal Probabilities Given a Single Joint AND or OR Probability for a Copula


Given a single joint probability denoted as tt for a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) numerically solve for bivariate marginal probabilities UU and VV such that they are also equal to each other (u=v=wu = v = w). For the case of a joint and probability, the primary diagonal of the copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12 and 16) is solved for by a simple dispatch to the diagCOPatf function instead. Symbolically the solution is

Pr[Uv, Vv]=t=C(w,w).\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v,\ V \le v] = t = \mathbf{C}(w,w)\mbox{.}

For the case of a joint or probability, the dual of a copula (function) or C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) from a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 33–34; duCOP) is used where symbolicaly the solution is

Pr[Uv or Vv]=t=C~(u,v)=u+vC(u,v),\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v] = t = \tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{,}


Pr[Uv or Vv]=t=2wC(w,w).\mathrm{Pr}[U \le v \mathrm{\ or\ } V \le v] = t = 2w - \mathbf{C}(w,w)\mbox{.}

The function for type="or" tests C~(0,0)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(0,0) and if it returns NA or NaN then the lower limit for the rooting is treated as .Machine$double.eps instead of 0 (zero).


jointCOP(t, cop=NULL, para=NULL, type=c("and", "or"), ...)



The joint probability level tt;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The type of joint probability is to be computed; and


Additional arguments to pass to the duCOP function of copBasic or uniroot() function.


A vector of the equal uu and vv probabilties for the given type at the joint probability level of tt. The vector includes the tt as the third element.


ENSEMBLE 1—Counting and Copula Probabilities from a Massive Sample Size: Simulations can be used to check and verify select copula concepts. Begin with a Gumbel–Hougaard copula GH(u,v)=CΘ(u,v)\mathbf{GH}(u,v) = \mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) having parameter Θ=1.5\Theta = 1.5, which corresponds to a Kendall Tau τC=1/3\tau_\mathbf{C} = 1/3 (GHcop). Next, simulate and count the number of either UU or VV exceeding the 99th percentile “event.” The event can occur either from the random variable UU or from VV with equal “loss.” If the event occurs in both UU and VV, the loss is just the same as if UU or VV occurred. So, if a design were at the 100-year level and thus a 0.01 chance of loss each year, then 500 losses in 50,000 years would be expected.

  set.seed(89); n <- 50000
  UV <- simCOP(n, cop=GHcop, para=1.5, graphics=FALSE)
  length(UV$U[UV$U > 0.99    | UV$V > 0.99])     # 799 times (losses)
  length(UV$U[UV$U > 0.99356 | UV$V > 0.99356])  # 500 times (losses)

Letting JP equal 0.99356, which forces the required acceptance of 500 losses for the design, has conditions of UV$U > JP or UV$V > JP as well as condition of UV$U > JP and UV$V > JP. These three conditions are captured using the structure of the R code listed. Manual searching resulted in a value for JP equaling 0.99356, which produces the 500 count losses (acceptable losses). Thus, JP is a marginal bivariate probability (in this case equality between Ucrit.=Vcrit.U_{\mathrm{crit.}} = V_{\mathrm{crit.}} declared) necessary to attain a 99th percentile joint protection from loss. The magnitude for either UU or VV thus must exceed the 99th percentile, and this is what the code shows with 799 losses.

It is important to consider that unless UU and VV are in perfect positive correlation (e.g. M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v), M, Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound copula), that protection from loss needs to be higher than 0.99 if the marginal risk is set at that level. Continuing, if the 99th percentile is the 100-year event, then design criteria should be about 155 years instead [lmomco::prob2T(0.99356)]. The user can readily see this with the switch to perfect independence with the GH(u,v)\mathbf{GH}(u,v) copula with Θ=1\Theta = 1 and produce quite different results or extreme correlation with say Θ>20\Theta > 20.

To provide the protection for 500 exceedances in n=n = 50,000 trials and for purposes of demonstration, balance the protection between UU and VV by setting their probabilities equal, then the theoretical joint probability is

  diagCOPatf(0.99, 0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5)             # 0.9936887
  jointCOP(  0.99,       cop=GHcop, para=1.5, type="and") # 0.9936887

and these two probabilities, which in reality are actually based on same computation (diagCOPatf), and nearly are the same as JP == 0.99356 that was determined by the manual searching on the simulated data.

A mutually inclusive and condition can be arranged as follows, and it is implicit in the definition that both loss events occur at the same time:

  length(UV$U[UV$U > 0.99 & UV$V > 0.99])            # 208 losses ( simulated )
  surCOP(  1-0.99, 1-0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5) * n  # 209 losses (theoretical)
  surfuncCOP(0.99,   0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5) * n  # 209 losses (theoretical)

What are the expected number of exceedances if designs for UU and VV are built at U=U = V=0.99V = 0.99 marginal probabilities for protection?

   coCOP(1-0.99, 1-0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5)  * n  # 791 losses (theoretical)
  # by the co-copula which from the copula as nonexceedances is
  (1-COP(  0.99,   0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5)) * n  # 791 losses (theoretical)

Note, the 791 losses is nearly equal to 799, but obviously not 500 as one might incorrectly have imagined strictly in a univariate world.

Now, a couple of questions can be asked about the joint and and joint or probabilities using the definition of a copula COP and the dual of a copula (function) (C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v), duCOP), respectively:

  # The AND nonexceedances:
  length(UV$U[UV$U <= 0.99 & UV$V <= 0.99]) / n    # 0.98402   ( simulated )
    COP(0.99, 0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5)           # 0.9841727 (theoretical)

  # The OR nonexceedances:
  length(UV$U[UV$U <= 0.99 | UV$V <= 0.99]) / n    # 0.99584   ( simulated )
  duCOP(0.99, 0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5)           # 0.9958273 (theoretical)

How about inversion of C~(u,v)\tilde{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) by jointCOP and check against the simulation?

  jointCOP(0.99, cop=GHcop, para=1.5, type="or")[1]      # 0.9763951 ( theor. )
  length(UV$U[UV$U <= 0.9763951 | UV$V <= 0.9763951])/n  # 0.98982 ( simulated)

The second probability is a value quite near to 0.99. So, if one wants mutual loss protection, compute the inversion of the dual of a copula using jointCOP(..., type="or"). Let us say that 0.80 mutual loss protection is wanted

  jointCOP(0.80, cop=GHcop, para=1.5, type="or")[1]      # 0.6561286
  n - length(UV$U[UV$U <= 0.6561286 | UV$V <= 0.6561286])# 10049 losses ( sim.)
  n - (1-0.8)*n                                    # 10000 losses (theoretical)

The example here shows numerical congruence of 10,049 \approx 10,000. An opposing question is useful. How about a mutually exclusive or condition as nonexceedances?

  # The mutually exclusive OR as nonexceedances:
  length((UV$U[  (UV$U <= 0.99 | UV$V <= 0.99) &
               ! (UV$U <= 0.99 & UV$V <= 0.99)]))        # 591 losses ( simulated )
  # The mutually exclusive OR as exceedances:
  length(UV$U[   (UV$U >  0.99 | UV$V >  0.99) &
               ! (UV$U >  0.99 & UV$V >  0.99)])         # 591 losses ( simulated )

It is clear that 208 ++ 591 == 799 as shown earlier; notice how there are two ways to get at the 591 count. There are 208 mutual loss events and 591 occassions where either UU or VV is the causation of loss. For comparison, how many observed events by random variable were observed?

  length(UV$U[  (UV$U > 0.99)]) # 519 ( simulated )
  length(UV$U[  (UV$V > 0.99)]) # 491 ( simulated )

If the variables were perfectly uncorrelated (P(u,v)\mathbf{P}(u,v), P, independence copula) would be 519 ++ 491 == 1,007 losses. But for the simulations here, 799 losses occurred, so 1,007 - 799 == 208 losses were at the same time caused by UU and VV.

Both of the following lengths A and B are 799 and both represent a joint or condition—the operations do not represent a mutually exclusive or condition.

  A <- length(UV$U[UV$U > 0.99]) + length(UV$U[UV$V > 0.99]) -
       length(UV$U[UV$U > 0.99 & UV$V > 0.99])
  B <- length(UV$U[UV$U > 0.99 | UV$V > 0.99]) # A == B == 799

ENSEMBLE 2—Simulation Study using a Real-World Sample Size: Now with identities of sorts shown and described above, let us test a theoretically consistent version of a sample of size 150 repeated 1,000 times at the 98th percentile against loss by one or the other random variables or both for slightly correlated UU or VV again following the Gumbel–Hougaard copula. The losses incurred by mutual event occurrence is the same as if one or the other variables produced an event causing loss.

  n <- 250; nsim <- 1000; EitherEvent <- 0.98; MutualEvent <- 0.99; Theta<- 1.5
  PT <- jointCOP(EitherEvent, cop=GHcop, para=Theta, type="and")[1] # 0.9873537
  DU <- jointCOP(MutualEvent, cop=GHcop, para=Theta, type="or" )[1] # 0.9763951

This next code listing is a redundant example to the one that follows, but it is shown because a slight possibility of confusion in the vectorized conditional evaluations in R. This first example concretely changes the loss events into binary states and adds them up prior to the condition.

  EX1a <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) {
                 uv <- simCOP(n, cop=GHcop, para=Theta, graphics=FALSE)
          length(uv$U[ as.numeric(uv$U > PT) + as.numeric(uv$V > PT) >= 1 ]) })
  t.test(EX1a, mu=(1-EitherEvent) * n)

The expected count E[E[EX1a]=] = 5 and the simulation run yielded 5.058. The t.test() function in R results in a statistically insignificant difference. The following two example use a similar there. For sake of both code brevity and clarity, the examples here all restart the simulations at the expense of computation time.

  EX1b <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) {
                uv  <- simCOP(n, cop=GHcop, para=Theta, graphics=FALSE)
                length(uv$U[uv$U > PT | uv$V > PT])  })
  t.test(EX1b, mu=(1-EitherEvent) * n)

The expected count E[E[EX1b]=] = 5—the same results are shown as in the first example listing.

Next, let us demonstrate the dual of a copula for mutually occurring events.

  EX2 <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) {
                uv  <- simCOP(n, cop=GHcop, para=Theta, graphics=FALSE)
                length(uv$U[uv$U > DU & uv$V > DU]) })
  t.test(EX2, mu=(1-MutualEvent) * n)

The expected count E[E[EX2]=] = 2.5 and the simulation run yielded 2.49. The t.test() again results in a statistically insignificant difference.

The U=V=0.9873537U = V = 0.9873537 for the “and” and U=V=0.9763951U = V = 0.9763951 for the “or” are not equal marginal probabilities. Taking the larger of the two marginal probabilities, the actual joint protection from mutual event occurrance can be computed:

  duCOP(0.9873537, 0.9873537, cop=GHcop, para=Theta) # 0.9947075
  (1-0.9947075)*n  # which is about 1.32 events per 250 trials.

So, the larger protection in terms of joint probabilities provided by EitherEvent at 0.98 instead of MutualEvent at 0.99 with respective protection at the 0.9873537 provides a MutualEvent protection of 0.9947075.

  EX3 <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) {
                uv  <- simCOP(n, cop=GHcop, para=Theta, graphics=FALSE)
                length(uv$U[uv$U > 0.9873537 & uv$V > 0.9873537]) })
  t.test(EX3, mu=(1-0.9947075) * n)

The expected count E[E[EX3]=] = 1.32 and the simulation run yielded 1.31. The t.test() again results in a statistically insignificant difference, and thus the result indistinguishable from the expectation.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

diagCOPatf, duCOP, joint.curvesCOP, level.curvesCOP


jointCOP(0.50, cop=GHcop, para=1.5, type="and") # 0.6461941  0.6461941  0.5000000
jointCOP(2/3,  cop=GHcop, para=1.5, type="or" ) # 0.4994036  0.4994036  0.6666667

# See extended code listings and discussion in the Note section

The Kendall (Distribution) Function of a Copula


To begin, there are at least three terms in the literature for what appear as the same function supported by the kfuncCOP function. The Kendall Function also is known as Kendall Distribution Function (Nelsen, 2006, p. 163) and Kendall Measure (Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 148). Each of these is dealt with in sequel to set the manner of the rather lengthy documentation for this function.

KENDALL FUNCTION—The Kendall Function (FKF_K) (Joe, 2014, pp. 419–422) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the vector U=(U1,U2,)\mathbf{U} = (U_1, U_2, \ldots) or U=(u,v)\mathbf{U} = (u,v) (bivariate) where U\mathbf{U} is distributed as the copula: UC(u,v)\mathbf{U} \sim \mathbf{C}(u,v). Letting ZZ be the random variable for C(u,v):Z=C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v): Z = \mathbf{C}(u,v), the Kendall Function is defined as

FK(z;C)=Pr[Zz;UC(u,v)],F_K(z; \mathbf{C}) = \mathrm{Pr}[Z \le z; \mathbf{U} \sim \mathbf{C}(u,v)]\mbox{,}

where FKF_K is the nonexceedance probability of the joint probability zz stemming from the C\mathbf{C}. Note, unlike its univariate counterpart, FK(z)F_K(z) is rarely uniformly distributed (Nelsen et al., 2001, p. 278). The inverse FK(1)(z)F_K^{(-1)}(z) is implemented by the kfuncCOPinv function, which could be used for simulation of the correct joint probability using a single unformly distributed \sim U(0,1) random variable. A reminder is needed that ZZ is the joint probability and FK(z)F_K(z) is the Kendall Function.

Joe (2014) and others as cited list various special cases of FK(z)F_K(z), inequalities, and some useful identities suitable for validation study:
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}For M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) (see M): FK(z)=zF_K(z) = z for all 0<z<10 < z < 1 for all d2d \ge 2 dimensions;
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}For W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v) (see W): FK(z)=1F_K(z) = 1 for all 0<z<10 < z < 1 for d=2d = 2 (bivariate only);
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}For Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) (see P): FK(z)=zzlogzF_K(z) = z - z \log z for 0<z<10 < z < 1 for d=2d = 2 (bivariate only);
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}For any C\mathbf{C}: zFK(z)z \le F_K(z) for 0<z<10 < z < 1; and
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}For any C\mathbf{C}: E[Z]=101FK(t)dtz\mathrm{E}[Z] = 1 - \int_0^1 F_K(t)\,\mathrm{d}t \ge z (Nelsen, 2001, p. 281) — Z expectation, not FKF_K!
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}For any C\mathbf{C}: τC=3401FK(t)dt\tau_\mathbf{C} = 3 - 4\int_0^1 F_K(t)\,\mathrm{d}t (Nelsen, 2006, p. 163; see tauCOP [Examples]).
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}For any C\mathbf{C}: FK(t)F_K(t) does not uniquely determine the copula.

The last item is from Durante and Sempi (2015, p. 118), and later discussion herein will concern an example of theirs. By coincidence within a few days before receipt of the Durante and Sempi book, experiments using kfuncCOP suggested that numerically the Galambos (GLcop), Gumbel–Hougaard (GHcop), and Hüsler–Reiss (HRcop) extreme value copulas for the same Kendall Tau (τC\tau_\mathbf{C}) all have the same FK(t)F_K(t). Therefore, do all EV-copulas have the same Kendall Function? Well in fact, they do and Durante and Sempi (2015, p. 207) show that FK(z)=z(1τC)zlog(z)F_K(z) = z - (1 - \tau_\mathbf{C})z \log(z) for an EV-copula.

Joe (2014, p. 420) also indicates that strength of lower-tail dependence (taildepCOP) affects FK(z)F_K(z) as z0+z \rightarrow 0^{+}, whereas strength of upper-tail dependence affects FK(z)F_K(z) as z1z \rightarrow 1^{-}. (A demonstration of tail dependence dependence is made in section Note.) Also compared to comonotonicity copula [M\mathbf{M}] there are no countermonotonicity copula (Wd>2\mathbf{W}_{d > 2}) for dimensions greater the bivariate (Joe, 2014, p. 214)

Joe (2014) does not explicitly list an expression of FK(z)F_K(z) that is computable directly for any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v), and Nelsen (2006, p. 163) only lists a form (see later in documentation) for Archimedean copulas. Salvadori et al. (2007, eq. 3.47, p. 147) also list the Archimedean form; however, Salvadori et al. (2007, eq. 3.49, p. 148) also list a form computable directly for any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v). Considerable numerical experiments and derivations involving the Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) copula and results for KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) shown later, indicate that the correct Kendall form for any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is

FK(z)z+z1δC(u,t)δudu,F_K(z) \equiv z + \int_z^1 \frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u,t)}{\delta u}\,\mathrm{d}u\mbox{,}

where t=C(1)(u,z)t = \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}(u,z) for 0z10 \le z \le 1, tt can be computed by the COPinv function, and the partial derivative δC(u,t)/δu\delta\mathbf{C}(u,t)/\delta u can be computed by the derCOP function. It is a curiosity that this form is not in Joe (2014), Nelsen et al. (2001, 2003), or Nelsen (2006), but actually in Salvadori et al. (2007).

KENDALL MEASURE—The actual expression for any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) by Salvadori et al. (2007, eq. 3.49, p. 148) is for Kendall Measure (KCK_\mathbf{C}) of a copula:

KC(z)=zz1δC(u,t)δudu,K_\mathbf{C}(z) = z - \int_z^1 \frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u,t)}{\delta u}\,\mathrm{d}u\mbox{,}

where t=C(1)(u,z)t = \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}(u,z) for 0z10 \le z \le 1. Those authors report that KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) is the CDF of a random variable ZZ whose distribution is C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v). This is clearly appears to be the same meaning as Joe (2014) and Nelsen (2006). The minus “-” in the above equation is very important.

Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 148) report that “the function KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) represents a fundamental tool for calculating the return period of extreme events.” The complement of KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) is KC(z)=1KC(z)\overline{K}_\mathbf{C}(z) = 1 - K_\mathbf{C}(z), and the KC(z)\overline{K}_\mathbf{C}(z) inverse

11KC(z)=1KC(z)=TKC\frac{1}{1 - K_\mathbf{C}(z)} = \frac{1}{\overline{K}_\mathbf{C}(z)} = T_{\mathrm{KC}}

is referred to as a secondary return period (Salvadori et al., 2007, pp. 161–170).

KENDALL DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION—Nelsen (2006, p. 163) defines the Kendall Distribution Function (say KC(t)K^\star_\mathbf{C}(t)) as

KC(t)=tϕ(t)ϕ(t+),K^\star_\mathbf{C}(t) = t - \frac{\phi(t)}{\phi'(t^{+})}\mbox{,}

where ϕ(t)\phi(t) is a generator function of an Archimedean copula and ϕ(t+)\phi'(t^{+}) is a one-sided derivative (Nelsen, 2006, p. 125), and ϕ(t)\phi(t) is ϕ(C(u,v))=ϕ(u)+ϕ(v)\phi(\mathbf{C}(u,v)) = \phi(u) + \phi(v). This same form is listed by Salvadori et al. (2007, eq. 3.47).

Nelsen (2006) does not seem to list a more general definition for any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v). Because there is considerable support for Archimedean copulas in R, copBasic has deliberately been kept from being yet another Archimedean-based package. This is made for more fundamental theory and pedogogic reasons without the algorithmic efficiency relative to the many convenient properties of Archimedean copulas.

The similarity of FK(z)F_K(z), KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z), and KC(t)K^\star_\mathbf{C}(t), however, is obvious—research shows that there are no syntatic differences between FK(z)F_K(z) and KC(t)K_\mathbf{C}(t) and KC(z)K^\star_\mathbf{C}(z)—they all are the CDF of the joint probability ZZ of the copula. Consider now that Salvadori et al. show KCK_\mathbf{C} having the form aba - b and not a form a+ba + b as previously shown for FK(z)F_K(z). Which form is thus correct? The greater bulk of this documentation seeks to answer that question, and it must be concluded that Salvadori et al. (2007, eq. 3.49) definition for KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) has a typesetting error.


kfuncCOP(z, cop=NULL, para=NULL, wrtV=FALSE, as.sample=FALSE,
            verbose=FALSE, subdivisions=100L,
            rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol=rel.tol, ...)
kmeasCOP(z, cop=NULL, para=NULL, wrtV=FALSE, as.sample=FALSE,
            verbose=FALSE, subdivisions=100L,
            rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol=rel.tol, ...)



The values for zz;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle between with respect to vv or uu (default);


A control on whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the empirical F^K(z)\hat{F}_K(z). Let vector length of para be denoted mm and i=(1,,m)i = (1,\ldots,m), if as.sample=TRUE, then for each of the probability pairs in para, the empirical copula (EMPIRcop) function with additional arguments ... is used to generate a vector (0,FK,m,1)(0, F^\sharp_{K,m}, 1) of length m+2m+2, then a vector of (0,zm,1)(0, z^\sharp_m, 1) again of length m+2m+2 where z=(i0.5)/mz^\sharp = (i-0.5)/m is created and linear interpolation by the approx() function in R for each of the zz values in z is used to estimate F^K(z)\hat{F}_K(z) (see source code). If as.sample="genest", then the F^K(z)\hat{F}_K(z) is estimated without interpolation using a simple empirical copula basis and “pseudo-observations” after Genest et al. (2006, p. 339). The default F^K\hat{F}_K (as.sample=TRUE) is the linear interpolation based on the default call of Weibull form of the empirical copula, but that can be confirmed by ctype="weibull" (see Note);


A logical supressing warnings from integrate() in R that are usually related to “integral divergence” for z0+z \rightarrow 0^{+}. The constructed behavior of kfuncCOP is to return FK(z0+)=0F_K(z \rightarrow 0^{+}) = 0 if numerical integration returns NULL, and such a construction is made to avoid “end points not of opposite sign” during FK(z)F_K(z) inversion by kfuncCOPinv;


Argument of same name passed to integrate(),


Argument of same name passed to integrate(),


Argument of same name passed to integrate(), and


Additional arguments to pass.


The value(s) for FK(z)F_K(z) is returned.


VALIDATION STUDY—A validation study using the Independence copula (Π=\mathbf{\Pi =} uvuv; P) with theoretical results of Joe (2014) and empiricism is readily performed using the expression for FK(z)F_K(z):

  Z <- sort(c(0.01, seq(0,1, by=0.05), 0.99))       # ** Joint probabilities **
  UV <- simCOP(n=4000, cop=P, graphics=FALSE);      kendF <- Z - Z*log(Z)
  emp.kendF  <- kfuncCOP(Z, para=UV, as.sample="genest") # emp. Kendall func
  theo.kendF <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=P) # theo. Kendall func, numeric integration
  plot(Z, kendF, type="l", col=3, lwd=4, lty=2, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
  points(Z,     kendF, col="green", lwd=1, lty=2, pch=16) # theoretical values
  points(Z, emp.kendF, col="blue" , lwd=2, cex=1.5)       #  empirical  values
  lines(Z, theo.kendF, col="red")  # theoretical line by numerical integration
  mtext("Kendall Functions: Independence Copula")

The figure produced shows that the theoretical relation in Joe (2014) is correct because the empirical values from the simulated sample (Empirical Kendall Function; Nelsen et al., 2003) match other curves quite well. Rerunning the above code with either M\mathbf{M} (M) or W\mathbf{W} (W) copulas will show that the special cases listed above are consistent with the empirical estimates. The case of W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v) is degenerate at z=0z=0; so, the empirical computation is in error for the smallest zz given because of interpolation. The M\mathbf{M} copula has FKF_K along the equal value line (1:1) line.

Now, consider a more comprehensive demonstration using the N4212cop copula with some relatively weak dependence in Θ=1.17\Theta = 1.17.

  Theta <- 1.17; print(rhoCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=Theta)) # Spearman Rho = 6/10
  Z <- sort(c(0.01, seq(0,1, by=0.05), 0.99))      # ** Joint probabilities **
  UV <- simCOP(n=16000,      cop=N4212cop,   para=Theta, graphics=TRUE)
  empir.kendF <- kfuncCOP(Z, as.sample=TRUE, para=UV, ctype="weibull")
  kwrtU       <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=N4212cop,   para=Theta, wrtV=FALSE)
  kwrtV       <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=N4212cop,   para=Theta, wrtV=TRUE )
  plot(Z, empir.kendF, type="p", col=2, lwd=7, lty=2, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),
  abline(0,1, lty=2, lwd=0.8); mtext("Kendall Functions: N4212(1.17) Copula")
  lines(Z, kwrtU, col="blue" , lwd=4, lty=2)
  lines(Z, kwrtV, col="green", lwd=1, lty=2)

The figure produced again shows congruence between the two theoretical computations and the empirical curve. Now, consider another comprehensive demonstration using the PLACKETTcop copula with some strong negative dependence in Θ=0.04\Theta = 0.04.

  Theta <- 0.04
  Z <- sort(c(0.01, seq(0,1, by=0.05), 0.99))      # ** Joint probabilities **
  UV <- simCOP(n=2600,       cop=PLACKETTcop,   para=Theta, graphics=TRUE)
  empir.kendF <- kfuncCOP(Z, as.sample="hazen", para=UV)
  kwrtU       <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=PLACKETTcop,   para=Theta, wrtV=FALSE)
  kwrtV       <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=PLACKETTcop,   para=Theta, wrtV=TRUE )
  plot(Z, empir.kendF, type="p", col=2, lwd=7, lty=2, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),
  abline(0,1, lty=2, lwd=0.8); mtext("Kendall Function: Plackett Copula")
  lines(Z, kwrtU, col=4, lwd=4, lty=2); lines(Z, kwrtV, col=3, lwd=1, lty=2)

The figure so produced again shows congruence between the two theoretical computations and the empirical curve.

Another comparison of FK(z)F_K(z) is useful and concerns lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters (taildepCOP) with a comparison of three different copula all having the same Kendall Tau. The following code computes and draws the respective FK(z)F_K(z):

  # Given a Kendall Tau of 0.4 and the GHcop, N4212, and Plackett copulas
  # parameters respectively are:
  Phi <- 1.666667; Nu <- 1.111119; Mu <- 6.60344
  Z <- seq(0.005, 0.995, by=0.005) #  ** Joint probabilities **
  GHkenf    <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=GHcop,       para=Phi, wrtV=FALSE)
  N4212kenf <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=N4212cop,    para=Nu,  wrtV=FALSE)
  PLkenf    <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=Mu,  wrtV=FALSE)
  plot(qnorm(GHkenf), Z, type="l", col=1, lwd=2, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(0,1),
       ylab="COPULA(u,v) VALUE, AS NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY") # black curve
  lines(qnorm(N4212kenf), Z, col=2, lwd=2)                     # red   curve
  lines(qnorm(PLkenf),    Z, col=4, lwd=2)                     # blue  curve

The red curve for the N4212(Θ=1.1)\mathbf{N4212}(\Theta{=}1.1) copula (N4212cop) is higher on the left, which shows the impact of its larger lower-tail dependency (λGHL=0<λN4212L=0.535\lambda_\mathbf{GH}^L{=}0 < \lambda_\mathbf{N4212}^L{=}0.535), whereas the black curve for the GH(Θ=1.67)\mathbf{GH}(\Theta{=}1.67) copula (GHcop) is similarly (about same magnitude) higher on the right, which shows the impact of its larger upper-tail dependency (λN4212L=0<λGHU=0.484\lambda_\mathbf{N4212}^L{=}0 < \lambda_\mathbf{GH}^U{=}0.484). The blue curve for the PL(Θ=6.60)\mathbf{PL}(\Theta = 6.60) copula (PLACKETTcop) nearly overwrites on the left the GH\mathbf{GH} curve, which is a reflection of both copulae having zero lower-tail dependencies (λGHL=λPLL=0\lambda_\mathbf{GH}^L = \lambda_\mathbf{PL}^L = 0). Finally, as anticipated by λU\lambda^U, the curve on the right for the N4212\mathbf{N4212} is just slightly larger for the PL\mathbf{PL} because the λPLU=0<λN4212U=0.134\lambda_\mathrm{PL}^U{=}0 < \lambda_\mathbf{N4212}^U{=}0.134 (a small difference however), and again on the right, the N4212\mathbf{N4212} curve is considerably smaller than the GH\mathbf{GH} because λN4212U=0<λGHU=0.484\lambda_\mathbf{N4212}^U{=}0 < \lambda_\mathbf{GH}^U{=}0.484.

Durante and Sempi (2015, p. 118) provide an example of two copula (C1\mathbf{C}_1 and C2\mathbf{C}_2) having the same FK(z)=min(2z,1)F_K(z) = \mathrm{min}(2z, 1). Let us check that out:

  "C1" <- function(u,v, ...) {
      if (length(u) == 1) { u <- rep(u, length(v)) } else
      if (length(v) == 1) { v <- rep(v, length(u)) }
      sapply(1:length(u), function(i) {
            min(c(u[i], max(c(v[i]/2, u[i]+v[i]-1)))) })
  "C2" <- function(u,v, ...) {
      if (length(u) == 1) { u <- rep(u, length(v)) } else
      if (length(v) == 1) { v <- rep(v, length(u)) }
      sapply(1:length(u), function(i) { g <- 1/2
       max(c(0, u[i]+v[i]-1, min(c(u[i], v[i]-g)), min(c(u[i]-g, v[i])))) })
  DSkf <- function(t) sapply(t, function(z) min(c(2*z, 1)))
  zs <- seq(0,1, by=.01); plot(zs, DSkf(zs), col=2, cex=3) # red dots (theory)
  lines(zs, kfuncCOP(zs, cop=C1), lwd=4, col=7) # thick yellow line
  lines(zs, kfuncCOP(zs, cop=C2), lwd=1, col=1) # thin black line

The plot so produced shows indeed that the numerical operations by kfuncCOP solidly work on these two strictly singular copulas C1\mathbf{C}_1 and C2\mathbf{C}_2 that are different from the two singular M\mathbf{M} and W\mathbf{W} copulas. The FK(z)F_K(z) curves exactly matching the theoretical curve provided by Durante and Sempi are produced.

CONVERSATIONAL ASIDE—Interestingly, Durante and Sempi (2015, pp. 115–121), like other authors of major works cited herein, do not list a general expression for the FK(z)F_K(z) as a function of any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v). Those authors well develop the idea of Kendall Function and show results, but for the author (Asquith), the jump based of Theorem 3.9.2 to an expression, such as shown above for FK(z)F_K(z) based on C(u,t)/δu\mathbf{C}(u,t)/\delta u, as an usable form for any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is difficult.

This is a fascinating topic because, if the Kendall Function is a reasonably important component of copula theory, then why so much difficulty in finding a canonical reference? For this one piece, whereas so much of copBasic features are quite nomenclaturely clear in say Nelsen (2006) or Joe (2014) but somehow not for the Kendall Function.

Perhaps to the professional mathematicians, the descriptions (nomenclature) used in all but Salvadori et al. (2007) are clear to intended readers. But even Salvadori et al. seemingly show theirs in error—perhaps the author (Asquith) has missed something fundamental, but the validations shown in this documentation prove at least that kfuncCOP does what it is supposed to be doing but perhaps for the wrong reasoning. Lastly, Durante and Sempi have an error in their expression for Kendall Tau as a function of FK(z)F_K(z) (see tauCOP).

SECONDARY RETURN PERIOD—As for “Kendall Measure” (after the lead of Salvadori et al. [2007, pp. 161–170]), the following code shows for purposes of discussing secondary return period that FK(z)F_K(z) is correct and once and for all as defined in this documentation FK(z)≢KC(z)F_K(z) \not\equiv K_\mathbf{C}(z). The secondary return period (TKT_K) is the expected interarrival time between events exceeding a TT-year joint probability either from UU, from VV, or both. Let us use the 100-year level (primary return period; T=100T = 100), the Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GHcop) FKGH(3.055)(z)F^{\mathbf{GH}(3.055)}_K(z) where the choice of Θ=3.055\Theta = 3.055 is made to match discussion in copBasic-package and Salvadori et al. (2007, table 3.3, p. 166).

  # Gumbel-Hougaard [Kendall Tau=0.67267 (Salvadori et al. [2007])]
  Tyear <- 100; ANEP <- 1-1/Tyear; nsim <- 30000; ix <- 1:nsim
  1/(1-kfuncCOP(ANEP, cop=GHcop, para=3.055)) # 148.28 years
  BarT <- sapply(1:20, function(i) {
                   UV <- simCOP(n=nsim, cop=GHcop, para=3.055, graphics=FALSE)
                   nsim/sum(GHcop(UV$U, UV$V, para=3.055) > ANEP) })
  message("# BarBarT=",               round(mean(BarT), digits=2),
          " years and StdDev(BarT)=", round(  sd(BarT), digits=2)," years")
  # BarBarT=149.61 years and StdDev(BarT)=11.12 years

The mean of some 20 repeats of a large sample simulation run for FGH(Θ=3.055)K(z=0.99)F^\mathbf{GH}(\Theta{=}3.055)_K{(z{=}0.99)} demonstrates empirical results that closely approximate theory 149.61148.28149.61 \approx 148.28, and thus congruence is shown that the definition for FK(z)F_K(z) must be correct and that for KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) is incorrect. The table 3.3 in Salvadori et al. (2007, table 3.3) lists the secondary return period as 148.3 years, which matches the output of kfuncCOP and empirical results shown.

Some additional details on secondary return period from Salvadori et al. (2007). Letting tt_\star be some critical joint exceedance probability level, FK(z)\overline{F}_K(z) be the complement of FK(z)F_K(z), those authors (p. 166) name super-critical events having FK(t)<1t\overline{F}_K(t_\star) < 1 - t_\star. Thus, the secondary return period (FK(t)1=TK\overline{F}_K(t_\star)^{-1} = T_K) must be greater than the primary return period (t1t_\star^{-1}), which is the case here (TK=148.3>T=100T_K{=}148.3 > T{=}100) (Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 166).

Salvadori et al. (2007) provide considerable discussion of TKT_K and some highlights are:
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}(p. 162) events equally or exceeding probability FK(11/t)F_K(1 - 1/t_\star) or having return intervals TK\ge T_K “represent [a] class of potentially dangerous events, the outliers, and [FKF_K can be used to] introduce an ad hoc return period for such destructive events.”
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}(p. 162) “primary return period [TT] ... only takes into account the fact that a prescribed critical event is expected to appear once in a given time interval [TT] ... FK(t)\overline{F}_K(t_\star) provides the exact probability that a potentially destructive event will happen at any given realization of ZZ ... and TKT_K gives the expected time for such an outlier to occur.”
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}(p. 164) “[TT] only predicts that a critical event is expected to appear once in a given time interval ... would be more important to be able to calculate (1) the probability that a super-critical [sic.] event will occur at any given realization of [ZZ], and (2) how long it takes, on average, for a super-critical event to appear.”
\mbox{}\quad\bullet\quad\mbox{}(p. 164) “the function FK\overline{F}_K turns the difficult analysis of bivariate dynamics of XX and YY into a simpler one-dimensional problem.”


W.H. Asquith


The comprehensive demonstrations are shown in the Note because of a sign convention and (or) probability convention incompatibility with the equation shown by Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 148). Initial source code development for copBasic was based on an hypothesis that the terms the “Kendall Function” and “Kendall Measure” might somehow have separate meanings—that the author must be blamed for misunderstanding the requisite nomenclature—this is evidently not true.

The KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) as shown herein simply can not reproduce FK(z;Π)=zzlogzF_K(z; \mathbf{\Pi}) = z - z\log z for the Π\mathbf{\Pi} copula unless the “-” sign in the KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z) equation is changed to a “++” to become the FK(z)F_K(z) definition as shown. The detective work needed for a valid function kmeasCOP was further complicated by fact that neither Durante and Sempi (2015), Joe (2014), Nelsen (2006), and others do not actually present a general equation for FK(z)F_K(z) computation for any C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v).

Because of the subtle differences evidently between “Kendall functions” (lower case), an explict derivation for FK(z;Π)F_K(z; \mathbf{\Pi}) is informative to confirm what is meant by the Kendall Function as defined by FK(z)F_K(z). Starting with z=Π(u,v)=uvz = \mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) = uv, then

v(z)=t=Π(1)(u,z)=z/u, andv(z) = t = \mathbf{\Pi}^{(-1)}(u, z) = z/u\mbox{,\ and}

δδuΠ(u,t)=δδuuvv=zu,\frac{\delta}{\delta u} \mathbf{\Pi}(u,t) = \frac{\delta }{\delta u} u\,v \rightarrow v = \frac{z}{u}\mbox{,}

substitution can now proceed:

FK(z;Π)=z+z1δδuΠ(u,t)du=z+z1zudu,F_K(z; \mathbf{\Pi}) = z + \int_z^1 \frac{\delta}{\delta u}\mathbf{\Pi}(u,t)\,\mathrm{d}u\, = z + \int_z^1 \frac{z}{u}\,\mathrm{d}u{,}

which simplfies to

FK(z;Π)=z+[zlog(u)]z1=z+z[log(1)log(z)]=zzlogz,F_K(z; \mathbf{\Pi}) = z + \bigl[z\log(u)\bigr]\bigg|^1_z = z + z[\log(1) - \log(z)] = z - z\log z\mbox{,}

which matches the special case shown by Joe (2014) for the independence copula (Π\mathbf{\Pi}; P). It is obvious thus that the “++” is needed in the FK(z)F_K(z) definition in order to stay consistent with the basic form and integration limits shown by Salvadori et al. (2007) for KC(z)K_\mathbf{C}(z).


Durante, F., and Sempi, C., 2015, Principles of copula theory: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 315 p.

Genest, C., Quessy, J.F., Rémillard, B., 2006, Goodness-of-fit procedures for copula models based on the probability integral transformation: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, v. 33, no. 2, pp. 337–366.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Nelsen, R.B., Quesada-Molina, J.J., Rodríguez-Lallena, J.A., Úbeda-Flores, M., 2001, Distribution functions of copulas—A class of bivariate probability integral transforms: Statistics and Probability Letters, v. 54, no. 3, pp. 277–282.

Nelsen, R.B., Quesada-Molina, J.J., Rodríguez-Lallena, J.A., Úbeda-Flores, M., 2003, Kendall distribution functions: Statistics and Probability Letters, v. 65, no. 3, pp. 263–268.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in nature—An approach using copulas: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, Water Science and Technology Library 56, 292 p.

See Also

kfuncCOPinv, tauCOP, derCOP, derCOP2, derCOPinv, derCOPinv2


## Not run: 
# Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 148, fig. 3.5 [right])
zs <- c(0.0001, seq(0.01, 1, by=0.01), 0.9999)
plot(zs, kmeasCOP(zs, cop=GHcop, para=5), log="y", type="l", lwd=4,
     xlab="Z <= z", ylab="Kendall Function", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0.001,1)) #
## End(Not run)

The Inverse Kendall Function of a Copula


Compute the (numerical) inverse FK(1)(z)z(FK)F^{(-1)}_K(z) \equiv z(F_K) of the Kendall Function FK(z;C)F_K(z; \mathbf{C}) (kfuncCOP) of a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) given nonexceedance probability FKF_K. The zz is the joint probability of the random variables UU and VV coupled to each other through the copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) and the nonexceedance probability of the probability zz is FKF_K—statements such as “probabilities of probabilities” are rhetorically complex so pursuit of word precision is made herein.


kfuncCOPinv(f, cop=NULL, para=NULL, subdivisions=100L,
               rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol=rel.tol, ...)



Nonexceedance probability (0FK1)(0 \le F_K \le 1);


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


Argument of same name passed to integrate() through kfuncCOP,


Argument of same name passed to integrate() through kfuncCOP,


Argument of same name passed to integrate() through kfuncCOP, and


Additional arguments to pass.


The value(s) for z(FK)z(F_K) are returned.


The L-moments of Kendall Functions appear to be unresearched. Therefore, the kfuncCOPlmom and kfuncCOPlmoms functions were written. These compute L-moments on the CDF FK(z)F_K(z) and not the quantile function z(FK)z(F_K) and thus are much faster than trying to use kfuncCOPinv in the more common definitions of L-moments. A demonstration of the mean (first L-moment) of the Kendall Function numerical computation follows:

  # First approach
  "afunc" <- function(f) kfuncCOPinv(f, cop=GHcop, para=pi)
  integrate(afunc, 0, 1) # 0.4204238 with absolute error < 2.5e-05
  # Second approach
  kfuncCOPlmom(1, cop=GHcop, para=pi)  # 0.4204222

where the first approach uses z(FK)z(F_K), whereas the second method uses integration for the mean on FK(z)F_K(z).


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
Z <- c(0,0.25,0.50,0.75,1) # Joint probabilities of a N4212cop
kfuncCOPinv(kfuncCOP(Z, cop=N4212cop, para=4.3), cop=N4212cop, para=4.3)
# [1] 0.0000000 0.2499984 0.5000224 0.7500112 1.0000000
## End(Not run)

The L-moments of the Kendall Function of a Copula


Compute the L-moments of the Kendall Function (FK(z;C)F_K(z; \mathbf{C})) of a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) where the zz is the joint probability of the C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v). The Kendall Function (or Kendall Distribution Function) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the joint probability ZZ of the coupla. The expected value of the z(FK)z(F_K) (mean, first L-moment λ1\lambda_1), because ZZ has nonzero probability for 0Z0 \le Z \le \infty, is

E[Z]=λ1=0[1FK(t)]dt=01[1FK(t)]dt,\mathrm{E}[Z] = \lambda_1 = \int_0^\infty \bigl[1 - F_K(t)\bigr]\,\mathrm{d}t = \int_0^1 \bigl[1 - F_K(t)\bigr] \,\mathrm{d}t\mbox{,}

where for circumstances here 0Z10 \le Z \le 1. The \infty is mentioned only because expectations of such CDFs are usually shown using (0,)(0,\infty) limits, whereas integration of quantile functions (CDF inverses) use limits (0,1)(0, 1). Because the support of ZZ is (0,1)(0, 1), like the probability FKF_K, showing just it (\infty) as the upper limit could be confusing—statements such as “probabilities of probabilities” are rhetorically complex. So, pursuit of word precision is made herein.

An expression for λr\lambda_r for r2r \ge 2 in terms of the FK(z)F_K(z) is

λr=1rj=0r2(1)j(r2j)(rj+1)01 ⁣[FK(t)]rj1×[1FK(t)]j+1dt,\lambda_r = \frac{1}{r}\sum_{j=0}^{r-2} (-1)^j {r-2 \choose j}{r \choose j+1} \int_{0}^{1} \! \bigl[F_K(t)\bigr]^{r-j-1}\times \bigl[1 - F_K(t)\bigr]^{j+1}\, \mathrm{d}t\mbox{,}

where because of these circumstances the limits of integration are (0,1)(0, 1) and not (,)(-\infty, \infty) as in the usual definition of L-moments in terms of a distribution's CDF. (Note, such expressions did not make it into Asquith (2011), which needs rectification if that monograph ever makes it to a 2nd edition.)

The mean, L-scale, coefficient of L-variation (τ2\tau_2, LCV, L-scale/mean), L-skew (τ3\tau_3, TAU3), L-kurtosis (τ4\tau_4, TAU4), and τ5\tau_5 (TAU5) are computed. In usual nomenclature, the L-moments are λ1=mean,\lambda_1 = \mbox{mean,} λ2=L-scale,\lambda_2 = \mbox{L-scale,} λ3=third L-moment,\lambda_3 = \mbox{third L-moment,} λ4=fourth L-moment, and\lambda_4 = \mbox{fourth L-moment, and} λ5=fifth L-moment,\lambda_5 = \mbox{fifth L-moment,} whereas the L-moment ratios are τ2=λ2/λ1=coefficient of L-variation, \tau_2 = \lambda_2/\lambda_1 = \mbox{coefficient of L-variation, } τ3=λ3/λ2=L-skew, \tau_3 = \lambda_3/\lambda_2 = \mbox{L-skew, } τ4=λ4/λ2=L-kurtosis, and\tau_4 = \lambda_4/\lambda_2 = \mbox{L-kurtosis, and} τ5=λ5/λ2=not named.\tau_5 = \lambda_5/\lambda_2 = \mbox{not named.} It is common amongst practitioners to lump the L-moment ratios into the general term “L-moments” and remain inclusive of the L-moment ratios. For example, L-skew then is referred to as the 3rd L-moment when it technically is the 3rd L-moment ratio. There is no first L-moment ratio (meaningless); so, results from kfuncCOPlmoms function will canoncially show a NA in that slot. The coefficient of L-variation is τ2\tau_2 (subscript 2) and not Kendall Tau (τ\tau). Sample L-moments are readily computed by several packages in R (e.g. lmomco, lmom, Lmoments, POT).


kfuncCOPlmom(r, cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...)

kfuncCOPlmoms(cop=NULL, para=NULL, nmom=5,, ...)



The rrth order of a single L-moment to compute;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The number of L-moments to compute;

The rrth order to begin the sequence lambegr:nmom for L-moment computation. The rarely used argument is means to bypass the computation of the mean if the user has an alternative method for the mean or other central tendency characterization in which case = 2; and


Additional arguments to pass.


An R list is returned by kfuncCOPlmoms and only the scalar value of λr\lambda_r by kfuncCOPlmom.


Vector of the L-moments. First element is λ1\lambda_1, second element is λ2\lambda_2, and so on;


Vector of the L-moment ratios. Second element is τ\tau, third element is τ3\tau_3 and so on; and


An attribute identifying the computational source of the L-moments: “kfuncCOPlmoms”.


The L-moments of Kendall Functions appear to be not yet fully researched. An interesting research direction would be the trajectories of the L-moments or L-moment ratio diagrams for the Kendall Function and the degree to which distinction between copulas becomes evident—such diagrams are in wide-spread use for distinquishing between univariate distributions. It is noted, however, that Kendall Function L-moment ratio diagrams might be of less utility that in the univariate world—recalling that a univariate distribution is unique characteristized by its L-moments—because different copulas can have the same FK(z)F_K(z), such as all bivariate extreme value copulas (see also Examples).

  Rhos <- c(0.001, 0.01, seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05), 0.99, 0.999)
  L1 <- T2 <- T3 <- T4 <- Thetas <- vector(mode="numeric", length(Rhos))
  for(i in 1:length(Thetas)) {
     Thetas[i] <- uniroot(function(p)
                 Rhos[i] - rhoCOP(cop=PARETOcop, para=p), c(0,200))$root
     message("Rho = ", Rhos[i], " and Pareto theta = ",
                                             round(Thetas[i], digits=4))
     lmr <- kfuncCOPlmoms(cop=PARETOcop, para=Thetas[i], nmom=4)
     L1[i] <- lmr$lambdas[1]; T2[i] <- lmr$ratios[2]
     T3[i] <- lmr$ratios[3];  T4[i] <- lmr$ratios[4]
  LMR <- data.frame(Rho=Rhos, Theta=Thetas, L1=L1, T2=T2, T3=T3, T4=T4)
  plot(LMR$Rho, LMR$T2, ylim=c(-0.04, 0.5), xlim=c(0, 1),
       xlab="Spearman Rho or coefficient of L-variation",
       ylab="L-moment ratio", type="l", col="black")
  lines(LMR$Rho, LMR$T3, lty=1, col="red"         )
  lines(LMR$Rho, LMR$T4, lty=1, col="green"       )
  lines(LMR$T2,  LMR$T3, lty=2, col="blue"        )
  lines(LMR$T2,  LMR$T4, lty=2, col="deepskyblue2")
  lines(LMR$T3,  LMR$T4, lty=2, col="purple"      )


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

See Also



## Not run: 
kfuncCOPlmom(1, cop=P) # 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 is expected joint prob. of independence
#[1] 0.2499999  (in agreement with theory)

ThetaGH <- 4.21
Rho <- rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=ThetaGH)
ThetaHR <- uniroot(function(p) Rho - rhoCOP(cop=HRcop, para=p), c(0, 100))$root
ThetaHR <- uniroot(function(p) Rho - rhoCOP(cop=HRcop, para=p), c(0, 100))$root
ThetaGL <- uniroot(function(p) Rho - rhoCOP(cop=GLcop, para=p), c(0, 100))$root
ls.str(kfuncCOPlmoms(cop=GHcop, para=ThetaGH)) # Gumbel-Hougaard copula
# lambdas :  num [1:5] 0.440617 0.169085 0.011228 -0.000797 0.000249
# ratios  :  num [1:5]       NA 0.383750 0.066400 -0.004720 0.001470
#                               L-skew = 0.066400
ls.str(kfuncCOPlmoms(cop=HRcop, para=ThetaHR)) # Husler-Reiss copula
# lambdas :  num [1:5] 0.439627 0.169052 0.011427 -0.000785 0.000249
# ratios  :  num [1:5]       NA 0.384540 0.067590 -0.004640 0.001470
#                               L-skew = 0.067590
ls.str(kfuncCOPlmoms(cop=GLcop, para=ThetaGL)) # Galambos copula
# lambdas :  num [1:5] 0.440415 0.169079 0.011268 -0.000795 0.000248
# ratios  :  num [1:5]       NA 0.383910 0.066650 -0.004700 0.001470
#                               L-skew = 0.066650
# These L-moments are extremely similar and within the numerics used.
# Extreme value copula all have the same Kendall Distribution function.
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
UV <- simCOP(200, cop=PLcop, para=1/pi, graphics=FALSE)
theta <- PLpar(UV[,1], UV[,2])
zs <- c(0.001, seq(0.01, 0.99, by=0.01), 0.999) # for later

# Take the sample estimated parameter and convert to joint probabilities Z
# Convert the Z to the Kendall Function estimates again with the sample parameter
Z  <- PLcop(UV[,1], UV[,2], para=theta); KF <- kfuncCOP(Z, cop=PLcop, para=theta)

# Compute L-moments of the "Kendall function" and the sample versions
# and again see that the L-moment are for the distribution of the Z!
KNFlmr <- kfuncCOPlmoms(cop=PLcop, para=theta); SAMlmr <- lmomco::lmoms(Z)
knftxt <- paste0("Kendall L-moments: ",
                 paste(round(KNFlmr$lambdas, digits=4), collapse=", "))
samtxt <- paste0("Sample L-moments: " ,
                 paste(round(SAMlmr$lambdas, digits=4), collapse=", "))

plot(Z, KF, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), col="black",
rug(Z, side=1, col="red", lwd=0.5); rug(KF, side=2, col="red", lwd=0.5) # rug plots
lines(zs, kfuncCOP(zs, cop=PLcop, para=1/pi), col="darkgreen")
knf_meanZ <- KNFlmr$lambdas[1]; sam_meanZ <- SAMlmr$lambdas[1]
knf_mean  <- kfuncCOP(knf_meanZ, cop=PLcop, para=theta) # theo. Kendall function
sam_mean  <- kfuncCOP(sam_meanZ, cop=PLcop, para=theta) # sam. est. of Kendall func
points(knf_meanZ, knf_mean, pch=16, col="blue", cex=3)
points(sam_meanZ, sam_mean, pch=16, col="cyan", cex=2)
lines(zs, zs-zs*log(zs), lty=2, lwd=0.8) # dash ref line for independence
text(0.2, 0.30, knftxt, pos=4, cex=1); text(0.2, 0.25, samtxt, pos=4, cex=1)
text(0.2, 0.18, paste0("Notice uniform distribution of vertical axis rug.\n",
                       "A Critical remark with respect to to KDFs."), cex=1, pos=4)
legend("bottomright", c("Independence copula", "KDF of Plackett copula",
                        "Theoretical mean", "Sample mean"), bty="n", y.intersp=1.5,
       lwd=c(1, 1, NA, NA), lty=c(2, 1, NA, NA), pch=c(NA, NA, 16, 16),
       col=c("black", "darkgreen", "blue", "cyan"), pt.cex=c(NA, NA, 3, 2)) #
## End(Not run)

Kullback–Leibler Divergence, Jeffrey Divergence, and Kullback–Leibler Sample Size


Compute the Kullback–Leibler Divergence, Jeffrey Divergence, and Kullback–Leibler sample size following Joe (2014, pp. 234–237). Consider two densities f=c1(u,v;Θf)f = c_1(u,v; \Theta_f) and g=c2(u,v;Θg)g = c_2(u,v; \Theta_g) for two different bivariate copulas C1(Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1) and C2(Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(\Theta_2) having respective parameters Θ\Theta, then the Kullback–Leibler Divergence of ff relative to gg is

KL(fg)= ⁣ ⁣I2glog(g/f)dudv,\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g) = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} g\, \log(g/f)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{,}

and Kullback–Leibler Divergence of gg relative to ff is

KL(gf)= ⁣ ⁣I2flog(f/g)dudv,\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f) = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} f\, \log(f/g)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{,}

where the limits of integration I2\mathcal{I}^2 theoretically are closed on [0,1]2[0,1]^2 but an open interval (0,1)2(0,1)^2 might be needed for numerical integration. Note, in general KL(fg)KL(gf)\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g) \ne \mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f). The KL(fg)\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g) is the expected log-likelihood ratios of gg to ff when gg is the true density (Joe, 2014, p. 234), whereas KL(gf)\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f) is the opposite.

This asymmetry leads to Jeffrey Divergence, which is defined as a symmetrized version of the two Kullback–Leibler Divergences, and is

J(f,g)=KL(fg)+KL(gf)= ⁣ ⁣I2(gf)log(g/f)dudv.J(f,g) = \mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g) + \mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f) = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (g-f)\, \log(g/f)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{.}

The variances of the Kullback–Leibler Divergences are defined as

σKL(fg)2= ⁣ ⁣I2g[log(g/f)]2dudv[KL(fg)]2,\sigma^2_{\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g)} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} g\,[\log(g/f)]^2\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - [\mathrm{KL}(f|g)]^2\mbox{,}


σKL(gf)2= ⁣ ⁣I2f[log(f/g)]2dudv[KL(gf)]2.\sigma^2_{\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f)} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} f\,[\log(f/g)]^2\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - [\mathrm{KL}(g|f)]^2\mbox{.}

For comparison of copula families ff and gg and taking an α=0.05\alpha = 0.05, the Kullback–Leibler sample size is defined as

nf ⁣g=[Φ(1)(1α)×ηKL]2,n_{f\!g} = \bigl[\Phi^{(-1)}(1-\alpha) \times \eta_\mathrm{KL}\bigr]^2\mbox{,}

where Φ(1)(t)\Phi^{(-1)}(t) is the quantile function for the standard normal distribution \sim N(0,1) for nonexceedance probability tt, and ηKL\eta_\mathrm{KL} is the maximum of

ηKL=max[σKL(fg)/KL(fg),σKL(gf)/KL(gf)].\eta_\mathrm{KL} = \mathrm{max}\bigl[\sigma_{\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g)}/\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g),\, \sigma_{\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f)}/\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f)\bigr]\mbox{.}

The nf ⁣gn_{f\!g} gives an indication of the sample size needed to distinguish ff and gg with a probability of at least 1α=10.05=0.951 - \alpha = 1 - 0.05 = 0.95 or 95 percent.

The copBasic features a naïve Monte Carlo integration scheme in the primary interface kullCOP, although the function kullCOPint provides for nested numerical integration. This later function is generally fast but suffers too much for general application from integral divergencies issued from the integrate() function in R—this must be judged in the light that the copBasic package focuses only on implementation of the function of the copula itself and numerical estimation of copula density (densityCOP) and not analytical copula densities or hybrid representations thereof. Sufficient “bread crumbs” are left among the code and documentation for users to re-implement if speed is paramount. Numerical comparison to the results of Joe (2014) (see Examples) suggests that the default Monte Carlo sample size should be more than sufficient for general inference with the expense of considerable CPU time; however, a couple of repeated calls of kullCOP would be advised and compute say the mean of the resulting sample sizes.


kullCOP(cop1=NULL, cop2=NULL, para1=NULL, para2=NULL, alpha=0.05,
           del=0, n=1E5, verbose=TRUE, sobol=FALSE, scrambling=0, ...)

kullCOPint(cop1=NULL, cop2=NULL, para1=NULL, para2=NULL, alpha=0.05,
           del=.Machine$double.eps^0.25, verbose=TRUE, ...)



A copula function corresponding to copula ff in Joe (2014);


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula ff;


A copula function corresponding to copula gg in Joe (2014);


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula gg;


The α\alpha in the Kullback–Leibler sample size equation;


A small value used to denote the lo and hi values of the numerical integration: lo = del and hi = 1 - del. If del == 0, then lo = 0 and hi = 1, which corresponds to the theoretical limits I2=[0,1]2\mathcal{I}^2 = [0,1]^2 and are defaulted here to [0,1]2[0,1]^2 because the Monte Carlo algorithm is preferred for general application. The end point control, however, is maintained just in case pathological situations should arise;


kullCOP (Monte Carlo integration) only—the Monte Carlo integration simulation size;


A logical trigging a couple of status lines of output through the message() function in R;


A logical trigging Sobol sequences for the Monte Carlo integration instead of the bivariate uniform distribution. The Sobol sequences are dependent on the randtoolbox package and the sobol() function of the randtoolbox package, and the Sobol sequences canvas the I2\mathcal{I}^2 domain for smaller nn values than required if statistical independence is used for the Monte Carlo integration. Note, the randtoolbox at least at version 2.0.+ has “scrambling” of Sobol sequences temporarily disabled, and hence scrambling=0 as default for kullCOP;


The argument of the same name for randtoolbox::sobol; and


Additional arguments to pass to the densityCOP function.


An R list is returned having the following components:


kullCOP (Monte Carlo integration) only—The simulation size for numerical integration;


A vector of the Kullback–Leibler Divergences and their standard deviations: KL(fg)\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g), σKL(fg)\sigma_{\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g)}, KL(gf)\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f), and σKL(gf)\sigma_{\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f)}, respectively;


kullCOP (Monte Carlo integration) only—The standard deviation of the divergences and the variances;


Jeffrey Divergence J(f,g)J(f,g);


Kullback–Leibler sample size nf ⁣gn_{f\!g}; and


kullCOPint (numerical integration) only—An R list of the outer call of the integrate() function for the respective numerical integrals shown in this documentation.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

densityCOP, vuongCOP


# See another demonstration under the Note section of statTn().
## Not run: 
# Joe (2014, p. 237, table 5.2)
# Gumbel-Hougaard and Plackett copulas below each have a Kendall Tau of about 0.5, and
# Joe (2014) lists in the table that Jeffrey Divergence is about 0.110 and Kullback-Leibler
# sample size is 133. Joe (2014) does not list the copula parameters just says Tau = 0.5.
# Joe (2014) likely did the numerical integrations using analytical solutions to probability
# densities and not rectangular approximations as in copBasic::densityCOP().
KL <- kullCOP(cop1=GHcop,       para1=2,
              cop2=PLACKETTcop, para2=11.40484, sobol=FALSE)
message("Jeffery Divergence is ",          round(KL$Jeffrey.divergence, digits=4),
        " and Kullback-Leibler sample size is ", KL$KL.sample.size, ".")
# Jeffery Divergence is 0.1106 and Kullback-Leibler sample size is 137.
KL <- kullCOP(cop1=GHcop,       para1=2,
              cop2=PLACKETTcop, para2=11.40484, sobol=TRUE )
message("Jeffery Divergence is ",          round(KL$Jeffrey.divergence, digits=4),
        " and Kullback-Leibler sample size is ", KL$KL.sample.size, ".")
# Jeffery Divergence is 0.3062 and Kullback-Leibler sample size is 136.

S <- replicate(20, kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, para1=2, cop2=PLACKETTcop, sobol=FALSE,
                           para2=11.40484, verbose=FALSE)$KL.sample.size)
print(as.integer(c(mean(S), sd(S)))) # 132 plus/minus 5
S <- replicate(2 , kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, para1=2, cop2=PLACKETTcop,  sobol=TRUE,
                           para2=11.40484, verbose=FALSE)$KL.sample.size)
# The two S in the later replication are both the same (136) for a sobol=TRUE
# does not produce variation and this is thought (June 2023) as a result
# of the disabled scrambling in the randtoolbox::sobol() function. 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Joe (2014, p. 237, table 5.3)
# Gumbel-Hougaard and Plackett copulas below each have a Spearman Rho of about 0.5, and
# Joe (2014) lists in the table that Jeffrey Divergence is about 0.063 and Kullback-Leibler
# sample size is 210. Joe (2014) does not list the parameters and just says that Rho = 0.5.
# Joe (2014) likely did the numerical integrations using analytical solutions to probability
# densities and not rectangular approximations as in copBasic::densityCOP().
KL <- kullCOP(cop1=GHcop,       para1=1.541071,
              cop2=PLACKETTcop, para2=5.115658, sobol=FALSE)
message("Jeffery Divergence is ",          round(KL$Jeffrey.divergence, digits=4),
        " and Kullback-Leibler sample size is ", KL$KL.sample.size, ".")
# Jeffery Divergence is 0.0642 and Kullback-Leibler sample size is 213.
KL <- kullCOP(cop1=GHcop,       para1=1.541071,
              cop2=PLACKETTcop, para2=5.115658, sobol=TRUE )
message("Jeffery Divergence is ",          round(KL$Jeffrey.divergence, digits=4),
        " and Kullback-Leibler sample size is ", KL$KL.sample.size, ".")
# Jeffery Divergence is 0.2001 and Kullback-Leibler sample size is 206.

S <- replicate(20, kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, para1=1.541071, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
                           para2=5.115658, verbose=FALSE)$KL.sample.size)
print(as.integer(c(mean(S), sd(S))))  # 220 plus/minus 19 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Compare Jeffery Divergence estimates as functions of sample size when computed
# using Sobol sequences or not for Gumbel-Hougaard and Pareto copulas.
GHpar <- PApar <- 2 # Spearman Rho = 0.6822339
Ns <- as.integer(10^c(seq(2.0, 3.5, by=0.01), seq(3.6, 5, by=0.05)))
JDuni <- sapply(1:length(Ns), function(i) {
                  kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, para1=GHpar, verbose=FALSE,
                          cop2=PAcop, para2=PApar, n=Ns[i],
                          sobol=FALSE)$Jeffrey.divergence })
JDsob <- sapply(1:length(Ns), function(i) {
                  kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, para1=GHpar, verbose=FALSE,
                          cop2=PAcop, para2=PApar, n=Ns[i],
                          sobol=TRUE )$Jeffrey.divergence })
plot(Ns, JDuni, type="l", log="x", # black line, notice likely outliers too
     xlab="Simulation Sample Size", ylab="Jeffery Divergence")
lines(Ns, JDsob, col="red") # red line
legend("topright", c("Monte Carlo", "Sobol sequence"),
                   lwd=c(1,1), col=c("black", "red"), bty="n")
print( c( mean(JDuni), sd(JDuni) ) ) # [1] 0.05915608 0.01284682
print( c( mean(JDsob), sd(JDsob) ) ) # [1] 0.07274190 0.01838939

# The developer notes that plotting KL.sample.size for sobol=TRUE shows
# what appears to be numerical blow up but the Jeffery Divergence does not.
KLuni <- sapply(1:length(Ns), function(i) {
                  kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, para1=GHpar, verbose=FALSE,
                          cop2=PAcop, para2=PApar, n=Ns[i],
                          sobol=FALSE)$KL.sample.size })
KLsob <- sapply(1:length(Ns), function(i) {
                  kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, para1=GHpar, verbose=FALSE,
                          cop2=PAcop, para2=PApar, n=Ns[i],
                          sobol=TRUE )$KL.sample.size })
plot(Ns, KLuni, type="l", log="xy", # black line, notice likely outliers too
     xlab="Simulation Sample Size", ylab="Kullback-Leibler Sample Size")
lines(Ns, KLsob, col="red") # red line
nideal <- kullCOPint(cop1=GHcop, para1=GHpar, cop2=PAcop, para2=PApar)$KL.sample.size
abline(h=nideal, col="green", lwd=3) # nideal sample size is about 210
legend("topright", c("Monte Carlo", "Sobol sequence", "Judged ideal sample size"),
                   lwd=c(1,1,3), col=c("black", "red", "green"), bty="n")

# Let us attempt a visualization to highlight the differences in the two copula by
# simulation. First, using this n = nideal, being the apparent sample size to distinguish
# generally between the two copula having the same Spearman Rho. Do the segments help
# to visually highlight the differences? Next, ask would one judge the parents in the
# simulation being different knowing same Spearman Rho? (Note, the segments are all
# vertical because the U axis is the simulation and the V axis is the conditional
# probability given the U.)
set.seed(1); UVgh <- simCOP(nideal, GHcop, para=GHpar, graphics=FALSE)
set.seed(1); UVpa <- simCOP(nideal, PAcop, para=PApar, graphics=FALSE)
plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n", xlab="U, nonexceedance probability",
                               ylab="V, nonexceedance probability")
segments(UVgh[,1], UVgh[,2], x1=UVpa[,1], y1=UVpa[,2])
points(UVgh, col="lightgreen", pch=16, cex=0.8) # dots
points(UVpa, col="darkgreen",  pch= 1, lwd=0.8) # circles
# Repeat the above n = nideal visualizations but with a change to n = nideal*10, and see
# then that there are visually striking shifts systematically in both both tails but also
# in the U in the interval (0.3, 0.7) belt but to a smaller degree than seen in the tails. 
## End(Not run)

L-comoments and Bivariate L-moments of a Copula


Compute the L-comoments (Serfling and Xiao, 2007; Asquith, 2011) through the bivariate L-moments (ratios) (δk;C[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_{k;\mathbf{C}}) of a copula C(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{C}(u,v; \Theta) The L-comoments include L-correlation (Spearman Rho), L-coskew, and L-cokurtosis. As described by Brahimi et al. (2015), the first four bivariate L-moments δk[12]\delta^{[12]}_k for random variable X(1)X^{(1)} or UU with respect to (wrt) random variable X(2)X^{(2)} or VV are defined as

δ1;C[12]=2 ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)dudv12,\delta^{[12]}_{1;\mathbf{C}} = 2\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{,}

δ2;C[12]= ⁣ ⁣I2(12v6)C(u,v)dudv12,\delta^{[12]}_{2;\mathbf{C}} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (12v - 6) \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{,}

δ3;C[12]= ⁣ ⁣I2(60v260v+12)C(u,v)dudv12, and\delta^{[12]}_{3;\mathbf{C}} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (60v^2 - 60v + 12) \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{, and}

δ4;C[12]= ⁣ ⁣I2(280v3420v2+180v20)C(u,v)dudv12,\delta^{[12]}_{4;\mathbf{C}} = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} (280v^3 - 420v^2 + 180v - 20) \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - \frac{1}{2}\mbox{,}

where the bivariate L-moments are related to the L-comoment ratios by

6δk[12]=τk+1[12]and 6δk[21]=τk+1[21],6\delta^{[12]}_k = \tau^{[12]}_{k+1}\mbox{\quad and \quad}6\delta^{[21]}_k = \tau^{[21]}_{k+1}\mbox{,}

where in otherwords, “the third bivariate L-moment δ3[12]\delta^{[12]}_3 is one sixth the L-cokurtosis τ4[12]\tau^{[12]}_4.” The first four bivariate L-moments yield the first five L-comoments. The terms and nomenclature are not easy and also the English grammar adjective “ratios” is not always consistent in the literature. The δk;C[]\delta^{[\ldots]}_{k;\mathbf{C}} are ratios. The sample L-comoments are supported by the lmomco package, and in particular for the bivariate case, they are supported by the lcomoms2() function of that package.

Similarly, the δk[21]\delta^{[21]}_k are computed by switching uvu \rightarrow v in the polynomials within the above integrals multiplied to the copula in the system of equations with uu. In general, δk[12]δk[21]\delta^{[12]}_k \not= \delta^{[21]}_k for k>1k > 1 unless in the case of permutation symmetric (isCOP.permsym) copulas. By theory, δ1[12]=δ1[21]=ρC/6\delta^{[12]}_1 = \delta^{[21]}_1 = \rho_\mathbf{C}/6 where ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is the Spearman Rho rhoCOP.

The integral for δ4;C[12]\delta^{[12]}_{4;\mathbf{C}} does not appear in Brahimi et al. (2015) but this and the other forms are verified in the Examples and discussion in Note. The four k(1,2,3,4)k \in (1,2,3,4) for UU wrt VV and VV wrt UU comprise a full spectrum of system of seven (not eight) equations. One equation is lost because δ1[12]=δ1[21]\delta^{[12]}_1 = \delta^{[21]}_1.

Chine and Benatia (2017) describe trimmed L-comoments as the multivariate extensions of the univariate trimmed L-moments (Elamir and Seheult, 2003) that are implemented in lmomco. These are not yet implemented in copBasic.


lcomCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.bilmoms=FALSE, orders=2:5, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to trigger return of the δk\delta_k and the return vectors will be named differently;


The orders of the L-comoments to return, which is internally adjusted if the argument as.bilmoms is set. There is no first order L-comoment and the first index on returned values is set to NA to remain index consistent with the lmomco package. An order greater than 5 is not supported; and


Additional arguments to pass to the densityCOP function.


An R list of the L-comoments or bivariate L-moments is returned depending on as.bilmoms setting.


The bivariate L-moments δk[12]\delta^{[12]}_k of UU with respect to VV for k[1,2,3,4]k \in [1,2,3,4] if orders is 2:5 and there is no NA index as for the L-comoments;


The bivariate L-moments δk[21]\delta^{[21]}_k of VV with respect to UU for k[1,2,3,4]k \in [1,2,3,4] if orders is 2:5 and there is no NA index as for the L-comoments;


The L-comoments τk[12]\tau^{[12]}_k of VV with respect to UU for k[2,3,4,5]k \in [2,3,4,5] if orders is 2:5 and index 1 is NA; and


The L-comoments τk[21]\tau^{[21]}_k of VV with respect to UU for k[2,3,4,5]k \in [2,3,4,5] if orders is 2:5 and index 1 is NA.


The documention here is highly parallel to bilmoms for which that function was developed some years before lmomCOP was developed in January 2019. Also, bilmoms is based on gridded or Monte Carlo integration, and bilmoms is to be considered deprecated. However, it is deliberate that related background and various algorithm testing are still documented in bilmoms.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

Brahimi, B., Chebana, F., and Necir, A., 2015, Copula representation of bivariate L-moments—A new estimation method for multiparameter two-dimensional copula models: Statistics, v. 49, no. 3, pp. 497–521.

Chine, Amel, and Benatia, Fatah, 2017, Bivariate copulas parameters estimation using the trimmed L-moments methods: Afrika Statistika, v. 12, no. 1, pp. 1185–1197.

Elamir, E.A.H, and Seheult, A.H., 2003, Trimmed L-moments: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, v. 43, p. 299–314.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Serfling, R., and Xiao, P., 2007, A contribution to multivariate L-moments—L-comoment matrices: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, v. 98, pp. 1765–1781.

See Also

bilmoms, lcomCOPpv, uvlmoms


## Not run: 
para <- list(alpha=0.5, beta=0.93, para1=4.5, cop1=GLcop, cop2=PSP)
copBasic:::lcomCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)$lcomUV[3]
# Lcomom:T3[12]=  +0.156
copBasic:::lcomCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)$lcomVU[3]
# Lcomom:T3[21]=  -0.0668
bilmoms(cop=composite2COP, n=10000, para=para, sobol=TRUE)$bilcomoms$T3
# Tau3[12]=+0.1566, Tau3[21]=-0.0655
# The numerical default Monte Carlo integration of bilmoms()
# matches the numerical integration of lcomCOP albeit with a
# substantially slower and less elegant means in bilmoms().
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# The following Spearman Rho and L-coskew values are predicted for a monitoring
# location of the relation between peak streamflow (V) and time into the
# water year (U) where U and V are "U-statistics."
site_srho  <-  0.15536430
site_T3_12 <-  0.03866056
site_T3_21 <- -0.03090144

# Create an objective function for 3D optimization with some explicit intention that
# transforms are used to keep the parameters in acceptable parameter space for the
# alpha [0,1] and beta [0,1] and theta for the Plackett copula and the composite1COP
# used to add two more parameters to the Plackett.
ofunc <- function(par, srho=NA, T3_12=NA, T3_21=NA) {
  alpha <- pnorm(par[1]) # takes -Inf to +Inf ---> 0 to 1 # compositing domain
  beta  <- pnorm(par[2]) # takes -Inf to +Inf ---> 0 to 1 # compositing domain
  theta <-   exp(par[3]) # takes -Inf to +Inf ---> 0 to +Inf # Plackett domain
  lmr <- lcomCOP(cop=composite1COP,
                 para=list(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, para1=theta, cop1=PLcop))
  return((lmr$lcomUV[2] - srho )^2 + # look carefully, the 2, 3, 3 index
         (lmr$lcomUV[3] - T3_12)^2 + # use on the lmr list are correct, so do not
         (lmr$lcomVU[3] - T3_21)^2)  # expect to see 1, 2, 3 or 2, 3, 4.
# initial parameter guess ('middle' [0.5] compositing and independence [1]) and
# showing the transformations involved.
para_init <- c(qnorm(0.5), qnorm(0.5), log(1))
rt <- optim(par=para_init, ofunc,
            srho=site_srho, T3_12=site_T3_12, T3_21=site_T3_21)
lcom_para <- list(alpha=pnorm(rt$par[1]), beta=pnorm(rt$par[2]),
                  para1=exp(rt$par[3]), cop1=PLcop)
sUV <- simCOP(10000, cop=composite1COP, para=lcom_para, col=grey(0, 0.2), pch=16)
# Now as an exercise, consider increasing site_srho or negating it. Consider
# switching the signs on the L-coskews or increasing their magnitudes and study
# the resulting simulation to develop a personal feeling for L-coskew meaning. #
## End(Not run)

Simulating the Sample Distribution(s) of L-correlation, L-coskew, and L-cokurtosis for a Copula


EXPERIMENTAL: The function provides two themes of sampling distribution characterization by simulation of the first three L-comoment ratios (L-correlation τ2[]\tau_{2[\ldots]}, L-coskew τ3[]\tau_{3[\ldots]} and L-cokurtosis τ4[]\tau_{4[\ldots]}) of a copula. Subsequently, the sampling distribution can be used for inference.

First, semi-optional Monte Carlo integration estimation of the L-comoments of the parent copula are computed. Second, simulations involving the sample size nn presumed the size of the actual sample from which the estimates of the sample L-comoments given as arguments. These simulations result in a report of the L-moments (not L-comoments) of the sampling distribution and these then are used to compute p-values for the L-comoment matrices provided by the user as a function argument.


lcomCOPpv(n, lcom, cop=NULL, para=NULL, repcoe=5E3, type="gno",
                   mcn=1E4, mcrep=10, usemcmu=FALSE, digits=5, ...)



The sample size nn. This argument is semi-optional because n=0n = 0 can be given to skip corresponding simulations and the ntable on return will only contain NA; this feature permits rapid extraction of the Ntable and thus the lcom contents are simply not used;


The sample L-comoments (see below);


A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The replication coefficient ϕ\phi affecting the number of simulations of size n;


The distribution type used for modeling the distribution of the sampling values. The generalized normal (see distribution type "gno" in package lmomco) accommodates some skewness compared to the symmetry of the normal ("nor") just in case situations arise in which non-ignorable skewness in the sample distribution exists. The distribution abbreviations of package lmomco are recognized for the type argument, but in reality the "nor" and "gno" should be more than sufficient;


The sample size NN passed to the bilmoms function for the Monte Carlo integration. If N=0N = 0 then the Monte Carlo integration is not used, otherwise the minimum sample size is internally reset to N=4N=4 so that first four L-moments are computable;


The number of replications of the Monte Carlo simulation by bilmoms;


A logical toggling whether the mean value computed from the replicated Monte Carlo integrations is used instead of the mean values for the small sample simulation for the p-value computations;


The number of digits to round numerical entries in the returned tables and can be NA for no rounding; and


Additional arguments to pass to the bilmoms function or to the copula.


The notation r[]r[\ldots] refers to two specific types of L-comoment definitions and a blend between the two. The notation r[12]r[12] means that the rrth L-comoment for random variables {X(1),X(2)}\{X^{(1)}, X^{(2)}\} where X(2)X^{(2)} is the sorted variable and X(1)X^{(1)} is shuffled by the sorting index. Conversely, the notation r[21]r[21] means that the rrth L-comoment for random variables {X(1),X(2)}\{X^{(1)}, X^{(2)}\} where X(1)X^{(1)} is the sorted variable and X(2)X^{(2)} is shuffled by the sorting index. The notation r[12:21]r[12:21] means that the average between the r[21]r[21] and r[21]r[21] is computed, which might prove useful in circumstances of known or expected symmetry of the L-comoments.

Continuing, τ^2[12]\hat\tau_{2[12]} is the sample L-correlation, τ^3[12]\hat\tau_{3[12]} is the sample L-coskew, and τ^4[12]\hat\tau_{4[12]} is the sample L-cokurtosis all with respect to the sorting of the second variable. The computation of these L-comoment matricies can be made by functions such as function lcomoms2() in the lmomco package. The number of replications for the simulations involving the nn sample size is computed by

m=ϕ/n,m = \phi/\sqrt{n}\mbox{,}

where ϕ\phi is the repcoe replication factor or coefficient. If usemcmu is TRUE then mcn >0> 0 else usemcmu is reset to FALSE.


An R list is returned.


A string functioning as a label for the remaining tables;


Another R list holding tables of the L-moments of the L-comoments derived from Monte Carlo integration for samples of size N=N = mcn. The simulations are replicated mcrep times; and


Another R list holding tables of the L-moments of the L-comoments derived from the small sample simulations for samples of size n=n = n as well as the p-values estimated by a generalized normal distribution (see lmomco package documentation) of the L-moments using either the small sample means or the mean of the replicated Monte Carlo integrations as dictated by usemcmu. In all circumstances, however, the results for the small sample simluations are tabulated in ntable only the p-value will be reflective the setting of usemcmu.


A significance column for the p-values is added to the right side of the returned ntable and is used to guide the eye in interpretation of results. The significant codes having the following definitions for a two-tailed form:

  "_" > 0.1;  ".", 0.1;  "*", 0.05;  "**", 0.01;  "***", 0.001


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

lcomCOP, COP, kullCOP, vuongCOP


# See Note section of vuongCOP() for an extended discussion of copula inference
## Not run: 
Tau <- 0.6410811; para <- GHcop(tau=Tau)$para # This Tau is from a situation of
# two river tributaries. These three L-comoments with univariate L-moments on the
T2 <- c(1,  0.79908960, 0.79908960, 1) # diagonals are derived from those river
# tributaries and downstream of the junction data.
T3 <- c(0, -0.04999318, 0.07689082, 0)
T4 <- c(0,  0.01773833, 0.04756257, 0) # Is the Ho:GHcop rejectable?
LCOM <- list(T2=matrix(T2, nrow=2), T3=matrix(T3, nrow=2), T4=matrix(T4, nrow=2))
ZZ1 <- lcomCOPpv(75, LCOM, cop=GHcop, para=para, repcoe=2000, usemcmu=FALSE)
ZZ2 <- lcomCOPpv(75, LCOM, cop=GHcop, para=para, repcoe=2000, usemcmu=TRUE)
# The results here suggest that the GHcop is not rejectable.
## End(Not run)

Convert L-comoments to Parameters of Alpha-Beta Compositions of Two One-Parameter Copulas


EXPERIMENTAL—This function converts the L-comoments of a bivariate sample to the four parameters of a composition of two one-parameter copulas. Critical inputs are of course the first three dimensionless L-comoments: L-correlation, L-coskew, and L-cokurtosis. The most complex input is the solutionenvir, which is an environment containing arbitrarily long, but individual tables, of L-comoment and parameter pairings. These pairings could be computed from the examples in simcompositeCOP.

The individual tables are prescanned for potentially acceptable solutions and the absolute additive error of both L-comoments for a given order is controlled by the tNeps arguments. The default values seem acceptable. The purpose of the prescanning is to reduce the computation space from perhaps millions of solutions to a few orders of magnitude. The computation of the solution error can be further controlled by XX or uu with respect to YY or vv using the comptNerrXY arguments, but experiments thus far indicate that the defaults are likely the most desired. A solution “matching” the L-correlation is always sought; thus there is no uset2err argument. The arguments uset3err and uset4err provide some level of granular control on addition error minimization; the defaults seek to “match” L-coskew and ignore L-cokurtosis. The setreturn controls which rank of computed solution is returned; users might want to manually inspect a few of the most favorable solutions, which can be done by the setreturn or inspection of the returned object from the lcomoms2.cop2parameter function. The examples are detailed and self-contained to the copBasic package; curious users are asked to test these.


                         T2.12=NULL, T2.21=NULL,
                         T3.12=NULL, T3.21=NULL,
                         T4.12=NULL, T4.21=NULL,
                         t2eps=0.1, t3eps=0.1, t4eps=0.1,
                         compt2erruv=TRUE, compt2errvu=TRUE,
                         compt3erruv=TRUE, compt3errvu=TRUE,
                         compt4erruv=TRUE, compt4errvu=TRUE,
                         uset3err=TRUE, uset4err=FALSE,
                         setreturn=1, maxtokeep=1e5)



The environment containing solutions;


L-correlation τ2[12]\tau_2^{[12]};


L-correlation τ2[21]\tau_2^{[21]};


L-coskew τ3[12]\tau_3^{[12]};


L-coskew τ3[21]\tau_3^{[21]};


L-cokurtosis τ4[12]\tau_4^{[12]};


L-cokurtosis τ4[21]\tau_4^{[21]};


An error term in which to pick a potential solution as close enough on preliminary processing for τ2[12]\tau_2^{[1 \leftrightarrow 2]};


An error term in which to pick a potential solution as close enough on preliminary processing for τ3[12]\tau_3^{[1 \leftrightarrow 2]};


An error term in which to pick a potential solution as close enough on preliminary processing for τ4[12]\tau_4^{[1 \leftrightarrow 2]};


Compute an L-correlation error using the 1 with respect to 2 (or uu wrt vv);


Compute an L-correlation error using the 2 with respect to 1 (or vv wrt uu);


Compute an L-coskew error using the 1 with respect to 2 (or uu wrt vv);


Compute an L-coskew error using the 2 with respect to 1 (or vv wrt uu);


Compute an L-cokurtosis error using the 1 with respect to 2 (or uu wrt vv);


Compute an L-cokurtosis error using the 2 with respect to 1 (or vv wrt uu);


Use the L-coskew error in the determination of the solution. The L-correlation error is always used;


Use the L-cokurtosis error in the determination of the solution. The L-correlation error is always used;


Set (index) number of the solution to return. The default of 1 returns the preferred solutions based on the controls for the minimization; and


The value presets the number of rows in the solution matrix. This matrix is filled with potential solutions as the various subfiles of the solutionenvir are scanned. The matrix is trimmed of NAs and error trapping is in place for too small values of maxtokeep. The default value appears appropriate for the feeding of massively large simulated parameter spaces.


An R data.frame is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

simCOP, simcompositeCOP, composite2COP


## Not run: 
# Build an initial parameter to L-comoment mapping table.
  mainpara <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
                   para1gen=function() { return(10^runif(1, min=-5, max=0)) },
                   para2gen=function() { return(10^runif(1, min=0,  max=5)) })
  nsim <- 1E4
  sample.size.for.estimation <- 1000 # really use vastly larger sample size
  PlackettPlackettNP <-
      simcompositeCOP(n=sample.size.for.estimation, nsim=nsim, parent=mainpara)
  save(PlackettPlackettNP, file="PlackettPlackettNP.RData", compress="xz")

# Plackett-Plackett composited copula from the copBasic package
# Then create an environment to house the "table."
PlackettPlackett <- new.env()
assign("NeedToCreateForDemo", PlackettPlackettNP, envir=PlackettPlackett)
# Now that the table is assigned into the environment, the parameter
# estimation function can be used. In reality, a much much larger
# solution set is needed, but this effort is experimental.

# Now grab the closest Plackett-Plackett solution having the following six
# arbitrary L-comoments. Then simulate 1000 values and plot them to show
# the underlying bivariate distribution.
PPcop <- lcomoms2.ABcop2parameter(solutionenvir=PlackettPlackett,
                                  T2.12=-0.5059, T2.21=-0.5110,
                                  T3.12= 0.1500, T3.21= 0.1700,
                                  T4.12=-0.0500, T4.21= 0.0329,
                                  uset3err=TRUE, uset4err=TRUE)
# A user in encouraged to inspect the contents of PPcop to "assess" the
# solution by a method of L-comoments, we will now proceed with showing the
# copula via a simulation of the fitted version.
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=PPcop$alpha, beta=PPcop$beta,
             para1=PPcop$Cop1Thetas, para2=PPcop$Cop2Thetas)

D <- simCOP(n=5000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), pch=16)
# The sample L-comoments of the fitted Plackett-Plackett may be found by
lmomco::lcomoms2(D, nmom=4) # from the lmomco package, and six sample values shown
T2.12 <- -0.5151547; T2.21 <- -0.5139863
T3.12 <-  0.1502336; T3.21 <-  0.1721355
T4.12 <- -0.0326277; T4.21 <-  0.0233979
PPcop <- lcomoms2.ABcop2parameter(solutionenvir=PlackettPlackett,
                                  T2.12=T2.12, T2.21=T2.21,
                                  T3.12=T3.12, T3.21=T3.21,
                                  T4.12=T4.12, T4.21=T4.21, uset4err=TRUE)
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=PPcop$alpha, beta=PPcop$beta,
             para1=PPcop$Cop1Thetas, para2=PPcop$Cop2Thetas)
D <- simCOP(n=5000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), pch=16)
level.curvesCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, delt=.1, ploton=FALSE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para,
                    ploton=FALSE, f=seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05))
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para, wrtV=TRUE,
                    ploton=FALSE, f=seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05), col=c(3,2))
diag <- diagCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE, lwd=4)

image(gridCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para), col=terrain.colors(20))
# One can inspect alternative solutions like this
# S <- PPcop$solutions$solutions[,1:16]
# B <- S[abs(S$t2.12res) < 0.02 & abs(S$t2.21res) < 0.02 &
#        abs(S$t3.12res) < 0.02 & abs(S$t3.21res) < 0.02, ]
## End(Not run)

Convert L-comoments to Parameters of Alpha-Beta-Kappa-Gamma Compositions of Two One-Parameter Copulas


EXPERIMENTAL—This function converts the L-comoments of a bivariate sample to the four parameters of a composition of two one-parameter copulas. Critical inputs are of course the first three dimensionless L-comoments: L-correlation, L-coskew, and L-cokurtosis. The most complex input is the solutionenvir, which is an environment containing arbitrarily long, but individual tables, of L-comoment and parameter pairings. These pairings could be computed from the examples in simcompositeCOP.

The individual tables are prescanned for potentially acceptable solutions and the absolute additive error of both L-comoments for a given order is controlled by the tNeps arguments. The default values seem acceptable. The purpose of the prescanning is to reduce the computation space from perhaps millions of solutions to a few orders of magnitude. The computation of the solution error can be further controlled by XX or uu with respect to YY or vv using the comptNerrXY arguments, but experiments thus far indicate that the defaults are likely the most desired. A solution “matching” the L-correlation is always sought; thus there is no uset2err argument. The arguments uset3err and uset4err provide some level of granular control on addition error minimization; the defaults seek to “match” L-coskew and ignore L-cokurtosis. The setreturn controls which rank of computed solution is returned; users might want to manually inspect a few of the most favorable solutions, which can be done by the setreturn or inspection of the returned object from the lcomoms2.ABKGcop2parameter function. The examples are detailed and self-contained to the copBasic package; curious users are asked to test these.


                           T2.12=NULL, T2.21=NULL,
                           T3.12=NULL, T3.21=NULL,
                           T4.12=NULL, T4.21=NULL,
                           t2eps=0.1, t3eps=0.1, t4eps=0.1,
                           compt2erruv=TRUE, compt2errvu=TRUE,
                           compt3erruv=TRUE, compt3errvu=TRUE,
                           compt4erruv=TRUE, compt4errvu=TRUE,
                           uset3err=TRUE, uset4err=FALSE,
                           setreturn=1, maxtokeep=1e5)



The environment containing solutions;


L-correlation τ2[12]\tau_2^{[12]};


L-correlation τ2[21]\tau_2^{[21]};


L-coskew τ3[12]\tau_3^{[12]};


L-coskew τ3[21]\tau_3^{[21]};


L-cokurtosis τ4[12]\tau_4^{[12]};


L-cokurtosis τ4[21]\tau_4^{[21]};


An error term in which to pick a potential solution as close enough on preliminary processing for τ2[12]\tau_2^{[1 \leftrightarrow 2]};


An error term in which to pick a potential solution as close enough on preliminary processing for τ3[12]\tau_3^{[1 \leftrightarrow 2]};


An error term in which to pick a potential solution as close enough on preliminary processing for τ4[12]\tau_4^{[1 \leftrightarrow 2]};


Compute an L-correlation error using the 1 with respect to 2 (or uu wrt vv);


Compute an L-correlation error using the 2 with respect to 1 (or vv wrt uu);


Compute an L-coskew error using the 1 with respect to 2 (or uu wrt vv);


Compute an L-coskew error using the 2 with respect to 1 (or vv wrt uu);


Compute an L-cokurtosis error using the 1 with respect to 2 (or uu wrt vv);


Compute an L-cokurtosis error using the 2 with respect to 1 (or vv wrt uu);


Use the L-coskew error in the determination of the solution. The L-correlation error is always used;


Use the L-cokurtosis error in the determination of the solution. The L-correlation error is always used;


Set (index) number of the solution to return. The default of 1 returns the preferred solutions based on the controls for the minimization; and


The value presets the number of rows in the solution matrix. This matrix is filled with potential solutions as the various subfiles of the solutionenvir are scanned. The matrix is trimmed of NAs and error trapping is in place for too small values of maxtokeep. The default value appears appropriate for the feeding of massively large simulated parameter spaces.


An R data.frame is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

simCOP, simcompositeCOP, composite3COP


## Not run: 
  mainpara <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
                   para1gen=function() { return(10^runif(1, min=-5, max=5)) },
                   para2gen=function() { return(10^runif(1, min=-5, max=5)) })
  nsim <- 1E4
  sample.size.for.estimation <- 1000
  PlackettPlackettABKGtest <-
      simcomposite3COP(n=sample.size.for.estimation, nsim=nsim, parent=mainpara)

# Plackett-Plackett composited copula from the copBasic package
# Then create an environment to house the "table".
PlackettPlackettABKG <- new.env()
assign("NeedToCreateForDemo", PlackettPlackettABKGtest, envir=PlackettPlackettABKG)

# Now that the table is assigned into the environment, the parameter estimation
# function can be used. In reality a much much larger solution set is needed.
# Assume one had the following six L-comoments, extract a possible solution.
PPcop <- lcomoms2.ABKGcop2parameter(solutionenvir=PlackettPlackettABKG,
                                    T2.12=-0.5059, T2.21=-0.5110,
                                    T3.12= 0.1500, T3.21= 0.1700,
                                    T4.12=-0.0500, T4.21= 0.0329,
                                    uset3err=TRUE, uset4err=TRUE)
# Now take that solution and setup a parameter object.
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
             alpha=PPcop$alpha, beta=PPcop$beta, kappa=PPcop$kappa, gamma=PPcop$gamma,
             para1=PPcop$Cop1Thetas, para2=PPcop$Cop2Thetas)

# Example Plot Number 1
D <- simCOP(n=2000, cop=composite3COP,  para=para, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), pch=16)
print(lmomco::lcomoms2(D, nmom=4)) # See the six extacted sample values for this seed.
T2.12 <- -0.4877171; T2.21 <- -0.4907403
T3.12 <-  0.1642508; T3.21 <-  0.1715944
T4.12 <- -0.0560310; T4.21 <- -0.0350028
PPcop <- lcomoms2.ABKGcop2parameter(solutionenvir=PlackettPlackettABKG,
                                    T2.12=T2.12, T2.21=T2.21,
                                    T3.12=T3.12, T3.21=T3.21,
                                    T4.12=T4.12, T4.21=T4.21, uset4err=TRUE)
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
             alpha=PPcop$alpha, beta=PPcop$beta, kappa=PPcop$kappa, gamma=PPcop$gamma,
             para1=PPcop$Cop1Thetas, para2=PPcop$Cop2Thetas)

# Example Plot Number 2
D <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=composite3COP, para=para, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), pch=16)
level.curvesCOP(cop=composite3COP, para=para, delt=0.1, ploton=FALSE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite3COP, para=para,
                    ploton=FALSE, f=c(seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05)))
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite3COP, para=para, wrtV=TRUE,
                    ploton=FALSE, f=c(seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05)), col=c(3,2))
diag <- diagCOP(cop=composite3COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE, lwd=4)
# Compare plots 1 and 2, some generalized consistency between the two is evident.
# One can inspect alternative solutions like this
# S <- PPcop$solutions$solutions[,1:18]
# B <- S[abs(S$t2.12res) < 0.02 & abs(S$t2.21res) < 0.02 &
#        abs(S$t3.12res) < 0.02 & abs(S$t3.21res) < 0.02, ]
## End(Not run)

Compute and Plot Level Curves of a Copula V with respect to U


Compute and plot level curves or level sets of a copula for VV with respect to UU (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12–13). The level curves at levels t[0+Δt,1Δt,Δt]t \mapsto [0+\Delta t, 1-\Delta t, \Delta t] are defined for U[0+Δu,1Δu,Δu]U \mapsto [0+\Delta u, 1-\Delta u, \Delta u] by

tC(u=U,v),t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u=U, v)\mbox{,}

and solving for vv. Plotting is provided by this function because level curves are such an important visual attribute of a copula and highly useful for pedagogic purposes. The above equation is implemented by the inverse of a copula using COPinv.


level.curvesCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, ploton=TRUE, lines=TRUE,
                plotMW=FALSE, ramp=TRUE, delu=0.001, delt=0.10,
                getlevel=NULL, silent=TRUE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle on the plot;


A logical to toggle calls to the lines() function in R to draw the lines;


A logical to toggle to use the abline() function in R to plot cross lines for the M\mathbf{M} (M) and W\mathbf{W} (W) copulas;


A logical to toggle whether the level curves are ramped in thickness according to the probability of the line. The argument can be used with a lwd setting through the ... and can either be a constant, which will override the built-in ramp, or lwd can be defined as a function to replace the built-in ramp in terms of the probability;


The increment for Δu\Delta u. The default is 1 part in 1,000, which should often provide enough smoothness for many copulas in practice;


The increment Δt\Delta t for the level curves to plot, defaults to 10-percent intervals. If delt=0.5, then only the median plus the consequences of a defined getlevel is used. If NULL, then a sequence of tt values is not made and only getlevel is used (if available);


If defined, then it is inserted into the sequence of levels tt and that level tt == getlevel is returned in an R list data structure. If more than one level is desired, then instead of repeated calls to this function, the joint.curvesCOP function could be considered;


The argument of the same name given over to try() wrapping the try() operation on forming sequences of tt for the curves (see sources); and


Additional arguments to pass to the lines() function in R.


Typically no values are returned because this function is used for its side effects, but the arguments can be such that the {u,v}\{u, v\} for C(u,v)=t\mathbf{C}(u,v) = t are returned within an R list.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COPinv, level.curvesCOP2, level.setCOP, joint.curvesCOP


## Not run: 
level.curvesCOP(cop=M, para=NULL, delt=0.02) # Upper bounds copula
## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
D <- level.curvesCOP(cop=P,   getlevel=0.56)
str(D) # empty
D <- level.curvesCOP(cop=P,   getlevel=0.5)
str(D) # contains stuff
D <- level.curvesCOP(cop=PSP, getlevel=0.8)
str(D) # contains stuff
## End(Not run)

Compute and Plot Level Curves of a Copula U with respect to V


Compute and plot level curves or level sets of a copula for UU with respect to VV (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12–13). The level curves at a levels t[0+Δt,1Δt,Δt]t \mapsto [0+\Delta t, 1-\Delta t, \Delta t] are defined for V[0+Δv,1Δv,Δv]V \mapsto [0+\Delta v, 1-\Delta v, \Delta v] by

t=C(u,v=V),t = \mathbf{C}(u, v=V)\mbox{,}

and solving for uu. Plotting is provided by this function because level curves are such an important visual attribute of a copula and highly useful for pedagogic purposes. The above equation is implemented by the inverse of a copula using COPinv2.


level.curvesCOP2(cop=NULL, para=NULL, ploton=TRUE, lines=TRUE,
                 plotMW=FALSE, ramp=TRUE, delv=0.001, delt=0.10,
                 getlevel=NULL, silent=TRUE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle on the plot;


A logical to toggle calls to the lines() function in R to draw the lines;


A logical to toggle to use abline() function in R to plot cross lines for the M\mathbf{M} (M) and W\mathbf{W} (W) copulas;


A logical to toggle whether the level curves are ramped in thickness according to the probability of the line. The argument can be used with a lwd setting through the ... and can either be a constant, which will override the built-in ramp, or lwd can be defined as a function to replace the built-in ramp in terms of the probability;


The increment of Δv\Delta v. The default is 1 part in 1,000, which should often provide enough smoothness for many copulas in practice;


The increment of Δt\Delta t for the level curves to plot, defaults to 10-percent intervals;


If defined and level exists upon stepping through using delt, then the level curve at the getlevel is returned in an R list data structure;


The argument of the same name given over to try() wrapping the try() operation on forming sequences of tt for the curves (see sources); and


Additional arguments to pass to the lines() function in R.


Typically no values are returned because this function is used for its side effects, but the arguments can be such that the {u,v}\{u, v\} for C(u,v)=t\mathbf{C}(u,v) = t are returned within an R list.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COPinv2, level.curvesCOP, level.setCOP2, joint.curvesCOP2


## Not run: 
level.curvesCOP2(cop=M, para=NULL, delt=0.02) # Upper bounds copula
## End(Not run)

Compute a Level Set of a Copula V with respect to U


Compute a level curve or level set of a copula for VV with respect to UU (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12–13). The level curve at level tt is defined for U[0+Δu,1Δu,Δu]U \mapsto [0+\Delta u, 1-\Delta u, \Delta u] by

tC(u=U,v),t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u{=}U, v)\mbox{,}

and solving for vv. The function is largely a dispatcher to features implemented in level.curvesCOP.


level.setCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, getlevel=NULL, delu=0.001, lines=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The level set for tt;


The increment for Δu\Delta u. The default is 1 part in 1,000, which should often in practice provide enough smoothness for many copulas;


A logical that matches the argument of the same name in level.curvesCOP; and


Additional arguments to pass to the lines() function in R.


The level set for tt == getlevel is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

level.setCOP2, level.curvesCOP


## Not run: 
set <- level.setCOP(cop=PSP, getlevel=0.23, delu=0.005)
lines(set$U, set$V, col=2, lwd=2) # manually draw the 23rd percentile
set <- level.setCOP(cop=PSP, para=3.1, getlevel=0.67, lines=TRUE, col=4, lwd=4)
# Notice the change in the lines argument and using levelsetCOP2 to draw.
mtext("Level Curves and Special Level Sets for PSP copula") #
## End(Not run)

Compute a Level Set of a Copula U with respect to V


Compute a level curve or level set of a copula for UU with respect to VV (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12–13). The level curve at level tt is defined for V[0+Δv,1Δv,Δv]V \mapsto [0+\Delta v, 1-\Delta v, \Delta v] by

tC(u,v=V),t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(u, v{=}V)\mbox{,}

and solving for uu. The function is largely a dispatcher to features of level.curvesCOP2.


level.setCOP2(cop=NULL, para=NULL, getlevel=NULL, delv=0.001, lines=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The level set for tt;


The increment for Δv\Delta v. The default is 1 part in 1,000, which should often in practice provide enough smoothness for many copulas;


A logical that matches the argument of the same name in level.curvesCOP2; and


Additional arguments to pass to the lines() function in R.


The level set for tt == getlevel is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

level.setCOP, level.curvesCOP2


## Not run: 
set <- level.setCOP2(cop=N4212cop, para=3.1, getlevel=0.23, delu=0.005)
level.curvesCOP2(cop=N4212cop, para=3.1, delv=0.001, delt=0.02)
lines(set$U, set$V, col=2, lwd=2) # manually draw the 23rd percentile
set <- level.setCOP2(cop=N4212cop, para=3.1, getlevel=0.17, lines=TRUE, col=4, lwd=4)
# Notice the change in the lines argument and using levelsetCOP2 to draw.
mtext("Level Curves and Special Level Sets for N4212 copula") #
## End(Not run)

Maximum Asymmetry Measure (or Vector) of a Copula by Exchangability


Compute a measure of maximum exchangable asymmetry of a copula CΘ\mathbf{C}_\Theta using exchangability (permutation symmetry) according to De Baets and De Meyer (2017) by

μCpermsym=μpermsym=3×max(CΘ(u,v)CΘ(v,u))\mu_{\infty\mathbf{C}}^{\mathrm{permsym}} = \mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} = 3 \times \mathrm{max}\bigl(\,|\,\mathbf{C}_\Theta(u,v) - \mathbf{C}_\Theta(v,u)\,|\,\bigr)

for (u,v)I2(u,v) \in \mathcal{I}^2. De Baets and De Meyer comment that among many asymmetric metrics with copulas that μpermsym\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} is “by far the most interesting” (De Baets and De Meyer, 2017, p. 36). The 33 multiplier in the definition ensures that μpermsym[0,1]\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} \in [0, 1]. Those authors also conclude that exchangability of random variables, in general, is not a desired property in statistical models, and they use the μ\mu_\infty notation in lieu of LpermsymL_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} (see documentation related to LpCOPpermsym). The term “Permutation-Mu” is used for this measure in copBasic-package and in similar contexts.


LzCOPpermsym(cop=NULL, para=NULL, n=5E4,
             type=c("halton", "sobol", "torus", "runif"),
             as.abs=TRUE, as.vec=FALSE, as.mat=FALSE, plot=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if and as needed, to pass to the copula;


The simulation size. The default seems sufficient for many practical applications but is suboptimal because the maximum operator in the definition is expected to potentially underestimate the true maximum. When a vector is returned, the default simulation size appears sufficient for many parameter estimation schemes;


The type of random number generator on I2\mathcal{I}^2 for computing the maximum (apparent) (see argument n) or a vector of signed differences (see Details);


A logical controlling whether the absolute value operation in the μpermsym\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} definition is used. This feature permits flexibility retaining the sign of asymmetry;


A logical to disable the maximum operation but instead return the a vector of signed differences in the exchanged variables. If this argument is set true, then as.abs will be set false. The return of a vector of signed differences (still multiplied by 3) could be useful in parameter estimation schemes with a similar vector from an empirical copula (EMPIRcop) (see Details);


A logical to disable the maximum operation (like as.vec), but instead return a matrix of the I2\mathcal{I}^2 values with third column as the vector of signed differences. If this argument is set true, then as.abs will be set false;


A logical to create a plot of the I2\mathcal{I}^2 domain used in the simulation with a plot title showing the type argument setting;


Additional arguments to pass to support flexible implementation.


EFFECT OF RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION—Package randtoolbox provides for random number generation on forms different than simply simulating uniform independent random variables for I2\mathcal{I}^2. The Halton, Sobol, and Torus types are implemented. The plot argument is useful for the user to see the differences in how these generators canvas the I2\mathcal{I}^2 domain.

The default is Halton, which visually appears to better canvas I2\mathcal{I}^2 without the clumping that simple uniform random variables does and without the larger gaps of Sobol or Torus. Testing indicates that Halton might generally require the smallest simulation size of the others with simple uniform random variables potentially being the worst and hence such is not the default. Exceptions surely exist depending on the style of the asymmetry. Nevertheless, Halton, Sobol, and Torus produce more consistent estimation behavior with each having a monotone approach towards the true maximum than simple uniform random variables.

The following example is a useful illustration of an asymmetrical Clayton copula (CL(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{CL}(u,v; \Theta), CLcop) by composition of a single copula (composite1COP) with the theorical μpermsym\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} maxima computed by large sample simulation. A user might explore the effect of the random number generation by changing the type variable.

  type <- "halton"
  para <- list(cop=CLcop, para=20, alpha=0.3, beta=0.1) # asymmetrical Clayton
  ti <- LzCOPpermsym(cop=composite1COP, para=para, n=2E6, type=type) # large
  ns <- as.integer( 10^seq(1, 4, by=0.05) ) # sequence of simulation sizes
  mi <- sapply(ns, function(n) { # produce vector of maxima for simulation size
               LzCOPpermsym(cop=composite1COP, para=para, n=n, type=type) })
  ylim <- range(c(0.06, mi, ti)) # vertical limits to ensure visibility
  plot(ns, mi, log="x", pch=21, bg=grey(0.9), ylim=ylim, main=type,
       xlab="Simulation size", ylab="Maximum asymmetry measure")
  abline(h=ti, lwd=3, col="seagreen") # large sample size estimate in green

COPULA PARAMETER ESTIMATION—Parameter estimation using signed permutation asymmetry vector can readily be accomplished. In the self-contained example below, we will assume a parent of Gumbel–Hougaard (GH(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{GH}(u,v; \Theta), GHcop) extended to asymmetry by using three parameters (Θ=(10,0.8,0.6)\Theta = (10, 0.8, 0.6). Imagine that we unfortunately have a very small sample size (n=100n = 100) as “hundred years of data.” The small sample size facilitates the use of the checkboard empirical copula (EMPIRcop); the sample size is small enough that the checkerboard helps smooth through ties. The simulation size for LzCOPpermsym is set “large” as presumed by the existing default.

  para <- c(10, 0.8, 0.6)                       # parameters of the parent
  nsam <- 100; seed <- 2; nsim <- 5000          # note a change from default
  as.vec <- TRUE       # set to FALSE to use just Permutation-Mu
  rhoP <- rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=para)          # parent Spearman Rho
  UVsS <- simCOP(cop=GHcop, para=para, n=nsam, seed=seed) # simulate a sample
  rhoS <- rhoCOP(as.sample=TRUE,     para=UVsS) # sample Spearman Rho
  infS <- LzCOPpermsym(cop=EMPIRcop, para=UVsS, n=nsim, type="halton",
                       as.vec=as.vec, ctype="checkerboard")
  # empirical copula used and returning signed asymmetry vector
  # transformation and re-transformation, GHcop paras >1; [0,1]; and [0,1]
  tparf <- function(par) c(exp(par[1]) + 1,  pnorm( par[2] ), pnorm( par[3] ))
  rparf <- function(par) c(log(par[1]  - 1), qnorm( par[2] ), qnorm( par[3] ))

  ofunc <- function(par, norho=FALSE) { # objective function
    mypara <- tparf(par)
    rhoT   <- rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=mypara)    # simulated Spearman Rho
    infT   <- LzCOPpermsym(cop=GHcop, para=mypara, n=nsim, type="halton",
    err    <-    mean( (infT - infS)^2 )        # mean squared errors
    ifelse(norho, err, (rhoT - rhoS)^2 + err)   # with Spearman Rho or not

  init.par <- rparf(c(2, 0.5, 0.5)); rt <- NULL # initial parameter guess
  try( rt <- optim(init.par, ofunc, norho=FALSE) ) # 3D optimization
  if(is.null(rt)) stop("fatal, optim() returned NULL")
  # construct GHcop parameters from optimization with re-transformation
  sara <- tparf(rt$par)
  rhoT <- rhoCOP(cop=GHcop, para=sara)          # theoretical Spearman Rho
  UVsT <- simCOP(cop=GHcop, para=sara, n=nsam, seed=seed,  # same seed sim by
                 cex=0.3, pch=16, col="red", ploton=FALSE) # est. parameters

  mara <- mleCOP(UVsS, cop=GHcop, init.para=init.par, parafn=tparf)$para

  level.curvesCOP(cop=GHcop, para=para)
  level.curvesCOP(cop=GHcop, para=sara, ploton=FALSE, col="red" ) # perm diffs
  level.curvesCOP(cop=GHcop, para=mara, ploton=FALSE, col="blue") #   mleCOP()

Comparison of level curves between the known parent, the parameter estimation using function LzCOPpermsym, and the maximum likelihood by mleCOP shows that signed asymmetry differences can be used for parameter estimation. One could use the maximum as in the definition, but for purposes of high-dimensional optimization, using the vector might be better to prevent local minima (less optimal solutions) being found if the μpermsym\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} was used. Because vectors of differences between empirical copula and the fitted copula are involved, measures of fit using such differences are expected to be more favorable to optimization than using LzCOPpermsym than say maximum likelihood. The measures of fit AIC (aicCOP), BIC (bicCOP), and RMSE (rmseCOP), for example, are often, smaller for the sara fitted parameters than for the mara fitted (maximum likelihood). Finally, setting as.vec <- FALSE, re-running, and thus using μpermsym\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}}, will likely show parameter estimates, visible through the level curves, that are much less favorable.

RELATION TO ANOTHER DISTANCES—The documentation for LpCOPpermsym lists a supremum definition LpermsymL_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}}, which is like μpermsym\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} but lacks the multiplier of 3. However, that documentation mentions a ratio of 1/3 being as upper bounds and hence the De Baets and De Meyer (2017) reasoning for the 3 multiplier to rescale μpermsym(0,1)\mu_\infty^{\mathrm{permsym}} \in (0,1). The simple interrelations between the two functions are explored in the following example:

  para <- c(30, 0.2, 0.95); n <- 5E4
  p <- 1
  mean(abs(LzCOPpermsym(cop=GHcop, para=para, n=n,
                          as.vec=TRUE)/3)^p)^(1/p)   # 0.01867929
           LpCOPpermsym(cop=GHcop, para=para, p=p)   # 0.01867940
  p <- 3
  mean(abs(LzCOPpermsym(cop=GHcop, para=para, n=n,
                          as.vec=TRUE)/3)^p)^(1/p)   # 0.02649376
           LpCOPpermsym(cop=GHcop, para=para, p=p)   # 0.02649317

The critical note is that LpCOPpermsym is the integral of the absolute differences in permuted differences across I2\mathcal{I}^2. Hence, it is an expectation. The LzCOPpermsym is difference because of the maximum of the differences. The computations in the example above show how the same information can be extracted from the two functions. De Baets and De Meyer (2017) do not make reference to raising and then rooting by the power pp as shown. The examples here provide credence to the default setting of n (simulation size) for several significant figures of similarity.


A scalar value for the measure is returned or other as dictated by arguments.


W.H. Asquith


De Baets, B., and De Meyer, H., 2017, Chapter 3—A look at copulas in a curved mirror: New York, Springer, ISBN 978–3–319–64221–5, pp. 33–47.

See Also

LpCOPpermsym, isCOP.permsym


LzCOPpermsym(cop=PSP)                            # 0, permutation symmetric
LzCOPpermsym(cop=GHcop, para=c(10, 0.9, 0.3))    # 0.17722861

# See also results of
# isCOP.permsym(cop=PSP)                         # TRUE
# isCOP.permsym(cop=GHcop, para=c(10, 0.9, 0.3)) # FALSE

## Not run: 
  sapply(1:4, function(r) { # Four rotations of a Galambos copula
    Lz <- LzCOPpermsym(cop=COP, para=list(cop=GLcop, para=2, reflect=r))
    UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=COP, para=list(cop=GLcop, para=2, reflect=r))
    mtext(paste0("Reflection ", r, " : Permutation-Mu =", Lz)); Lz })
  # [1] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.07430326 0.07430326 
## End(Not run)

The Fréchet–Hoeffding Upper-Bound Copula


Compute the Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 11), which is defined as

M(u,v)=min(u,v).\mathbf{M}(u,v) = \mathrm{min}(u,v)\mbox{.}

This is the copula of perfect association (comonotonicity, perfectly positive dependence) between UU and VV and is sometimes referred to as the comonotonicity copula. Its opposite is the W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v) copula (countermonotonicity copula; W), and statistical independence is the Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) copula (P).


M(u, v, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

W, P



Shuffles of Upper-Bound Copula, Example 5.12b of Nelsen's Book


Compute shuffles of Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 173), which is defined by partitioning M\mathbf{M} within I2\mathcal{I}^2 into nn subintervals:

Mn(u,v)=min(uk1n,vnkn)\mathbf{M}_n(u,v) = \mathrm{min}\biggl(u-\frac{k-1}{n}, v-\frac{n-k}{n} \biggr)

for points within the partitions

(u,v)[k1n,kn]×[nkn,nk+1n]k=1,2,,n(u,v) \in \biggl[\frac{k-1}{n}, \frac{k}{n}\biggr]\times \biggl[ \frac{n-k}{n}, \frac{n-k+1}{n}\biggr]\mbox{,\ }k = 1,2,\cdots,n

and for points otherwise out side the partitions

Mn(u,v)=max(u+v1,0).\mathbf{M}_n(u,v) = \mathrm{max}(u+v-1,0)\mbox{.}

The support of Mn\mathbf{M}_n consists of nn line segments connecting coordinate pairs {(k1)/n,(nk)/n}\{(k-1)/n,\, (n-k)/n\} and {k/n,(nk+1)/n}\{k/n,\, (n-k+1)/n\} as stated by Nelsen (2006). It is useful that Nelsen stated such as this helps to identify that Nelsen's typesetting of the terms in the second square brackets—the VV direction—is reversed from that shown in this documentation. The Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) is defined by ρC=(2/n2)1\rho_\mathbf{C} = (2/n^2) - 1, and the Kendall Tau (tauCOP) by τC=(2/n)1\tau_\mathbf{C} = (2/n) - 1.


M_N5p12b(u, v, para=1, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A positive integer n1,2,n \in 1, 2, \cdots; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

M, ORDSUMcop, W_N5p12a


M_N5p12b(0.4, 0.6, para=3)

## Not run: 
  # Nelsen (2006, exer. 5.12b, p. 173, fig. 5.3b)
  UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=M_N5p12b, para=4) #
## End(Not run)

Perform Median Regression using a Copula by Numerical Derivative Method for V with respect to U


Perform median regression (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 217–218) of a copula by inversion of numerical derivatives of the copula (derCOPinv). The documentation for qua.regressCOP provides mathematical details. The qua.regressCOP.draw supports so-called quantile regression along various probability levels (see Examples).


med.regressCOP(u=seq(0.01,0.99, by=0.01), cop=NULL, para=NULL, level=NA, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The level of the prediction interval to compute. For example, level=0.95 will compute the 95-percent prediction interval as will level=0.05 because internally a reflection check is made; and


Additional arguments to pass such qua.regressCOP and derCOPinv that are called in succession.


An R data.frame of the median regressed probabilities of VV and provided UU values is returned. Note: if level is used, then the column ordering of the returned data.frame changes—please access the columns by the named idiom. The lower- and upper-prediction interval is contained in the columns repectively titled Vlwr and Vupr to mimic nomenclature somewhat of function predict.lm() in R.


An extended demonstration is needed concerning prediction intervals by median regression and a comparison to well-known linear regression. This also affords and opportunity to have copBasic interact with the copula package to gain access to the Gaussian copula and a maximum pseudo-likelihood estimation of the parameter.

First, a function NORMcop() is defined to form the interconnect between the two packages. It is critically important that the user recognize that the so-called copula object as built by the copula package is treated as the canonical para argument in copBasic calls herein.

  "NORMcop" <-  # pCoupla() from package copula is analogous to COP()
  function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
    if(length(u) == 1) u <- rep(u, length(v)) # see asCOP() for reasoning of
    if(length(v) == 1) v <- rep(v, length(u)) # this "vectorization" hack
    return(copula::pCopula(matrix(c(u,v), ncol=2), para))

The parameter Θ[1,1]\Theta \in [-1, 1] (Pearson R) and ρC(Θ)\rho_\mathbf{C}(\Theta) (Spearman Rho, rhoCOP) and τC(Θ)\tau_\mathbf{C}(\Theta) (Kendall Tau, tauCOP) are according to Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 255) the values

ρC(Θ)=2πarcsin(Θ)\rho_\mathbf{C}(\Theta) = \frac{2}{\pi}\,\mathrm{arcsin}(\Theta)


τC(Θ)=6πarcsin(Θ/2).\tau_\mathbf{C}(\Theta) = \frac{6}{\pi}\,\mathrm{arcsin}(\Theta/2)\mbox{.}

Second, a bivariate Gaussian copula is defined with a parameter Θ=0.7\Theta = 0.7 (thus ρC=0.6829105\rho_\mathbf{C} = 0.6829105, rhoCOP(NORMcop, norm.cop)) and then n=255n=255 samples simulated from it. These are then cast into standard normal variates to mimic the idea of bivariate data in nonprobability units and facilitation regression comparison.

  norm.cop <- copula::normalCopula(c(0.7), dim = 2) # define a Gaussian copula
  UVs      <- copula::rCopula(255, norm.cop) # draw 255 samples
  UVs      <-; X <- qnorm(UVs[,1]); Y <- qnorm(UVs[,2])

Third, the Weibull plotting positions from the pp() function of package lmomco are used to estimate the empirical probababilities of the data in UV that are casted into an R matrix because the copula package expects the data as a matrix for the default parameter estimation. The code is completed by the specification of the fitted Gaussian copula in fnorm.cop.

  UV <- as.matrix(data.frame(U=lmomco::pp(X, sort=FALSE),
                             V=lmomco::pp(Y, sort=FALSE)))
  para <- copula::fitCopula(copula::normalCopula(dim=2), UV)
  para <- summary(para)$coefficients[1] # maximum pseudo-likelihood est.
  fnorm.cop <- copula::normalCopula(para, dim=2)

Fourth, ordinary-least-squares (OLS) linear regression for YXY\mid X and XYX\mid Y is computed, and the results plotted on top of the data points. The 2/3rd-prediction limits are computed by predict.lm() and also shown.

  # Classical linear regressions from two perspectives.
  LMyx <- lm(Y~X);       LMxy <- lm(X~Y)
  YonX <- summary(LMyx); XonY <- summary(LMyx)

  QUorV <- seq(-3,3, by=0.05) # vector for graphical operations
  plot(X, Y, col=8, pch=21)
  lines(QUorV, YonX$coefficients[1]+YonX$coefficients[2]*QUorV, col=2, lwd=4)
  tmp <- predict.lm(LMyx, list(X=X), level=2/3, interval="prediction")
  lines(X, tmp[,2], col=2); lines(X, tmp[,3], col="red"  )

  lines(XonY$coefficients[1]+XonY$coefficients[2]*QUorV, QUorV, col=3, lwd=4)
  tmp <- predict.lm(LMxy, list(Y=Y), level=2/3, interval="prediction")
  lines(tmp[,2], Y, col="green"); lines(tmp[,3], Y, col="green")

Finally, the demonstration ends with plotting of the median regression for the Gaussian copula and drawing the regression lines. The two median regression lines are nearly coincident with the OLS regression lines as anticipated with a reasonably large sample size albeit maximum pseudo-likelihood was used to estimate the copula parameter. The mean of a uniform distributed variable given say U=uU = u (horizontal axis) is 1/2, which coincides with the median. The median regression lines thus are coincident with the OLS lines even though OLS and real-space (native units of XX and YY) were not used for their computation. The 2/3-prediction intervals also are plotted for comparison.

  UorV    <- c(0.001, seq(.02,0.98, by=.02), 0.999)
  MEDreg  <- med.regressCOP( u=UorV, level=2/3, cop=NORMcop, para=fnorm.cop)
  MEDreg2 <- med.regressCOP2(v=UorV, level=2/3, cop=NORMcop, para=fnorm.cop)
  lines(qnorm(UorV),         qnorm(MEDreg$V),    col="blue",    lty=2)
  lines(qnorm(UorV),         qnorm(MEDreg$Vlwr), col="blue",    lty=2)
  lines(qnorm(UorV),         qnorm(MEDreg$Vupr), col="blue",    lty=2)
  lines(qnorm(MEDreg2$U),    qnorm(UorV),        col="magenta", lty=2)
  lines(qnorm(MEDreg2$Ulwr), qnorm(UorV),        col="magenta", lty=2)
  lines(qnorm(MEDreg2$Uupr), qnorm(UorV),        col="magenta", lty=2)

A curious aside (Joe, 2014, p. 164) about the Gaussian copula is that Blomqvist Beta (blomCOP) is equal to Kendall Tau (tauCOP), which can be checked by

  blomCOP(cop=NORMcop, para=norm.cop) # 0.4936334
  tauCOP( cop=NORMcop, para=norm.cop) # 0.493633

and obviously the βC=τC\beta_\mathbf{C} = \tau_\mathbf{C} are numerically the same.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

med.regressCOP2, qua.regressCOP, qua.regressCOP.draw


## Not run: 
FF <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)
plot(c(0,1),c(0,1), type="n", lwd=3,
# Draw the regression of V on U and then U on V (wrtV=TRUE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(f=FF, cop=P, para=NA, ploton=FALSE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(f=FF, cop=P, para=NA, ploton=FALSE, wrtV=TRUE, lty=2)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
theta <- 0.5; FF <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)
plot(c(0,1),c(0,1), type="n", lwd=3,
# Draw the regression of V on U and then U on V (wrtV=TRUE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(f=FF, cop=PLACKETTcop, ploton=FALSE, para=theta)
qua.regressCOP.draw(f=FF, cop=PLACKETTcop, ploton=FALSE, para=theta, wrtV=TRUE, lty=2)#
## End(Not run)

Perform Median Regression using a Copula by Numerical Derivative Method for U with respect to V


Perform median regression of a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 217–218) by inversion of numerical derivatives of the copula (derCOPinv2). The documentation for qua.regressCOP2 provides mathematical details.


med.regressCOP2(v=seq(0.01,0.99, by=0.01), cop=NULL, para=NULL, level=NA, ...)



Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The level of the prediction interval to compute. For example, level=0.95 will compute the 95-percent prediction interval as will level=0.05 because internally a reflection check is made; and


Additional arguments to pass such qua.regressCOP2 and derCOPinv2 that are called in succession.


An R data.frame of the median regressed probabilities of UU and provided VV values is returned. Note: if level is used, the column ordering of the returned data.frame changes—please access the columns by the named idiom. The lower- and upper-prediction interval bounds are contained in the columns repectively titled Ulwr and Uupr to mimic nomenclature somewhat of function predict.lm() in R.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

med.regressCOP, qua.regressCOP2, qua.regressCOP.draw


# See examples under med.regressCOP

Maximum Pseudo-Log-Likelihood Estimation for Copula Parameter Estimation


Perform maximum pseudo-log-likelihood estimation (pMLE) for copula parameters by maximizing the function:

L(Θp)=i=1nlog[c(Fx(xi),Fy(yi);Θp)],\mathcal{L}(\Theta_p) = \sum_{i=1}^n \log\bigl[ c(F_x(x_i), F_y(y_i); \Theta_p)\bigr]\mbox{,}

where L(Θp)\mathcal{L}(\Theta_p) is the log-likelihood for parameter vector Θp\Theta_p of dimension pp, and c(u,v;Θp)c(u,v; \Theta_p) is the bivariate copula density. The uu and vv are estimated by the respective empirical cumulative distribution functions u=Fx()u = F_x(\cdots) and v=Fy()v = F_y(\cdots) for each of the joint realizations of a sample of size nn. The c(u,v)c(u,v) is numerically estimated by the copula using the densityCOP function.


mleCOP(u, v=NULL, cop=NULL, parafn=function(k) return(k),
          interval=NULL, init.para=NULL, verbose=FALSE, control=list(),
$double.eps^0.25, s=0, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction and if NULL then u is treated as a two column R data.frame;


A copula function;


A function responsible for generating the parameters. This is often just a simple return of a parameter vector as copBasic uses this style of parameterization, but this function can take over parameter remapping to handle boundary conditions to benefit the search or provide an interface into other copula packages in R (see Examples);


The search interval for root finding, by stats::optimise(), if the parameter dimension of the copula is p=1p = 1. The interval is not used for p2p \ge 2;


The initial guesses for the parameters for the pp-dimensional optimization for p2p \ge 2. The initial guess is used, by stats::optim(), if the parameter dimension of the copula is p=1p = 1 and interval is NULL (see Examples);


A logical that internally is converted to integer to trigger 1 (sum of logs of densityCOP shown), 2 (add reporting of the copula parameter on each iteration), or more levels of verbose reporting scheme within the objective function. This is independent from the control$trace of function optim();


This argument is the argument of the same name for optim();

The value for “the zero” of the copula density function. This argument is the argument of the same name for densityCOP. The default here is intended to suggest that a tiny nonzero value for density will trap the numerical zero densities;


A vector of at least two presumably uniformly distributed or regular sequence of nonexceedance probabilities in UU for simulation of VV by simCOPv and plotting of these UU and VV. This plotting is only made if the length of ss is nonzero and verbose is greater than or equal to 2. This plotting feature for the s is pedagogical and intended for demonstration or teaching opportunities. This feature has no utility for the optimization itself; and


Additional arguments to pass, see source code for the internally used functions that can pick these additional arguments up.


The value(s) for the estimated parameters are returned within an R list where the elements listed below are populated unique to this package. The other elements of the returned list are generated from either the optimise() (1D, p=1p = 1) or optim() (pD, p2p \ge 2) functions of R.


The parameter(s) in a canonical element after the one-dimensional root finding (p=1p = 1) or multi-dimensional optimization (p2p \ge 2) solutions are passed through parafn so that these are in the parameter units of the copula and not necessarily those transformed for the optimization;


A helpful message unique to the copBasic package;


The maximum of the log-likelihood matching the name for the same quantity by the function fitCopula in package copula though a separate implementation is used in copBasic;


Akaike information criterion (AIC) (see also aicCOP): AIC=2p2L(Θp)\mathrm{AIC} = 2p - 2\mathcal{L}(\Theta_p); and


Bayesian information criterion (BIC) (see also bicCOP): BIC=plog(n)2L(Θp)\mathrm{BIC} = p\log(n) - 2\mathcal{L}(\Theta_p).


This section provides for a more thorough assessment of pMLE than shown in the Examples.

INTERFACE TO THE COPULA PACKAGE—A not uncommon question to the author is how can copBasic support copulas from other packages? A copBasic pMLE implementation to the Gaussian copula from the copula package is thus useful for instruction.

Two interface functions are required for the pMLE situation. First, interface the copula package in a generic form for the copBasic package:

  "cB2copula" <-  # pCoupla() from package copula is analogous to COP()
  function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
    if(length(u) == 1) u <- rep(u, length(v)) # see asCOP() for reasoning of
    if(length(v) == 1) v <- rep(v, length(u)) # this "vectorization" hack
    return(copula::pCopula(matrix(c(u,v), ncol=2), para))

where the para argument above must be built by the features of the copula package. The following function then provides for parameter setup specific to the Gaussian copula having parameter ρ\rho:

  copula2cBpara <- function(rho) return(copula::normalCopula(rho, dim = 2))

Now, let us perform a parameter estimate for a sample of size n=900n=900:

  set.seed(162); UV <- simCOP(n=900, cop=cB2copula, para=copula2cBpara(0.45))
  mleCOP(UV, cop=cB2copula, parafn=copula2cBpara, interval=c(-1,1))$para
  #   rho.1  =  0.4248822

The search interval for the Gaussian copula is ρ[1,1]\rho \in [-1, 1], and the final result is ρ=0.4458822\rho = 0.4458822.

MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXAMPLE OF pMLE—Consider a 2-parameter Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GH(Θ1,Θ2)\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_1, \Theta_2)) but now use the parafn argument to provide boundary condition assistance through function GH2pfunc to the optim() function that performs the maximization.

  set.seed(162); UV <- simCOP(n=890, cop=GHcop, para=c(2.4, .06))
  GH2pfunc <- function(p) { return(c(exp(p[1])+1, exp(p[2]))) }
  ML <- mleCOP(UV$U, UV$V, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1,1), parafn=GH2pfunc)
  print(ML$para) # [1] 2.2755018 0.1194788

and the result is Θ1,2=(2.2755018,0.1194788)\Theta_{1,2} = (2.2755018, 0.1194788). Next, consider now a 3-parameter GH(Θ,π1,π2)\mathbf{GH}(\Theta, \pi_1, \pi_2) copula and again use the parafn argument through function GH3pfunc but notice that the 2nd and 3rd parameters are now mapped into 0π1,π210 \le \pi_1, \pi_2 \le 1 domain using the pnorm() function.

  set.seed(162); UV <- simCOP(n=500, cop=GHcop, para=c(5.5, .6, .9))
  GH3pfunc <- function(p) { return(c(exp(p[1])+1, pnorm(p[2]), pnorm(p[3]))) }
  ML <- mleCOP(UV$U, UV$V, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1, .5, .5), parafn=GH3pfunc)
  print(ML$para) # [1] 5.3742229 0.6141652 0.9382638

and the result is Θ=5.3742229\Theta = 5.3742229 and π1,2=(0.6141652,0.9382638)\pi_{1,2} = (0.6141652, 0.9382638).

ANOTHER MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXAMPLE OF pMLE—Finally, an experiment can be made fitting a 3-parameter GH(Θ,π1,π2)\mathbf{GH}(\Theta, \pi_1, \pi_2) to a simulation from a 2-parameter GH(β1,β2)\mathbf{GH}(\beta_1, \beta_2), where the seed is just arbitrary and the Vuong Procedure (vuongCOP) is used to compare fits and make inference. The parameter functions GH2pfunc and GH3pfunc are as before.

  set.seed(10); UV <- simCOP(n=500, cop=GHcop, para=c(1.7, 1.86))
  GH2pfunc <- function(p) { return(c(exp(p[1])+1,   exp(p[2])              )) }
  GH3pfunc <- function(p) { return(c(exp(p[1])+1, pnorm(p[2]), pnorm(p[3]) )) }
  para1 <- mleCOP(UV, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1,1),     parafn=GH2pfunc)$para
  para2 <- mleCOP(UV, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1,.5,.5), parafn=GH3pfunc)$para
  vuongCOP(UV, cop1=GHcop, para1=para1, cop2=GHcop, para2=para2)$message
  #[1] "Copula 1 has better fit than Copula 2 at 100 x (1-alpha) level"

The results show the 2-p GH\mathbf{GH} is a better fit to the simulated data than the 3-p GH\mathbf{GH}, which seems a bit self evident? Plot some same-seeded simulations just to confirm.

  set.seed(67) # First the estimated parameters but with the correct model.
  UV <- simCOP(n=200, GHcop, para=para1, snv=TRUE, pch=16, col=2)
  set.seed(67) # Second, the estimated incorrect model.
  UV <- simCOP(n=200, GHcop, para=para2, snv=TRUE, ploton=FALSE)

Yes, differences in form are manifest in the produced graphic. Now, let us try another set of parameters and again an arbitrarily-chosen seed.

  set.seed(10); UV <- simCOP(n=500, cop=GHcop, para=c(1.91, 0.16))
  para1 <- mleCOP(UV, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1,1),     parafn=GH2pfunc)$para
  para2 <- mleCOP(UV, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1,.5,.5), parafn=GH3pfunc)$para
  vuongCOP(UV, cop1=GHcop, para1=para1, cop2=GHcop, para2=para2)$message
  #[1] "Copulas 1 and 2 are not significantly different at 100 x (1-alpha)"

The results show equivalence, let us now check a graphic.

  set.seed(67); z <- simCOP(n=200, GHcop, para=para1, snv=TRUE, pch=16, col=2)
  set.seed(67); z <- simCOP(n=200, GHcop, para=para2, snv=TRUE, ploton=FALSE)

The differences are small but the differences might be inflating into the lower left corner. What sample size could conceivably begin to distinguish between the copula?

  kullCOP(cop1=GHcop, cop2=GHcop, para1=para1, para2=para2) # 625 on this run

  nsim <- 20; set.seed(67)
  Results <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) {
    UV <- simCOP(n=625, cop=GHcop, para=c(1.91, .16), graphics=FALSE)
    p1 <- mleCOP(UV, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1,1),     parafn=GH2pfunc)$para
    p2 <- mleCOP(UV, cop=GHcop, init.para=c(1,.5,.5), parafn=GH3pfunc)$para
    vuongCOP(UV, cop1=GHcop, para1=p1, cop2=GHcop, para2=p2)$result })

The summation yields 6 of 20 for which copula 1 has the better fit, but with n=1,000n=1{,}000 instead of n=625n=625, the sum of the Results is 13 of 20 (so better than half the time). This seems to be in conflict with what the nfgn_{fg} sample size from kullCOP should be telling. The author thinks it should be 18 to 19 of 20 (95th percentile) based on what the kullCOP is reported to do (NEED TO LOOK INTO THIS).


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also



# See also extended code listings and discussion in the Note section

## Not run: 
  # Here, we study the trajectory of the objective function in a simple
  # 1-dimensional optimization. See how we must provide the interval.
  set.seed(162); UV <- simCOP(n=188, cop=PLcop, para=5.6)
  ML <- mleCOP(UV$U, UV$V, cop=PLcop, interval=c(0.1, 40)) # 5.225459 estimated

  Thetas <- 10^(seq(log10(0.001), log10(100), by=0.005))
  MLs <- sapply(Thetas, function(k)
                densityCOP(UV$U, UV$V, cop=PLcop, para=k, sumlogs=TRUE))
  plot(Thetas, MLs, log="x", type="l", # draw the pMLE solution process
       xlab="Plackett Theta", ylab="sum of log densities")
  lines(rep(ML$para, 2), c(ML$objective, par()$usr[3]), col="red")
  points(ML$para, ML$objective, pch=16, col="red") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Here, we study again 1-dimensional optimization but use the
  # multidimensional version with an alert issued.
  set.seed(149); UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=CLcop, para=pi)
  # Warning messages about using optim() for 1D solution
  mleCOP(UV, cop=CLcop, init.para=2)$para          # 3.082031
  # No warning message, optimise() called instead.
  mleCOP(UV, cop=CLcop, interval=c(0,1E2))$para    # 3.081699 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Here, we evaluate a 2-dimensional problem using a Plackett again but with
  # the addition of asymmetry towards high V outliers from the Plackett cloud.
  # This example also adds the internal verbose and graphic diagnostics for
  # the iterations of the optimizer. Here, we learn that we need on a time have
  # some idea where the solution might lay so that we can provide a suitable
  # set of initial parameters for the algorithm.
  para <- list(beta=-0.1, cop=PLcop, para1=1000)
  UV <- simCOP(2000, cop=breveCOP, para=para); abline(0, 1, col="red", lwd=3)
  PL2pfunc <- function(p) { # see here example of parameter transform
    list(beta=2*pnorm(p[1])-1, para=exp(p[2]), cop=PLcop) # [-1,+1], >=0
  init.para <- c(0.2535, log(0.02)) # These will not find a solution with this
  # guess of negative association, but the next works by using an external
  # estimate of the Plackett parameters and here we test with a positive
  # skewness (beta for breveCOP > 0) although we know the parent had negative.
  init.para <- c(0.2535, log(PLACKETTpar(UV$U, UV$V, byrho=TRUE))) # beta=0.200
  rt <- mleCOP(u=UV$U, v=UV$V, init.para=init.para, cop=breveCOP,
               parafn=PL2pfunc, verbose=2, s=seq(0,1, by=0.005)) #
## End(Not run)

The Copula of Equation 4.2.12 of Nelsen's Book


The N4212 copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 91; eq. 4.2.12) is named by the author (Asquith) for the copBasic package and is defined as

CN4212(u,v;Θ)=(1+[(u11)Θ+(v11)Θ]1/Θ)1.\mathbf{C}_{\mathrm{N4212}}(u,v; \Theta) = \biggl(1 + \bigl[(u^{-1} -1)^\Theta + (v^{-1} -1)^\Theta\bigr]^{1/\Theta}\biggr)^{-1}\mbox{.}

The N4212(u,v)\mathbf{N4212}(u,v) copula is not comprehensive because for Θ=1\Theta = 1 the copula becomes the so-called PSP(u,v)\mathbf{PSP}(u,v) copula (see PSP) and as Θ\Theta \rightarrow \infty the copula becomes M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) (see M). The copula is undefined for Θ<1\Theta < 1. The N4212 copula has respective lower- and upper-tail dependency (see taildepCOP).

Although copBasic is intended to not implement or “store house” the enormous suite of copula functions available in the literature, the N4212 copula is included to give the package another copula to test or test in numerical examples.


N4212cop(u, v, para=NULL, infis=100, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


What is infinity? Testing shows that infis = Θ>100\Theta > 100 is about right to consider the copula as becoming M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) (see M); and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.


N4212cop(0.4,0.6, para=1) == PSP(0.4,0.6) # TRUE
N4212cop(0.4,0.6, para=10) # 0.3999928
taildepCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=10) # LamL = 0.93303; LamU = 0.92823
## Not run: 
D <- simCOP(n=400, cop=N4212cop, para=2)
D <- simCOP(n=400, cop=N4212cop, para=10,  ploton=FALSE, col=2)
D <- simCOP(n=400, cop=N4212cop, para=100, ploton=FALSE, col=3)#
## End(Not run)

Ordinal Sums of M-Copula


Compute ordinal sums of a copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 63) or M-ordinal sum of the summands (Klement et al., 2017) within I2\mathcal{I}^2 into nn partitions (possibly infinite) within I2\mathcal{I}^2. According to Nelsen, letting J\mathcal{J} denote a partition of I2\mathcal{I}^2 and Ji=[ai,bi]\mathcal{J}_i = [a_i,\, b_i] be the iith partition that does not overlap with others and letting also Ci\mathbf{C}_i be a copula for the iith partition, then the ordinal sum of these Ci\mathbf{C}_i with parameters Θi\Theta_i with respect to Ji\mathcal{J}_i is the copula C\mathbf{C} given by

C(u,v;Ji,Ci,Θi,i1,2,,n)=ai+(biai)Ci(uaibiai,vaibiai;Θi) for (u,v)J2,\mathbf{C}\bigl(u,v; \mathcal{J}_i, \mathbf{C}_i, \Theta_i, i \in 1,2,\cdots,n\bigr) = a_i + (b_i-a_i)\mathbf{C}_i\biggl(\frac{u-a_i}{b_i-a_i},\, \frac{v-a_i}{b_i-a_i}; \Theta_i\biggr)\ \mbox{for}\ (u,v) \in \mathcal{J}^2\mbox{,}

for points within the partitions, and for points otherwise outside the partitions the coupla is given by

C(u,v;Ji,Ci,i1,2,,n)=M(u,v) for (u,v)J2, and\mathbf{C}\bigl(u,v; \mathcal{J}_i, \mathbf{C}_i, i \in 1,2,\cdots,n\bigr) = \mathbf{M}(u,v)\ \mathrm{for}\ (u,v) \ni \mathcal{J}^2\mbox{, and}

let CJ(u,v)\mathbf{C}_\mathcal{J}(u,v) be a convenient abbreviation for the copula. Finally, Nelsen (2006, theorem 3.2.1) states that a copula is an ordinal sum if and only if for a tt if C(t,t)=t\mathbf{C}(t,t)=t for t(0,1)t \in (0,1). The diagonal of a coupla can be useful for quick assessment (see Examples) of this theorem. (See ORDSUWcop, W-ordinal sum of the summands.)


ORDSUMcop(u,v, para=list(cop=W, para=NA, part=c(0,1)), ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A list of sublists for the coupla, parameters, and partitions (see Examples) and some attempt for intelligent in-fill of para is made within the sources (the default para is an example for which cop and para elements are converted to lists). The user is responsible that part element properly canvases by end-point alignment all of I2\mathcal{I}^2; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Klement, E.P., Kolesárová, A., Mesiar, R., Saminger-Platz, S., 2017, Copula constructions using ultramodularity (chap. 9) in Copulas and dependence models with applications—Contributions in honor of Roger B. Nelsen, eds. Flores, U.M., Amo Artero, E., Durante, F., Sánchez, J.F.: Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978–3–319–64220–9, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64221-5.

See Also

copBasic-package, W_N5p12a, ORDSUWcop


## Not run: 
  para <- list(cop=c(CLcop, M, PLcop, GHcop), para=list(4, NA, 0.1, c(3,4)),
              part=list(c(0,0.25), c(0.25,0.35), c(0.35,0.85), c(0.85,1)))
  UV <- simCOP(n=100, cop=ORDSUMcop, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
  plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), xlab="U, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY", type="n",
                       ylab="V, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY")
  for(k in seq_len(length(para$part))) {         #  to draw the partitions
    a <- para$part[[k]][1]; b <- para$part[[k]][2]
    polygon(c(a, b, b, a, a), c(a,a,b,b,a), lty=2, lwd=0.8, col="lightgreen")
    text((a+b)/2, (a+b)/2, k, cex=3, col="blue") # numbered by partition
  points(UV, pch=21, cex=0.8, col=grey(0.1), bg="white") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  para <- list(cop=c(GHcop), para=list(c(2,3)), # internally replicated
               part=list(c(0,0.2), c(0.2,0.3), c(0.3,0.5), c(0.5,0.7), c(0.7,1)))
  UV <- simCOP(n=100, cop=ORDSUMcop, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
  plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), xlab="U, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY", type="n",
                       ylab="V, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY")
  for(k in seq_len(length(para$part))) {         #  to draw the partitions
    a <- para$part[[k]][1]; b <- para$part[[k]][2]
    polygon(c(a, b, b, a, a), c(a,a,b,b,a), lty=2, lwd=0.8, col="lightgreen")
    text((a+b)/2, (a+b)/2, k, cex=3, col="blue") # numbered by partition
 points(UV, pch=21, cex=0.8, col=grey(0.1), bg="white") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # In this example, it is important that the delt is of the resolution
  # matching the  edges of the partitions.
  para <- list(cop=P, para=list(NULL),
               part=list(c(0,0.257), c(0.257,0.358), c(0.358,1)))
  DI <- diagCOP(cop=ORDSUMcop, para=para, delt=0.001)
  if(sum(DI$diagcop == DI$t) >= 1) {
    message("The ORDSUMcop() operation is an ordinal sum if there exists\n",
            "a t=(0,1) exists such that C(t,t)=t by Nelsen (2006, theorem 3.2.1).")
  abline(0,1, col="red") #
## End(Not run)

Ordinal Sums of W-Copula


Compute W-ordinal sum of the summands (Klement et al., 2017) within I2\mathcal{I}^2 into nn partitions (possibly infinite) within I2\mathcal{I}^2. Letting J\mathcal{J} denote a partition of I2\mathcal{I}^2 and Ji=[ai,bi]\mathcal{J}_i = [a_i,\, b_i] be the iith partition that does not overlap with others and letting also Ci\mathbf{C}_i be a copula for the iith partition, then the ordinal sum of these Ci\mathbf{C}_i with parameters Θi\Theta_i with respect to Ji\mathcal{J}_i is the copula C\mathbf{C} given by

C(u,v;Ji,Ci,Θi,i1,2,,n)=ai+(biai)Ci(uaibiai,v1+bibiai;Θi) for (u,v)J2,\mathbf{C}\bigl(u,v; \mathcal{J}_i, \mathbf{C}_i, \Theta_i, i \in 1,2,\cdots,n\bigr) = a_i + (b_i-a_i)\mathbf{C}_i\biggl(\frac{u-a_i}{b_i-a_i},\, \frac{v-1+b_i}{b_i-a_i}; \Theta_i\biggr)\ \mbox{for}\ (u,v) \in \mathcal{J}^2\mbox{,}

for points within the partitions, and for points otherwise outside the partitions the coupla is given by

C(u,v;Ji,Ci,i1,2,,n)=W(u,v) for (u,v)J2, and\mathbf{C}\bigl(u,v; \mathcal{J}_i, \mathbf{C}_i, i \in 1,2,\cdots,n\bigr) = \mathbf{W}(u,v)\ \mathrm{for}\ (u,v) \ni \mathcal{J}^2\mbox{, and}

let CJ(u,v)\mathbf{C}_\mathcal{J}(u,v) be a convenient abbreviation for the copula. (See ORDSUMcop, M-ordinal sum of the summands.)


ORDSUWcop(u,v, para=list(cop=M, para=NA, part=c(0,1)), ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A list of sublists for the coupla, parameters, and partitions (see Examples) and some attempt for intelligent in-fill of para is made within the sources (the default para is an example for which cop and para elements are converted to lists). The user is responsible that part element properly canvases by end-point alignment all of I2\mathcal{I}^2; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Klement, E.P., Kolesárová, A., Mesiar, R., Saminger-Platz, S., 2017, Copula constructions using ultramodularity (chap. 9) in Copulas and dependence models with applications—Contributions in honor of Roger B. Nelsen, eds. Flores, U.M., Amo Artero, E., Durante, F., Sánchez, J.F.: Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978–3–319–64220–9, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64221-5.

See Also

copBasic-package, W_N5p12a, ORDSUMcop


para <- list(cop=c(CLcop, GHcop), para=list(5, 2), part=c(0,0.25,1)) # break points
UV <- simCOP(n=100, cop=ORDSUMcop, seed=1, para=para, ploton=TRUE, pch=16)
UV <- simCOP(n=100, cop=ORDSUWcop, seed=1, para=para, ploton=FALSE)

## Not run: 
  para <- list(cop=c(CLcop, M, PLcop, GHcop), para=list(4, NA, 0.1, c(3,4)),
              part=list(c(0,0.25), c(0.25,0.35), c(0.35,0.85), c(0.85,1)))
  UV <- simCOP(n=100, cop=ORDSUWcop, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
  plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), xlab="U, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY", type="n",
                       ylab="V, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY")
  for(k in seq_len(length(para$part))) {         #  to draw the partitions
    a <- para$part[[k]][1]; b <- para$part[[k]][2]
    polygon(c(a, b, b, a, a), c(1-a,1-a,1-b,1-b,1-a), lty=2, lwd=0.8, col="lightgreen")
    text((a+b)/2, (1-a+1-b)/2, k, cex=3, col="blue") # numbered by partition
  points(UV, pch=21, cex=0.8, col=grey(0.1), bg="white") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  para = list(cop=c(GHcop), para=list(c(2,3)), # internally replicated
              part=list(c(0,0.2), c(0.2,0.3), c(0.3,0.5), c(0.5,0.7), c(0.7,1)))
  UV <- simCOP(n=100, cop=ORDSUWcop, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
  plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), xlab="U, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY", type="n",
                       ylab="V, NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY")
  for(k in seq_len(length(para$part))) {         #  to draw the partitions
    a <- para$part[[k]][1]; b <- para$part[[k]][2]
    polygon(c(a, b, b, a, a), c(1-a,1-a,1-b,1-b,1-a), lty=2, lwd=0.8, col="lightgreen")
    text((a+b)/2, (1-a+1-b)/2, k, cex=3, col="blue") # numbered by partition
  points(UV, pch=21, cex=0.8, col=grey(0.1), bg="white") #
## End(Not run)

The Product (Independence) Copula


Compute the product copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 12), which is defined as

Π(u,v)=uv.\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) = uv\mbox{.}

This is the copula of statistical independence between UU and VV and is sometimes referred to as the independence copula. The two extreme antithesis copulas are the Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound (M) and Fréchet–Hoeffding lower-bound (W) copulas.


P(u, v, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

M, W, rhoCOP


P(c(0.4, 0, 1), c(0, 0.6, 1))

## Not run: 
n <- 100000 # giant sample size, L-comoments are zero
UV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=P, graphics=FALSE)
lmomco::lcomoms2(UV, nmom=4)
# The following are Taus_r^{12} and Taus_r^{21}
# L-corr:        0.00265 and  0.00264 ---> ZERO
# L-coskew:     -0.00121 and  0.00359 ---> ZERO
# L-cokurtosis:  0.00123 and  0.00262 ---> ZERO

rho <- 0.6; # Spearman Rho
theta <- PLACKETTpar(rho=rho) # Theta = 5.115658
UV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta, graphics=FALSE)
lmomco::lcomoms2(UV, nmom=4)
# The following are Taus_r^{12} and Taus_r^{21}
# L-corr        0.50136 and  0.50138 ---> Pearson R == Spearman Rho
# L-coskews    -0.00641 and -0.00347 ---> ZERO
# L-cokurtosis -0.00153 and  0.00046 ---> ZERO 
## End(Not run)

The Pareto Copula


The Pareto copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 33) is

CΘ(u,v)=PA(u,v)=[(1u)Θ+(1v)Θ]1/Θ,\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{PA}(u,v) = \bigl[(1-u)^{-\Theta}+(1-v)^{-\Theta}\bigr]^{-1/\Theta}\mbox{,}

where Θ[0,)\Theta \in [0, \infty). As Θ0+\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+}, the copula limits to the Π\mathbf{\Pi} copula (P) and the M\mathbf{M} copula (M). The parameterization here has assocation increasing with increasing Θ\Theta, which differs from Nelsen (2006), and also the Pareto copula is formed with right-tail increasing reflection of the Nelsen (2006) presentation because it is anticipated that copBasic users are more likely to have right-tail dependency situations (say large maxima [right tail] coupling in earth-system data but not small maxima [left tail] coupling).


PARETOcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)
    PAcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


The Pareto copula is used in a demonstration of Kendall Function L-moment ratio diagram construction (see kfuncCOPlmoms).


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

M, P


## Not run: 
z <- seq(0.01,0.99, by=0.01) # Both copulas have Kendall Tau = 1/3
plot( z, kfuncCOP(z, cop=PAcop, para=1), lwd=2, col="black",
                                xlab="z <= Z", ylab="F_K(z)", type="l")
lines(z, kfuncCOP(z, cop=GHcop, para=1.5), lwd=2, col="red") # red line
# All extreme value copulas have the same Kendall Function [F_K(z)], the
# Gumbel-Hougaard is such a copula and the F_K(z) for the Pareto does not
# plot on top and thus is not an extreme value but shares a "closeness."
## End(Not run)

The Plackett Copula


The Plackett copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 89–92) is

CΘ(u,v)=PL(u,v)=[1+(Θ1)(u+v)][1+(Θ1)(u+v)]24uvΘ(Θ1)2(Θ1).\mathbf{C}_\Theta(u,v) = \mathbf{PL}(u,v) = \frac{[1+(\Theta-1)(u+v)]-\sqrt{[1+(\Theta-1)(u+v)]^2 - 4uv\Theta(\Theta-1)}}{2(\Theta - 1)}\mbox{.}

The Plackett copula (PL(u,v)\mathbf{PL}(u,v)) is comprehensive because as Θ0\Theta \rightarrow 0 the copula becomes W(u,v)\mathbf{W}(u,v) (see W, countermonotonicity), as Θ\Theta \rightarrow \infty the copula becomes M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) (see M, comonotonicity) and for Θ=1\Theta = 1 the copula is Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) (see P, independence).

Nelsen (2006, p. 90) shows that

Θ=H(x,y)[1F(x)G(y)+H(x,y)][F(x)H(x,y)][G(y)H(x,y)],\Theta = \frac{H(x,y)[1 - F(x) - G(y) + H(x,y)]}{[F(x) - H(x,y)][G(y) - H(x,y)]}\mbox{,}

where F(x)F(x) and G(y)G(y) are cumulative distribution function for random variables XX and YY, respectively, and H(x,y)H(x,y) is the joint distribution function. Only Plackett copulas have a constant Θ\Theta for any pair {x,y}\{x,y\}. Hence, Plackett copulas are also known as constant global cross ratio or contingency-type distributions. The copula therefore is intimately tied to contingency tables and in particular the bivariate Plackett defined herein is tied to a 2×22\times2 contingency table. Consider the 2×22\times 2 contingency table shown at the end of this section, then Θ\Theta is defined as

Θ=a/cb/d=aa+c/ca+cbb+d/db+d and Θ=a/bc/d=aa+b/ba+bcc+d/dc+d,\Theta = \frac{a/c}{b/d} = \frac{\frac{a}{a+c}/\frac{c}{a+c}}{\frac{b}{b+d}/\frac{d}{b+d}}\mbox{\ and\ }\Theta = \frac{a/b}{c/d} = \frac{\frac{a}{a+b}/\frac{b}{a+b}}{\frac{c}{c+d}/\frac{d}{c+d}}\mbox{,}

where it is obvious that Θ=ad/bc\Theta = ad/bc and aa, bb, cc, and dd can be replaced by proporations for a sample of size nn by a/na/n, b/nb/n, c/nc/n, and d/nd/n, respectively. Finally, this copula has been widely used in modeling and as an alternative to bivariate distributions and has respective lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters of λL=0\lambda^L = 0 and λU=0\lambda^U = 0 (taildepCOP).

{-}{-} Low High Sums
Low aa bb a+ba+b
High cc dd c+dc+d
Sums a+ca+c b+db+d {-}{-}


PLACKETTcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)
      PLcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


The Plackett copula was the first (2008) copula implemented in copBasic as part of initial development of the code base for instructional purposes. Thus, this particular copula has a separate parameter estimation function in PLACKETTpar as a historical vestige of a class project.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

PLACKETTpar, PLpar, PLACKETTsim, W, M, densityCOP


PLACKETTcop(0.4, 0.6, para=1)
P(0.4, 0.6) # independence copula, same two values because Theta == 1
PLcop(0.4, 0.6, para=10.25) # joint probability through positive association

## Not run: 
# Joe (2014, p. 164) shows the closed form copula density of the Plackett.
"dPLACKETTcop" <- function(u,v,para) {
   eta <- para - 1; A <- para*(1 + eta*(u+v-2*u*v))
   B <- ((1 + eta*(u+v))^2 - 4*para*eta*u*v)^(3/2); return(A/B)
u <- 0.08; v <- 0.67 # Two probabilities to make numerical evaluations.
del <- 0.0001 # a 'small' differential value of probability
u1 <- u; u2 <- u+del; v1 <- v; v2 <- v+del
# Density following (Nelsen, 2006, p. 10)
dCrect <- (PLcop(u2, v2, para=10.25) - PLcop(u2, v1, para=10.25) -
           PLcop(u1, v2, para=10.25) + PLcop(u1, v1, para=10.25)) / del^2
dCanal <- dPLACKETTcop(u, v, para=10.25)
dCfunc <-   densityCOP(u, v, para=10.25, cop=PLcop, deluv = del)
R <- round(c(dCrect, dCanal, dCfunc), digits=6)
message("Density: ", R[1], "(manual), ", R[2], "(analytical), ", R[3], "(function)");
# Density: 0.255377(manual), 0.255373(analytical), 0.255377(function)

# Comparison of partial derivatives
dUr <- (PLcop(u2, v2, para=10.25) - PLcop(u1, v2, para=10.25)) / del
dVr <- (PLcop(u2, v2, para=10.25) - PLcop(u2, v1, para=10.25)) / del
dU  <- derCOP( u, v, cop=PLcop, para=10.25)
dV  <- derCOP2(u, v, cop=PLcop, para=10.25)
R   <- round(c(dU, dV, dUr, dVr), digits=6)
message("Partial derivatives dU=", R[1], " and dUr=", R[3], "\n",
        "                    dV=", R[2], " and dVr=", R[4]) #
## End(Not run)

Estimate the Parameter of the Plackett Copula


The parameter Θ\Theta of the Plackett copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 89–92) (PLACKETTcop or PLcop) is related to the Spearman Rho (ρS1\rho_S \ne 1, see rhoCOP)

ρS(Θ)=Θ+1Θ12Θlog(Θ)(Θ1)2.\rho_S(\Theta) = \frac{\Theta + 1}{\Theta - 1} - \frac{2\Theta\log(\Theta)}{(\Theta - 1)^2}\mbox{.}

Alternatively, the parameter can be estimated using a median-split estimator, which is best shown as an algorithm. First, compute the two medians:

  medx <- median(x); medy <- median(y)

Second and third, compute the number of occurrences where both values are less than their medians and express that as a probability:

  k <- length(x[x < medx & y < medy]); m <- k / length(x)

Finally, the median-split estimator of Θ\Theta is computed by

Θ=4m2(12m)2.\Theta = \frac{4m^2}{(1-2m)^2}\mbox{.}

Nelsen (2006, p. 92) and Salvadori et al. (2007, p. 247) provide further details. The input values x and y are not used for the median-split estimator if Spearman Rho (see rhoCOP) is provided by rho.


PLACKETTpar(x, y, rho=NULL, byrho=FALSE, cor=NULL, ...)
      PLpar(x, y, rho=NULL, byrho=FALSE, cor=NULL, ...)



Vector of values for random variable XX;


Vector of values for random variable YY;


Spearman Rho and byrho is set to TRUE automatically;


Should Spearman Rho be used instead of the median-split estimator;


A copBasic syntax for “the correlation coefficient” suitable for the copula—a synonym for rho; and


Additional arguments to pass.


A value for the Plackett copula Θ\Theta is returned.


Evidently there “does not appear to be a closed form for τ(Θ)\tau(\Theta)” (Fredricks and Nelsen, 2007, p. 2147), but given ρ(Θ)\rho(\Theta), the equivalent τ(Θ)\tau(\Theta) can be computed by either the tauCOP function or by approximation. One of the Examples sweeps through ρ[0,1;Δρ=δ]\rho \mapsto [0,1; \Delta\rho{=}\delta], fits the Plackett θ(ρ)\theta(\rho), and then solves for Kendall Tau τ(θ)\tau(\theta) using tauCOP. A polynomial is then fit between τ\tau and ρ\rho to provide rapid conversion between ρ|\rho| and τ\tau, where the residual standard error is 0.0005705, adjusted R-squared is 1\approx 1, the maximum residual is ϵ<0.006\epsilon < 0.006. Because of symmetry, it is only necessary to fit positive association and reflect the result by the sign of ρ\rho. This polynomial is from the Examples is

  rho <- 0.920698
  "getPLACKETTtau" <- function(rho) {
     taupoly <-   0.6229945*abs(rho)   +   1.1621854*abs(rho)^2 -
                 10.7424188*abs(rho)^3 +  48.9687845*abs(rho)^4 -
                119.0640264*abs(rho)^5 + 160.0438496*abs(rho)^6 -
                111.8403591*abs(rho)^7 +  31.8054602*abs(rho)^8
  getPLACKETTtau(rho) # 0.7777726

The following code might be useful in some applications for the inversion of the polynomial for the ρ\rho as a function of τ\tau:

  "fun" <- function(rho, tau=NULL) {tp <- getPLACKETTtau(rho); return(tau-tp)}
   tau  <- 0.78
   rho  <- uniroot(fun, interval=c(0, 1), tau=tau)$root # 0.9220636


W.H. Asquith


Fredricks, G.A, and Nelsen, R.B., 2007, On the relationship between Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau for pairs of continuous random variables: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, v. 137, pp. 2143–2150.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
Q1 <- rnorm(1000); Q2 <- Q1 + rnorm(1000)
PLpar(Q1, Q2); PLpar(Q1, Q2, byrho=TRUE) # two estimates for same data
PLpar(rho= 0.76) # positive association
PLpar(rho=-0.76) # negative association
tauCOP(cop=PLcop, para=PLpar(rho=-0.15, by.rho=TRUE)) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
RHOS <- seq(0, 0.990, by=0.002); TAUS <- rep(NA, length(RHOS))
for(i in 1:length(RHOS)) {
   #message("Spearman Rho: ", RHOS[i])
   theta <- PLACKETTpar(rho=RHOS[i], by.rho=TRUE); tau <- NA
   try(tau <- tauCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta), silent=TRUE)
   TAUS[i] <- ifelse(is.null(tau), NA, tau)
LM <- lm(TAUS~  RHOS    + I(RHOS^2) + I(RHOS^3) + I(RHOS^4) +
              I(RHOS^5) + I(RHOS^6) + I(RHOS^7) + I(RHOS^8) - 1)
plot(RHOS,TAUS, type="l", xlab="abs(Spearman Rho)", ylab="abs(Kendall Tau)")
lines(RHOS,fitted.values(LM), col=3)#
## End(Not run)

Direct Simulation of a Plackett Copula


Plackett copula simulation (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 89–92) (PLACKETTcop) is made by this function using analytical formula (Durante, 2007, p. 247; see source code). The PLACKETTsim function exists for comparison against the numerical derivative (conditional distribution method) methods (simCOP, simCOPmicro) otherwise used in copBasic.


PLACKETTsim(n, para=NULL, ...)



Sample size;


The Θ\Theta parameter of the Plackett copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


An R data.frame of the values UU and VV for the nonexceedance probabilities is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Durante, F., 2007, Families of copulas, Appendix C, in Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also



PLACKETTsim(10, para= 1  ) # simulate P (independence) copula through a Plackett
PLACKETTsim(10, para=20.3) # simulate strong positive Plackett

The Product of Two Copulas


Perform copula multiplication (so-called “\ast-product” or Markov Product) (Darsow and others, 1992) is a continuous analog of matrix multiplication and yields another copula:

(C1C2)(u,v)=C3(u,v)=IδC1(u,t)δvδC2(t,v)δudt,\bigl(\mathbf{C}_1 \ast \mathbf{C}_2 \bigr)(u,v) = \mathbf{C}_3(u,v) = \int_\mathcal{I} \frac{\delta \mathbf{C}_1(u, t)}{\delta v} \frac{\delta \mathbf{C}_2(t, v)}{\delta u}\,\mathrm{d}t\mbox{,}

for copulas C1(u,v)\mathbf{C}_1(u, v) and C2(u,v)\mathbf{C}_2(u, v) are copulas whose \ast-product yields copula C3(u,v)\mathbf{C}_3(u, v) in terms of partial derivatives (derCOP and derCOP2) of the other two. Nelsen (2006, p. 245) lists several identities of the \ast-product involving the product (Π\mathbf{\Pi}; P), lower bound (W\mathbf{W}; W), and upper bound (M\mathbf{M}; M) copulas:

ΠC=CΠ=Π,\mathbf{\Pi} \ast \mathbf{C} = \mathbf{C} \ast \mathbf{\Pi} = \mathbf{\Pi}\mbox{,}

MC=CM=M,\mathbf{M} \ast \mathbf{C} = \mathbf{C} \ast \mathbf{M} = \mathbf{M}\mbox{,}

(WC)(u,v)=vC(1u,v) and (CW)(u,v)=uC(u,1v), and\bigl(\mathbf{W} \ast \mathbf{C}\bigr)(u,v) = v - \mathbf{C}(1-u, v)\mbox{\ and\ } \bigl(\mathbf{C} \ast \mathbf{W}\bigr)(u,v) = u - \mathbf{C}(u, 1-v)\mbox{, and}

WW=M and WCW=C^,\mathbf{W} \ast \mathbf{W} = \mathbf{M}\mbox{ and } \mathbf{W} \ast \mathbf{C} \ast \mathbf{W} = \hat{\mathbf{C}}\mbox{,}

where C^\hat{\mathbf{C}} is the survival copula (surCOP). The \ast-product is associative:

A(BC)=(AB)C,\mathbf{A} \ast (\mathbf{B} \ast \mathbf{C}) = (\mathbf{A} \ast \mathbf{B}) \ast \mathbf{C}\mbox{,}

but \ast-product is not commutative (order independent). Nelsen (2006, p. 245) reports that “if we view \ast as a binary operation on the set of copulas, then Π\mathbf{\Pi} is the null element, and M\mathbf{M} is the identity.” Copula mulitiplication is closely linked to Markov Processes (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 244–248).

For other descriptions and computations of copula combination are possible using the copBasic package, see convexCOP, convex2COP, composite1COP, composite2COP, composite3COP, glueCOP, and convexCOP.


prod2COP(u,v, cop1=NULL, para1=NULL, cop2=NULL, para2=NULL, para=NULL,
              pinterval=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


The C1(u,v;Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(u,v; \Theta_1) copula function with vectorization as in asCOP;


Vector of parameters or other data structures for Θ1\Theta_1, if needed, to pass to copula C1(u,v;Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(u,v; \Theta_1);


The C2(u,v;Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(u,v; \Theta_2) copula function with vectorization as in asCOP;


Vector of parameters or other data structures for Θ2\Theta_2, if needed, to pass to copula C2(u,v;Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(u,v; \Theta_2);


An R list that can take the place of the cop1, para1, cop2, and para2 arguments. These four will be populated from same named elements of the list, and if the other four arguments were specified through the function interface, these are silently ignored;


An optional interval for the above integral. The default is I=[0,1]\mathcal{I} = [0,1] but the option of the user to replace exact end points with “small” numbers is possible (e.g. interval=c(lo, 1-lo) for say lo=.Machine$double.eps). This interval is uniquely picked up for the interval in the above definition of prod2COP. The pinterval can also be set within the para and the function will pick it up from there; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copulas.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


The Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula (FGM(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{FGM}(u,v; \Theta); FGMcop) is

FGM(u,v;Θ)=uv[1+Θ(1u)(1v)],\mathbf{FGM}(u,v; \Theta) = uv[1+\Theta(1-u)(1-v)]\mbox{,}

where 1Θ1-1 \le \Theta \le 1. Nelsen (2006, exer. 6.12, p. 249) asserts that for FGM(Θ=α)\mathbf{FGM}_{(\Theta = \alpha)} and FGM(Θ=β)\mathbf{FGM}_{(\Theta = \beta)} with \ast-product as FGMαFGMβ\mathbf{FGM}_\alpha \ast \mathbf{FGM}_\beta that a closed-form solution exists and is

FGMαFGMβ=FGM(αβ)/3.\mathbf{FGM}_\alpha \ast \mathbf{FGM}_\beta = \mathbf{FGM}_{(\alpha\beta) / 3}\mbox{.}

This assertion is numerically true as readily verified using the prod2COP function:

  u <- c(0.41, 0.87); v <- c(0.13,0.35); A <- -0.532; B <- 0.235
  FGMcop(  u,v, para= A*B / 3)
  # 0.0521598638574___   0.3034277347150___
  prod2COP(u,v, cop1=FGMcop, para1=A, cop2=FGMcop, para2=B)
  # 0.0521598638312605   0.3034277344807909


W.H. Asquith


Darsow, W.F., Nguyen, B., and Olsen, E.T., 1992, Copulas and Markov processes: Illinois Journal of Mathematics, v. 26, pp. 600–624, doi:10.1215/IJM/1255987328.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COP, composite1COP, composite2COP, composite3COP, convexCOP, convex2COP, glueCOP


## Not run: 
# Product P * N4212 ---> P (by identity)
u <- c(0.41, 0.87); v <- c(0.13, 0.35)
prod2COP(u,v, cop1=P, cop2=N4212cop, para1=NA, para2=2.12) # 0.0533 and 0.3045
COP(u,v, cop=P)                                            # 0.0533 and 0.3045
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
para <- list(cop1=PLcop, para1=0.19, cop2=PLcop, para2=34.5)
UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=prod2COP, para=para, resamv01=FALSE, showresamv01=FALSE)
# This is large simulation run (with a lot of numerical operations) is expected
# at least for the Placketts and chosen parameters to trigger one or more NAs
# from derCOPinv(). The simCOP() function simply continues on with ignoring the
# solution or lack thereof for certain combinations, and simCOP() will report how
# many of the simulated values for sample of size n were computed. For example,
# for one n=1000, some 965 simulated values were returned. The defaults require
# that NAs, empty simulations, remain intact. We can try resampling:
UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=prod2COP, para=para, resamv01=TRUE, showresamv01=TRUE)
rhoCOP(cop=prod2COP, para=para) # -0.4271195 (theoretical)
rhoCOP(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE) # -0.4274703 #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
para <- list(cop1=PLcop, para1=0.19, cop2=PLcop, para2=34.5)
# The prod2COP() might be one of the more sensitive to NAs in simulation because
# of the two partial numerical derivatives involved.
para$pinterval <- c(0.4, 0.6) # totally inappropriate interval for the integral
# for the prod2COP() definition. Because the ... are used so extensively, we have
# the "pinterval" for this function so that interval itself can be passed also.
UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=prod2COP, para=para, resamv01=TRUE, showresamv01=TRUE,
                     pinterval=c(0,   1  ))
UV <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=prod2COP, para=para, resamv01=TRUE, showresamv01=TRUE,
                     pinterval=c(0.4, 0.6)) #
## End(Not run)

Pseudo-Polar Representation of Bivariate Data


Kiriliouk et al. (2016, pp. 358–360) describe a pseudo-polar representation of bivariate data as a means to explore right-tail extremal dependency between the variables. Let (Xi,Yi)(X_i, Y_i) (real values) or (Ui,Vi)(U_i, V_i) (as probabilities) for i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots, n be a bivariate sample of size nn. When such data are transformed into a “unit-Pareto” scale by

X^i=n/(n+1RX,i) and Y^i=n/(n+1RY,i),\widehat{X}^\star_i = n/(n+1-R_{X,i}) \mbox{\ and\ } \widehat{Y}^\star_i = n/(n+1-R_{Y,i})\mbox{,}

where RR is rank(), then letting each component sum or pseudo-polar radius be defined as

S^i=X^i+Y^i,\widehat{S}_i = \widehat{X}^\star_i + \widehat{Y}^\star_i\mbox{,}

and each respective pseudo-polar angle be defined as

W^i=X^i/(X^i+Y^i)=X^i/S^i,\widehat{W}_i = \widehat{X}^\star_i / (\widehat{X}^\star_i + \widehat{Y}^\star_i) = \widehat{X}^\star_i / \widehat{S}_i\mbox{,}

a pseudo-polar representation is available for study.

A scatter plot of W^i\widehat{W}_i (horizontal) versus S^i\widehat{S}_i (vertical) will depict a pseudo-polar plot of the data. Kiriliouk et al. (2016) approach the pseudo-polar concept as a means to study extremal dependency in the sense of what are the contributions of the XX and YY to their sum conditional on the sum being large. The largeness of S^i\widehat{S}_i is assessed by its empirical cumulative distribution function and a threshold SfS_f stemming from ff as a nonexceedance probability f[0,1]f \in [0,1].

A density plot of the W^i\widehat{W}_i is a representation of extremal dependence. If the density plot shows low density for pseudo-polar angles away from 0 and 1 or bimodality on the edges then weak extremal dependency is present. If the density is substantial and uniform away from the the angles 0 and 1 or if the density peaks near W^0.5\widehat{W} \approx 0.5 then extremal dependency is strong.


psepolar(u, v=NULL, f=0.90, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction (actually the ranks are used so this can be a real-value argument as well);


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction (actually the ranks are used so this can be a real-value argument as well) and if NULL then u is treated as a two column R data.frame;


The nonexceedance probability of the distal S^\widehat{S} to flag in Shat_ge_Sf column of the output; and


Additional arguments to pass to the dat2bernqua() function of the lmomco package.


An R data.frame is returned in the table element and the SfS_f is in the Sf element.


An echo of the u input;


An echo of the v input;


The X^i\widehat{X}^\star_i (Kiriliouk et al., 2016, eq. 17.8, p. 359);


The Y^i\widehat{Y}^\star_i (Kiriliouk et al., 2016, eq. 17.8, p. 359);


The FX,i=11/XiF_{X,i} = 1 - 1/X^\star_i, which is the inverse of Kiriliouk et al. (2016, eq. 17.1, p. 354);


The FY,i=11/YiF_{Y,i} = 1 - 1/Y^\star_i, which is the inverse of Kiriliouk et al. (2016, eq. 17.1, p. 354);


The F3,X,i=(RX,i0.5)/nF_{3,X,i} = (R_{X,i} - 0.5)/n corresponding to the “3” alternative identified by Kiriliouk et al. (2016, p. 365);


The F3,Y,i=(RY,i0.5)/nF_{3,Y,i} = (R_{Y,i} - 0.5)/n corresponding to the “3” alternative identified by Kiriliouk et al. (2016, p. 365);


The W^i\widehat{W}_i (Kiriliouk et al., 2016, eq. 17.9, p. 359);


The S^i\widehat{S}_i (Kiriliouk et al., 2016, eq. 17.9, p. 359); and


A logical on whether the S^i\widehat{S}_i are larger than SfS_f.


The default of f=0.90 means that the upper 90th percentile of the component sum will be identified in the output. This percentile is computed by the Bernstein empirical distribution function provided by the lmomco package through the dat2bernqua() function. Suggested arguments for ... are poly.type="Bernstein" and bound.type="Carv" though the former is redundant because it is the default of dat2bernqua().


William Asquith [email protected]


Kiriliouk, Anna, Segers, Johan, Warchoł, Michał, 2016, Nonparameteric estimation of extremal dependence: in Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis, D.K. Dey and Jun Yan eds., Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, ISBN 978–1–4987–0129–7.

See Also

spectralmeas, stabtaildepf


## Not run: 
pse <- psepolar(simCOP(n=799, cop=PARETOcop, para=4.3,graphics=FALSE),bound.type="Carv")
pse <- pse$table # The Pareto copula has right-tail extreme dependency
plot(1/(1-pse$U), 1/(1-pse$V), col=pse$Shat_ge_Sf+1, lwd=0.8, cex=0.5, log="xy", pch=16)
plot(pse$What, pse$Shat, log="y", col=pse$Shat_ge_Sf+1, lwd=0.8, cex=0.5, pch=16)
plot(density(pse$What[pse$Shat_ge_Sf]), pch=16, xlim=c(0,1)) # then try the
# non-right tail extremal copula PSP as cop=PSP in the above psepolar() call.
## End(Not run)

The Ratio of the Product Copula to Summation minus Product Copula


Compute PSP copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 23) is named by the author (Asquith) for the copBasic package and is

PSP(u,v)=ΠΣΠ=uvu+vuv,\mathbf{PSP}(u,v) = \frac{\mathbf{\Pi}}{\mathbf{\Sigma} - \mathbf{\Pi}} = \frac{uv}{u + v - uv}\mbox{,}

where Π\mathbf{\Pi} is the indpendence or product copula (P) and Σ\mathbf{\Sigma} is the sum Σ=u+v\mathbf{\Sigma} = u + v. The PSP(u,v)\mathbf{PSP}(u,v) copula is a special case of the N4212(u,v)\mathbf{N4212}(u,v) copula (N4212cop). The PSP\mathbf{PSP} is included in copBasic because of its simplicity and for pedagogical purposes. The name “PSP” comes from “Product, Summation, Product” to loosely reflect the mathematical formula shown. Nelsen (2006, p. 114) notes that the PSP copula shows up in several families and designates it as “Π/(ΣΠ)\mathbf{\Pi}/(\mathbf{\Sigma}-\mathbf{\Pi}).” The PSP is undefined for u=v=0u = v = 0 but no internal trapping is made; calling functions will have to intercept the NaN so produced for {0,0}\{0, 0\}. The PSP\mathbf{PSP} is left internally untrapping NaN so as to be available to stress other copula utility functions within the copBasic package.


PSP(u, v, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction; and


Additional arguments to pass, which for this copula are not needed, but given here to support flexible implementation.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

P, N4212cop



Perform Quantile Regression using a Copula by Numerical Derivative Method for V with respect to U


Perform quantile regression (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 217–218) using a copula by numerical derivatives of the copula (derCOPinv). If XX and YY are random variables having quantile functions x(F)x(F) and y(G)y(G) and letting y=y~(x)y=\tilde{y}(x) denote a solution to Pr[YyX=x]=F\mathrm{Pr}[Y \le y\mid X = x] = F, where FF is a nonexceedance probability. Then the curve y=y~(x)y=\tilde{y}(x) is the quantile regression curve of VV or YY with respect to UU or XX, respectively. If F=1/2F=1/2, then median regression is performed (med.regressCOP). Using copulas, the quantile regression is expressed as

Pr[YyX=x]=Pr[VG(y)U=F(x)]=Pr[VvU=v]=δC(u,v)δu,\mathrm{Pr}[Y \le y\mid X = x] = \mathrm{Pr}[V \le G(y) \mid U = F(x)] = \mathrm{Pr}[V \le v\mid U = v] = \frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta u}\mbox{,}

where v=G(y)v = G(y) and u=F(x)u = F(x). The general algorithm is

  1. Set δC(u,v)/δu=F\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)/\delta u = F,

  2. Solve the regression curve v=v~(u)v = \tilde{v}(u) (provided by derCOPinv), and

  3. Replace uu by x(u)x(u) and vv by y(v)y(v).

The last step is optional as step two produces the regression in probability space, which might be desired, and step 3 actually transforms the probability regressions into the quantiles of the respective random variables.


qua.regressCOP(f=0.5, u=seq(0.01,0.99, by=0.01), cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...)



A single value of nonexceedance probability FF to perform regression at and defaults to median regression F=1/2F=1/2;


Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


An R data.frame of the regressed probabilities of VV and provided U=uU=u values is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

med.regressCOP, derCOPinv, qua.regressCOP.draw


## Not run: 
# Use a positively associated Plackett copula and perform quantile regression
theta <- 10
R <- qua.regressCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta) # 50th percentile regression

plot(R$U,R$V, type="l", lwd=6, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), col=8)
lines(R$U,(1+(theta-1)*R$U)/(theta+1), col=4, lwd=1) # theoretical for Plackett, see
#                                                             (Nelsen, 2006, p. 218)
R <- qua.regressCOP(f=0.90, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta) # 90th-percentile regression
lines(R$U,R$V, col=2, lwd=2)
R <- qua.regressCOP(f=0.10, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta) # 10th-percentile regression
lines(R$U,R$V, col=3, lty=2)
mtext("Quantile Regression V wrt U for Plackett copula")#
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Use a composite copula with two Placketts with compositing parameters alpha and beta.
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
             para1=0.04, para2=5, alpha=0.9, beta=0.6)
plot(c(0,1),c(0,1), type="n", lwd=3,
# Draw the regression of V on U and then U on V (wrtV=TRUE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para, wrtV=TRUE, lty=2, ploton=FALSE)
mtext("Composition of Two Plackett Copulas and Quantile Regression")#
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Use a composite copula with two Placketts with compositing parameters alpha and beta.
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop,
             para1=0.34, para2=50, alpha=0.63, beta=0.47)
D <- simCOP(n=3000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, cex=0.5)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para, wrtV=TRUE, lty=2, ploton=FALSE)
level.curvesCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
mtext("Composition of Two Plackett Copulas, Level Curves, Quantile Regression")

para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop, # Note the singularity
             para1=0, para2=500, alpha=0.63, beta=0.47)
D <- simCOP(n=3000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, cex=0.5)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
qua.regressCOP.draw(cop=composite2COP, para=para, wrtV=TRUE, lty=2, ploton=FALSE)
level.curvesCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
mtext("Composition of Two Plackett Copulas, Level Curves, Quantile Regression")

for(i in 1:10) {
  para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=runif(1), beta=runif(1),
               para1=10^runif(1,min=-4,max=0), para2=10^runif(1,min=0,max=4))
  txts <- c("Alpha=",    round(para$alpha,    digits=4),
            "; Beta=",   round(para$beta,     digits=4),
            "; Theta1=", round(para$para1[1], digits=5),
            "; Theta2=", round(para$para2[1], digits=2))

  D <- simCOP(n=3000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, cex=0.5, col=3)
  mtext(paste(txts, collapse=""))
  qua.regressCOP.draw(f=c(seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05)),
                      cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
  qua.regressCOP.draw(f=c(seq(0.05, 0.95, by=0.05)),
                      cop=composite2COP, para=para, wrtV=TRUE, ploton=FALSE)
  level.curvesCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, ploton=FALSE)
} # done
## End(Not run)

Draw Quantile Regressions using a Copula by Numerical Derivative Method for V with respect to U or U with respect to V


Draw a suite of lines for specified nonexceedance probabilities representing the quantile regression (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 217–218) of either VV with respect to UU or UU with respect to VV depending upon an argument setting.


qua.regressCOP.draw(f=seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1), fs=0.5, cop=NULL, para=NULL,
                    ploton=TRUE, wrtV=FALSE, col=c(4,2), lwd=c(1,2), lty=1,...)



Nonexceedance probability FF to perform quantile regression at and defaults to a 10-percent-interval sequence. This vectorization of f for this function differs from that in qua.regressCOP and qua.regressCOP2;


A special value of nonexceedance probability to draw with second values to arguments col and lwd and defaults to the median (F=1/2F = 1/2);


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle on the plot;


If wrtV=FALSE call qua.regressCOP and perform quantile regression of VV with respect to UU and if wrtV=TRUE call qua.regressCOP2 and perform regression of UU with respect to VV;


A vector of two values for the color of the line to draw, where the first value is used for the f probabilities and the second value is used for the fs probability;


A vector of two values for the line width of the line to draw, where the first value is used for the f probabilities and the second value is used for the fs probability;


The line type to draw; and


Additional arguments to pass.


No values are returned, this function is used for its side effects.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

qua.regressCOP, qua.regressCOP2


# See example in qua.regressCOP documentation

Perform Quantile Regression using a Copula by Numerical Derivative Method for U with respect to V


Perform quantile regression (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 217–218) using a copula by numerical derivatives of the copula (derCOPinv2). If XX and YY are random variables having quantile functions x(F)x(F) and y(G)y(G) and letting x=x~(y)x=\tilde{x}(y) denote a solution to Pr[XxY=y]=F\mathrm{Pr}[X \le x\mid Y = y] = F, where FF is a nonexceedance probability. Then the curve x=x~(y)x=\tilde{x}(y) is the quantile regression curve of UU or XX with respect to VV or YY, respectively. If F=1/2F=1/2, then median regression is performed (med.regressCOP2). Using copulas, the quantile regression is expressed as

Pr[XxY=y]=Pr[UF(x)V=F]=Pr[UuV=F]=δC(u,v)δv,\mathrm{Pr}[X \le x\mid Y = y] = \mathrm{Pr}[U \le F(x) \mid V = F] = \mathrm{Pr}[U \le u\mid V = F] = \frac{\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta v}\mbox{,}

where v=G(y)v = G(y) and u=F(x)u = F(x). The general algorithm is

  1. Set δC(u,v)/δv=F\delta \mathbf{C}(u,v)/\delta v = F,

  2. Solve the regression curve u=u~(v)u = \tilde{u}(v) (provided by derCOPinv2), and

  3. Replace uu by x(u)x(u) and vv by y(v)y(v).

The last step is optional as step two produces the regression in probability space, which might be desired, and step 3 actually transforms the probability regressions into the quantiles of the respective random variables.


qua.regressCOP2(f=0.5, v=seq(0.01,0.99, by=0.01), cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...)



A single value of nonexceedance probability FF to perform regression at and defaults to median regression F=1/2F=1/2;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass.


An R data.frame of the regressed probabilities of UU and V=vV=v is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

med.regressCOP2, derCOPinv2


## Not run: 
# Use a positively associated Plackett copula and perform quantile regression
theta <- 0.10
R <- qua.regressCOP2(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta) # 50th percentile regression
plot(R$U,R$V, type="l", lwd=6, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), col=8)
lines((1+(theta-1)*R$V)/(theta+1),R$V, col=4, lwd=1) # theoretical for Plackett,
# compare the theoretical form to that in qua.regressCOP---just switch terms around
# because of symmetry
R <- qua.regressCOP2(f=0.90, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta) # 90th-percentile regression
lines(R$U,R$V, col=2, lwd=2)
R <- qua.regressCOP2(f=0.10, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=theta) # 10th-percentile regression
lines(R$U,R$V, col=2, lty=2)
mtext("Quantile Regression U wrt V for Plackett copula")#
## End(Not run)

The Rayleigh Copula


The Rayleigh copula (Boškoskia and others, 2018) is

CΘ(u,v)=RAY(u,v;Θ)=1+AB,\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{RAY}(u,v; \Theta) = 1 + A - B\mbox{,}

A=eΘa2a2(ea10Θa2esI0(2a1s)ds1)ds,A = e^{\Theta a_2 - a_2}\biggl(e^{-a_1}\int_0^{\Theta a_2} e^{-s}I_0\bigl(2\sqrt{a_1 s}\bigr)\,\mathrm{d}s - 1\biggr)\,\mathrm{d}s\mbox{,}

B=ea10a2esI0(2Θa1s)ds,B = e^{-a_1}\int_0^{a_2}e^{-s}I_0\bigl(2\sqrt{\Theta a_1 s}\bigr)\,\mathrm{d}s\mbox{,}

where a1=log(1u)/(1Θ)a1 = -\log(1-u)/(1-\Theta), a2=log(1v)/(1Θ)a2 = -\log(1-v)/(1-\Theta), Iν(x)I_\nu(x) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order ν\nu (see base::besselI()), and Θ(0,1]\Theta \in (0,1]. The copula, as Θ0+\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+} limits, to the independence coupla (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P) and as Θ1\Theta \rightarrow 1^{-} limits to the comonotonicity copula (M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v); M). Finally, there are formulations of the Rayleigh copula using the Marcum-Q function, but the copBasic developer has not been able to make such work. If the Marcum-Q function could be used, then only one integration and not the two involving the modified Bessel function are possible. Infinite integrations begin occurring in the upper right corner for about Θ>0.995\Theta > 0.995 at which point the M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) copula is called in the source code.


RAYcop(u, v, para=NULL, rho=NULL, method=c("default"),
             rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


Value for Spearman Rho from which parameter Θ\Theta is computed by polynomial approximation and returned. The estimation appears sufficient for most pratical applications (see Examples);


The computational method of integrals associated with the definition of the copula; this is designed for the ability to switch eventually in sources to Marcum-Q function implementation. The definition in January 2023 and default is to call the two Bessel function integrals shown for the definition in this documentation;


Argument of the same name for integrate() call; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


Documentation in Zeng and others [Part II] appear to have corrected the Marcum-Q function solution to the copula. The essence of that solution is with a Chi-distribution computation the Marcum-Q. Testing indictates that they have the correct solution, but the derivative for the conditional simulation as built into the design of copBasic has difficulties. Perhaps this is related to numerical precision of the Marcum-Q?

  sapply(seq_len(length((u))), function(i) {
    a1 <- -log(1-u[i])
    if(is.infinite(a1)) return(v[i])
    a2 <- -log(1-v[i])
    if(is.infinite(a2)) return(u[i])
    a1 <- exp(log(a1) - log(1-p))
    a2 <- exp(log(a2) - log(1-p))
    a3 <- marcumq.chi(sqrt(2*  a1), sqrt(2*p*a2)) # Zeng and others (Part II)
    a4 <- marcumq.chi(sqrt(2*p*a1), sqrt(2*  a2)) # Zeng and others (Part II)
    zz <- 1 + (1-v[i])*a3 - (1-u[i])*(1-a4)       # Zeng and others (Part II)
    zz[zz < 0] <- 0
    zz[zz > 1] <- 1


W.H. Asquith


Boškoskia, P., Debenjaka, A., Boshkoskab, B.M., 2018, Rayleigh copula for describing impedance data with application to condition monitoring of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: European Journal of Operational Research, v. 266, pp. 269–277, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.08.058.

Zeng, X., Ren, J., Wang, Z., Marshall, S., and Durrani, T., 2014, Copulas for statistical signal processing (Part I)—Extensions and generalization: Signal Processing v. 14, pp. 691–702, doi:=10.1016/j.sigpro.2013.07.009.

Zeng, X., Ren, J., Sun, M., Marshall, S., and Durrani, T., 2014, Copulas for statistical signal processing (Part II)—Simulation, optimal selection and practical applications: Signal Processing, v. 94, pp. 681–690, doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2013.07.006.

See Also

M, P


RAYcop(0.2, 0.8, para=0.8) # [1] 0.1994658  (by the dual Bessel functions)

RAYcop(0.8, 0.2, para=RAYcop(rho=rhoCOP(cop=RAYcop, para=0.8)))
# [1] 0.1994651 from polynomial conversion of Rho to Theta

## Not run: 
  # Recipe for assembling the Spearman Rho to Theta polynomial in sources.
  Thetas <- seq(0, 0.999, by=0.001); RHOs <- NULL
  for(p in Thetas)  RHOs <- c(RHOs, rhoCOP(cop=RAYcop, para=p))
  LM <- lm(Thetas ~ RHOs  + I(RHOs^2) + I(RHOs^4) + I(RHOs^6) - 1 )
  Rho2Theta <- function(rho) {
    coes <- c(1.32682824, -0.38876290, 0.09072305, -0.02921836)
    sapply(rho, function(r) coes[1]*r^1 + coes[2]*r^2 + coes[3]*r^4 + coes[4]*r^6)
  plot(RHOs, Thetas, type="l", col=grey(0.8), lwd=12, lend=1,
       xlab="Spearman Rho", ylab="Rayleigh Copula Parameter Theta")
  lines(RHOs, Rho2Theta(RHOs), col="red", lwd=2) # 
## End(Not run)

Porosity and Permeability Data for Well-266 of the Reinecke Oil Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Texas


These data represent porosity and permeability data from laboratory analysis for Well-266 Reinecke Oil Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Texas as used for the outstanding article by Saller and Dickson (2011). Dr. A.H. Saller shared a CSV file with the author of the copBasic package sometime in 2011. These data are included in this package because of the instruction potential of the bivariate relation between the geologic properties of permeability and porosity.




An R data.frame with


The number of the well, no. 266;


The depth in feet to the center of the incremental spacings of the data;


The fraction of the core sample that is dolomite, 0 is 100 percent limestone;


The maximum permeability without respect to orientation in millidarcies;


The porosity of the core sample; and


Is the interval treated as dolomite (1) or limestone (0).


Saller, A.H., Dickson, J.A., 2011, Partial dolomitization of a Pennsylvanian limestone buildup by hydrothermal fluids and its effect on reservoir quality and performance: AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, no. 10, pp. 1745–1762.


## Not run: 
summary(ReineckeWell266) # show summary statistics
## End(Not run)

Porosity and Permeability Data for the Reinecke Oil Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Texas


These data represent porosity and permeability data from laboratory analysis for the Reinecke Oil Field, Horseshoe Atoll, Texas as used for the outstanding article by Saller and Dickson (2011). Dr. A.H. Art Saller shared a CSV file with the author of the copBasic package sometime in 2011. These data are included in this package because of the instruction potential of the bivariate relation between the geologic properties of permeability and porosity.




An R data.frame with


The fraction of the core sample that is dolomite, 0 is 100 percent limestone;


The maximum permeability without respect to orientation in millidarcies;


The horizontal (with respect to 90 degrees of the borehole) permeability in millidarcies;


The vertical permeability in millidarcies; and


The porosity of the core sample.


Saller, A.H., Dickson, J.A., 2011, Partial dolomitization of a Pennsylvanian limestone buildup by hydrothermal fluids and its effect on reservoir quality and performance: AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, no. 10, pp. 1745–1762.


## Not run: 
summary(ReineckeWells) # show summary statistics
## End(Not run)

The Raftery Copula


The Raftery copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 172) is

CΘ(u,v)=RF(u,v)=M(u,v)+1Θ1+Θ(uv)1/(1Θ)[1(max{u,v})(1+Θ)/(1Θ)],\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{RF}(u,v) = \mathbf{M}(u,v) + \frac{1-\Theta}{1+\Theta}\biggl(uv\biggr)^{1/(1-\Theta)}\biggl[1-\bigl(\mathrm{max}\{u,v\}\bigr)^{-(1+\Theta)/(1-\Theta)}\biggr]\mbox{,}

where Θ(0,1)\Theta \in (0,1). The copula, as Θ0+\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+} limits, to the independence coupla (P(u,v)\mathbf{P}(u,v); P), and as Θ1\Theta \rightarrow 1^{-}, limits to the comonotonicity copula (M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v); M). The parameter Θ\Theta is readily computed from Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) by ρC=Θ(43Θ)/(2Θ)2\rho_\mathbf{C} = \Theta(4-3\Theta)/(2-\Theta)^2 or from Kendall Tau (tauCOP) by τC=2Θ/(3Θ)\tau_\mathbf{C} = 2\Theta/(3-\Theta). However, this copula like others within the copBasic package can be reflected (rotated) at will with the COP abstraction layer to acquire negative or inverse dependency (countermonotonicity) (see the Examples).


RFcop(u, v, para=NULL, rho=NULL, tau=NULL, fit=c("rho", "tau"), ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


Optional Spearman Rho from which the parameter will be estimated and presence of rho trumps tau;


Optional Kendall Tau from which the parameter will be estimated;


If para, rho, and tau are all NULL, then the u and v represent the sample. The measure of association by the fit declaration will be computed and the parameter estimated subsequently. The fit has no other utility than to trigger which measure of association is computed internally by the cor function in R; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned. Otherwise if either rho or tau is given, then the Θ\Theta is computed and a list having


The parameter Θ\Theta;


Spearman Rho if the rho is given; and


Kendall Tau if the tau is given but also if both rho and tau are NULL as mentioned next.

and if para=NULL and rho and tau=NULL, then the values within u and v are used to compute Kendall Tau and then compute the parameter, and these are returned in the aforementioned list.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

M, P


# Lower tail dependency of Theta = 0.5 --> 2*(0.5)/(1+0.5) = 2/3 (Nelsen, 2006, p. 214)
taildepCOP(cop=RFcop, para=0.5)$lambdaL # 0.66667

## Not run: 
  # Simulate for a Spearman Rho of 0.7, then extract estimated Theta that internally
  # is based on Kendall Tau of U and V, then convert estimate to equivalent Rho.
  UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=RFcop, RFcop(rho=0.7)$para)
  Theta <- RFcop(UV$U, UV$V, fit="tau")$para # 0.607544
  Rho   <- Theta*(4-3*Theta)/(2-Theta)^2     # 0.682255 (nearly 0.7) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=COP, para=list(cop=RFcop, para=RFcop(rho=0.5)$para, reflect=3))
  cor(UV$U, UV$V, method="spearman") # -0.492677 as expected with reversal of V #
## End(Not run)

A Dependence Measure for a Bivariate Extreme Value Copula based on the Expectation of the Product of Negated Log-Transformed Random Variables U and V


Compute a dependence measure based on the expectation of the product of transformed random variables UU and VV, which unnamed by Joe (2014, pp. 383–384) but symbolically is ρE\rho_E, having a bivariate extreme value copula CBEV(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{BEV}(u,v) by

ρE=E[(logU)×(logV)]1=01[B(w)]2dw1,\rho_E = \mathrm{E}\bigl[(-\log U) \times (-\log V)\bigr] - 1 = \int_0^1 \bigl[B(w)\bigr]^{-2}\,\mathrm{d}w - 1\mbox{,}

where B(w)=A(w,1w)B(w) = A(w, 1-w), B(0)=B(1)=1B(0) = B(1) = 1, B(w)1/2B(w) \ge 1/2, and 0w10 \le w \le 1, and where only bivariate extreme value copulas can be written as

CBEV(u,v)=exp[A(logu,logv)],\mathbf{C}_{BEV}(u,v) = \mathrm{exp}[-A(-\log u, -\log v)]\mbox{,}

and thus in terms of the coupla

B(w)=log[CBEV(exp[w],exp[w1])].B(w) = -\log\bigl[\mathbf{C}_{BEV}(\mathrm{exp}[-w], \mathrm{exp}[w-1])\bigr]\mbox{.}

Joe (2014, p. 383) states that ρE\rho_E is the correlation of the “survival function of a bivariate min-stable exponential distribution,” which can be assembled as a function of B(w)B(w). Joe (2014, p. 383) also shows the following expression for Spearman Rho

ρS=1201[1+B(w)]2dw3,\rho_S = 12 \int_0^1 \bigl[1 + B(w)\bigr]^{-2}\,\mathrm{d}w - 3\mbox{,}

in terms of B(w)B(w). This expression, in conjunction with rhoCOP, was used to confirm the prior expression shown here for B(w)B(w) in terms of CBEV(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{BEV}(u,v). Lastly, for independence (uv=Πuv = \mathbf{\Pi}; P), ρE=0\rho_E = 0 and for the Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound copula (perfect positive association), ρE=1\rho_E = 1.


rhobevCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)



A bivariate extreme value copula function—the function rhobevCOP makes no provision for verifying whether the copula in cop is actually an extreme value copula;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute a ρ^E\hat\rho_E by mean() of the product of negated log()'s in R. The user is required to cast para into estimated probabilities (see Examples);


Should brute force be used instead of two nested integrate() functions in R to perform the double integration;


The dw\mathrm{d}w for the brute force (brute=TRUE) integration; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The value for ρE\rho_E is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

rhoCOP, tauCOP


Theta <- GHcop(tau=1/3)$para     # Gumbel-Hougaard copula with Kendall Tau = 1/3
rhobevCOP(cop=GHcop, para=Theta) # 0.3689268 (RhoE after Joe [2014])
rhoCOP(   cop=GHcop, para=Theta) # 0.4766613 (Spearman Rho)

## Not run: 
Theta <- GHcop(tau=1/3)$para     # Gumbel-Hougaard copula with Kendall Tau = 1/3
simUV <- simCOP(n=30000, cop=GHcop, para=Theta, graphics=FALSE) # large simulation
samUV <- simUV * 150; n <- length(samUV[,1]) # convert to fake unit system
samUV[,1] <- rank(simUV[,1]-0.5)/n; samUV[,2] <- rank(simUV[,2]-0.5)/n # hazen
rhobevCOP(para=samUV, as.sample=TRUE) # 0.3708275
## End(Not run)

The Spearman Rho of a Copula


Compute the measure of association known as the Spearman Rho ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} of a copula according to Nelsen (2006, pp. 167–170, 189, 208) by

ρC=12 ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)dudv3,\rho_\mathbf{C} = 12\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - 3\mbox{,}


ρC=12 ⁣ ⁣I2[C(u,v)uv]dudv,\rho_\mathbf{C} = 12\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \bigl[\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv\bigr]\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{,}

where the later equation is implemented by rhoCOP as the default method (method="default"). This equation, here having p=1p = 1 and kp(1)=12k_p(1) = 12, is generalized under hoefCOP. The absence of the 1212 in the above equation makes it equal to the covariance of a copula defined by the Hoeffding Identity (Joe, 2014, p. 54):

cov(U,V)= ⁣ ⁣I2[C(u,v)uv]dudv or\mathrm{cov}(U, V) = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \bigl[\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv\bigr]\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{ or}

cov(U,V)= ⁣ ⁣I2[C^(u,v)uv]dudv, which is\mathrm{cov}(U, V) = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \bigl[\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) - uv\bigr]\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{, which\ is}

cov(U,V)= ⁣ ⁣I2[u+v1+C(1u,1v)uv]dudv.\mathrm{cov}(U, V) = \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \bigl[u+v-1+\mathbf{C}(1-u,1-v) - uv\bigr]\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{.}

Depending on copula family (Joe, 2014, pp. 56 and 267), the alternative formulation for ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} could be used

ρC=312 ⁣ ⁣I2uδC(u,v)δududv=312 ⁣ ⁣I2vδC(u,v)δvdudv,\rho_\mathbf{C} = 3 - 12\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} u \frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta u} \, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v = 3 - 12\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} v\frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta v} \, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{,}

where the first integral form corresponds to Joe (2014, eq. 248, p. 56) and is the method="joe21", and the second integral form is the method="joe12".

The integral

 ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)dudv,\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{,}

represents the “volume under the graph of the copula and over the unit square” (Nelsen, 2006, p. 170) and therefore ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is simple a rescaled volume under the copula. The second equation for ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} expresses the “average distance” between the joint distribution and statistical independence Π=uv\mathbf{\Pi} = uv. Nelsen (2006, pp. 175–176) shows that the following relation between ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} and τC\tau_\mathbf{C} (tauCOP) exists

13τ2ρ1.-1 \le 3\tau - 2\rho \le 1\mbox{.}


rhoCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, method=c("default", "joe21", "joe12"),
                            as.sample=FALSE, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The form of integration used to compute (see above);


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the ρ^\hat\rho by dispatch to cor() function in R with method = "spearman";


Should brute force be used instead of two nested integrate() functions in R to perform the double integration;


The du\mathrm{d}u and dv\mathrm{d}v for the brute force integration using brute; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The value for ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is returned.


Technically, Nelsen (2006) also shows that these definitions are a form of call to a concordance function Q(C1,C2)\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}_1,\mathbf{C}_2) of two copulas that involve C1=C(u,v)\mathbf{C}_1{=}\mathbf{C}(u,v) and C2=Π\mathbf{C}_2{=}\mathbf{\Pi}. As such in order to keep rhoCOP a small function when brute=TRUE, ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} is computed by a special call to tauCOP, which by itself and although titled for computation of Kendall Tau, does support the concordance function Q(C1,C2)\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}_1, \mathbf{C}_2) [see Nelsen (2006, pp. 158–159)] when given two different copulas and respective parameters as arguments. The well-known Pearson correlation coefficient equals Spearman rho value if random variables XX and YY are both uniformly distributed on [0,1][0,1].


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

blomCOP, footCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, tauCOP, wolfCOP, joeskewCOP, uvlmoms


rhoCOP(cop=PSP)             # 0.4784176

## Not run: 
  rhoCOP(cop=PSP, brute=TRUE) # 0.4684063
  # CPU heavy example showing that the dual-integration (fast) results in
  # a Spearman Rho that mimics a sample version
  do_rho <- function(n) {
    uv <- simCOP(n=n, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
    return(cor(uv$U, uv$V, method="spearman"))
  rhos <- replicate(200, do_rho(1000))
  rho_sample <- mean(rhos); print(rho_sample) # 0.4764914
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop,
               para1=0.00395,    para2=4.67,     alpha=0.9392, beta=0.5699)
  rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # -0.5924796

  para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop,
               para1=0.14147,    para2=20.96,    alpha=0.0411, beta=0.6873)
  rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.2818874

  para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop,
               para1=0.10137,     para2=4492.87, alpha=0.0063, beta=0.0167)
  rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)             # 0.9812919
  rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, brute=TRUE) # 0.9752155
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # This is the same composited copula used in a highly asymmetric multi-modal
  # plotting example under densityCOPplot(). Let us use that copula as a means to
  # check on the Spearman Rho from alternative formulations by Joe (2014).
  para <- list(alpha=0.15, beta=0.90, kappa=0.06, gamma=0.96,
               cop1=GHcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop, para1=5.5, para2=0.07)
  "rhoCOPbyJoe21" <- function(cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...) { # Joe (2014, eq. 2.48)
     myint <- NULL
     try(myint <- integrate(function(u) {
         sapply(u,function(u) { integrate(function(v) {
         u * derCOP( u, v, cop=cop, para=para, ...)},  0, 1)$value })}, 0, 1))
     ifelse(is.null(myint), return(NA), return(3 - 12*myint$value))
  "rhoCOPbyJoe12" <- function(cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...) { # Not in Joe (2014)
     myint <- NULL
     try(myint <- integrate(function(u) {
         sapply(u,function(u) { integrate(function(v) {
         v * derCOP2( u, v, cop=cop, para=para, ...)}, 0, 1)$value })}, 0, 1))
     ifelse(is.null(myint), return(NA), return(3 - 12*myint$value))
  rhoCOP(       cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.1031758
  rhoCOPbyJoe21(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.1031803
  rhoCOPbyJoe12(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.1031532
## End(Not run)

Root Mean Square Error between a Fitted Copula and an Empirical Copula


Compute the root mean square error RMSEC\mathrm{RMSE}_\mathbf{C} (Chen and Guo, 2019, p. 29), which is computed using mean square error MSE\mathrm{MSE} as

MSEC=1ni=1n(Cn(ui,vi)CΘm(ui,vi))2 and\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \bigl(\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) - \mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u_i, v_i)\bigr)^2\mbox{ and}

RMSEC=MSEC,\mathrm{RMSE}_\mathbf{C} = \sqrt{\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C}}\mbox{,}

where Cn(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) is the empirical copula (empirical joint probability) for the iith observation, CΘm(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u_i, v_i) is the fitted copula having mm parameters in Θ\Theta. The Cn(ui,vi)\mathbf{C}_n(u_i,v_i) comes from EMPIRcop. The RMSEC\mathrm{RMSE}_\mathbf{C} is in effect saying that the best copula will have its joint probabilities plotting on a 1:1 line with the empirical joint probabilities, which is an RMSEC=0\mathrm{RMSE}_\mathbf{C}=0. From the MSEC\mathrm{MSE}_\mathbf{C} shown above, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) aicCOP and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) bicCOP can be computed, which add a penalty for mm parameters. These goodness-of-fits can assist in deciding one copula favorability over another, and another goodness-of-fit using the absolute differences between Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_n(u,v) and CΘm(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u, v) is found under statTn.


rmseCOP(u, v=NULL, cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction; If not given, then a second column from argument u is attempted;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass to either copula (likely most commonly to the empirical copula).


The value for RMSEC\mathrm{RMSE}_\mathbf{C} is returned.


W.H. Asquith


Chen, Lu, and Guo, Shenglian, 2019, Copulas and its application in hydrology and water resources: Springer Nature, Singapore, ISBN 978–981–13–0574–0.

See Also

EMPIRcop, aicCOP, bicCOP


## Not run: 
S <- simCOP(80, cop=GHcop, para=5) # Simulate some probabilities, but we
# must then treat these as data and recompute empirical probabilities.
U <- lmomco::pp(S$U, sort=FALSE); V <- lmomco::pp(S$V, sort=FALSE)
# The parent distribution is Gumbel-Hougaard extreme value copula.
# But in practical application we do not know that but say we speculate that
# perhaps the Galambos extreme value might be the parent. Then maximum
# likelihood is used to fit the single parameter.
pGL <- mleCOP(U,V, cop=GLcop, interval=c(0,20))$par

rmses <- c(rmseCOP(U,V, cop=GLcop, para=pGL),
           rmseCOP(U,V, cop=P),
           rmseCOP(U,V, cop=PSP))
names(rmses) <- c("GLcop", "P", "PSP")
print(rmses) # We will see that the first RMSE is the smallest as the
# Galambos has the nearest overall behavior than the P and PSP copulas.
## End(Not run)

The Sections or Derivative of the Sections of a Copula


Compute the copula sections or the (partial) derivatives of copula sections of a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 12–14). The horizontal section at V=aV=a (a constant) is

tC(t,a), andt \mapsto \mathbf{C}(t,a)\mbox{, and}

the vertical section at U=aU=a (a constant, with respect to VV or wrtV=TRUE) is

tC(a,t).t \mapsto \mathbf{C}(a,t)\mbox{.}

The partial derivatives of the copula sections are conditional cumulative distribution functions (see derCOP and derCOP2). The derivatives are constrained as

0δδuC(u,v)1, and0 \le \frac{\delta}{\delta u}\mathbf{C}(u,v) \le 1\mbox{, and}

0δδvC(u,v)1.0 \le \frac{\delta}{\delta v}\mathbf{C}(u,v) \le 1\mbox{.}


sectionCOP(f, cop=NULL,  para=NULL, wrtV=FALSE, dercop=FALSE, delt=0.005,
              ploton=TRUE, lines=TRUE, xlab="NONEXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY", ...)



A single value of nonexceedance probability uu or vv along the horizontal UU axis or vertical VV axis of the unit square I2\mathcal{I}^2;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle between with respect to vv or uu (default). The default provides the vertical section whereas the horizontal comes from wrtV = TRUE;


A logical that triggers the derivative of the section;


The increment of the level curves to plot, defaults to 5-percent intervals;


A logical to toggle on the plot;


Draw the lines of diagonal to the current device;


A label for the x-axis title passed to plot() in R; and


Additional arguments to pass to the plot() and lines() functions in R.


An R list is returned.


The nonexceedance probability along the section. The nomenclature tt mimics Nelsen (2006) and is not the same as the uu or vv;


The section of the copula or its derivative;


A text string declaring what the setting for wrtV was;


The provided value of nonexceedance probability; and


A logical stating whether the derivative of the section is seccop.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COP, diagCOP


## Not run: 
# EXAMPLE 1, plot the v=0.55 section and then u=0.55 section, which will overlay
# the other because the PSP is a symmetrical copula
tmp <- sectionCOP(0.55, cop=PSP, ylab="COPULA SECTIONS",  lwd=5, col=2)
tmp <- sectionCOP(0.55, cop=PSP, wrtV=TRUE, ploton=FALSE, lwd=2, col=3)
# now add the v=0.85 section and the u=0.85, again overlay each other
tmp <- sectionCOP(0.85, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE,             lwd=5, col=2, lty=2)
tmp <- sectionCOP(0.85, cop=PSP, wrtV=TRUE, ploton=FALSE,  lwd=2, col=3, lty=2)#
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# EXAMPLE 2, v=0.35 section and derivative (the conditional distribution) function
tmp <- sectionCOP(0.35, cop=PSP, ylab="COPULA SECTIONS OR DERIV.", lwd=5, col=3)
tmp <- sectionCOP(0.35, cop=PSP, dercop=TRUE, ploton=FALSE,               col=3)
# The thin green line represents the cumulative distribution function conditional
# on u = 0.35 from the derCOP function.  Then see Example 3
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# EXAMPLE 3 (random selection commented out)
#para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=runif(1), beta=runif(1),
#             para1=10^runif(1,min=-4, max=0), para2=10^runif(1,min= 0, max=4))
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=0.7, beta=0.22,
             para1=0.0155, para2=214.4)
txts <- c("Alpha=",    round(para$alpha,    digits=4),
          "; Beta=",   round(para$beta,     digits=4),
          "; Theta1=", round(para$para1[1], digits=5),
          "; Theta2=", round(para$para2[1], digits=2))
D <- simCOP(n=1000, cop=composite2COP, para=para, cex=0.5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), pch=16)
#f <- c(runif(1),runif(1))
f <- c(0.2,0.9) # RED is the horizontal section and BLACK is the vertical section
segments(f[1],0,f[1],1, col=2, lwd=2); segments(0,f[2],1,f[2], lwd=2)
ftxt <- c("Sections (thick) and derivatives (thin) at ", f, " nonexceed. prob.")
tmp <- sectionCOP(f[1],cop=composite2COP,para=para, col=2, lwd=4)
tmp <- sectionCOP(f[1],cop=composite2COP,para=para, dercop=TRUE, ploton=FALSE, col=2)
tmp <- sectionCOP(f[2],cop=composite2COP,para=para,wrtV=TRUE,ploton=FALSE,lwd=4)
tmp <- sectionCOP(f[2],cop=composite2COP,para=para,wrtV=TRUE,ploton=FALSE,dercop=TRUE)
mtext(paste(ftxt, collapse=""))
# The thin lines are the CDFs conditional on the respective values of "f". Carefully
# compare the point densities along and near the sections in the top plot to the
# respective shapes of the CDFs in the bottom plot. If the bottom plot were rotated
# 90 degrees clockwise and then reflected top to bottom, the conditional quantile
# function QDF results. Reflection is needed because, by convention, QDFs are monotonic
# increasing to right---functions derCOPinv() and derCOPinv2() provide the CDF inversion.
## End(Not run)

Lower and Upper Semi-Correlations of a Copula


Compute the lower semi-correlations (bottom-left)

ρCN(u,v;a)=ρN(a) and\rho^{N{-}{-}}_\mathbf{C}(u,v; a) = \rho_N^{{-}{-}}(a) \mbox{ and}

compute the upper semi-correlations (top-right)

ρCN++(u,v;a)=ρN++(a)\rho^{N{+}{+}}_\mathbf{C}(u,v; a) = \rho_N^{{+}{+}}(a)

of a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) (Joe, 2014, p. 73) using numerical simulation. The semi-correlations are defined as

ρN(a)=cor[Z1,Z2Z1<a,Z2<a],\rho_N^{{-}{-}}(a) = \mathrm{cor}[Z_1, Z_2 \mid Z_1 < -a, Z_2 < -a]\mbox{,}

ρN++(a)=cor[Z1,Z2Z1>+a,Z2>+a], and\rho_N^{{+}{+}}(a) = \mathrm{cor}[Z_1, Z_2 \mid Z_1 > +a, Z_2 > +a]\mbox{,\ and}

ρN(a>)=cor[Z1,Z2],\rho_N(a > -\infty) = \mathrm{cor}[Z_1, Z_2]\mbox{,}

where cor[z1,z2]\mathrm{cor[z_1, z_2]} is the familiar Pearson correlation function, which is in R the syntax cor(..., method="pearson"), parameter a0a \ge 0 is a truncation point that identifies truncated tail regions (Joe, 2014, p. 73), and lastly (Z1,Z2)C(Φ,Φ)(Z_1, Z_2) \sim \mathbf{C}(\Phi, \Phi) and thus from the standard normal distribution (Z1,Z2)=(Φ1(u),Φ1(v))(Z_1, Z_2) = (\Phi^{-1}(u), \Phi^{-1}(v)) where the random variables (U,V)C(U,V) \sim \mathbf{C}.

The semi-correlations are extended for the copBasic package into bottom right and top left versions as well by

ρN+(a)=cor[Z1,Z2Z1>+a,Z2<a], and\rho_N^{{+}{-}}(a) = \mathrm{cor}[Z_1, Z_2 \mid Z_1 > +a, Z_2 < -a]\mbox{,\ and}

ρN+(a)=cor[Z1,Z2Z1<a,Z2>+a].\rho_N^{{-}{+}}(a) = \mathrm{cor}[Z_1, Z_2 \mid Z_1 < -a, Z_2 > +a]\mbox{.}

As a result, the notations {-}{-}, ++{+}{+}, +{+}{-}, and +{-}{+} can be used to represent each of the respective corners bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right, and top-left of the (u,v)(u,v) domain with the respective truncation. These words are used in the variable names of the returned list from the function.


semicorCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, truncation=0, n=0, as.sample=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The truncation value for aa, which is in standard normal variates, and the default of zero is the origin (medians);


The sample size nn for simulation estimates of the ρN\rho_N;


A logical controlling whether an optional data.frame in para is used to compute the ρ^N\hat\rho_N (see Note); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula.


The value(s) for ρN\rho_N, ρN\rho_N^{{-}{-}}, ρN++\rho_N^{{+}{+}}, ρN+\rho_N^{{+}{-}}, and ρN+\rho_N^{{-}{+}} are returned.


The sample semi-correlations can be computed from a two-column table that is passed into the function using the para argument. Although the truncation point a0a \ge 0, as aa increases and focus is increasingly made into one or the other truncated tail regions, the sample version with data becomes decreasing well estimated because the available sample size diminishes. The para argument can contain probabilities or raw data because internally the function computes the Hazen plotting positions (e.g. ui=(i0.5)/nu_i = (i-0.5) / n for rank ii and sample size nn) because Joe (2014, pp. 9, 17, 245, 247–248) repeatedly emphasizes this form of plotting position when normal scores are involved.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

giniCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, COP


## Not run: 
# Gumbel-Hougaard copula with Pearson rhoN = 0.4 (by definition)
run <- sapply(1:50, function(i) semicorCOP(cop=GHcop, para=1.350, n=600))
mean(unlist(run[1,])) # cor.normal.scores
mean(unlist(run[2,])) #  botleft.semicor
mean(unlist(run[3,])) # topright.semicor
sd(  unlist(run[1,])) # cor.normal.scores (These are our sampling variations
sd(  unlist(run[2,])) #  botleft.semicor   for the n=600 used as a Monte
sd(  unlist(run[3,])) # topright.semicor   Carlo simulation.)
# The function returns:    rhoN = 0.392112, rhoN--= 0.117674, rhoN++= 0.404733
#  standard deviations           (0.038883)        (0.073392)        (0.073942)
# Joe (2014, p. 72) shows: rhoN = 0.4_____, rhoN--= 0.132___, rhoN++= 0.415___
#  standard deviations           (not avail)       (0.08____)        (0.07____)
# We see alignment with the results of Joe with his n=600. #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
p <- 0.5 # Reasonable strong positive association for the Raftery copula,
# but then we are going to be reflecting and rotating the copula.
# See similar Example under COP() function.
"RFcop1" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="1")
"RFcop2" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="2")
"RFcop3" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="3")
"RFcop4" <- function(u,v, para) COP(u,v, cop=RFcop, para=para, reflect="4")
RF <- NULL; n <- 10000
RF <- rbind(RF,, para=p, n=n))[,1:5])
RF <- rbind(RF,, para=p, n=n))[,1:5])
RF <- rbind(RF,, para=p, n=n))[,1:5])
RF <- rbind(RF,, para=p, n=n))[,1:5])
print(RF[,1:3]) # total sample and lower and upper semi-correlations
#   cor.normal.scores botleft.semicor topright.semicor
# 1         0.5587837      0.74124686       0.10027641
# 2         0.5567889      0.10302772       0.73729702
# 3        -0.5807201     -0.04683536      -0.01714573 # see near zeros --,++
# 4        -0.5698139      0.03040520       0.05125916 # see near zeros --,++
print(RF[,2:5]) # now look at all four corners
#   botleft.semicor topright.semicor topleft.semicor botright.semicor
# 1      0.74124686       0.10027641      0.01529508       0.02046530
# 2      0.10302772       0.73729702     -0.05195628       0.01747874
# 3     -0.04683536      -0.01714573     -0.11106842      -0.74077321
# 4      0.03040520       0.05125916     -0.74516061      -0.07636233
# Notice how the tight tail of the copula, being reflected and rotated
# into each of the four corners, shows semi-correlation magnitude of 0.74.
# See the copula density plots of COP() Examples section. 
## End(Not run)

Compute the L-comoments of a Four-Value Composited Copula by Simulation


Simulate copula parameters and compute L-comoments and provision for plotting features for a composited copula using four compositing parameters (see composite3COP). The compositing parameters are each independent and uniformly distributed:

αU[0,1]; βU[0,1]; κU[0,1]; γU[0,1].\alpha \sim \mathrm{U}[0,1];\ \beta \sim \mathrm{U}[0,1];\ \kappa \sim \mathrm{U}[0,1];\ \gamma \sim \mathrm{U}[0,1]\mbox{.}

L-comoment estimation is provided by the lcomCOP.


simcomposite3COP(nsim=100, compositor=composite3COP,
                 parents=NULL, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE,
                 showpar=FALSE, showresults=FALSE, digits=6, ...)



Number of simulations to perform;


The compositing function that could be either composite1COP, composite2COP, and composite3COP;


A special parameter list (see Note);


A logical to toggle on intermediate plotting;


A logical to actually draw the simulations on the ploton by the points() function in R;


Print the simulated parameter set with each iteration;


Print the results (useful if harvest results from a batch operation in R);


The number digits to pass to round if showresults is true; and


Additional arguments to pass.


An R matrix of results is returned. Each row represents a single simulation run. The first four columns are the α\alpha, β\beta, κ\kappa, and γ\gamma compositing parameters and are labeled as such. The next two columns are the opposing diagonals, by first row and then second, of the L-comoment correlation. The following two columns are the opposing diagonals, by row and then second, of the L-coskew. The following two columns are the opposing diagonals, by row and then second, of the L-cokurtosis. The L-comoment columns are labeled to reflect the L-comoment matrix: T2.21 means the L-comoment correlation row 2 column 1 and T3.12 mean the L-coskew row 1 column 2. The remaining columns represent the Θn\Theta_n parameters for copula 1, the Θm\Theta_m parameters for copula 2. The columns are labeled Cop1Thetas or Cop2Thetas.


The following descriptions list in detail the parents argument structure and content of the para argument:


— Function of the first copula;


— Function of the second copula;


— Function to generate random parameters for the first copula; and


— Function to generate random parameters for the second copula.

The para argument of this function are passed to the function contained in compositor and are therefore subject to further constraints in items should such constraints exist.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

See Also

lcomCOP, simcompositeCOP


## Not run: 
# EXAMPLE 1: Make a single simulation result.
mainpara <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
                 para1gen=function() { return(c(10^runif(1, min=-5, max=0))) },
                 para2gen=function() { return(c(10^runif(1, min= 0, max=5))) })
v <- simcompositeCOP(nsim=1, parent=mainpara, showresults=TRUE)

# EXAMPLE 2: Make 1000 "results" and plot two columns.
mainpara <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=N4212cop,
                 para1gen=function() { return(c(10^runif(1, min=-5, max=5))) },
                 para2gen=function() { return(c(10^runif(1, min= 0, max=2))) })
v <- simcomposite3COP(nsim=100, parent=mainpara); labs <- colnames(v)
plot(v[,5], v[,7],           # open circles are 1 with respect to 2
     xlab=paste(c(labs[5], "and", labs[6]), collapse=" "),
     ylab=paste(c(labs[6], "and", labs[8]), collapse=" "))
points(v[,6], v[,8], pch=16) # black dots are 2 with respect to 1
## End(Not run)

Compute the L-comoments of a Two-Value Composited Copula by Simulation


Simulate copula parameters and compute L-comoments and provision for plotting features for a composited copula using using two compositing parameters (see composite1COP as well as composite2COP). The compositing parameters are each independent and uniformly distributed:

αU[0,1]; βU[0,1].\alpha \sim \mathrm{U}[0,1];\ \beta \sim \mathrm{U}[0,1]\mbox{.}

L-comoment estimation is provided by the lcomCOP.


simcompositeCOP(nsim=100, compositor=composite2COP,
                parents=NULL, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE,
                showpar=FALSE, showresults=FALSE, digits=6, ...)



Number of simulations to perform;


The compositing function, could be either composite1COP or composite2COP. Each of these is acceptable because two compositing parameters are used;


A special parameter list (see Note);


A logical to toggle on intermediate plotting;


A logical to actually draw the simulations on the ploton by points() function in R;


Print the simulated parameter set with each iteration;


Print the results (useful if harvest results from a batch operation in R);


The number digits to pass to round if showresults is true; and


Additional arguments to pass.


An R matrix of results is returned. Each row represents a single simulation run. The first two columns are the α\alpha and β\beta compositing parameters and are labeled as such. The next two columns are the opposing diagonals, by first row and then second, of the L-comoment correlation. The following two columns are the opposing diagonals, by row and then second, of the L-coskew. The following two columns are the opposing diagonals, by row and then second, of the L-cokurtosis. The L-comoment columns are labeled to reflect the L-comoment matrix: T2.21 means the L-comoment correlation row 2 column 1 and T3.12 mean the L-coskew row 1 column 2. The remaining columns represent the Θn\Theta_n parameters for copula 1, the Θm\Theta_m parameters for copula 2. The columns are labeled Cop1Thetas or Cop2Thetas.


The following descriptions list in detail the parents argument structure and content of the para argument:


— Function of the first copula;


— Function of the second copula;


— Function to generate random parameters for the first copula; and


— Function to generate random parameters for the second copula.

The para argument of this function are passed to the function contained in compositor and are therefore subject to further constraints in items should such constraints exist.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

See Also

lcomCOP, simcomposite3COP


## Not run: 
# A single simulation result.
mainpara <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop, cop2=PLACKETTcop,
                 para1gen=function() { return(c(10^runif(1,min=-5,max=0))) },
                 para2gen=function() { return(c(10^runif(1,min= 0,max=5))) })
v <- simcompositeCOP(nsim=1, parent=mainpara, showresults=TRUE)
print(v) # for review
## End(Not run)

Simulate a Copula by Numerical Derivative Method


Perform a simulation and visualization of a copula using numerical partial derivatives of the copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 32). The method is more broadly known as conditional simulation method. Because a focus of copBasic is on copula theory for pedagogic purposes, the coupling between simulation and subsequent visualization is emphasized by this function by it providing for both simulation and plotting operations by default.

The simCOP function is based on a uniformly simulating nonexceedance probability uu and then conditioning the vv from the inverse of the sectional derivative for VV with respect to UU (see derCOPinv). The function for speed will only report a warning if at least one of the requested simulations in n could not be made because of uniroot'ing problems in derCOPinv. The returned data.frame will be shortened automatically, but this can be controlled by na.rm. Failure of a simulation is purely dependent failure of the derivative inversion. In general, inversion should be quite robust for continuous or near continuous copulas and even copulas with singularities should be more or less okay. Lastly, the logical combination na.rm=FALSE and keept=TRUE could be used to isolate those combinations giving derCOPinv problems. The implemented simulation method in the copBasic package is known as the conditional distribution method (Nelsen, 2006; pp. 40–41), conditional method, or Rosenblatt transform (Joe, 2014, p. 270).


simCOP(n=100, cop=NULL, para=NULL, na.rm=TRUE, seed=NULL, keept=FALSE,
              graphics=TRUE, ploton=TRUE, points=TRUE, snv=FALSE,
              infsnv.rm=TRUE, trapinfsnv=.Machine$double.eps,
              resamv01=FALSE, showresamv01=FALSE, ...)
rCOP(n, cop=NULL, para=NULL, na.rm=TRUE, seed=NULL,
              resamv01=FALSE, showresamv01=FALSE, ...)



A sample size, default is n=100n = 100;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical to toggle the removal of NA entries should they form on the returned data.frame. A well implemented copula should accommodate and not return NA but because this package relies on numerical derivation, it was decided to have a mechanism to handle this;


The integer seed to pass immediately to set.seed();


Keep the tt uniform random variable for the simulation as the last column in the returned data.frame;


A logical that will disable graphics by setting ploton and points to FALSE and overriding whatever their settings were;


A logical to toggle on the plot (see Examples in vuongCOP);


A logical to actually draw the simulations by the points() function in R;


A logical to convert the {u,v}\{u,v\} to standard normal scores (variates) both for the optional graphics and the returned R data.frame. Curiously, Joe (2014) advocates extensively for use of normal scores, which is in contrast to Nelsen (2006) who does not;


A logical that will quietly strip out any occurrences of u={0,1}u = \{0,1\} or v={0,1}v = \{0,1\} from the simulations because these are infinity in magnitude when converted to standard normal variates has been selected. Thus, this logical only impacts logic flow when snv is TRUE. The infsnv.rm is mutually exclusive from trapinfsnv;


If TRUE and presumably small, the numerical value of this argument (η\eta) is used to replace u={0,1}u = \{0,1\} and v={0,1}v = \{0,1\} with u(0)=v(0)=ηu(0) = v(0) = \eta or u(1)=v(1)=1ηu(1) = v(1) = 1 - \eta as appropriate when conversion to standard normal variates has been selected. The setting of trapinfsnv only is used if snv is TRUE and infsnv.rm is FALSE;


A logical triggering resampling for the elements of v=0v=0 and v=1v=1 (see Examples). This is a relatively late addition to copBasic logic and hence is disabled by default. If this is set to true, then the operations related to infsnv.rm and trapinfsnv are never to be involved later down in the functions' logic;


A logical providing a trigger to display a message() within the resampling loops for v<=0,v>=1v <= 0, v >= 1; and


Additional arguments to pass to the points() function in R.


An R data.frame of the simulated values is returned.


Function rCOP is a light-weight implementation for bivariate copula random variates that dispatches to simCOPmicro and bypasses the graphical and other features of simCOP. Finally, an experimental parallel for the empirical copula is EMPIRsim. Note, the equivalent of a resamv01 is not implemented at the level of simCOPmicro because it is better to do such at the abstraction level of rCOP and simCOP.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

derCOPinv, simCOPmicro


simCOP(n=5, cop=PARETOcop, para=2.4)

# We can find some unusual simulation combinations for which V == 0 or 1 and might have
# downstream operations simply not able to handle infinite quantiles (say) at the edges.
# We can readily offload the issue back to the rCOP() or simCOP() with resamv01 argument.
nsim <- 800; para <- list(cop=PLcop, para=150, alpha=0.8, beta=0.3)
JK <- rCOP(nsim, cop=composite1COP, para=para, seed=1, resamv01=FALSE)
print(JK[JK[,2] == 1,]) # 189 0.9437248 1.   So, row 189 in this example has V=1, and
UV <- rCOP(nsim, cop=composite1COP, para=para, seed=1, resamv01=TRUE ) # changing the
# resamv01 argument to TRUE, we get this message and no V=1 in the returned data frame.
# rCOP() has some v >= 1, resampling those     <---- This is the message output.

## Not run: 
# The simCOP function is oft used in other Examples sections through this package.
simCOP(n=10, cop=W)            # Frechet lower-bound copula
simCOP(n=10, cop=P)            # Independence copula
simCOP(n=10, cop=M, col=2)     # Frechet upper-bound copula
simCOP(n=10, cop=PSP)          # The PSP copula
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Now simulate the PSP copula, add the level curves of the copula, and demonstrate
# the uniform distribution of marginals on the correct axes (U [top] and V [left]).
D <- simCOP(n=400, cop=PSP) # store simulated values in D
level.curvesCOP(cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE)
rug(D$U, side=3, col=2); rug(D$V, side=4, col=2)

# Now let us get more complicated and mix two Plackett copulas together using the
# composite2COP as a "compositor." The parameter argument becomes more complex, but
# is passed as shown into composite2COP.
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=0.3,beta=0.5, para1=0.1,para2=50)
D <- simCOP(n=950, cop=composite2COP, para=para, col=grey(0, 0.2), pch=16, snv=TRUE) #
## End(Not run)

Simulate V from U through a Copula by Numerical Derivative Method


Perform bivariate simulation of random but coupled variables VV from UU through a copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 32) by inversion of the numerical derivatives of the copula (derCOPinv, derCOPinv2). The method is more broadly known as conditional simulation method. An elaborate implementation is available in simCOP, which unlike simCOPmicro, has provisions (default) for graphical support. The simCOPmicro function is intended to be a minimalist version for copula simulation, and such a version is useful for pedagogic purposes including conditional distributions, conditional quantile functions, and copula reflection (see Note and COP). An extended educational discussion of simulation using the conditional method is available in the Note section of derCOPinv.

Some definitions are needed. The copula of (1U,1V)(1-U, 1-V) is the survival copula (surCOP) and is defined as

C^(u,v)=u+v1+C(1u,1v),\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u + v - 1 + \mathbf{C}(1-u, 1-v)\mbox{,}

whereas, following the notation of Joe (2014, pp. 271–272), the copula of (1U,V)(1-U, V) is defined as

Cˊ(u,v)=vC(1u,v), and\acute{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = v - \mathbf{C}(1-u, v)\mbox{, and}

the copula of (U,1V)(U, 1-V) is defined as

Cˋ(u,v)=uC(u,1v).\grave{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = u - \mathbf{C}(u, 1-v)\mbox{.}

Careful consideration of the nomenclature is necessary as confusion with the occurrences of 1u1-u and 1v1-v easily conflate meaning. The nomenclature for the survival copula is more elaborately shown under surCOP. The difficulty is that the bivariate arguments to the survival copula are exceedance probabilities.

For simulation, again following the nomenclature of Joe (2014, p. 272), the conditional distribution functions (numerical derivatives; derCOP \equiv C21(vu)\mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) and derCOP2 \equiv C12(uv)\mathbf{C}_{1 \mid 2}(u \mid v)) can be written in terms of C(uv)=C21(vu)\mathbf{C}(u \mid v) = \mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) as

C^21(vu)=1C21(1v1u),\hat{\mathbf{C}}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) = 1 - \mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(1-v \mid 1-u)\mbox{,}

Cˊ21(vu)=C21(v1u), and\acute{\mathbf{C}}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) = \mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}( v \mid 1-u)\mbox{, and}

Cˋ21(vu)=1C21(1vu),\grave{\mathbf{C}}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) = 1 - \mathbf{C}_{2 \mid 1}(1-v \mid u)\mbox{,}

where the respective "surv", "acute", and "grave" are inverses (conditional quantile functions; inverses of numerical derivatives; derCOPinv \equiv C21(1)(vu)\mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(v \mid u) and derCOPinv2 \equiv C12(1)(uv)\mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{1 \mid 2}(u \mid v)) are

C^21(1)(tu)=1C21(1)(1t1u) "sur",\hat{\mathbf{C}}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(t \mid u) = 1 - \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(1-t \mid 1-u)\:\rightarrow\mbox{\ \code{"sur"},}

Cˊ21(1)(tu)=C21(1)(t1u) "acute", and\acute{\mathbf{C}}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(t \mid u) = \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}( t \mid 1-u)\:\rightarrow\mbox{\ \code{"acute"}, and}

Cˋ21(1)(tu)=1C21(1)(1tu) "grave",\grave{\mathbf{C}}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(t \mid u) = 1 - \mathbf{C}^{(-1)}_{2 \mid 1}(1-t \mid u)\:\rightarrow\mbox{\ \code{"grave"},}

where tt is a uniformly distributed variable.

To clarify the seemingly clunky nomenclature—Joe (2014) does not provide “names” for Cˊ(u,v)\acute{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) or Cˋ(u,v)\grave{\mathbf{C}}(u,v)—the following guidance is informative:
\mbox{}\quad\mbox{}(1) "surv" or C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is a reflection of UU and VV on the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively
\mbox{}\quad\mbox{}(2) "acute" or Cˊ(u,v)\acute{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is a reflection of UU on the horizontal axis, and
\mbox{}\quad\mbox{}(3) "grave" or Cˋ(u,v)\grave{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is a reflection of VV on the verical axis.
The names "acute" and "grave" match those used in the Rd-format math typesetting instructions.


simCOPmicro(u, cop=NULL, para=NULL, seed=NULL,
               reflect=c("cop", "surv", "acute", "grave",
                           "1",    "2",     "3",     "4"), ...)
simCOPv(u, cop=NULL, para=NULL,
               reflect=c("cop", "surv", "acute", "grave",
                           "1",    "2",     "3",     "4"), ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction. The runif() function in R can be used to drive conditional simulation using the simCOPmicro function (see Examples);


A copula function;


Vector of parameters, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The integer seed to pass immediately to set.seed() and setting it for the simCOPv version will dispatch through the triple dots down to simCOPmicro;


The reflection of the copula (see above) and the default "cop" or "1" is the usual copula definition. The numbered values correspond, respectively, to the named values; and


Additional arguments to pass should they be needed.


Simulated value(s) of nonexceedance probability vv are returned based on the nonexceedance probabilities uu in argument u.


The advanced features of simCOPmicro permit simulation of the three permutations of variable reflection. The first code simply produce four different “copulas” based on the Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GH(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{GH}(u,v; \Theta); GHcop), which has substantial upper tail dependency but no lower tail dependency for Θ=2.512\Theta = 2.512 as quantified by the taildepCOP function call.

  U <- runif(1500); G <- 2.512; u <- 0.1; up <- 1-u; v <- 0.2; vp <- 1-v
  UV   <- data.frame(U, simCOPmicro(U, cop=GHcop, para=G                 ))
  sUsV <- data.frame(U, simCOPmicro(U, cop=GHcop, para=G, reflect="surv" ))
  sUV  <- data.frame(U, simCOPmicro(U, cop=GHcop, para=G, reflect="acute"))
  UsV  <- data.frame(U, simCOPmicro(U, cop=GHcop, para=G, reflect="grave"))
  taildepCOP(cop=GHcop, para=G) # lambdaL = 2e-05; lambdaU = 0.68224

The following code example will verify that the simulations produce values of UU and VV that are consistent with the empirical copula (EMPIRcop) results as well as consistent with the variable reflections provided through the COP interface. Notice the combinations of nonexceedance and exceedance probabilities blended so that the two returned values for the four different copulas are numerically congruent.

  c(EMPIRcop(u, v,  para=UV  ), COP(u, v,  cop=GHcop, para=G, reflect="cop"  ))
  c(EMPIRcop(up,vp, para=sUsV), COP(up,vp, cop=GHcop, para=G, reflect="surv" ))
  c(EMPIRcop(up,v,  para=sUV ), COP(up,v,  cop=GHcop, para=G, reflect="acute"))
  c(EMPIRcop(u, vp, para=UsV ), COP(u, vp, cop=GHcop, para=G, reflect="grave"))

The user can verify the reflections graphically using code such as this

  xlab <- "PROBABILITY IN U"; ylab <- "PROBABILITY IN V"
  layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE));
  plot(UV,   xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=3, lwd=0.5, col=1)
    mtext("no reflection")
  plot(sUV,  xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=3, lwd=0.5, col=3)
    mtext("horizontal reflection")
  plot(UsV,  xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=3, lwd=0.5, col=4)
    mtext("vertical reflection")
  plot(sUsV, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, pch=3, lwd=0.5, col=2)
    mtext("double reflection")

in which inspection of tails exhibiting the dependency is readily seen on the four plots: upper right tail dependency (no reflection), upper left tail dependency (horizontal reflection), lower right tail dependency (vertical reflection), and lower left tail dependency (double reflection). It is important to stress that these descriptions and graphical depictions of single tail dependency are specific to the GH(u,v;Θ)\mathbf{GH}(u,v; \Theta) copula chosen for the demonstration.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also



simCOPmicro(runif(1), cop=W  ) # Frechet lower-bound copula
simCOPmicro(runif(1), cop=P  ) # Independence copula
simCOPmicro(runif(1), cop=M  ) # Frechet upper-bound copula
simCOPmicro(runif(1), cop=PSP) # The PSP copula

## Not run: 
# Now let us get more complicated and mix two Plackett copulas together using the
# composite2COP as a "compositor." The parameter argument becomes more complex, but is
# passed as shown into composite2COP.
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=0.3,beta=0.5, para1=0.1,para2=50)
simCOPmicro(runif(5), cop=composite2COP, para=para) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Now let us implement "our" own version of features of simCOP() but using
# the micro version to manually create just the simulation vector of V.
U <- runif(1500)
UV <- data.frame(U, simCOPmicro(U, cop=N4212cop, para=4))
plot(UV, xlab="PROBABILITY IN U", ylab="PROBABILITY IN V", pch=3, col=2) #
## End(Not run)

Estimation of the Spectral Measure


Kiriliouk et al. (2016, pp. 360–364) describe estimation of the spectral measure of bivariate data. Standardize the bivariate data as XX^\star and YY^\star as in psepolar and select a “large” value for the pseudo-polar radius SfS_f for nonexceedance probability ff. Estimate the spectral measure H(w)H(w), which is the limiting distribution of the pseudo-polar angle component WW given that the corresponding radial component SS is large:

Pr[WS>Sf]H(w) as Sf.\mathrm{Pr}[W \in \cdot | S > S_f] \rightarrow H(w) \mbox{\ as\ } S_f \rightarrow \infty\mbox{.}

So, H(w)H(w) is the cumulative distribution function of the spectral measure for angle w(0,1)w \in (0,1). The SfS_f can be specified by a nonexceedance probability FF for Sf(F)S_f(F).

The estimation proceeds as follows:

Step 1: Convert the bivariate data (Xi,Yi)(X_i, Y_i) into (S^i,W^i)(\widehat{S}_i, \widehat{W}_i) by psepolar and set the threshold SfS_f according to “n/kn/k” (this part involving kk does not make sense in Kiriliouk et al. (2016)) where for present implementation in copBasic the SfS_f given the ff by the user is based on the empirical distribution of the S^i\widehat{S}_i. The empirical distribution is estimated by the Bernstein empirical distribution function from the lmomco package.

Step 2: Let InI_n denote the set of indices that correspond to the observations when S^iSf\widehat{S}_i \ge S_f and compute NnN_n as the cardinality of Nn=InN_n = |I_n|, which simply means the length of the vector InI_n.

Step 3: Use the maximum Euclidean likelihood estimator, which is the third of three methods mentioned by Kiriliouk et al. (2016):

H^3(w)=iInp^3,i×1[W^iw],\widehat{H}_3(w) = \sum_{i \in I_n} \hat{p}_{3,i} \times \mathbf{1}[\widehat{W}_i \le w ]\mbox{,}

where 1[]\mathbf{1}[\cdot] is an indicator function that is only triggered if smooth=FALSE, and following the notation of Kiriliouk et al. (2016), the “3” represents maximum Euclidean likelihood estimation. The p^3,i\hat{p}_{3,i} are are the weights

p^3,i=1Nn[1(W1/2)SW2(W^iW)],\hat{p}_{3,i} = \frac{1}{N_n}\bigl[ 1 - (\overline{W} - 1/2)S^{-2}_W(\widehat{W}_i - \overline{W}) \bigr]\mbox{,}

where W\overline{W} is the sample mean and SW2S^2_W is the sample variance of W^i\widehat{W}_i

W=1NniInW^iandSW2=1Nn1iIn(W^iW)2,\overline{W} = \frac{1}{N_n} \sum_{i \in I_n} \widehat{W}_i\mbox{\quad and\quad } S^2_W = \frac{1}{N_n - 1} \sum_{i \in I_n} (\widehat{W}_i - \overline{W})^2\mbox{,}

where Kiriliouk et al. (2016, p. 363) do not show the Nn1N_n - 1 in the denominator for the variance but copBasic uses it because those authors state that the sample variance is used.

Step 4: A smoothed version of H^3(w)\hat{H}_3(w) is optionally available by

H~3(w)=iInp^3,i×B(w;W^iν,(1W^i)ν),\tilde{H}_3(w) = \sum_{i \in I_n} \hat{p}_{3,i} \times \mathcal{B}(w;\, \widehat{W}_i\nu,\, (1-\widehat{W}_i)\nu)\mbox{,}

where B(x;p,q)\mathcal{B}(x; p, q) is the cumulative distribution function of the Beta distribution for p,q>0p, q > 0 and where ν>0\nu > 0 is a smoothing parameter that can be optimized by cross validation.

Step 5: The spectral density lastly can be computed optionally as

h~3(w)=iInp^3,i×β(w;W^iν,(1W^i)ν)\tilde{h}_3(w) = \sum_{i \in I_n} \hat{p}_{3,i} \times \beta(w;\, \widehat{W}_i\nu,\, (1-\widehat{W}_i)\nu)

where β(x;p,q)\beta(x; p, q) is the probability density function (pdf) of the Beta distribution. Readers are alerted to the absence of the 1[]\mathbf{1}[\cdot] indicator function in the definitions of H~3(w)\tilde{H}_3(w) and h~3(w)\tilde{h}_3(w). This is correct and matches Kiriliouk et al. (2016, eqs. 17.21 and 17.22) though this author was confused for a day or so by the indicator function in what is purported to be the core definition of H^l(w)\hat{H}_l(w) where l=3l = 3 in Kiriliouk et al. (2016, eq. 17.21 and 17.17).


spectralmeas(u, v=NULL, w=NULL, f=0.90, snv=FALSE,
                                smooth=FALSE, nu=100, pdf=FALSE, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction (actually the ranks are used so this can be a real-value argument as well);


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction (actually the ranks are used so this can be a real-value argument as well) and if NULL then u is treated as a two column R data.frame;


A vector of polar angle values W[0,1]W \in [0,1] on which to compute the H(w)H(w);


The nonexceedance probability F(Sf)F(S_f) of the pseudo-polar radius in psepolar;


Return the standard normal variate of the HH by the well-known transform through the quantile function of the standard normal, qnorm();


A logical to return H~3(w)\tilde{H}_3(w) instead of H3(w)H_3(w);


The ν>0\nu > 0 smoothing parameter;


A logical to return the smoothed probability density h~3(w)\tilde{h}_3(w). If pdf=TRUE, then internally smooth=TRUE will be set; and


Additional arguments to pass to the psepolar function.


An R vector of H3(w)H_3(w), H~3(w)\tilde{H}_3(w), or h~3(w)\tilde{h}_3(w) is returned.


The purpose of this section is to describe a CPU-intensive study of goodness-of-fit between a Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GHcop, GH(u,v;Θ1)\mathbf{GH}(u,v; \Theta_1)) parent and a fitted Hüsler–Reiss copula (HRcop, HR(u,v;Θ2)\mathbf{HR}(u,v; \Theta_2)). Both of these copulas are extreme values and are somewhat similar to each other, so sample sizes necessary for detection of differences should be large. A two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests (KS test, ks.test()) is used to measure significance in the differences between the estimated spectral measure distributions at f=0.90f=0.90 (the 90th percentile, F(Sf)F(S_f)) into the right tail.

The true copula will be the GH(Θ1)\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_1) having parameter Θ1=3.3\Theta_1 = 3.3. The number of simulations per sample size n \in seq(50,1000, by=25) is nsim = 500. For each sample size, a sample from the true parent is drawn, and a HR(Θ2)\mathbf{HR}(\Theta_2) fit by maximum likelihood (mleCOP). The two spectral measure distributions (H^GH(w)\widehat{H}_{\mathbf{GH}}(w), Htru and H^HR(w)\widehat{H}_{\mathbf{HR}}(w), Hfit) are estimated for a uniform variate of the angle W having length equal to the applicable sample size. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test is made between Htru and Hfit, and number of p-values less than the β=0.05\beta = 0.05 (Type II error because alternative hypothesis is rigged as true) and simulation count are returned and written in file Results.txt. The sample sizes initially are small and traps of NaN (abandonment of a simulation run) are made. These traps are needed when the empirical distribution of Htru or Hfit degenerates.

  Results <- NULL
  true.par <- 3.3; true.cop <- GHcop; fit.cop <- HRcop; search <- c(0,100)
  nsim <- 20000; first_time <- TRUE; f <- 0.90; beta <- 0.05
  ns <- c(seq(100,1000, by=50), 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000)
  for(n in ns) {
    W <- sort(runif(n)); PV <- vector(mode="numeric")
    for(i in 1:(nsim/(n/2))) {
      UV      <- simCOP(n=n, cop=true.cop, para=true.par, graphics=FALSE)
      fit.par <- mleCOP(UV,  cop= fit.cop, interval=search)$para
      UVfit   <- simCOP(n=n, cop= fit.cop, para=fit.par,  graphics=FALSE)
      Htru    <- spectralmeas(UV,    w=W, bound.type="Carv", f=f)
      Hfit    <- spectralmeas(UVfit, w=W, bound.type="Carv", f=f)
      if(length(Htru[! is.nan(Htru)]) != length(Hfit[! is.nan(Hfit)]) |
         length(Htru[! is.nan(Htru)]) == 0 |
         length(Hfit[! is.nan(Hfit)]) == 0) {
         PV[i] <- NA; next
      }   # suppressWarnings() to silence ties warnings from ks.test()
      KS <- suppressWarnings( stats::ks.test(Htru, Hfit)$p.value )
      #plot(FF, H, type="l"); lines(FF, Hfit, col=2); mtext(KS)
      message("-",i, appendLF=FALSE)
      PV[i] <- KS
    zz <- data.frame(SampleSize=n, NumPVle0p05=sum(PV[!] <= beta),
    if(first_time) { Results <- zz; first_time <- FALSE; next }
    Results <- rbind(Results, zz)

  plot(Results$SampleSize, 100*Results$NumPVle0p05/Results$SimulationCount,
       type="b", cex=1.1, xlab="Sample size",
       ylab="Percent simulations with p-value < 0.05")

The Results show a general increase in the counts of p-value \le 0.05 as sample size increases. There is variation of course and increasing nsim would smooth that considerably. The results show for n1,000n \approx 1{,}000 that the detection of statistically significant differences for extremal F(Sf)=0.90F(S_f) = 0.90 dependency between the GH(Θ1=3.3)\mathbf{GH}(\Theta_1{=}3.3) and HR(Θ2)\mathbf{HR}(\Theta_2) are detected at the error rate implied by the specified β=0.05\beta = 0.05.

This range in sample size can be compared to the Kullback–Leibler sample size (nfgn_{fg}):

  UV      <- simCOP(n=10000, cop=true.cop, para=true.par, graphics=FALSE)
  fit.par <- mleCOP(UV,      cop= fit.cop, interval=search)$para
  kullCOP(cop1=true.cop, para1=true.par,
          cop2=fit.cop,  para2=fit.par)$KL.sample.size
  # The Kullback-Leibler (integer) sample size for detection of differences at
  # alpha=0.05 are n_fg = (742, 809, 815, 826, 915, 973, 1203) for seven runs
  # Do more to see variation.

where the Kullback–Leilber approach is to measure density departures across the whole I2\mathcal{I}^2 domain as opposed to extremal dependency in the right tail as does the spectral measure.

Different runs of the above code will result in different nfgn_{fg} in part because of simulation differences internal to kullCOP but also because the Θ2\Theta_2 has its own slight variation in its fit to the large sample simulation (n=10,000n=10{,}000) of the parent. However, it seems that nfg900n_{fg} \approx 900 will be on the order of the nn for which the KS test on the spectral measure determines statistical significance with similar error rate.

Now if the aforementioned simulation run is repeated for F(Sf)=0.95F(S_f) = 0.95 or f=0.95, the nfgn_{fg} obviously remains unchanged at about 900900 but the nn for which the error rate is about β=0.05\beta = 0.05 is n600n \approx 600. This sample size is clearly smaller than before and smaller than nfgn_{fg}, therefore, the analysis of the empirical spectral measure deeper into the tail F(Sf)=0.95F(S_f) = 0.95 requires a smaller sample size to distinguish between the two copula. Though the analysis does not address the question as to whether one or both copula are adequate for the problem at hand. For a final comparison, if the aforementioned simulation run is repeated for F(Sf)=0.80F(S_f) = 0.80 or f=0.80, then the nn for which the error rate is about β=0.05\beta = 0.05 is n1,700n \approx 1{,}700. Thus as analysis is made further away from the tail into the center of the distribution, the sample size to distinguish between these two similar copula increases substantially.


William Asquith [email protected]


Kiriliouk, Anna, Segers, Johan, Warchoł, Michał, 2016, Nonparameteric estimation of extremal dependence: in Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis, D.K. Dey and Jun Yan eds., Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, ISBN 978–1–4987–0129–7.

See Also

psepolar, stabtaildepf


## Not run: 
UV <- simCOP(n=500, cop=HRcop, para=1.3, graphics=FALSE)
W <- seq(0,1,by=0.005)
Hu <- spectralmeas(UV, w=W)
Hs <- spectralmeas(UV, w=W, smooth=TRUE, nu=100)
plot(W,Hu, type="l", ylab="Spectral Measure H", xlab="Angle")
lines(W, Hs, col=2) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
"GAUScop" <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
  if(length(u)==1) u<-rep(u,length(v)); if(length(v)==1) v<-rep(v,length(u))
  return(copula::pCopula(matrix(c(u,v), ncol=2), para))
GAUSparfn <- function(rho) return(copula::normalCopula(rho, dim = 2))
n <- 2000 # The PSP parent has no upper tail dependency
uv    <- simCOP(n=n, cop=PSP,      para=NULL, graphics=FALSE)
PLpar <- mleCOP(uv,  cop=PLcop,    interval=c(0,100))$para
PLuv  <- simCOP(n=n, cop=PLcop,    para=PLpar, graphics=FALSE)
GApar <- mleCOP(uv,  cop=GAUScop,  parafn=GAUSparfn, interval=c(-1,1))$para
GAuv  <- simCOP(n=n, cop=GAUScop,  para=GApar, graphics=FALSE)
GLpar <- mleCOP(uv,  cop=GLcop,    interval=c(0,100))$para
GLuv  <- simCOP(n=n, cop=GLcop,    para=GLpar, graphics=FALSE)
FF <- c(0.001,seq(0.005,0.995, by=0.005),0.999); qFF <- qnorm(FF)
f <- 0.90 # Seeking beyond the 90th percentile pseudo-polar radius
PSPh <- spectralmeas(  uv, w=FF, f=f, smooth=TRUE, snv=TRUE)
PLh  <- spectralmeas(PLuv, w=FF, f=f, smooth=TRUE, snv=TRUE)
GAh  <- spectralmeas(GAuv, w=FF, f=f, smooth=TRUE, snv=TRUE)
GLh  <- spectralmeas(GLuv, w=FF, f=f, smooth=TRUE, snv=TRUE)
plot(qFF, PSPh, type="l", lwd=2, xlim=c(-3,3), ylim=c(-2,2),
lines(qFF, PLh, col=2) #  red  line is the Plackett copula
lines(qFF, GAh, col=3) # green line is the Gaussian copula
lines(qFF, GLh, col=4) #  blue line is the Galambos copula
# Notice the flat spot and less steep nature of the PSP (black line), which is
# indicative of no to even spreading tail dependency. The Plackett and Gaussian
# copulas show no specific steepening near the middle, which remains indicative
# of no tail dependency with the Plackett being less steep because it has a more
# dispersed copula density at the right tail is approached than the Gaussian.
# The Galambos copula has upper tail dependency, which is seen by
# the mass concentration and steepening of the curve on the plot.
## End(Not run)

Estimation of the Stable Tail Dependence Function


Kiriliouk et al. (2016, pp. 364–366) describe a technique for estimation of a empirical stable tail dependence function for a random sample. The function is defined as

l^(x,y)=1ki=1n1[Ri,x,n>n+1kx or Ri,y,n>n+1ky],\widehat{l}(x,y) = \frac{1}{k}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{1}\bigl[ R_{i,x,n} > n + 1 - kx \mbox{\ or\ } R_{i,y,n} > n + 1 - ky \bigr]\mbox{,}

where 1[]\mathbf{1}[\cdot] is an indicator function, RR denotes the rank() of the elements and k[1,,n]k \in [1,\ldots,n] and kk is intended to be “large enough” that l^(x,y)\widehat{l}(x,y) has converged to a limit.

The “Capéraà–Fougères smooth” of the empirical stable tail dependence function is defined for a coordinate pair (x,y)(x,y) as

l^CF(x,y)=2iInp^3,i×max[W^ix,(1W^i)y],\widehat{l}_{CF}(x,y) = 2 \sum_{i \in I_n} \widehat{p}_{3,i} \times \mathrm{max}\bigl[\widehat{W}_i x,\, (1-\widehat{W}_i) y \bigr]\mbox{,}

where p^3,i\widehat{p}_{3,i} are the weights for the maximum Euclidean likelihood estimator (see spectralmeas) and W^i\widehat{W}_i are the pseudo-polar angles (see spectralmeas) for the index set InI_n defined by In={i=1,,n:S^i>S^(k+1)}I_n = \{i = 1, \ldots, n : \widehat{S}_i > \widehat{S}_{(k{+}1)}\}, where S^(k+1)\widehat{S}_{(k+1)} denotes the (k+1)(k{+}1)-th largest observation of the pseudo-polar radii S^i\widehat{S}_i where the cardinality of InI_n is exactly kk elements long. (Tentatively, then this definition of InI_n is ever so slightly different than in spectralmeas.) Lastly, see the multiplier of 22 on the smooth form, and this multiplier is missing in Kiriliouk et al. (2016, p. 365) but shown in Kiriliouk et al. (2016, eq. 17.14, p. 360). Numerical experiments indicate that the 22 is needed for l^CF(x,y)\widehat{l}_{CF}(x,y) but evidently not in l^(x,y)\widehat{l}(x,y).

The visualization of l(x,y)l(x,y) commences by setting a constant (c>0c > 0) as ci0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8c_i \in 0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 (say). The yy are solved for x[0,,ci]x \in [0,\ldots,c_i] through the l(x,y)l(x,y) for each of the cic_i. Each solution set constitutes a level set for the stable tail dependence function. If the bivariate data have asymptotic independence (to the right), then a level set or the level sets for all the cc are equal to the lines x+y=cx + y = c. Conversely, if the bivariate data have asymptotic dependence (to the right), then the level sets will make 90-degree bends for max(x,y)=c\mathrm{max}(x,y) = c.


stabtaildepf(uv=NULL, xy=NULL, k=function(n) as.integer(0.5*n), levelset=TRUE,
             ploton=TRUE, title=TRUE, delu=0.01, smooth=FALSE, ...)



An R data.frame of uu and vv nonexceedance probabilities in the respective XX (horizontal) and YY (vertical) directions. Note, rank()s are called on these so strictly speaking this need not be as nonexceedance probabilities. This is not an optional argument;


A vector of the scalar coordinates (x,y)(x,y), which are “the relative distances to the upper endpoints of [these respective] variables” (Kiriliouk et al., 2016, p. 356). This is a major point of nomenclature confusion. If these are in probability units, they are exceedance probabilities. Though tested for NULL and a warning issued, these can be NULL only if levelset=TRUE but can be set to xy=NA if levelset=FALSE and smooth=TRUE (see discussion in Note);


The kk for both the l^(x,y)\widehat{l}(x,y) and l^CF\widehat{l}_{CF}, though the effect of kk might not quite be the same for each. The default seems to work fairly well;


A logical triggering the construction of the level sets for cc == seq(0.1, 1, by=0.1);


A logical to call the plot() function;


A logical to trigger a title for the plot if ploton=TRUE;


The Δx\Delta x for a sequence of xx == seq(0,c,by=delu);


A logical controlling whether l^(x,y)\widehat{l}(x,y) or the Capéraà–Fougères smooth function l^CF(x,y)\widehat{l}_{CF}(x,y) is used; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Varies according to argument settings. In particular, the levelset=TRUE will cause an R list to be returned with the elements having the character string of the respective cc values and the each holding a data.frame of the (x,y)(x,y) coordinates.


This function is also called in a secondary recursion mode. The default levelset=TRUE makes a secondary call with levelset=FALSE to compute the l^(x,y)\widehat{l}(x,y) for the benefit of the looping on the one-dimensional root to solve for a single yy in l^(x,y)=c\widehat{l}(x,y) = c given a single xx. If levelset=TRUE and smooth=TRUE, then a secondary call with smooth=TRUE and levelset=FALSE is made to internally return an R list containing scalar NnN_n and vectors W^n\widehat{W}_n and p^3,i\widehat{p}_{3,i} for similar looping and one-dimensional rooting for l^CF(x,y)\widehat{l}_{CF}(x,y).

If levelset=FALSE, then xy is required to hold the (x,y)(x,y) coordinate pair of interest. A demonstration follows and shows the limiting behavior of a random sample from the N4212cop copula.

  n <- 2000 # very CPU intensive this and the next code snippet
  UV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=N4212cop, para=pi); k <- 1:n
  lhat <- sapply(k, function(j)
                 stabtaildepf(xy=c(0.1, 0.1), uv=UV, levelset=FALSE, k=j))
  plot(k, lhat, xlab="k in [1,n]", cex=0.8, lwd=0.8, type="b",
                ylab="Empirical Stable Tail Dependence Function")
  mtext("Empirical function in the 0.10 x 0.10 Pr square (upper left corner)")

The R list that can be used to compute l^CF(x,y)\widehat{l}_{CF}(x,y) is retrievable by

  x <- 0.1; y <- 0.1; k <- 1:(n-1)
  lhatCF <- sapply(k, function(j) {
     Hlis <- stabtaildepf(xy=NA, uv=UV, levelset=FALSE, smooth=TRUE, k=j)
     2*sum(Hlis$p3 * sapply(1:Hlis$Nn, function(i) {
                 max(c(Hlis$Wn[i]*x, (1-Hlis$Wn[i])*y)) }))
  lines(k, lhatCF, col="red")

The smooth line (red) of lhatCF is somewhat closer to the limiting behavior of lhat, but it is problematic to determine computational consistency. Mathematical consistency with Kiriliouk et al. (2016) appears to be achieved. The Examples section TODO.


William Asquith [email protected]


Beirlant, J., Escobar-Bach, M., Goegebeur, Y., Guillou, A., 2016, Bias-corrected estimation of stable tail dependence function: Journal Multivariate Analysis, v. 143, pp. 453–466, doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2015.10.006.

Kiriliouk, Anna, Segers, Johan, Warchoł, Michał, 2016, Nonparameteric estimation of extremal dependence: in Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis, D.K. Dey and Jun Yan eds., Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, ISBN 978–1–4987–0129–7.

See Also

psepolar, spectralmeas


## Not run: 
UV <- simCOP(n=1200, cop=GLcop, para=2.1) # Galambos copula
tmp1 <- stabtaildepf(UV) # the lines are curves (strong tail dependence)
tmp2 <- stabtaildepf(UV, smooth=TRUE, ploton=FALSE, col="red") #
## End(Not run)

The Tn Statistic of a Fitted Copula to an Empirical Copula


Compute the Tn(p)T_n(p) statistic of Genest et al. (2011) that is defined as

Tn(p)=i=1nCn(ui,vi)CΘn(ui,vi)p,T_n(p) = \sum_{i=1}^n \big|\mathbf{C}_n(u_i, v_i) - \mathbf{C}_{\Theta_n}(u_i, v_i)\big|^p\mbox{,}

where Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_n(u,v) is the empirical copula, CΘn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_n}(u,v) is the fitted copula with estimated parameters Θn\Theta_n from the sample of size nn. The TnT_n for p=2p = 2 is reported by those authors to be of general purpose and overall performance in large scale simulation studies. The extension here for arbitary exponent pp is made for flexibility. Alternatively the definition could be associated with the statistic Tn(p)1/pT_n(p)^{1/p} in terms of a root 1/p1/p of the summation as shown above.

The TnT_n statistic is obviously a form of deviation between the empirical (nonparametric) and parametric fitted copula. The distribution of this statistic through Monte Carlo simulation could be used for inference. The inference is based on that a chosen parametric model is suitably close to the empirical copula. The Tn(p)T_n(p) statistic has an advantage of being relatively straightforward to understand and explain to stakeholders and decision makers, is attractive for being suitable in a wide variety of circumstances, but intuitively might have limited statistical power in some situations for it looks at whole copula structure and not say at tail dependency. Finally, other goodness-of-fits using the squared differences between Cn(u,v)\mathbf{C}_n(u,v) and CΘm(u,v)\mathbf{C}_{\Theta_m}(u, v) are aicCOP, bicCOP, and rmseCOP.


statTn(u, v=NULL, cop=NULL, para=NULL, p=2, proot=FALSE, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction. If not given, then a second column from argument u is attempted;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


The value for pp, and the default follows that of Genest et al. (2011);


A logical controling whether the TnT_n returned be rooted by 1/p1/p, and the default follows that of Genest et al. (2011); and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula function and (or) the empirical copula.


The value for TnT_n is returned dependent on the specification of pp and whether rooting of the result is desired.


The Examples section shows a simple computation of the T^n\hat T_n statistic for a sample and a fitted copula to that sample. Ideally statTn would be wrapped in a Monte Carlo process of fitting the apparent “parent” distribution from the sample data, then for some large replication count, generate NN samples of size nn from the parent and from these samples compute the empirical copula and also fit parameter(s) of the chosen copula and repeatedly solve for TnT_n. Given a total of NN values of TnT_n, then the sample TnT_n or T^n\hat{T}_n can be compared to the distribution, and if T^n\hat{T}_n is greater than say the 95th percentile, then the assumed form of the copula could be rejected.

The distTn defined below and is dependent on the copBasic.fitpara.beta function can be used to demonstrate concepts. (The process is complex enough that user-level implementation of distTn in copBasic is not presently (2019) thought appropriate.)

  "distTn" <- function(n, N=1000, statf=NULL,
                       cop=NULL, para=para, interval=NULL, ...) {
      opts <- options(warn=-1)
      message("Estimating Tn distribution: ", appendLF=FALSE)
      Tn <- vector(mode="numeric", N)
      for(i in 1:N) {
         showi <- as.logical(length(grep("0+$", i, perl=TRUE)))
         if(showi) message(i, "-", appendLF=FALSE)
         ruv <- simCOP(n=n, cop=cop, para=para, graphics=FALSE, ...)
         rpara <- copBasic.fitpara.beta(ruv, statf=statf,
                             interval=interval, cop=cop)
         Tn[i] <- ifelse(, NA, statTn(ruv, cop=cop, para=rpara))
      numNA <- length(Tn[])
      message("done: Number of failed parameter estimates=", numNA)

Let us imagine an n=400n=400 sample size of a Galambos copula (GL(u,v)\mathbf{GL}(u,v); GLcop) and then treat the Plackett copula (PL(u,v)\mathbf{PL}(u,v); PLACKETTcop) as the proper (chosen) model. The estimated parameter by the sample Blomqvist Beta of β^C=0.64\hat\beta_\mathbf{C} = 0.64 using the blomCOP function called from within copBasic.fitpara.beta is then placed in variable para. The β^C\hat\beta_\mathbf{C} is not the most efficient estimator but for purposes here, but it is fast. The parameter for the given seed is estimated as about PL(Θ^=20.75)\mathbf{PL}(\hat\Theta{=}20.75).

  n <- 400 # sample size
  correctCopula <- GLcop; set.seed(1596)
  sampleUV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=correctCopula, para=1.9) # a random sample
  para.correctCopula <- copBasic.fitpara.beta(uv=sampleUV, statf=blomCOP,
                                interval=c(1,5),      cop=correctCopula)
  chosenCopula <- PLACKETTcop
  para <- copBasic.fitpara.beta(uv=sampleUV, statf=blomCOP,
                                interval=c(.001,200), cop=chosenCopula )

Next, compute the sample T^n=0.063\hat T_n = 0.063 from sampleUV. The distribution of the TnT_n is estimated using the distTn function, and an estimate of the T^n\hat T_n p-value is in turn estimated. A large simulation run N=1,000N = 1{,}000 for a sample of size of n=400n = 400 is selected. The distTn function internally will simulated for N-replicates from the assumed parent and estimate the parameter. A computation run yields a p-value of approximately 0.01 (depending upon the seed) and is statistically significant at an alpha of 0.05, and therefore, the PL(Θ=20.75)\mathbf{PL}(\Theta{=}20.75) should be rejected for fitting to these data.

  sampleTn   <- statTn(sampleUV, cop=chosenCopula, para=para)
  Tns        <- distTn(n=n,      cop=chosenCopula, para=para,
                       interval=c(0.001, 100), statf=blomCOP)
  Tns_pvalue <- 1 - sum(Tns <= sampleTn) / length(Tns) # estimate p-value

The demonstration is furthered with a check on the Kullback–Leibler sample size nf ⁣gn_{f\!g} at the 5-percent significance level (alpha = 0.05) by the kullCOP function, which yields 100100. Given the parent copula as GL(Θ=1.9)\mathbf{GL}(\Theta{=}1.9), therefore, it would take approximately 100 samples to distinguish between that copula and a PL(Θ=20.75)\mathbf{PL}(\Theta{=}20.75) where in this case the fit was through the β^C=0.64\hat\beta_\mathbf{C} = 0.64.

  kullCOP(cop1=correctCopula, para1=1.9,
          cop2=chosenCopula,  para2=para)$KL.sample.size # KL sample size = 100
  vuongCOP(sampleUV, cop1=correctCopula, para1=para.correctCopula,
                     cop2=chosenCopula,  para2=para)$message
  # [1] "Copula 1 has better fit than Copula 2 at 100x(1-alpha) level"

The available sample size n=400n = 400 is then about four times larger than nf ⁣gn_{f\!g} so the sample size nn should be sufficient to judge goodness-of-fit. This is a large value but with the sample variability of β^C\hat\beta_\mathbf{C}, it seems that other measures of association such as Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) or Kendall Tau (tauCOP) and others cross-referenced therein might be preferable.

The prior conclusion is supported by the p-value of the T^n\hat T_n being about 0.01, which suggests that the PL(u,v)\mathbf{PL}(u,v) is not a good model of the available sample data in sampleUV. Lastly, these judgments are consistent with the Vuoug Procedure performed by the vuongCOP function, which reports at the 5-percent significance level that “copula number 1”—in this case, the GL(u,v)\mathbf{GL}(u,v)—has the better fit, and this is obviously consistent with the problem setup because the random sample for investigation was drawn from the Galambos coupla (the parent form).


W.H. Asquith


Genest, C., Kojadinovic, I., Nešlehová, J., and Yan, J., 2011, A goodness-of-fit test for bivariate extreme-value copulas: Bernoulli, v. 17, no. 1, pp. 253–275.

See Also

aicCOP, bicCOP, rmseCOP, vuongCOP, kullCOP


## Not run: 
# Example here is just for Tn. For the example below, the PSP copula is quite different
# from the Gumbel-Hougaard copula and thus, the hatTn would be expected to be different
# from those of the Gumbel-Hougaard and certainly not too near to zero.
samUV  <- simCOP(n=60, cop=PSP, graphics=FALSE, seed=1)   # random sample
hatTau <- cor(samUV$U, samUV$V, method="kendall")         # Kendall Tau
hatTn  <- statTn(samUV, cop=GHcop, para=GHcop(tau=hatTau)$para,
                 ctype="bernstein", bernprogress=TRUE)    # 0.03328789
# hatTn in this case is by itself is somewhat uninformative and requires
# Monte Carlo to put an individual value into context.
## End(Not run)

The Survival Copula


Compute the survival copula from a copula (Nelsen, 2006, pp. 32–34), which is defined as

C^(1u,1v)=C^(u,v)=Pr[U>u,V>v]=u+v1+C(1u,1v),\hat{\mathbf{C}}(1-u,1-v) = \hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v') = \mathrm{Pr}[U > u, V > v] = u' + v' - 1 + \mathbf{C}(1-u', 1-v')\mbox{,}

where uu' and vv' are exceedance probabilities and C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) is the copula (COP). The survivial copula is a reflection of both UU and VV.

The survival copula is an expression of the joint probability that both U>vU > v and U>vU > v when the arguments aa and bb to C^(a,b)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(a,b) are exceedance probabilities as shown. This is unlike a copula that has UuU \le u and VvV \le v for nonexceedance probabilities uu and vv. Alternatively, the joint probability that both U>uU > u and V>vV > v can be solved using just the copula 1uv+C(u,v)1 - u - v + \mathbf{C}(u,v), as shown below where the arguments to C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) are nonexceedance probabilities. The later formula is the joint survival function C(u,v)\overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) (surfuncCOP) defined for a copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 33) as

C(u,v)=Pr[U>u,V>v]=1uv+C(u,v).\overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = \mathrm{Pr}[U > u, V > v] = 1 - u - v + \mathbf{C}(u,v)\mbox{.}

Users are directed to the collective documentation in COP and simCOPmicro for more details on copula reflection.


surCOP(u, v, cop=NULL, para=NULL, exceedance=TRUE, ...)



Exceedance probability u=1uu' = 1 - u (uu nonexceedance based on exceedance) in the XX direction;


Exceedance probability v=1vv' = 1 - v (vv nonexceedance based on exceedance) in the YY direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical affirming whether u and v are really in exceedance probability or not? If FALSE, then the complements of the two are made internally and the nonexceedances can thus be passed; and


Additional arguments to pass (such as parameters, if needed, for the copula in the form of an R list).


Value(s) for the survival copula are returned.


The author (Asquith) finds the use of exceedance probabilities delicate in regards to Nelsen's notation. This function and coCOP have the exceedance argument to serve as a reminder that the survival copula as usually defined uses exceedance probabilities as its arguments.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

COP, coCOP, duCOP, surfuncCOP, simCOPmicro


u  <-  0.26; v  <- 0.55   # nonexceedance probabilities
up <- 1 - u; vp <- 1 - v  #    exceedance probabilities
surCOP(up, vp,   cop=PSP, exceedance=TRUE)  # 0.4043928
surCOP(u, v,     cop=PSP, exceedance=FALSE) # 0.4043928 (same because of symmetry)
surfuncCOP(u, v, cop=PSP)                   # 0.4043928
# All three examples show joint prob. that U > u and V > v.

## Not run: 
# A survival copula is a copula so it increases to the upper right with increasing
# exceedance probabilities. Let us show that by hacking the surCOP function into
# a copula for feeding back into the algorithmic framework of copBasic.
UsersCop <- function(u,v, para=NULL) {
     afunc <- function(u,v, theta=para) { surCOP(u, v, cop=N4212cop, para=theta)}
     return(asCOP(u,v, f=afunc)) }
image(gridCOP(cop=UsersCop, para=1.15), col=terrain.colors(20),
## End(Not run)

The Joint Survival Function


Compute the joint survival function for a copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 33), which is defined as

C(u,v)=Pr[U>u,V>v]=1uv+C(u,v)=C^(1u,1v),\overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) = \mathrm{Pr}[U > u, V > v] = 1 - u - v + \mathbf{C}(u,v) = \hat{\mathbf{C}}(1-u, 1-v)\mbox{,}

where C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v') is the survival copula (surCOP), which is defined by

C^(u,v)=Pr[U>u,V>v]=u+v1+C(1u,1v).\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u',v') = \mathrm{Pr}[U > u, V > v] = u' + v' - 1 + \mathbf{C}(1-u',1-v')\mbox{.}

Although the joint survival function is an expression of the probability that both U>vU > v and U>vU > v, C(u,v)\overline{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is not a copula.


surfuncCOP(u, v, cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass (such as parameters, if needed, for the copula in the form of a list.


Value(s) for the joint survival function are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also



"MOcop.formula" <- function(u,v, para=para, ...) {
   alpha <- para[1]; beta <- para[2]; return(min(v*u^(1-alpha), u*v^(1-beta)))
"MOcop" <- function(u,v, ...) { asCOP(u,v, f=MOcop.formula, ...) }
u <- 0.2; v <- 0.75; ab <- c(1.5, 0.3)
# U **and** V are less than or equal to a threshold +
# U **or**  V are less than or equal to a threshold
surCOP(1-u,1-v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) + duCOP(u,v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) # UNITY
surfuncCOP(u,v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) + duCOP(u,v, cop=MOcop, para=ab) # UNITY

## Not run: 
# The joint survival function is not a copula. So, it does not increases to the upper
# right with increasing exceedance probabilities. Let us show that by hacking the surCOP
# function into a copula for feeding back into the algorithmic framework of copBasic.
UsersCop <- function(u,v, para=NULL) {
     afunc <- function(u,v, theta=para) { surfuncCOP(u, v, cop=N4212cop, para=theta) }
     return(asCOP(u,v, f=afunc)) }
image(gridCOP(cop=UsersCop, para=1.15), col=terrain.colors(20),
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Conditional return period (Salvadori et al., 2007, p. 159)
UV <- simCOP(n=100000, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=5, graphics=FALSE)
u <- 0.5; v <- 0.99; cd <- UV$V[UV$U > u]
by.counting <- length(cd[cd > v]) / length(cd)                  # 0.0172
by.theo     <- surfuncCOP(u,v, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=5) / (1-u) # 0.0166       <- surfuncCOP(u,v, cop=EMPIRcop, para=UV)   / (1-u) # 0.0189
print(1/by.theo) # conditional return period for V > 0.99 given U > 0.5 
## End(Not run)

The Tail Concentration Function of a Copula


Compute the tail concentration function (qCq_\mathbf{C}) of a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) (COP) or diagnonal (diagCOP) of a copula δC(t)=C(t,t)\delta_\mathbf{C}(t) = \mathbf{C}(t,t) according to Durante and Semp (2015, p. 74):

qC(t)=C(t,t)t1[0,0.5)+12t+C(t,t)1t1[0.5,1]orq_\mathbf{C}(t) = \frac{\mathbf{C}(t,t)}{t} \cdot \mathbf{1}_{[0,0.5)} + \frac{1 - 2t + \mathbf{C}(t,t)}{1-t} \cdot \mathbf{1}_{[0.5, 1]}\mbox{\quad or}

qC(t)=δC(t)t1[0,0.5)+12t+δC(t)1t1[0.5,1],q_\mathbf{C}(t) = \frac{\delta_\mathbf{C}(t)}{t} \cdot \mathbf{1}_{[0,0.5)} + \frac{1 - 2t + \delta_\mathbf{C}(t)}{1-t} \cdot \mathbf{1}_{[0.5, 1]}\mbox{,}

where tt is a nonexceedance probability on the margins and 1(.)\mathbf{1}(.) is an indicator function scoring 1 if condition is true otherwise zero on what interval tt resides: t[0,0.5)t \in [0,0.5) or t[0.5,1]t \in [0.5,1]. The qC(t;M)=1q_\mathbf{C}(t; \mathbf{M}) = 1 for all tt for the M copula and qC(t;W)=0q_\mathbf{C}(t; \mathbf{W}) = 0 for all tt for the W copula. Lastly, the function is related to the Blomqvist Beta (βC\beta_\mathbf{C}; blomCOP) by

qC(0.5)=(1+βC)/2,q_\mathbf{C}(0.5) = (1 + \beta_\mathbf{C})/2\mbox{,}

where βC=4C(0.5,0.5)1\beta_\mathbf{C} = 4\mathbf{C}(0.5, 0.5) - 1. Lastly, the qC(t)q_\mathbf{C}(t) for 0,1=t0,1 = t is NaN and no provision for alternative return is made. Readers are asked to note some of the mathematical similarity in this function to Blomqvist Betas in blomCOPss in regards to tail dependency.


tailconCOP(t, cop=NULL, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probabilities tt;


A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula function.


Value(s) for qCq_\mathbf{C} are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Durante, F., and Sempi, C., 2015, Principles of copula theory: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 315 p.

See Also

taildepCOP, tailordCOP


tailconCOP(0.5, cop=PSP) == (1 + blomCOP(cop=PSP)) / 2 # TRUE

The Lower- and Upper-Tail Dependency Parameters of a Copula


Compute the lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters (if they exist), respectively, of a copula according to Nelsen (2006, pp. 214–215). Graphical confirmation of the computations is important, and therefore, the function can also generate a plot. The dependency parameters are expressions of conditional probability that YY is greater than the 100×100{\times}th percentile of its distribution GG given that XX is greater than the 100×t100{\times}t-th percentile of its distribution FF as tt approaches unity. Specifics in terms of quantile functions G(1)(t)=y(t)G^{(-1)}(t) = y(t) and F(1)(t)=x(t)F^{(-1)}(t) = x(t) follow.

The lower-tail dependence parameter λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} is defined as

λCL=limt0+Pr[Yy(t)Xx(t)], and\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} = \lim_{t{\rightarrow 0^{+}}} \mathrm{Pr}[Y \le y(t)\mid X \le x(t)]\mbox{, and}

the upper-tail dependence parameter λCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} with reversed inequalities is defined as

λCU=limt1Pr[Y>y(t)X>x(t)].\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} = \lim_{t{\rightarrow 1^{-}}} \mathrm{Pr}[Y > y(t)\mid X > x(t)]\mbox{.}

Nelsen (2006, p. 214) also notes that both λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} and λCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} are nonparametric and depend only on the copula of XX and YY, and Nelsen shows that each can be computed if the above limits exist as follows:

λCL=limt0+C(t,t)t=δC(0+) and\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} = \lim_{t{\rightarrow 0^{+}}} \frac{\mathbf{C}(t,t)}{t} = \delta_\mathbf{C}'(0^{+})\mbox{\ and}

λCU=limt112tC(t,t)1t=2limt11C(t,t)1t=2δC(1),\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} = \lim_{t{\rightarrow 1^{-}}} \frac{1 - 2t - \mathbf{C}(t,t)}{1 - t} = 2 - \lim_{t{\rightarrow 1^{-}}} \frac{1 - \mathbf{C}(t,t)}{1-t} = 2 - \delta_\mathbf{C}'(1^{-})\mbox{,}

where δC(t)\delta_\mathbf{C}'(t) is the derivative of the diagonal of the copula. Multiple presentations are shown because algebraic variants are shown across the literature.

If λCL(0,1]\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} \in (0,1], then C\mathbf{C} has lower-tail dependence but if λCL=0\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} = 0, then C\mathbf{C} has no lower-tail dependence. Likewise, if λCU(0,1]\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} \in (0,1], then C\mathbf{C} has upper-tail dependence but if λCU=0\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} = 0, then C\mathbf{C} has no upper-tail dependence.


taildepCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, tol=1e-6, divisor=2, plot=FALSE, ylim=NULL,
                                verbose=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A tolerance on convergence;


The divisor on the incremental reductions towards 0+0^+ and 00^- by the algorithm;


A logical plotting a diagnostic plot of the diagonal derivatives and label the limits;


Optional vertical limits if the plot is turned on. Although the dependence parameters are bounded as described above, numerical stability can be a problem. Stability is especially a problem if an empirical copula is being used; theefore, the bounds of the plot are left open unless the user locks them down with this argument;


Show incremental progress; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula function.


An R list is returned.


The rounded value of λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C};


The rounded value of λCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C};


An attribute identifying the computational source: “taildepCOP”.


IMPLEMENTED ALGORITHM—The algorithm implemented for taildepCOP is based on halves (or alternatives by the setting of divisor argument) and uses the copula function (not an analytical or even numeric derivative of the diagonal, δC(t)\delta_\mathbf{C}'(t)). Starting from the median or t=0.5t = 0.5, each limit is respectively computed by successive halving (or the setting of argument divisor) of the distance towards 0+0^{+} and 11^{-} and checking the change in computed value against the tolerance tol argument. After the change becomes less than the tolerance, convergence is assumed. Other tests are made for NaN to aid in breaking the successive halvings. The rounding for the numerical results for λCU\lambda^U_\mathbf{C} and λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} is an order of magnitude larger than the tolerance.

Users are encouraged to plot the results and further verify whether the convergence makes sense. The plot produced when plot=TRUE shows the probability tt transformed into standard normal variates by the qnorm() function in R so that the distal reaches of each tail and thus limit are readily seen. The terminal points of each limit computation are shown by a small dot and the letter “L” and “U” also are plotted at the terminal points.

Joe (2014, p. 63) reports that “the empirical measure of tail dependence [λ^CL\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^L or λ^CU\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^U] for data does not really exist because of the limit.” Joe (2014) suggests that other sources in the literature are the “best that can be done” (Dobrić and Schmid, 2005; Frahm et al., 2005). Another source of discussion is by Schmidt and Stadtmüller (2006). The results therein are not yet followed up for the copBasic package. Picking up the simulation dealt with extensively in the Note section of vuongCOP, a user might try this:

  set.seed(385); n <- 390
  UV <- simCOP(cop=PSP, n=n, col=8, pch=16, graphics=FALSE)
  taildepCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=UV, plot=TRUE, divisor=8, ylim=c(0,1))
  taildepCOP(cop=PSP) # lower=0.5, upper=0

The returned tail dependency parameters are numerically of little importance and in strict terms likely misleading. What should be of interest are the plotted trajectories of the lower and upper lines. Note: the lower tail wobbles but seems to show stability towards near λ^CL=0.5\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^L = 0.5 and upper-tail line wobbles downward towards λ^CU=0\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^U = 0. These values are, respectively, the tail dependencies of the PSP\mathbf{PSP} copula (PSP). A user might try increasing the sample size by an order of magnitude and rerunning the above code. Lastly, Salvadori et al. (2006, pp. 173–175) caution on the difficulties of nonparametric tail dependency estimation. Given objectives of the copBasic package, estimation of λ^CL\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^L and λ^CU\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^U, therefore, is an open development opportunity.

DEMONSTRATION (Tail Dependence)—The following example shows a comparison between early code examples by Charpentier (2012) concerning copulas and tail dependence using real-world data. Consider the lossalae data set and the following code requiring the evd package:

  library(evd); X <- lossalae # Charpentier (2012)
  fakeU <- lmomco::pp(X[,1],sort=FALSE,a=0) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
  fakeV <- lmomco::pp(X[,2],sort=FALSE,a=0) # Weibull plotting position i/(n+1)
  uv <- data.frame(U=fakeU, V=fakeV)  # parameter "object" for Empirical copula
  TD <- taildepCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=uv, divisor=25,
                   plot=TRUE, ylim=c(0, 7/10))
  U <- rank(X[,1])/(nrow(X)+1); V <- rank(X[,2])/(nrow(X)+1)# Charpentier(2012)
  Lemp <- function(z) sum((U<=z)   & (V<=z))   / sum(U<=z  )# Charpentier(2012)
  Remp <- function(z) sum((U>=1-z) & (V>=1-z)) / sum(U>=1-z)# Charpentier(2012)
  u <- seq(0.001, 0.5, by=.001)                             # Charpentier(2012)
  L <- Vectorize(Lemp)(u); R <- Vectorize(Remp)(rev(u))     # Charpentier(2012)
  lines(qnorm(c(u, u + 0.5 - u[1])), c(L,R)) # modified after Charpentier(2012)
  legend("bottomright", c("Lower-tail dependency by taildepCOP()",
                          "Upper-tail dependency by taildepCOP()",
                          "Charpentier (2012)"), bty="n", cex=0.9,
                          lwd=1, lty=1, col=c("red", "blue", "black"))

The figure that will have been generated shows considerably similarity to that from the algorithms of Charpentier. Now, let us extend the discussion by using the Blomqvist (Schmid–Schmidt) Betas (blomCOPss) that have a formulation permitting lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters in a different manner than the definitions of this documentation for taildepCOP.

  edge <- 30 * 1 / (1+nrow(X)) # as few as 30 samples into the tails
  psl <- pnorm(seq(0, qnorm(  edge), by=-0.005))
  psu <- pnorm(seq(0, qnorm(1-edge), by= 0.005))
        sapply(psl, function(p) { blomCOPss(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv,
                    ctype="checkerboard", uu=rep(p, 2), vv=c(1,1)) }),
                    col="darkgreen", lty=1, lwd=2)
        sapply(psu, function(p) { blomCOPss(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv,
                    ctype="checkerboard", uu=c(0,0), vv=rep(p, 2)) }),
                    col="darkgreen", lty=1, lwd=2)
  points(0, blomCOP(as.sample=TRUE, para=uv), pch=16, col="magenta", cex=2)
  legend("topleft", c("Tail dependency by Blomqvist (Schmid-Schmidt) Betas",
                      "Blomqvist Beta C(1/2, 1/2)"),
                    bty="n", cex=0.9, lwd=2, lty=c(1,NA), pch=c(NA,16),
                    pt.cex=c(NA,2), col=c("darkgreen", "magenta"))

The thick green lines show that the dependency parameters to the left and right are approached along a different trajectory using the definitions in blomCOPss. It seems at some stage in analysis that the practioner will need to decide how deep into the tail the sample will permit for a reliable estimate of the dependency parameters. Blomqvist Beta (β^C\hat\beta_\mathbf{C}) (blomCOP is shown as the magenta dot at the median and henceforth from do the trajectories of λ^βCL\hat\lambda^L_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} and λ^βCU\hat\lambda^U_{\beta^\diamond_\mathbf{C}} extend as their limp0+\mathrm{lim} p \rightarrow 0^+. Ultimately, for the data shown in the figure, perhaps the λ^CL=0.1\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^L = 0.1 and the λ^CU=0.3\hat\lambda_\mathbf{C}^U = 0.3 and a parametric copula fitted in part to such values.


W.H. Asquith


Charpentier, A., 2012, Copulas and tail dependence, part 1: R-bloggers, dated Sept. 17, 2012, accessed on February 2, 2019 at

Dobrić, J. and Schmid, F., 2005, Nonparametric estimation of the lower tail dependence λL\lambda^L in bivariate copulas: Journal of Applied Statistics, v. 32, no. 4, pp. 387–407.

Frahm, G., Junker, M., and Schmidt, R., 2005, Estimating the tail-dependence coefficient—
Properties and pitfalls: Insurance—Mathematics and Economics, v. 37, no. 1, pp. 80–100.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

Schmidt, R., and Stadtmüller, U., 2006, Nonparametric estimation of tail dependence: The Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, v. 33, pp. 307–335.

See Also

COP, tailconCOP, tailordCOP, blomCOPss


# Plot the tail dependencies by nonexceedance probability for a
# for a positive association Plackett copula and see that both are zero.
taildepCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=3, plot=TRUE)
# So, Plackett has no tail dependency, as Nelsen (2006, p. 215) shows.

## Not run: 
"MOcop" <- function(u,v, para=NULL) { # Marshall-Olkin copula
   alpha <- para[1]; beta <- para[2]; return(min(v*u^(1-alpha), u*v^(1-beta)))
} # The results that follow match those reported by Nelsen (2006, p. 215).
taildepCOP(cop=MOcop, para=c(0.4, 0.9)) # LambL = 0, LambU = 0.4 [min(alpha,beta)]
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Analytical solution to Gumbel-Hougaard copula from the copula package:
#   lower    upper
# 0.000000 0.740079
# Numerical approximation (see copBasic::GHcop for analytical formula):, para=3))
#  lambdaL lambdaU     source
#1 0.00012 0.74008 taildepCOP
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Plot the tail dependencies by nonexceedance probability
# for the PSP copula, which has lower but no upper-tail dependence.
taildepCOP(cop=PSP, para=NULL, plot=TRUE) # LambL=0.5, LambU=0
# which is readily confirmed by simCOP(1000, cop=PSP)
# Nelsen (2006, p. 216) reports that this copula has LambL=1/2 and LambU=0,
# and we get the same results here.

# How about some composited Plackett-Plackett copulas?
# Each has upper- and lower-tail dependence parameters equal to zero.
para <- list( cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=0.9392,
             para1=0.00395,     para2=4.67,         beta=0.5699)
taildepCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, plot=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# This next Plackett-Plackett is interesting because at its core it looks
# like it should be both tail dependent like M() but the shapes of the curves
# are quite different from those of M(). This example shows numerical
# instability for the upper tail but not the lower tail. So, we extend the
# example to shown the tail dependency trajectories by blomCOPss(). And again
# it is seen that the lower tail as a stable solution but the upper tail
# has instability at 6 standard deviations into the upper tail.
para <- list(  cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop, alpha=0.0063,
             para1=0.101,        para2=4493,         beta=0.0167)
taildepCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, plot=TRUE)
lsu <- pnorm(seq(-7, 0, by=.01))
psu <- pnorm(seq( 0, 7, by=.01))
lines(qnorm(lsu), sapply(lsu, function(p) {
        blomCOPss(cop=composite2COP, para=para, vv=c(1,1), uu=rep(p, 2)) }),
                    col="darkgreen", lty=2, lwd=1)
lines(qnorm(psu), sapply(psu, function(p) {
        blomCOPss(cop=composite2COP, para=para, uu=c(0,0), vv=rep(p, 2)) }),
                    col="darkgreen", lty=2, lwd=1) #
## End(Not run)

The Lower- and Upper-Tail Orders of a Copula


Compute the lower- and upper-tail orders (if they exist), respectively, of a copula C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) according to Joe (2014, pp. 67–70). The tail order is a concept for the strength of dependence in the joint tails of a multivariate distribution. The opposing tails can be compared to assess tail order or reflection symmetry (term by Joe (2014) for Nelsen's (2006, p. 36) term radial symmetry). Joe (2014) provides extensively analytical details but sufficient for the copBasic package, the tail orders can be numerically explored.

The lower-tail order maybe numerically approximated by

κCL=log[C(t,t)]log(t),\kappa^L_\mathbf{C} = \frac{\log[\mathbf{C}(t,t)]}{\log(t)}\mbox{,}

for some small positive values of tt, and similarly the upper-tail order maybe numerically approximated by

κCU=log[C^(t,t)]log(t),\kappa^U_\mathbf{C} = \frac{\log[\hat{\mathbf{C}}(t,t)]}{\log(t)}\mbox{,}

where C^(u,v)\hat{\mathbf{C}}(u,v) is the survival copula (surCOP). Joe (2014) has potentially(?) conflicting notation in the context of the upper-tail order; the term “reflection” is used (p. 67) and “lower tail order of the reflected copula is the same as the upper tail order of the original copula” (p. 69), but Joe (2014, p. 67) only uses the joint survival function (surfuncCOP) in the definition of κCU\kappa^U_\mathbf{C}.

As a note, the author of this package was not able to get tailordCOP to function properly for the upper-tail order using the joint survival function as implied on the bottom of Joe (2014, p. 67) and fortunately the fact that “reflection” is used in other contexts and used in analytical examples, the tailordCOP function uses the lower-tail order of the reflection (survival copula). Joe (2014) also defines tail order parameter Ψ\Psi but that seems to be a result of analytics and not implemented in this package. Lastly, the tail orders are extendable into dd dimensions, but only a bivariate (d=2d = 2) is provided in copBasic. The tail orders have various classifications for κ=κL=κU\kappa = \kappa_L = \kappa_U:


Intermediate tail dependence for 1<κ<d1 < \kappa < d or κ=1,Ψ=0\kappa = 1, \Psi = 0;


Strong tail dependence for κ=1\kappa = 1 with Ψ>0\Psi > 0; and


Tail orthant independence or tail quadrant independence for κ=d\kappa = d.

Joe (2014) provides additional properties:


κL=κU=d\kappa_L = \kappa_U = d for the dd-dimensional independence copula (P; e.g. tailordCOP(cop=P));


It is not possible for κL<1\kappa_L < 1 or κU<1\kappa_U < 1 but each can be >1> 1 for a C(u,v)\mathbf{C}(u,v) having some negative dependence (e.g. tailordCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=0.2); see PLACKETTcop); and


For the bivariate Fréchet–Hoeffding lower-bound copula (W; countermonotonicity copula) the κL=κU\kappa_L = \kappa_U and can be considered ++\infty. (A special trap in the tailordCOP provides consistency on W but does not test that the copula is actually that function itself.)


tailordCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, tol=1e-6, plot=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A tolerance on convergence;


A logical plotting a diagnostic plot of the diagonal derivatives and label the limits;


Show incremental progress; and


Additional arguments to pass to the copula function.


An R list is returned.


The rounded value of κCL\kappa^L_\mathbf{C};


The rounded value of κCU\kappa^U_\mathbf{C};


An attribute identifying the computational source: “tailordCOP”.


The algorithm implemented for tailordCOP is based on halves (or alternatives by the setting of the divisor argument) and uses the copula function (not an analytical or even numerical derivative of the diagonal, δC(t)\delta_\mathbf{C}'(t)). Starting from the median or t=0.5t = 0.5, each limit is respectively computed by successive halving of the distance towards 0+0^{+} and checking the change in computed value against the tolerance tol argument. After the change becomes less than the the tolerance, convergence is assumed. Other tests are made for NaN to aid in breaking the successive halvings. The rounding for the numerical results for κCU\kappa^U_\mathbf{C} and κCL\kappa^L_\mathbf{C} is an order of magnitude larger than the tolerance.

Users are encouraged to plot the results and further verify whether the convergence makes sense. The plot produced when plot=TRUE shows the probability tt transformed into standard normal variates by the qnorm() function in R so that the distal reaches of each tail and thus limit are readily seen. The terminal points of each limit computation are shown by a small dot, and the letter “L” and “U” also are plotted at the terminal points.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also

COP, tailconCOP, taildepCOP


## Not run: 
# Joe (2014, p. 5) names MTCJ = Mardia-Takahasi-Cook-Johnson copula
"MTCJ" <- function(u,v, para) { (u^(-para) + v^(-para) - 1)^(-1/para) }
# The results that follow match those reported by Joe (2014, p. 69) who
# analytically derives KappaL = 1 and KappaU = 2.
tailordCOP(cop=MTCJ, para=3, plot=TRUE) # kappaL  = 1.00667, kappaU  = 1.96296
taildepCOP(cop=MTCJ, para=3, plot=TRUE) # lambdaL = 0,       lambdaU = 0.7937
# Joe (2014) reports lambdaL = 2^(-1/para) = 2^(-1/3) = 0.7937005
## End(Not run)

The Kendall Tau and Concordance Function of a Copula


Compute the measure of association known as the Kendall Tau (τC\tau_\mathbf{C}) of a copula (τC\tau_\mathbf{C}) according to Nelsen (2006, sec. 5.1.1 and p. 161) by

τC=Q(C,C)=4 ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)dC(u,v)1,\tau_\mathbf{C} = \mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{C}) = 4\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \mathbf{C}(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}\mathbf{C}(u,v) - 1\mbox{,}

where Q(C,C)\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{C}) is a concordance function (concordCOP) of a copula with itself. Nelsen (2006, p. 164) reports however that this form is often not amenable to computation when there is a singular component to the copula and that the expression

τC=14 ⁣ ⁣I2δC(u,v)δuδC(u,v)δvdudv\tau_\mathbf{C} = 1 - 4\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta u} \frac{\delta\mathbf{C}(u,v)}{\delta v}\, \mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v

is to be preferred. Such an expression hence relies on the partial numerical derivatives of the copula provided by derCOP and derCOP2. The Nelsen (2006) preferred expression is used by the tauCOP function. Nelsen (2006, pp. 175–176) reports that the relation between τC\tau_\mathbf{C} and ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} (rhoCOP) is 13τ2ρ1-1 \le 3\tau - 2\rho \le 1 (see rhoCOP for more details).

Nelsen (2006, pp. 160–161) lists some special identities involving Q(C1,C2)\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}_1,\mathbf{C}_2):

Q(M,M)=401udu1=1,\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{M}, \mathbf{M}) = 4\int_0^1 u\,\mathrm{d}u - 1 = 1\mbox{,}

Q(M,Π)=401u2du1=1/3,\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{M}, \mathbf{\Pi}) = 4\int_0^1 u^2\,\mathrm{d}u - 1 = 1/3\mbox{,}

Q(M,W)=41/21(2u1)du1=0,\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{M}, \mathbf{W}) = 4\int_{1/2}^1 (2u-1)\,\mathrm{d}u - 1 = 0\mbox{,}

Q(W,Π)=401u(1u)du1=1/3,\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{W}, \mathbf{\Pi}) = 4\int_0^1 u(1-u)\,\mathrm{d}u - 1 = -1/3\mbox{,}

Q(W,W)=4010du1=1, and\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{W}, \mathbf{W}) = 4\int_0^1 0\,\mathrm{d}u - 1 = -1\mbox{, and}

Q(Π,Π)=4 ⁣ ⁣I2uvdudv1=0.\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{\Pi}, \mathbf{\Pi}) = 4\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} uv\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v - 1 = 0\mbox{.}

Kendall Tau also can be expressed in terms of the Kendall Function (FK(z)F_K(z); kfuncCOP):

τC=3401FK(t)dt,\tau_\mathbf{C} = 3 - 4\int_0^1 F_K(t)\,\mathrm{d}t\mbox{,}

which is readily verified by code shown in Examples. This definition might be useful if integration errors are encountered for some arbitrary copula and arbitrary parameter set. In fact, should two attempts (see source code) at dual integration of the partial derivatives occur, the implementation switches over to integration of the Kendall Function (e.g. tauCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=2)). Note, Durante and Sempi have erroneously dropped the multiplication by “44” as shown above in their definition of τC\tau_\mathbf{C} as a function of FK(t)F_K(t) (Durante and Sempi, 2015, eq. 3.9.4, p. 121).


tauCOP( cop=NULL,  para=NULL,
       cop2=NULL, para2=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)

concordCOP(cop=NULL,  para=NULL, cop2=NULL, para2=NULL, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A second copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the second copula;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the τ^\hat\tau by dispatch to cor() function in R with method = "kendall";


Should brute force be used instead of two nested integrate() functions in R to perform the double integration;


The du\mathrm{d}u and dv\mathrm{d}v for the brute force integration using brute; and


Additional arguments to pass on to derCOP and derCOP2.


The value for τC\tau_\mathbf{C} is returned.


Although titled for computation of the Kendall Tau, the tauCOP function also is the implementation of the concordance function Q(C1,C2)\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}_1, \mathbf{C}_2) (see Nelsen (2006, pp. 158–159) when given two different copulas and respective parameters as arguments. The function concordCOP just dispatches to tauCOP. A useful relation is

 ⁣ ⁣I2C1(u,v)dC2(u,v)=12 ⁣ ⁣I2δδuC1(u,v)δδvC2(u,v)dudv,\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \mathbf{C}_1(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}\mathbf{C}_2(u,v) = \frac{1}{2} - \int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \frac{\delta}{\delta u}\mathbf{C}_1(u,v)\,\frac{\delta}{\delta v}\mathbf{C}_2(u,v)\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{,}

where C1(u,v)\mathbf{C}_1(u,v) is the first copula and C2(u,v)\mathbf{C}_2(u,v) is the second copula.

Nelsen et al. (2001, p. 281) lists several measures of association defined by the concordance function:
1.\mbox{}\quad\mathrm{1.}\quad\mbox{}τC= Q(C,C)\tau_\mathbf{C} = \quad\ \mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{C}) : (Kendall Tau; tauCOP);
2.\mbox{}\quad\mathrm{2.}\quad\mbox{}ρC=3Q(C,Π)\rho_\mathbf{C} = 3\cdot\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{\Pi}) : (Spearman Rho; rhoCOP);
3.\mbox{}\quad\mathrm{3.}\quad\mbox{}γC=2Q(C,[M+W]/2)\gamma_\mathbf{C} = 2\cdot\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}, [\mathbf{M}+\mathbf{W}]/2) : (Gini Gamma; giniCOP); and
4.\mbox{}\quad\mathrm{4.}\quad\mbox{}ψC=32Q(C,M)12\psi_\mathbf{C} = \frac{3}{2}\cdot\mathcal{Q}(\mathbf{C}, \mathbf{M}) - \frac{1}{2} : (Spearman Footrule; footCOP).


W.H. Asquith


Durante, F., and Sempi, C., 2015, Principles of copula theory: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 315 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Nelsen, R.B., Quesada-Molina, J.J., Rodríguez-Lallena, J.A., and Úbeda-Flores, M., 2001, Distribution functions of copulas—A class of bivariate probability integral transforms: Statistics and Probability Letters, v. 54, no. 3, pp. 277–282.

See Also

blomCOP, footCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, rhoCOP, wolfCOP, joeskewCOP, uvlmoms, derCOP, derCOP2, kfuncCOP


## Not run: 
tauCOP(cop=PSP) # 1/3
# Now compute Kendall Tau via integration of the Kendall Function.
# 3 - 4*integrate(function(t) kfuncCOP(t, cop=PSP), 0, 1)$value # 0.3333314
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
tauCOP(cop=PSP, brute=TRUE) # 0.3306625
# CPU heavy example showing that the dual-integration (fast) results in
# a Kendall Tau that matches a sample version
dotau <- function(n) {
   uv <- simCOP(n=n, cop=PSP, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
   return(cor(uv$U, uv$V, method="kendall"))
taus <- replicate(100, dotau(100))
tau.sample <- mean(taus); print(tau.sample) # 0.3342034
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Nelsen (2006, pp. 160-161, numeric results shown thereine)
# The rational values or integers may be derived analytically.
tauCOP(cop=M, cop2=M) #   1, correct
tauCOP(cop=M, cop2=P) # 1/3, correct
tauCOP(cop=P, cop2=M) # 1/3, correct
tauCOP(cop=M, cop2=W) #   0, correct
tauCOP(cop=W, cop2=M) # throws warning, swaps copulas, == tauCOP(M,W)
tauCOP(cop=W, cop2=P) # throws warning, swaps copulas, approx. -1/3
tauCOP(cop=P, cop2=W) # -1/3, correct
tauCOP(cop=P, cop2=P) #    0, correct
tauCOP(cop=M, cop2=W, brute=TRUE) #    0, correct
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop,
             para1=0.00395, para2=4.67, alpha=0.9392, beta=0.5699)
tauCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # -0.4671213

para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop,
             para1=0.14147, para2=20.96, alpha=0.0411, beta=0.6873)
tauCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # +0.1950727

para <- list(cop1=PLACKETTcop,  cop2=PLACKETTcop,
             para1=0.10137, para2=4492.87, alpha=0.0063, beta=0.0167)
# Theoretical attempt fails because para2 is large and thus a singularity
# is emerging and internal copula swapping does not help.
tauCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # fails (0.94+-.01)
tauCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para, brute=TRUE) # about 0.94+-.01
## End(Not run)

The t-EV (Extreme Value) Copula


The t-EV copula (Joe, 2014, p. 189) is a limiting form of the t-copula (multivariate t-distribution):

Cρ,ν(u,v)=tEV(u,v;ρ,ν)=exp((x+y)×B(x/(x+y);ρ,ν)),\mathbf{C}_{\rho,\nu}(u,v) = \mathbf{tEV}(u,v; \rho, \nu) = \mathrm{exp}\bigl(-(x+y) \times B(x/(x+y); \rho, \nu)\bigr)\mbox{,}

where x=log(u)x = -\log(u), y=log(v)y = -\log(v), and letting η=(ν+1)/(1ρ2)\eta = \sqrt{(\nu+1)/(1-\rho^2)} define

B(w;ρ,ν)=w×Tν+1(η[(w/[1w])1/νρ])+(1w)×Tν+1(η[([1w]/w)1/νρ]),B(w; \rho, \nu) = w \times T_{\nu+1}\bigl(\eta[(w/[1-w])^{1/\nu}-\rho]\bigr) + (1-w) \times T_{\nu+1}\bigl(\eta[([1-w]/w)^{1/\nu}-\rho]\bigr)\mbox{,}

where Tν+1T_{\nu+1} is the cumulative distribution function of the univariate t-distribution with ν1\nu-1 degrees of freedom. As ν\nu \rightarrow \infty, the copula weakly converges to the Hüsler–Reiss copula (HRcop) because the t-distribution converges to the normal (see Examples for a study of this copula).

The tEV(u,v;ρ,ν)\mathbf{tEV}(u,v; \rho, \nu) copula is a two-parameter option when working with extreme-value copula. There is a caveat though. Demarta and McNeil (2004) conclude that “the parameter of the Gumbel [GHcop] or Galambos [GLcop] A-functions [the Pickend dependence function and B-function by association] can always be chosen so that the curve is extremely close to that of the t-EV A-function for any values of ν\nu and ρ\rho. The implication is that in all situations where the t-EV copula might be deemed an appropriate model then the practitioner can work instead with the simpler Gumbel or Galambos copulas.”


tEVcop(u, v, para=NULL, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (two element) of parameters in ρ\rho and ν\nu order; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


Note, Joe (2014) shows x=log(u)x = \log(u) (note absence of the minus sign)—this is not correct.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Demarta, S., and McNeil, A.J., 2004, The t copula and related copulas: International Statistical Review, v. 33, no. 1, pp. 111–129, doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2005.tb00254.x

See Also

GHcop, GLcop, HRcop


## Not run: 
  tau <- 1/3 # Example from copula::evCopula.Rd
  tev.cop <- copula::tevCopula(copula::iTau(copula::tevCopula(), tau))
  copula::pCopula(c(0.1,.5), copula=tev.cop)         # 0.07811367
  tEVcop(0.1, 0.5, para=slot(tev.cop, "parameters")) # 0.07811367
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  nsim <- 2000; pargh <- c(5, 0.5, 0.5)
  UV <- simCOP(nsim, cop=GHcop, para=pargh)
  U <- lmomco::pp(UV[,1], sort=FALSE)
  V <- lmomco::pp(UV[,2], sort=FALSE)
  RT <- mleCOP(u=U, v=V, cop=tEVcop, init.para=c(0.5, log(4)),
               parafn=function(k) return( c(k[1], exp(k[2])) ) )
  partev <- RT$para

  FT <- simCOP(nsim, cop=tEVcop, para=RT$para)

  tauCOP(cop=GHcop,  para=pargh )
  tauCOP(cop=tEVcop, para=partev)

  tauCOP(cop=GHcop,  para=pargh ) # [1] 0.3003678
  tauCOP(cop=tEVcop, para=partev) # [1] 0.3178904

  densityCOPplot(cop=GHcop,  para=pargh)
  densityCOPplot(cop=tEVcop, para=partev, ploton=FALSE, contour.col="red") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # A demonstration Joe (2014, p. 190) for which tEvcop() has
  # upper tail dependence parameter as
  para <- c(0.8, 10)
  lamU <- 2 * pt( -sqrt( (para[2]+1) * (1-para[1]) / (1+para[1]) ), para[2]+1)
  "tEVcop.copula" <- function(u,v, para=NULL, ...) {
        if(length(u) == 1) u <- rep(u,length(v)); if(length(v)==1) v <- rep(v,length(u))
        return(copula::pCopula(matrix(c(u,v), ncol=2),
               copula::tevCopula(param=para[1], df=para[2])))
  lamU.copBasic <- taildepCOP(cop=tEVcop,        para)$lambdaU
  lamU.copula   <- taildepCOP(cop=tEVcop.copula, para)$lambdaU
  print(c(lamU, lamU.copBasic, lamU.copula))
  #[1] 0.2925185 0.2925200 0.2925200 # So, we see that they all match.
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Convergence of tEVcop to HRcop as nu goes to infinity.
  nu <- 10^(seq(-4, 2, by=0.1)) # nu right end point rho dependent
  rho <- 0.7 # otherwise, expect to see 'zeros' errors on the plot()
  # Compute Blomqvist Beta (fast computation is reason for choice)
  btEV <- sapply(nu, function(n) blomCOP(tEVcop, para=c(rho, n)))
  limit.thetas <- sqrt(2 / (nu*(1-rho))) # for nu --> infinity HRcop
  thetas <- sapply(btEV, function(b) {
       uniroot(function(l, blom=NA) { blom - blomCOP(HRcop, para=l) },
       interval=c(0,10), blom=b)$root })
  plot(limit.thetas, thetas, log="xy", type="b",
       xlab="Theta of HRcop via limit nu --> infinity",
       ylab="Theta from Blomqvist Beta equivalent HRcop to tEVcop")
  mtext(paste0("Notice the 'weak' convergence to lower left, and \n",
               "convergence increasing with rho"))
  # Another reference of note
  # (p.39) #
## End(Not run)

Bivariate Skewness after Joe (2014) or the Univariate L-moments of Combined U and V


Joe (2014, pp. 65–66) suggests two quantile-based measures of bivariate skewness defined for uniform random variables UU and VV combined as either ψu+v1=u+v1\psi_{u+v-1} = u + v - 1 or ψuv=uv\psi_{u-v} = u - v for which the E[u]=E[v]=0\mathrm{E}[u] = \mathrm{E}[v] = 0. The bivariate skewness is the quantity η\eta:

η(p;ψ)=x(1p)2x(12)+x(p)x(1p)x(p),\eta(p; \psi) = \frac{x(1-p) - 2x(\frac{1}{2}) + x(p)}{x(1-p) - x(p)} \mbox{,}

where 0<p<120 < p < \frac{1}{2}, x(F)x(F) is the quantile function for nonexceedance probability FF for either the quantities X=ψu+v1X = \psi_{u+v-1} or X=ψuvX = \psi_{u-v} using either the empirical quantile function or a fitted distribution. Joe (2014, p. 66) reports that p=0.05p = 0.05 to “achieve some sensitivity to the tails.” How these might be related (intuitively) to L-coskew (see function lcomoms2() of the lmomco package) of the L-comoments or bivariate L-moments (bilmoms) is unknown, but see the Examples section of joeskewCOP.

Structurally the above definition for η\eta based on quantiles is oft shown in comparative literature concerning L-moments. But why stop there? Why not compute the L-moments themselves to arbitrary order for η\eta by either definition (the uvlmoms variation)? Why not fit a distribution to the computed L-moments for estimation of x(F)x(F)? Or simply compute “skewness” according to the definition above (the uvskew variation).


uvlmoms(u,v=NULL, umv=TRUE, p=NA,   type="gno", getlmoms=TRUE,  ...)

uvskew( u,v=NULL, umv=TRUE, p=0.05, type=6,     getlmoms=FALSE, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction and if NULL then u is treated as a two column R data.frame;


A logical controlling the computation of ψ\psi: ψ=uv\psi = u - v (umv = TRUE) or ψ=u+v1\psi = u + v - 1 (umv = FALSE). The "m" is to read “minus”;


A suggested pp value is p = 0.05. If, then getlmoms is set to TRUE (see below);


The type argument is mutable, and is a syntax match to the canoncial use in package lmomco. Variation from that package however is permitted. Either type is an integer between 1 and 9 selecting one of the nine quantile algorithms described for the quantile function in R. The default 6 uses the Weibull plotting positions and differs from the R default of 7. Otherwise type must be a valid distribution abbreviation for the lmomco package as in the abbreviation list dist.list function of that package. The gno shown as a default for the generalized normal distribution (see distribution type "gno" in package lmomco);


A logical triggering whether the L-moments of either ψu+v1\psi_{u+v-1} or ψuv\psi_{u - v} are returned instead computing the above definition of “skewness;” and


Additional arguments to pass to the lmomco function lmoms, such as the number of L-moments nmoms.


An R list of the univariate L-moments of η\eta is returned (see documentation for lmoms in the lmomco package). Or the skewness of η\eta can be either (1) based on the empirical distribution based on plotting positions by the quantile function in R using the type as described, or (2) based on the fitted quantile function for the parameters of a distribution for the lmomco package.


W.H. Asquith


Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics using the R environment for statistical computing: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN 978–146350841–8.

Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

See Also



## Not run: 
UV <- simCOP(n=100, cop=GHcop, para=1.5, graphics=FALSE)
lmr <- uvlmoms(UV); print(lmr) # L-kurtosis = 0.16568268
uvskew(UV, p=0.10)             # -0.1271723
uvskew(UV, p=0.10, type="gno") # -0.1467011
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pss <- seq(0.01,0.49, by=0.01)
ETA <- sapply(1:length(pss), function(i) uvskew(UV, p=pss[i], type=5, uvm1=FALSE) )
plot(pss, ETA, type="l", xlab="P FACTOR", ylab="BIVARIATE SKEWNESS") #
## End(Not run)

The Vuong Procedure for Parametric Copula Comparison


Perform the Vuong Procedure following Joe (2014, pp. 257–258). Consider two copula densities f1=c1(u,v;Θ1)f_1 = c_1(u,v; \Theta_1) and f2=c2(u,v;Θ2)f_2 = c_2(u,v; \Theta_2) for two different bivariate copulas C1(Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1) and C2(Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(\Theta_2) having respective parameters Θ1\Theta_1 and Θ2\Theta_2 that provide the “closest” Kullback–Leibler Divergence from the true copula density g(u,v)g(u,v).

The difference of the Kullback–Leibler Divergence (kullCOP) of the two copulas from the true copula density can be measured for a sample of size nn and bivariate sample realizations {ui,vi}\{u_i, v_i\} by

D^12=n1i=1nDi,\hat{D}_{12} = n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n D_i\mbox{,}

where D^12\hat{D}_{12} is referred to in the copBasic package as the “Vuong DD” and DiD_i is defined as

Di=log[f1(ui,vi;Θ2)f2(ui,vi;Θ1)].D_i = \log\biggl[\frac{f_1(u_i, v_i; \Theta_2)}{f_2(u_i, v_i; \Theta_1)}\biggr]\mbox{.}

The variance of D^12\hat{D}_{12} can be estimated by

σ^122=(n1)1i=1n(DiD^12)2.\hat\sigma^2_{12} = (n-1)^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n (D_i - \hat{D}_{12})^2\mbox{.}

The sample estimate and variance are readily turned into the 100×(1α)100{{\times}}(1 - \alpha) confidence interval by

D^12(lo)<D^12<D^12(hi),\hat{D}^{(\mathrm{lo})}_{12} < \hat{D}_{12} < \hat{D}^{(\mathrm{hi})}_{12}\mbox{,}

where, using the quantile (inverse) function of the t-distribution \sim T(1)(F;df=(n2))\mathcal{T}^{(-1)}(F; \mathrm{df}{=}(n-2)) for nonexceedance probability FF and n2n-2 degrees of freedom for nn being the sample size, the confidence interval is

D^12T(1)(1α/2)×σ^12/n<D^12<D^12+T(1)(1α/2)×σ^12/n.\hat{D}_{12}-\mathcal{T}^{(-1)}(1-\alpha/2){\times}\hat\sigma_{12}/\sqrt{n} < \hat{D}_{12} < \hat{D}_{12}+\mathcal{T}^{(-1)}(1-\alpha/2){\times}\hat\sigma_{12}/\sqrt{n}\mbox{.}

Joe (2014, p. 258) reports other interval forms based (1) on the Akaike (AIC) correction and (2) on the Schwarz (BIC) correction, which are defined for AIC as

AIC=D^12(2n)1log(n)[dim(Θ2)dim(Θ1)]±T(1)(1α/2)×σ^12/n,\mathrm{AIC} = \hat{D}_{12} - (2n)^{-1}\log(n)\biggl[\mathrm{dim}(\Theta_2) - \mathrm{dim}(\Theta_1)\biggr]\pm \mathcal{T}^{(-1)}(1-\alpha/2){\times}\hat\sigma_{12}/\sqrt{n}\mbox{,}

and for BIC as

BIC=D^12(2n)1log(n)[dim(Θ2)dim(Θ1)]±T(1)(1α/2)×σ^12/n.\mathrm{BIC} = \hat{D}_{12} - (2n)^{-1}\log(n)\biggl[\mathrm{dim}(\Theta_2) - \mathrm{dim}(\Theta_1)\biggr]\pm \mathcal{T}^{(-1)}(1-\alpha/2){\times}\hat\sigma_{12}/\sqrt{n}\mbox{.}

The AIC and BIC corrections incorporate the number of parameters in the copula and for all else being equal the copula with the fewer parameters is preferable. If the two copulas being compared have equal number of parameters than the AIC and BIC equate to D^12\hat{D}_{12} and the same confidence interval because the difference [dim(Θ2)dim(Θ1)][\mathrm{dim}(\Theta_2) - \mathrm{dim}(\Theta_1)] is zero.

Joe (2014, p. 258) reports that these three intervals can be used for diagnostic inference as follows. If an interval contains 0 (zero), then copulas C1(Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1) and C2(Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(\Theta_2) are not considered significantly different. If the interval does not contain 0, then copula C1(Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1) or C2(Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(\Theta_2) is the better fit depending on whether the interval is completely below 0 (thus C1(Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1) better fit) or above 0 (thus C2(Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(\Theta_2) better fit), respectively. Joe (2014) goes on the emphasize that “the procedure compares different [copulas] and assesses whether they provide similar fits to the data. [The procedure] does not assess whether [either copula] is a good enough fit.”


vuongCOP(u, v=NULL, cop1=NULL, cop2=NULL, para1=NULL, para2=NULL,
                    alpha=0.05, method=c("D12", "AIC", "BIC"),
          $double.eps^0.25, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction and if NULL then u is treated as a two column R data.frame;


A copula function corresponding to copula f1f_1 in the Vuong Procedure;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula f1f_1;


A copula function corresponding to copula f2f_2 in the the Vuong Procedure;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula f2f_2;


The α\alpha in the Vuong Procedure, which results in the 100×(1α)100{\times}(1 - \alpha) confidence interval (two sided);


The interval to evaluate as to position of the respective statistic form the comparison of the two copulas;

The value for “the zero” of the copula density function. This argument is the argument of the same name for densityCOP. The default here is intended to suggest that a tiny nonzero value for density will trap the numerical zero densities; and


Additional arguments to pass to the densityCOP function.


An R list is returned having the following components:


A descriptive title of the procedure;


A textual description of the method setting;


A textual description of the result of the Vuong Procedure;


A value 1 if C1(Θ1)\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1) is better fit, 2 if copula C2(Θ2)\mathbf{C}_2(\Theta_2) is better fit, and 0 if neither is better (D^12=0\hat{D}_{12} = 0), and NA including the likely(?) erroneous situation of C1(Θ1)C2(Θ2)\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1) \equiv \mathbf{C}_2(\Theta_2);


The two-sided p-values of the Vuong Procedure inclusive of AIC\mathrm{AIC} and BIC\mathrm{BIC};


A named vector of the lower and upper bounds of Vuong DD at the respective confidence interval percentage along with D^12\hat{D}_{12} and σ122\sigma^2_{12};


A named vector of the lower and upper bounds of Vuong AIC\mathrm{AIC} at the respective confidence interval percentage;


A named vector of the lower and upper bounds of Vuong BIC\mathrm{BIC} at the respective confidence interval percentage; and


A named vector of the alpha, sample size, value for the t-distribution quantile qt(1-alpha/2, df=n), and σ^12\hat\sigma_{12}.


The vuongCOP function along with kullCOP and features of function densityCOPplot represent collective milestones towards copula inference and diagnostics post fitting of copulas to the usual measures of association such as the Kendall Tau (τK\tau_K) and Spearman Rho (ρS\rho_S) and their copula counterparts τC\tau_\mathbf{C} (tauCOP) and ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} (rhoCOP).

For an example application, imagine a problem of say low springflow risk at “nearby springs” that jointly should converge in the lower tail because drought usually has a strong regional impact. First, it is necessary to form a reflection of the Gumbel–Hougaard copula (GH(u,v;ΘGH)\mathbf{GH}(u,v; \Theta_{\mathbf{GH}}); GHcop) but parameter estimation using τC\tau_\mathbf{C} is the same because sample τ^K\hat\tau_K is invariant to reflection.

  "rGHcop" <- function(u,v, ...) { u + v - 1 + GHcop(1-u, 1-v, ...) }
  set.seed(385) # setting so that reported quantities here are reproducible

The prior code also sets a seed on the pseudo-random number generator so that reported values here are reproducible. The reflected GH(u,v;ΘGH)\mathbf{GH}(u,v; \Theta_{\mathbf{GH}}) is denoted rGH(u,v;ΘrGH)\mathbf{rGH}(u,v; \Theta_{\mathbf{rGH}}).

Second, the PSP(u,v)\mathbf{PSP}(u,v) copula (PSP) is chosen as the parent distribution, and this copula has no parameter. The PSP\mathbf{PSP} has lower-tail dependency, which will be important as discussion unfolds. The following two lines of code establish a sample size to be drawn from the PSP\mathbf{PSP} and then simulates a sample from that copula. The color grey is used for the simulated values on the figure produced by simCOP, which forms a background example of the joint structure of the PSP\mathbf{PSP} copula.

  n <- 390
  UV <- simCOP(cop=PSP, n=n, col=8, pch=16) # simulate and form the base image

By inspection of the so-produced graphic, it is obvious that there is contraction in the lower-left corner of the plot, which is a geometric representation of tail dependency. The lower-tail dependency thus phenomenalogically says that there is joint interconnect during low springflow conditions—both springs are likely to be at low flow simultaneously. The variable UV contains the bivariate data as uniform variables (nonexceedance probabilities uu and vv).

The Plackett copula (PL(u,v;ΘPL)\mathbf{PL}(u,v; \Theta_{\mathbf{PL}}); PLACKETTcop) and the rGH(u,v;ΘrGH)\mathbf{rGH}(u,v; \Theta_{\mathbf{rGH}}) copula are chosen as candidate models of the “unknown” parent. Both PL\mathbf{PL} and rGH\mathbf{rGH} copulas use different “measures of association” for their parameter estimation. Next, sample estimates of the copula parameters using Schweizer and Wolff Sigma σ^C\hat\sigma_\mathbf{C}. The sample value computations and parameter estimates also are set as shown in the following code:

  Wolf   <- wolfCOP(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE) # 0.496943
  paraPL <- uniroot(function(p)
                Wolf - wolfCOP(cop=PLACKETTcop, para=p), c(1,30))$root
  paraGH <- uniroot(function(p)
                Wolf - wolfCOP(cop=rGHcop,      para=p), c(1,30))$root

STEP 1—Compute Kullback–Leibler sample size: The Kullback–Leibler Divergences (KL(fg)\mathrm{KL}(f {\mid} g) and KL(gf)\mathrm{KL}(g {\mid} f)) are computed (kullCOP) for the evaluation of the sample size as appropriate for distinguishing between the two candidate copulas 95 percent of the time. The Kullback–Leibler sample size (nf ⁣gn_{f\!g}) also is computed as the following code illustrates and provides additional commentary.

  KL <- replicate(20, kullCOP(cop1=PLcop,  para1=paraPL,       # CPU intensive
                              cop2=rGHcop, para2=paraGH, n=1E5)$KL.sample.size)
  print(round(mean(KL))) #         n_{fg} = 221   sample size
  print(     range(KL))  # 204 <-- n_{fg} --> 252 sample size range

Depending on the sample σ^C\hat\sigma_\mathbf{C} coming from the simulation of the parent PSP\mathbf{PSP} copula, the call to kullCOP will likely report different nf ⁣gn_{f\!g} values because nf ⁣g(C1(Θ1),C1(Θ1)n_{f\!g}(\mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1), \mathbf{C}_1(\Theta_1). These sample sizes have a range for 20 replications of about nf ⁣g=204252n_{f\!g}=204{-}252. The result here is nf ⁣g=221n_{f\!g}=221 and thus the sample size n=390n=390 should be more than large enough to generally distinguish between the PL\mathbf{PL} and rGH\mathbf{rGH} copulas at the respective sample measure of association.

STEP 2—Perform the Vuong Procedure: The Vuong Procedure can now be completed. Now watch the copula and parameter order in the next code for mistakes, the author has purposefully switched order here to draw attention to the need to make sure argument cop1 has the correct parameter(s) for copula 1 (the PL\mathbf{PL}). The two calls to simCOP are made to graphically superimpose these simulations on top of the parent PSP\mathbf{PSP}.

  VD <- vuongCOP(UV, cop2=rGHcop, para2=paraGH, cop1=PLcop, para1=paraPL)
  print(VD) # "Copula 2 better" or rGHcop (Gumbel-Hougaard is better)
  set.seed(385) # seems harmless enough to reuse the seed to emphasize "fit"
  TMP <-simCOP(cop=PLcop, para=paraPL,n=n,plot=FALSE,col="red",  pch=16,cex=0.5)
  set.seed(385) # seems harmless enough to reuse the seed to emphasize "fit"
  TMP <-simCOP(cop=rGHcop,para=paraGH,n=n,plot=FALSE,col="green",pch=16,cex=0.5)
  rm(TMP) # just cleaning up the workspace.

Further discussion of the Vuong Procedure is informative. Simply speaking, the result is that the rGH\mathbf{rGH} (copula 2) has better fit than PL\mathbf{PL} (copula 1). The 95-percent confident limits from the procedure for D^12=0.049\hat{D}_{12} = 0.049 with p-value 0.00120.0012, σ^12=0.297\hat\sigma_{12} = 0.297, and n=390n=390 are 0.0194<D^12<0.07860.0194 < \hat{D}_{12} < 0.0786. This interval does not contain zero and is greater than zero and therefore a conclusion may be drawn that copula 2 has the better fit.

STEP 3—Comparison of lower-tail dependency parameters: What does the tail dependency do for inference? This can be checked by computing the lower-tail dependency parameters (λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C}; taildepCOP) in the code that follows for each of the three copulas and the empirical copula with acknowledgment that true sample estimators do not quite exist. Numeric focus need only be on the lower tail, but the four graphics are informative.

  taildepCOP(cop=PSP,                   plot=TRUE)$lambdaL # = 1/2
  taildepCOP(cop=PLcop,    para=paraPL, plot=TRUE)$lambdaL # = ZERO
  taildepCOP(cop=rGHcop,   para=paraGH, plot=TRUE)$lambdaL # = 0.429
  taildepCOP(cop=EMPIRcop, para=UV,     plot=TRUE)$lambdaL # = 0.328

The important aspect of the graphics by taildepCOP is that the rGH\mathbf{rGH} has lower-tail dependency whereas the PL\mathbf{PL} does not. So, based on inspection rGH\mathbf{rGH} is superior given that we known PSP\mathbf{PSP} was the true parent. The empirical estimate of the λ^CL=0.328\hat\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} = 0.328 through the EMPIRcop copula indicates that its lower-tail dependency is closer to that of the rGH\mathbf{rGH} relative to PL\mathbf{PL} and thus quantitatively by lower-tail dependency the rGH\mathbf{rGH} has a superior fit.

Therefore the rGH\mathbf{rGH} has a tail dependency more similar to the true model compared to the PL\mathbf{PL}. Hence for this example, the rGH\mathbf{rGH} is clearly a superior fitting model in terms of the Vuong Procedure (fit alone) and the λCL\lambda^L_\mathbf{C} then is used as a follow up to shown that the rGH\mathbf{rGH} might be “good enough” an approximation to the PSP\mathbf{PSP}. The efficacy of reflecting the GH\mathbf{GH} copula into a “new” form as rGH\mathbf{rGH} is demonstrated. Users are strongly encouraged to review the so-produced graphic from the simCOP call several listings back for n=390n=390, and lastly, this example is one for which absence of the argument snv (standard normal variate [scores]) by simCOP makes the tail dependency issue for the sample size more prominent in the graphic.

STEP 4—Qualitatively compare using copula density plots: Graphical depiction of copula density contours by the densityCOPplot function supports the conclusion that the rGH\mathbf{rGH} is the superior model relative to the PL\mathbf{PL}. The so-produced graphic obviously shows that the rGH\mathbf{rGH} strongly mimics the shape of the parent PSP\mathbf{PSP}.

  densityCOPplot(cop=PSP, contour.col=8) # grey is the parent bivariate density
  densityCOPplot(cop=PLcop,  para=paraPL, contour.col="green", ploton=FALSE)
  densityCOPplot(cop=rGHcop, para=paraGH, contour.col="red",   ploton=FALSE)

STEP 5—Compute L-comoments of the data via simulation and estimate the sampling distributions: An open research problem is the what if any role that L-comoments might play in either copula estimation or inference. (There being very little literature on the topic?) Because a measure of association was used for parameter estimation, the L-correlation is uniformative, but a comparison is conceptually useful. The σ^C=0.4969\hat\sigma_\mathbf{C} = 0.4969 and Spearman Rho of the data ρ^S\hat\rho_S and the L-correlations ρ^Sτ2[12]τ2[21]0.497\hat\rho_S \approx \tau^{[12]}_{2} \approx \tau^{[21]}_{2} \approx 0.497 are all similar as mandated by the mathematics.

Inference using L-coskew and L-cokurtosis seems possible. The following code listing is CPU intensive. First, the L-correlation, L-coskew, and L-cokurtosis values are computed from the simulated sample by the lcomoms2() function of the lmomco package. Second and third, the respective sampling distributions of these L-comoments (lcomCOPpv) for the two copulas are estimated.

  UVlmr <- lmomco::lcomoms2(UV, nmom=4) # The sample L-comoments
  # This execution will result in nonrejection of rGH copula.
  GHlmr <- lcomCOPpv(n, UVlmr, cop=rGHcop,      para=paraGH) # NONREJECTION
  # LcomType      n     Mean  Lscale    Lskew   Lkurt sample.est p.value signif
  #    Tau3[12] 390 -0.06952 0.01819  0.04505 0.12024   -0.11188 0.08795      .
  #    Tau3[21] 390 -0.06739 0.02084  0.04104 0.12917   -0.10673 0.14162      -
  # Tau3[12:21] 390 -0.06845 0.01713  0.04930 0.11696   -0.10931 0.08161      .
  #    Tau4[12] 390  0.04970 0.01682 -0.01635 0.10150    0.04183 0.38996      -
  #    Tau4[21] 390  0.05129 0.01606 -0.06833 0.13798    0.07804 0.17470      -
  # Tau4[12:21] 390  0.05049 0.01329 -0.02045 0.12001    0.05994 0.35069      -

  # This execution will result in rejection of Plackett copula.
  PLlmr <- lcomCOPpv(n, UVlmr, cop=PLACKETTcop, para=paraPL) # REJECT PLACKETT
  #  LcomType     n     Mean  Lscale    Lskew   Lkurt sample.est p.value signif
  #    Tau3[12] 390 -0.00267 0.02133  0.01556 0.09581   -0.11188 0.00129     **
  #    Tau3[21] 390 -0.00112 0.02022 -0.00663 0.13338   -0.10673 0.00189     **
  # Tau3[12:21] 390 -0.00189 0.01757  0.00906 0.10226   -0.10931 0.00019    ***
  #    Tau4[12] 390  0.00153 0.01652 -0.03320 0.12468    0.04183 0.07924      .
  #    Tau4[21] 390  0.00361 0.01851 -0.01869 0.12052    0.07804 0.00929     **
  # Tau4[12:21] 390  0.00257 0.01362 -0.01194 0.10796    0.05994 0.00744     **

Because each copula was fit to a measure of association, the p-values for the L-correlations are all nonsignificant (noninformative because of how the copulas were fit), and therefore p-values quite near to the 50th percentile should be produced. So here, the L-correlation is noninformative on fit even though it might have some role because it is asymmetrical unlike that statistics τK\tau_K and ρS\rho_S. The results in variable GHlmr show no statistically significant entries (all p-values >0.05=(α=0.1)/2){>}0.05 = (\alpha=0.1)/2)) for L-coskew and L-cokurtosis—the rGH\mathbf{rGH} copula is not rejected. The results in PLlmr show many p-values <0.05=(α=0.1)/2{<}0.05 = (\alpha=0.1)/2 for both L-coskew and L-cokurtosis—the PL\mathbf{PL} copula is rejected. The experimental L-comoment inference shown is consistent with results with the Vuong Procedure.

The Vuong Procedure, however, does not address adequacy of fit—it just evaluates which copula fits better. The inspection of the lower tail dependency results previously shown (λPSPL=1/2λrGHU\lambda^L_\mathbf{PSP} = 1/2 \approx \lambda^U_\mathbf{rGH} = 0.429) along with the L-coskew and L-cokurtosis of the sample being well within the sample distribution suggests that the rGH\mathbf{rGH} is a adequate mimic of the PSP\mathbf{PSP} copula.

Some open research questions concern the numerical performance of the L-comoments as simulation sample size becomes large and whether or not the L-comoments should be computed on the probabilities {u,v}\{u, v\}. Also should conversion to normal scores be made and if so, should adjustment by the Hazen plotting positions (ui=(ri0.5)/nu_i = (r_i - 0.5)/n for rank rir_i) be made that Joe (2014) repeatedly advocates when standard normal variates (scores) [zi=Φ(1)(ui)z_i = \Phi^{(-1)}(u_i) for quantile function of standard normal distribution Φ(0,1)\Phi(0,1)]? Collectively, Nelsen (2006) and Salvadori et al. (2007) are both silent on the matter of normal score conversion, and in conclusion Nelsen (2006), Salvadori et al. (2007), and Joe (2014) also are all silent on L-comoment applications with copulas.


W.H. Asquith


Joe, H., 2014, Dependence modeling with copulas: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 462 p.

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

densityCOP, kullCOP, simCOP, statTn, mleCOP


# See extended code listings and discussion in the Note section
# See Examples in mleCOP() (Last example therein might suggest a problem in the
# implied 95th percentile associated with n_fg above.

The Fréchet–Hoeffding Lower-Bound Copula


Compute the Fréchet–Hoeffding lower-bound copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 11), which is defined as

W(u,v)=max(u+v1,0).\mathbf{W}(u,v) = \mathrm{max}(u+v-1,0)\mbox{.}

This is the copula of perfect anti-association (countermonotonicity, perfectly negative dependence) between UU and VV and is sometimes referred to as the countermonotonicity copula. Its opposite is the M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) copula (comonotonicity copula; M), and statistical independence is the Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) copula (P).


W(u, v, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

M, P


W(0.41, 0.60) # just barely touching the support, so small, 0.01
W(0.25, 0.45) # no contact with the support, so 0
W(1,    1   ) # total consumption of the support, so 1

Ordinal Sums of Lower-Bound Copula, Example 5.12a of Nelsen's Book


Compute shuffles of Fréchet–Hoeffding lower-bound copula (Nelsen, 2006, p. 173), which is defined by partitioning W\mathbf{W} within I2\mathcal{I}^2 into nn subintervals:

Wn(u,v)=max(k1n,u+vkn)\mathbf{W}_n(u,v) = \mathrm{max}\biggl(\frac{k-1}{n}, u+v-\frac{k}{n} \biggr)

for points within the partitions

(u,v)[k1n,kn]×[k1n,kn]k=1,2,,n(u,v) \in \biggl[\frac{k-1}{n}, \frac{k}{n}\biggr]\times \biggl[ \frac{k-1}{n}, \frac{k}{n}\biggr]\mbox{,\ }k = 1,2,\cdots,n

and for points otherwise out side the partitions

Wn(u,v)=min(u,v).\mathbf{W}_n(u,v) = \mathrm{min}(u,v)\mbox{.}

The support of Wn\mathbf{W}_n consists of nn line segments connecting coordinate pairs {(k1)/n,k/n}\{(k-1)/n,\, k/n\} and {k/n,(k1)/n}\{k/n,\, (k-1)/n\} as stated by Nelsen (2006). The Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) is defined by ρC=1(2/n2)\rho_\mathbf{C} = 1 - (2/n^2), and the Kendall Tau (tauCOP) by τC=1(2/n)\tau_\mathbf{C} = 1 - (2/n).


W_N5p12a(u, v, para=1, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A positive integer n1,2,n \in 1, 2, \cdots; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


W.H. Asquith


Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

W, ORDSUMcop, ORDSUWcop, M_N5p12b


W_N5p12a(0.4, 0.6, para=5)

## Not run: 
  # Nelsen (2006, exer. 5.12a, p. 172, fig. 5.3a)
  UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=W_N5p12a, para=4) # which is the same as
  para <- list(cop=c(W, W, W, W), para=NULL, part=c(0,0.25,0.50,0.75,1))
  UV <- simCOP(1000, cop=ORDSUMcop, para=para) 
## End(Not run)

The Schweizer and Wolff Sigma of a Copula


Compute the measure of association known as Schweizer–Wolff Sigma σC\sigma_\mathbf{C} of a copula according to Nelsen (2006, p. 209) by

σC=12 ⁣ ⁣I2C(u,v)uvdudv,\sigma_\mathbf{C} = 12\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \bigl|\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv\bigr|\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{,}

which is 0σC10 \le \sigma_\mathbf{C} \le 1. It is obvious that this measure of association, without the positive sign restriction, is similar to the following form of Spearman Rho (rhoCOP) of a copula:

ρC=12 ⁣ ⁣I2[C(u,v)uv]dudv.\rho_\mathbf{C} = 12\int\!\!\int_{\mathcal{I}^2} \bigl[\mathbf{C}(u,v) - uv\bigr]\,\mathrm{d}u\mathrm{d}v\mbox{.}

If a copula is positively quadrant dependent (PQD, see isCOP.PQD), then σC=ρC\sigma_\mathbf{C} = \rho_\mathbf{C}; conversely if a copula is negatively quadrant dependent (NQD), then σC=ρC\sigma_\mathbf{C} = -\rho_\mathbf{C}. However, a feature making σC\sigma_\mathbf{C} especially attractive is that for random variables XX and YY, which are not PQD or NQD—copulas that are neither larger nor smaller than Π\mathbf{\Pi}—is that “σC\sigma_\mathbf{C} is often a better measure of [dependency] than ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}” (Nelsen, 2006, p. 209).


wolfCOP(cop=NULL, para=NULL, as.sample=FALSE, brute=FALSE, delta=0.002, ...)



A copula function;


Vector of parameters or other data structure, if needed, to pass to the copula;


A logical controlling whether an optional R data.frame in para is used to compute the σ^C\hat{\sigma}_\mathbf{C} (see Note). If set to -1, then the message concerning CPU effort will be suppressed;


Should brute force be used instead of two nested integrate() functions in R to perform the double integration;


The du\mathrm{d}u and dv\mathrm{d}v for the brute force (brute=TRUE) integration; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The value for σC\sigma_\mathbf{C} is returned.


A natural estimator for σC\sigma_\mathbf{C} is through the empirical copula (Póczos et al., 2015) and can be computed as

σ^C=12n21i=1nj=1nC^n(in,jn)in×jn,\hat{\sigma}_\mathbf{C} = \frac{12}{n^2 - 1} \sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n \bigg|\hat{\mathbf{C}}_n\biggl(\frac{i}{n}, \frac{j}{n}\biggr) - \frac{i}{n}\times\frac{j}{n}\bigg|\mbox{,}

where C^n\hat{\mathbf{C}}_n is the simplest empirical copula of

C^n(in,jn)=1n{# of (UkUi,VkVj)}\hat{\mathbf{C}}_n\biggl(\frac{i}{n}, \frac{j}{n}\biggr) = \frac{1}{n}\{\# \mathrm{\ of\ } (U_k \le U_i, V_k \le V_j)\}

An extended example is informative. First, declare a composite of two different Plackett copulas (PLcop) and simulate a few hundred values:

   para <- list(cop1 =PLcop,  cop2=PLcop,
                para1=0.145, para2=21.9,  alpha=0.81, beta=0.22)
   D <- simCOP(n=300, cop=composite2COP, para=para,
               cex=0.5, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), pch=16)

Second, show that this copula is globally PQD (isCOP.PQD), but there is a significant local NQD part of I2\mathcal{I}^2 space that clearly is NQD.

  PQD <- isCOP.PQD(cop=composite2COP, para=para, uv=D)
  message(PQD$global.PQD) # TRUE
  points(D, col=PQD$local.PQD+2, lwd=2)

This composited copula intersects, that is, passes through, the P copula. By the logic of Nelsen (2006), then the σC\sigma_\mathbf{C} should be larger than ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} as shown below

  wolfCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.08373378 (theoretical)
   rhoCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.02845131 (theoretical)
  hoefCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para) # 0.08563823 (theoretical)

In fact, the output above also shows Schweizer–Wolff Sigma to be larger than Blomqvist Beta (blomCOP), Gini Gamma (giniCOP), and Kendall Tau (tauCOP). Schweizer–Wolff Sigma has captured the fact that although the symbols plot near randomly on the figure, the symbol coloring for PQD and NQD clearly shows local dependency differences. The sample version of Sigma is triggered by

  wolfCOP(para=D, as.sample=TRUE) # 0.09278467 (an example sample)


W.H. Asquith


Póczos, Barnabás, Krishner, Sergey, Pál, Szepesvári, Csaba, and Schneider, Jeff, 2015, Robust nonparametric copula based dependence estimators, accessed on August 11, 2015, at

Nelsen, R.B., 2006, An introduction to copulas: New York, Springer, 269 p.

See Also

blomCOP, footCOP, giniCOP, hoefCOP, rhoCOP, tauCOP, joeskewCOP, uvlmoms


## Not run: 
wolfCOP(cop=PSP) # 0.4784176
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  n <- 1000; UV <- simCOP(n=n, cop=N4212cop, para=7.53, graphics=FALSE, seed=1)
  wolfCOP(cop=N4212cop, para=7.53) # 0.9884666 (theoretical)
  wolfCOP(para=UV, as.sample=TRUE) # 0.9873274 (  sample   ) 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
  # Redo D from Note section above
  para <- list(cop1 =PLcop,  cop2=PLcop,
               para1=0.145, para2=21.9,  alpha=0.81, beta=0.22)
  D <- simCOP(n=300, cop=composite2COP, para=para,
              cex=0.5, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2), pch=16)
  PQD <- isCOP.PQD(cop=composite2COP, para=para, uv=D)
  the.grid  <- EMPIRgrid(para=D)
  the.persp <- persp(the.grid$empcop, theta=-25, phi=20, shade=TRUE,
                     xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
  empcop <- EMPIRcopdf(para=D) # data.frame of all points
  points(trans3d(empcop$u, empcop$v, empcop$empcop, the.persp),  cex=0.7,
         col=rgb(0, 1-sqrt(empcop$empcop), 1, sqrt(empcop$empcop)), pch=16)
  points(trans3d(empcop$u, empcop$v, empcop$empcop, the.persp),
         col=PQD$local.PQD+1, pch=1)

  layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE), respect = TRUE)
  PQD.NQD.cop <- gridCOP(cop=composite2COP, para=para)
  Pi <- gridCOP(cop=P)
  RHO <- PQD.NQD.cop - Pi; SIG <- abs(RHO)
  the.persp <- persp(PQD.NQD.cop, theta=-25, phi=20, shade=TRUE, cex=0.5,
                 xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
  mtext("The Copula that has local PQD and NQD", cex=0.5)
  the.persp <- persp(Pi, theta=-25, phi=20, shade=TRUE, cex=0.5,
                 xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
  mtext("Independence (Pi)", cex=0.5)
  the.persp <- persp(RHO, theta=-25, phi=20, shade=TRUE, cex=0.5,
                 xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
  mtext("Copula delta: Integrand of Spearman Rho", cex=0.5)
  the.persp <- persp(SIG, theta=-25, phi=20, shade=TRUE, cex=0.5,
                 xlab="U VARIABLE", ylab="V VARIABLE", zlab="COPULA C(u,v)")
  mtext("abs(Copula delta): Integrand of Schweizer-Wolff Sigma", cex=0.5) #
## End(Not run)